1 | =pod
2 |
3 | =head1 NAME
4 |
6 | opt_init, opt_progname, opt_appname, opt_getprog, opt_help,
7 | opt_begin, opt_next, opt_flag, opt_arg, opt_unknown, opt_cipher,
8 | opt_cipher_any, opt_cipher_silent, opt_md,
9 | opt_int, opt_int_arg, opt_long, opt_ulong, opt_intmax, opt_uintmax,
10 | opt_format, opt_isdir, opt_string, opt_pair,
11 | opt_num_rest, opt_rest, opt_legacy_okay
12 | - Option parsing for commands and tests
13 |
14 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 |
16 | #include "opt.h"
17 |
18 | typedef struct { ... } OPTIONS;
19 | typedef struct { ... } OPT_PAIR;
20 | #define OPT_COMMON
21 | #define OPT_ERR
22 | #define OPT_EOF
23 | #define OPT_HELP
24 |
25 | char *opt_init(int argc, char **argv, const OPTIONS *o);
26 | char *opt_progname(const char *argv0);
27 | char *opt_appname(const char *argv0);
28 | char *opt_getprog(void);
29 | void opt_help(const OPTIONS *list);
30 |
31 | void opt_begin(void);
32 | int opt_next(void);
33 | char *opt_flag(void);
34 | char *opt_arg(void);
35 | char *opt_unknown(void);
36 | int opt_cipher(const char *name, EVP_CIPHER **cipherp);
37 | int opt_cipher_any(const char *name, EVP_CIPHER **cipherp);
38 | int opt_cipher_silent(const char *name, EVP_CIPHER **cipherp);
39 | int opt_md(const char *name, EVP_MD **mdp);
40 |
41 | int opt_int(const char *value, int *result);
42 | int opt_int_arg(void);
43 | int opt_long(const char *value, long *result);
44 | int opt_ulong(const char *value, unsigned long *result);
45 | int opt_intmax(const char *value, intmax_t *result);
46 | int opt_uintmax(const char *value, uintmax_t *result);
47 |
48 | int opt_format(const char *s, unsigned long flags, int *result);
49 | int opt_isdir(const char *name);
50 | int opt_string(const char *name, const char **options);
51 | int opt_pair(const char *name, const OPT_PAIR* pairs, int *result);
52 |
53 | int opt_num_rest(void);
54 | char **opt_rest(void);
55 |
56 | int opt_legacy_okay(void);
57 |
58 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
59 |
60 | The functions on this page provide a common set of option-parsing for
61 | the OpenSSL command and the internal test programs.
62 | It is intended to be used like the standard getopt(3) routine, except
63 | that multi-character flag names are supported, and a variety of parsing
64 | and other utility functions are also provided.
65 |
66 | Programs that use this should make sure to set the appropriate C<-I>
67 | flag.
68 |
69 | These routines expect a global B<BIO> named B<bio_err> to point to
70 | the equivalent of B<stderr>. This is already done in the OpenSSL
71 | application.
72 |
73 | =head2 Data Types
74 |
75 | Each program should define, near the main() routine, an enumeration
76 | that is the set of options the program accepts. For example:
77 |
78 | typedef enum OPTION_choice {
81 | ...
83 |
84 | The first two lines must appear exactly as shown.
85 | OPT_COMMON is a macro that expands to C<OPT_ERR = -1, OPT_EOF = 0, OPT_HELP>.
86 | In addition to defining symbolic names for the constants that opt_next()
87 | returns, it also helps guarantee that every command has a C<-help> option.
88 | The third line is a sample
89 | set of flags, and the closing C<typedef> name is used for error-checking
90 | as discussed below.
91 | By declaring the variable as an C<OPTION_CHOICE>, with the right warning
92 | flags, the compiler could check that all specified options are handled.
93 |
94 | The B<OPTIONS> C<typedef> specifies an option: what type of argument
95 | it takes (if any), and an optional "help" string. It is a C<struct>
96 | containing these fields:
97 |
98 | const char *name;
99 | int retval;
100 | int valtype;
101 | const char *helpstr;
102 |
103 | The B<name> is the name of the option that the user would type. Options
104 | are words prefaced with a minus sign. If the user uses two minus signs,
105 | this is also accepted for compatibility with other GNU software. Some
106 | names are special, and are described below.
107 |
108 | The B<retval> is the value to return if the option is found. It should be
109 | one of the choices in the enumeration above.
110 |
111 | The B<valtype> defines what the option's parameter must be. It should
112 | be chosen from the following set:
113 |
114 | \0 No value
115 | '-' No value
116 | 's' A text string
117 | '/' A directory
118 | '<' Name of file to open for input
119 | '>' Name of file to open for output
120 | 'n' A signed number that fits in the C<int> type
121 | 'p' A positive number that fits in the C<int> type
122 | 'N' A nonnegative number that fits in the C<int> type
123 | 'M' A signed number that fits in the C<intmax_t> type
124 | 'U' An unsigned number that fits in the C<uintmax_t> type
125 | 'l' A signed number that fits in the C<long> type
126 | 'u' An unsigned number that fits in the C<unsigned long> type
127 | 'c' File in PEM, DER, or S/MIME format
128 | 'F' A file in PEM or DER format
129 | 'E' Like 'F' but also allows ENGINE
130 | 'f' Any file format
131 |
132 | The B<helpstr> is what to display when the user uses the help option,
133 | which should be C<"help">.
134 |
135 | A program should declare its options right after the enumeration,
136 | and should follow the ordering of the enumeration as this helps
137 | readability and maintainability:
138 |
139 | static OPTIONS my_options[] = {
140 | {"help", OPT_HELP, '-', "Display this summary"},
141 | {"yes", OPT_YES, '-', "Print an affirmative reply"},
142 | {"count", OPT_COUNT, 'p', "Repeat count"},
143 | {"output" OPT_OFILE, '>', "Output file; default is stdout"},
144 | {NULL}
145 | };
146 |
147 | Note that the B<OPT_HELP> option is explicitly listed, and the list ends with
148 | an entry of all-null's. The other two special options, B<OPT_ERR> and B<OPT_EOF>
149 | should not appear in the array.
150 |
151 | If the help string is too long to fit into one line, it may be continued
152 | on multiple lines; each entry should use B<OPT_MORE_STR>, like this:
153 |
154 | {"output" OPT_OFILE, '>', "Output file; default is stdout"},
155 | {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0,
156 | "This flag is not really needed on Unix systems"},
157 | {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0,
158 | "(Unix and descendents for ths win!)"}
159 |
160 | Each subsequent line will be indented the correct amount.
161 |
162 | By default, the help display will include a standard prolog:
163 |
164 | Usage: PROGRAM [options]
165 | Valid options are:
166 | ...detailed list of options...
167 |
168 | Sometimes there are parameters that should appear in the synopsis.
169 | Use B<OPT_HELP_STR> as the first entry in your array:
170 |
171 | {OPT_HELP_STR, 1, '-', Usage: %s [options] [text...]\n"}
172 |
173 | The B<retval> and B<valtype> are ignored, and the B<helpstr> should
174 | follow the general construction as shown. The C<%s> will get the program
175 | name.
176 |
177 | If a command has a large set of options, it can be useful to break them
178 | into sections. Use the macro B<OPT_SECTION> or B<OPT_SECTION_STR>
179 | to indicate this. The two lines below are equivalent:
180 |
181 | OPT_SECTION("Validation"),
182 | {OPT_SECTION_STR, 1, '-', "Validation options:\n"},
183 |
184 | In addition to providing help about options, you can provide a description
185 | of the parameters a command takes. These should appear at the end of
186 | the options and are indicated by using B<OPT_PARAM_STR> or the
187 | B<OPT_PARAMETERS> macro:
188 |
190 | {OPT_PARAM_STR, 1, '-', "Parameters:\n"}
191 |
192 | Every "option" after after this should contain the parameter and
193 | the help string:
194 |
195 | {"text", 0, 0, "Words to display (optional)"},
196 |
197 | =head2 Functions
198 |
199 | The opt_init() function takes the I<argc> and I<argv> arguments given to main()
200 | and a pointer I<o> to the list of options. It returns the simple program
201 | name, as defined by opt_progname().
202 |
203 | The opt_progname() function takes the full pathname C<argv[0]> in its I<arg0>
204 | parameter and returns
205 | the simple short name of the executable, to be used for error messages and
206 | the like.
207 |
208 | The opt_appname() function takes in its I<argv0> parameter
209 | the "application" name (such
210 | as the specific command from L<openssl(1)> and appends it to the program
211 | name. This function should only be called once.
212 |
213 | The opt_getprog() function returns the value set by opt_appname().
214 |
215 | The opt_help() function takes a list of option definitions and prints a
216 | nicely-formatted output.
217 |
218 | The opt_begin() function, which is called automatically by opt_init(),
219 | can be used to reset the option parsing loop.
220 |
221 | The opt_next() function is called, once opt_init() has been called,
222 | in a loop to fetch each option in turn. It returns -1, or B<OPT_EOF> when the
223 | end of arguments has been reached. This is typically done like this:
224 |
225 | prog = opt_init(argc, argv, my_options);
226 | while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) {
227 | switch (o) {
228 | case OPT_EOF:
229 | case OPT_ERR:
230 | opthelp:
231 | fprintf(stderr, "%s: Use -help for summary\n", prog);
232 | exit(1);
233 | case OPT_HELP:
234 | opt_help(my_options);
235 | exit(0);
236 | ...other options...
237 | }
238 | }
239 |
240 | Within the option parsing loop, the following functions may be called.
241 |
242 | The opt_flag() function returns the most recent option name
243 | including the preceding C<->.
244 |
245 | The opt_arg() function returns the option's argument value, if there is one.
246 |
247 | The opt_unknown() function returns the unknown option.
248 | In an option list, there can be at most one option with the empty string.
249 | This is a "wildcard" or "unknown" option. For example, it allows an
250 | option to be be taken as digest algorithm, like C<-sha1>. The function
251 | opt_md() takes the specified I<name> and fills in the digest into I<mdp>.
252 | The functions opt_cipher(), opt_cipher_any() and opt_cipher_silent()
253 | each takes the specified I<name> and fills in the cipher into I<cipherp>.
254 | The function opt_cipher() only accepts ciphers which are not
255 | AEAD and are not using XTS mode. The functions opt_cipher_any() and
256 | opt_cipher_silent() accept any cipher, the latter not emitting an error
257 | if the cipher is not located.
258 |
259 | There are a several useful functions for parsing numbers. These are
260 | opt_int(), opt_long(), opt_ulong(), opt_intmax(), and opt_uintmax(). They all
261 | take C<0x> to mean hexadecimal and C<0> to mean octal, and will do the
262 | necessary range-checking. They return 1 if successful and fill in the
263 | C<result> pointer with the value, or 0 on error. Note that opt_next()
264 | will also do range-check on the argument if the appropriate B<valtype>
265 | field is specified for the option. This means that error-checking inside
266 | the C<switch> C<case> can often be elided.
267 |
268 | The opt_int_arg() function is a convenience abbreviation to opt_int().
269 | It parses and returns an integer, assuming its range has been checked before.
270 |
271 | The opt_format() function takes a string value,
272 | such as used with the B<-informat> or similar option, and fills
273 | the value from the constants in F<fmt.h> file.
274 |
275 | The opt_isdir() function returns 1 if the specified I<name> is
276 | a directory, or 0 if not.
277 |
278 | The opt_string() function checks that I<name> appears in the
279 | NULL-terminated array of strings. It returns 1 if found,
280 | or prints a diagnostic and returns 0 if not.
281 |
282 | The opt_pair() function takes a list of I<pairs>, each of which
283 | has a text name and an integer. The specified I<name> is
284 | found on the list, it puts the index in I<*result>, and returns
285 | 1. If not found, it returns 0.
286 |
287 | The following functions can be used after processing all the options.
288 |
289 | The opt_num_rest() function returns what is left.
290 |
291 | The opt_rest() function returns a pointer to the first non-option.
292 | If there were no parameters, it will point to the NULL that is
293 | at the end of the standard I<argv> array.
294 |
295 | The opt_legacy_okay() function returns true if no options have been
296 | specified that would preclude using legacy code paths. Currently,
297 | the various provider options preclude legacy operation. This means,
298 | for example, that specifying both B<-provider> and B<-engine> in the
299 | same command line will not work as expected.
300 |
301 | =head2 Common Options
302 |
303 | There are a few groups of options that are common to many OpenSSL programs.
304 | These are handled with sets of macros that define common option names
305 | and common code to handle them. The categories are identified by a
306 | letter:
307 |
308 | V Validation
309 | X Extended certificate
310 | S TLS/SSL
311 | R Random state
312 |
313 | The B<OPT_x_ENUM> macro is used to define the numeration values, where B<x>
314 | is one of the letters above. The B<OPT_x_OPTIONS> macro is used to
315 | list the set of common options, and the B<OPT_x_CASES> is used in
316 | the C<switch> statement.
317 |
318 | The common options are used throughout the sources for the OpenSSL commands.
319 | They are also used with common descriptions when generating the
320 | manpages, in the file F<doc/perlvars.pm>, which follow a similar naming
321 | convention.
322 |
323 | =head1 RETURN VALUES
324 |
325 | Detailed above.
326 |
327 | =head1 EXAMPLES
328 |
329 | The best examples can be found in sources for the commands in the F<apps>
330 | directory of the source tree.
331 | A notable exception is F<apps/cmp.c> which uses this API, but does
332 | things very differently.
333 |
334 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
335 |
336 | Copyright 2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
337 |
338 | Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this
339 | file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy in the file
340 | LICENSE in the source distribution or at
341 | L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
342 |
343 | =cut