1 | =pod
2 |
3 | =head1 NAME
4 |
5 | X509V3_get_d2i, X509V3_add1_i2d, X509V3_EXT_d2i, X509V3_EXT_i2d,
6 | X509_get_ext_d2i, X509_add1_ext_i2d,
7 | X509_CRL_get_ext_d2i, X509_CRL_add1_ext_i2d,
8 | X509_REVOKED_get_ext_d2i, X509_REVOKED_add1_ext_i2d,
9 | X509_get0_extensions, X509_CRL_get0_extensions,
10 | X509_REVOKED_get0_extensions - X509 extension decode and encode functions
11 |
12 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
13 |
14 | #include <openssl/x509v3.h>
15 |
16 | void *X509V3_get_d2i(const STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION) *x, int nid, int *crit,
17 | int *idx);
18 | int X509V3_add1_i2d(STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION) **x, int nid, void *value,
19 | int crit, unsigned long flags);
20 |
21 | void *X509V3_EXT_d2i(X509_EXTENSION *ext);
22 | X509_EXTENSION *X509V3_EXT_i2d(int ext_nid, int crit, void *ext);
23 |
24 | void *X509_get_ext_d2i(const X509 *x, int nid, int *crit, int *idx);
25 | int X509_add1_ext_i2d(X509 *x, int nid, void *value, int crit,
26 | unsigned long flags);
27 |
28 | void *X509_CRL_get_ext_d2i(const X509_CRL *crl, int nid, int *crit, int *idx);
29 | int X509_CRL_add1_ext_i2d(X509_CRL *crl, int nid, void *value, int crit,
30 | unsigned long flags);
31 |
32 | void *X509_REVOKED_get_ext_d2i(const X509_REVOKED *r, int nid, int *crit, int *idx);
33 | int X509_REVOKED_add1_ext_i2d(X509_REVOKED *r, int nid, void *value, int crit,
34 | unsigned long flags);
35 |
36 | const STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION) *X509_get0_extensions(const X509 *x);
37 | const STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION) *X509_CRL_get0_extensions(const X509_CRL *crl);
38 | const STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION) *X509_REVOKED_get0_extensions(const X509_REVOKED *r);
39 |
40 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
41 |
42 | X509V3_get_d2i() looks for an extension with OID I<nid> in the extensions
43 | I<x> and, if found, decodes it. If I<idx> is NULL then only one
44 | occurrence of an extension is permissible otherwise the first extension after
45 | index I<*idx> is returned and I<*idx> updated to the location of the extension.
46 | If I<crit> is not NULL then I<*crit> is set to a status value: -2 if the
47 | extension occurs multiple times (this is only returned if I<idx> is NULL),
48 | -1 if the extension could not be found, 0 if the extension is found and is
49 | not critical and 1 if critical. A pointer to an extension specific structure
50 | or NULL is returned.
51 |
52 | X509V3_add1_i2d() adds extension I<value> to STACK I<*x> (allocating a new
53 | STACK if necessary) using OID I<nid> and criticality I<crit> according
54 | to I<flags>.
55 |
56 | X509V3_EXT_d2i() attempts to decode the ASN.1 data contained in extension
57 | I<ext> and returns a pointer to an extension specific structure or NULL
58 | if the extension could not be decoded (invalid syntax or not supported).
59 |
60 | X509V3_EXT_i2d() encodes the extension specific structure I<ext>
61 | with OID I<ext_nid> and criticality I<crit>.
62 |
63 | X509_get_ext_d2i() and X509_add1_ext_i2d() operate on the extensions of
64 | certificate I<x>, they are otherwise identical to X509V3_get_d2i() and
65 | X509V3_add_i2d().
66 |
67 | X509_CRL_get_ext_d2i() and X509_CRL_add1_ext_i2d() operate on the extensions
68 | of CRL I<crl>, they are otherwise identical to X509V3_get_d2i() and
69 | X509V3_add_i2d().
70 |
71 | X509_REVOKED_get_ext_d2i() and X509_REVOKED_add1_ext_i2d() operate on the
72 | extensions of B<X509_REVOKED> structure I<r> (i.e for CRL entry extensions),
73 | they are otherwise identical to X509V3_get_d2i() and X509V3_add_i2d().
74 |
75 | X509_get0_extensions(), X509_CRL_get0_extensions() and
76 | X509_REVOKED_get0_extensions() return a stack of all the extensions
77 | of a certificate a CRL or a CRL entry respectively.
78 |
79 | =head1 NOTES
80 |
81 | In almost all cases an extension can occur at most once and multiple
82 | occurrences is an error. Therefore, the I<idx> parameter is usually NULL.
83 |
84 | The I<flags> parameter may be one of the following values.
85 |
86 | B<X509V3_ADD_DEFAULT> appends a new extension only if the extension does
87 | not already exist. An error is returned if the extension does already
88 | exist.
89 |
90 | B<X509V3_ADD_APPEND> appends a new extension, ignoring whether the extension
91 | already exists.
92 |
93 | B<X509V3_ADD_REPLACE> replaces an extension if it exists otherwise appends
94 | a new extension.
95 |
96 | B<X509V3_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING> replaces an existing extension if it exists
97 | otherwise returns an error.
98 |
99 | B<X509V3_ADD_KEEP_EXISTING> appends a new extension only if the extension does
100 | not already exist. An error B<is not> returned if the extension does already
101 | exist.
102 |
103 | B<X509V3_ADD_DELETE> extension I<nid> is deleted: no new extension is added.
104 |
105 | If B<X509V3_ADD_SILENT> is ored with I<flags>: any error returned will not
106 | be added to the error queue.
107 |
108 | The function X509V3_get_d2i() and its variants
109 | will return NULL if the extension is not
110 | found, occurs multiple times or cannot be decoded. It is possible to
111 | determine the precise reason by checking the value of I<*crit>.
112 |
114 |
115 | The following sections contain a list of all supported extensions
116 | including their name and NID.
117 |
118 | =head2 PKIX Certificate Extensions
119 |
120 | The following certificate extensions are defined in PKIX standards such as
121 | RFC5280.
122 |
123 | Basic Constraints NID_basic_constraints
124 | Key Usage NID_key_usage
125 | Extended Key Usage NID_ext_key_usage
126 |
127 | Subject Key Identifier NID_subject_key_identifier
128 | Authority Key Identifier NID_authority_key_identifier
129 |
130 | Private Key Usage Period NID_private_key_usage_period
131 |
132 | Subject Alternative Name NID_subject_alt_name
133 | Issuer Alternative Name NID_issuer_alt_name
134 |
135 | Authority Information Access NID_info_access
136 | Subject Information Access NID_sinfo_access
137 |
138 | Name Constraints NID_name_constraints
139 |
140 | Certificate Policies NID_certificate_policies
141 | Policy Mappings NID_policy_mappings
142 | Policy Constraints NID_policy_constraints
143 | Inhibit Any Policy NID_inhibit_any_policy
144 |
145 | TLS Feature NID_tlsfeature
146 |
147 | =head2 Netscape Certificate Extensions
148 |
149 | The following are (largely obsolete) Netscape certificate extensions.
150 |
151 | Netscape Cert Type NID_netscape_cert_type
152 | Netscape Base Url NID_netscape_base_url
153 | Netscape Revocation Url NID_netscape_revocation_url
154 | Netscape CA Revocation Url NID_netscape_ca_revocation_url
155 | Netscape Renewal Url NID_netscape_renewal_url
156 | Netscape CA Policy Url NID_netscape_ca_policy_url
157 | Netscape SSL Server Name NID_netscape_ssl_server_name
158 | Netscape Comment NID_netscape_comment
159 |
160 | =head2 Miscellaneous Certificate Extensions
161 |
162 | Strong Extranet ID NID_sxnet
163 | Proxy Certificate Information NID_proxyCertInfo
164 |
165 | =head2 PKIX CRL Extensions
166 |
167 | The following are CRL extensions from PKIX standards such as RFC5280.
168 |
169 | CRL Number NID_crl_number
170 | CRL Distribution Points NID_crl_distribution_points
171 | Delta CRL Indicator NID_delta_crl
172 | Freshest CRL NID_freshest_crl
173 | Invalidity Date NID_invalidity_date
174 | Issuing Distribution Point NID_issuing_distribution_point
175 |
176 | The following are CRL entry extensions from PKIX standards such as RFC5280.
177 |
178 | CRL Reason Code NID_crl_reason
179 | Certificate Issuer NID_certificate_issuer
180 |
181 | =head2 OCSP Extensions
182 |
183 | OCSP Nonce NID_id_pkix_OCSP_Nonce
184 | OCSP CRL ID NID_id_pkix_OCSP_CrlID
185 | Acceptable OCSP Responses NID_id_pkix_OCSP_acceptableResponses
186 | OCSP No Check NID_id_pkix_OCSP_noCheck
187 | OCSP Archive Cutoff NID_id_pkix_OCSP_archiveCutoff
188 | OCSP Service Locator NID_id_pkix_OCSP_serviceLocator
189 | Hold Instruction Code NID_hold_instruction_code
190 |
191 | =head2 Certificate Transparency Extensions
192 |
193 | The following extensions are used by certificate transparency, RFC6962
194 |
195 | CT Precertificate SCTs NID_ct_precert_scts
196 | CT Certificate SCTs NID_ct_cert_scts
197 |
198 | =head1 RETURN VALUES
199 |
200 | X509V3_get_d2i(), its variants, and X509V3_EXT_d2i() return
201 | a pointer to an extension specific structure or NULL if an error occurs.
202 |
203 | X509V3_add1_i2d() and its variants return 1 if the operation is successful
204 | and 0 if it fails due to a non-fatal error (extension not found, already exists,
205 | cannot be encoded) or -1 due to a fatal error such as a memory allocation
206 | failure.
207 |
208 | X509V3_EXT_i2d() returns a pointer to an B<X509_EXTENSION> structure
209 | or NULL if an error occurs.
210 |
211 | X509_get0_extensions(), X509_CRL_get0_extensions() and
212 | X509_REVOKED_get0_extensions() return a stack of extensions. They return
213 | NULL if no extensions are present.
214 |
215 | =head1 SEE ALSO
216 |
217 | L<d2i_X509(3)>,
218 | L<ERR_get_error(3)>,
219 | L<X509_CRL_get0_by_serial(3)>,
220 | L<X509_get0_signature(3)>,
221 | L<X509_get_ext_d2i(3)>,
222 | L<X509_get_extension_flags(3)>,
223 | L<X509_get_pubkey(3)>,
224 | L<X509_get_subject_name(3)>,
225 | L<X509_get_version(3)>,
226 | L<X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(3)>,
227 | L<X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object(3)>,
228 | L<X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(3)>,
229 | L<X509_NAME_print_ex(3)>,
230 | L<X509_new(3)>,
231 | L<X509_sign(3)>,
232 | L<X509_verify_cert(3)>
233 |
234 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
235 |
236 | Copyright 2015-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
237 |
238 | Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
239 | this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
240 | in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
241 | L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
242 |
243 | =cut