1 | =pod
2 |
3 | =head1 NAME
4 |
5 | SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx,
6 | SSL_CTX_set_verify, SSL_set_verify,
7 | SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth, SSL_set_verify_depth,
8 | SSL_verify_cb,
9 | SSL_verify_client_post_handshake,
10 | SSL_set_post_handshake_auth,
11 | SSL_CTX_set_post_handshake_auth
12 | - set various SSL/TLS parameters for peer certificate verification
13 |
14 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 |
16 | #include <openssl/ssl.h>
17 |
18 | typedef int (*SSL_verify_cb)(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX *x509_ctx);
19 |
20 | void SSL_CTX_set_verify(SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode, SSL_verify_cb verify_callback);
21 | void SSL_set_verify(SSL *ssl, int mode, SSL_verify_cb verify_callback);
22 | SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx(void);
23 |
24 | void SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(SSL_CTX *ctx, int depth);
25 | void SSL_set_verify_depth(SSL *ssl, int depth);
26 |
27 | int SSL_verify_client_post_handshake(SSL *ssl);
28 | void SSL_CTX_set_post_handshake_auth(SSL_CTX *ctx, int val);
29 | void SSL_set_post_handshake_auth(SSL *ssl, int val);
30 |
31 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
32 |
33 | SSL_CTX_set_verify() sets the verification flags for B<ctx> to be B<mode> and
34 | specifies the B<verify_callback> function to be used. If no callback function
35 | shall be specified, the NULL pointer can be used for B<verify_callback>.
36 |
37 | SSL_set_verify() sets the verification flags for B<ssl> to be B<mode> and
38 | specifies the B<verify_callback> function to be used. If no callback function
39 | shall be specified, the NULL pointer can be used for B<verify_callback>. In
40 | this case last B<verify_callback> set specifically for this B<ssl> remains. If
41 | no special B<callback> was set before, the default callback for the underlying
42 | B<ctx> is used, that was valid at the time B<ssl> was created with
43 | L<SSL_new(3)>. Within the callback function,
44 | B<SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx> can be called to get the data index
45 | of the current SSL object that is doing the verification.
46 |
47 | In client mode B<verify_callback> may also call the L<SSL_set_retry_verify(3)>
48 | function on the B<SSL> object set in the I<x509_store_ctx> ex data (see
49 | L<SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx(3)>) and return 1.
50 | This would be typically done in case the certificate verification was not yet
51 | able to succeed.
52 | This makes the handshake suspend and return control to the calling application
54 | The application can for instance fetch further certificates or cert status
55 | information needed for the verification.
56 | Note that the handshake may still be aborted if a subsequent invocation of the
57 | callback (e.g. at a lower depth, or for a separate error condition) returns 0.
58 | Calling L<SSL_connect(3)> again resumes the connection attempt by retrying the
59 | server certificate verification step.
60 | This process may even be repeated if need be.
61 |
62 | SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth() sets the maximum B<depth> for the certificate chain
63 | verification that shall be allowed for B<ctx>.
64 |
65 | SSL_set_verify_depth() sets the maximum B<depth> for the certificate chain
66 | verification that shall be allowed for B<ssl>.
67 |
68 | SSL_CTX_set_post_handshake_auth() and SSL_set_post_handshake_auth() enable the
69 | Post-Handshake Authentication extension to be added to the ClientHello such that
70 | post-handshake authentication can be requested by the server. If B<val> is 0
71 | then the extension is not sent, otherwise it is. By default the extension is not
72 | sent. A certificate callback will need to be set via
73 | SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb() if no certificate is provided at initialization.
74 |
75 | SSL_verify_client_post_handshake() causes a CertificateRequest message to be
76 | sent by a server on the given B<ssl> connection. The SSL_VERIFY_PEER flag must
77 | be set; the SSL_VERIFY_POST_HANDSHAKE flag is optional.
78 |
79 | =head1 NOTES
80 |
81 | The verification of certificates can be controlled by a set of logically
82 | or'ed B<mode> flags:
83 |
84 | =over 4
85 |
86 | =item SSL_VERIFY_NONE
87 |
88 | B<Server mode:> the server will not send a client certificate request to the
89 | client, so the client will not send a certificate.
90 |
91 | B<Client mode:> if not using an anonymous cipher (by default disabled), the
92 | server will send a certificate which will be checked. The result of the
93 | certificate verification process can be checked after the TLS/SSL handshake
94 | using the L<SSL_get_verify_result(3)> function.
95 | The handshake will be continued regardless of the verification result.
96 |
97 | =item SSL_VERIFY_PEER
98 |
99 | B<Server mode:> the server sends a client certificate request to the client.
100 | The certificate returned (if any) is checked. If the verification process
101 | fails, the TLS/SSL handshake is
102 | immediately terminated with an alert message containing the reason for
103 | the verification failure.
104 | The behaviour can be controlled by the additional
107 |
108 | B<Client mode:> the server certificate is verified. If the verification process
109 | fails, the TLS/SSL handshake is
110 | immediately terminated with an alert message containing the reason for
111 | the verification failure. If no server certificate is sent, because an
112 | anonymous cipher is used, SSL_VERIFY_PEER is ignored.
113 |
115 |
116 | B<Server mode:> if the client did not return a certificate, the TLS/SSL
117 | handshake is immediately terminated with a "handshake failure" alert.
118 | This flag must be used together with SSL_VERIFY_PEER.
119 |
120 | B<Client mode:> ignored (see BUGS)
121 |
123 |
124 | B<Server mode:> only request a client certificate once during the
125 | connection. Do not ask for a client certificate again during
126 | renegotiation or post-authentication if a certificate was requested
127 | during the initial handshake. This flag must be used together with
129 |
130 | B<Client mode:> ignored (see BUGS)
131 |
133 |
134 | B<Server mode:> the server will not send a client certificate request
135 | during the initial handshake, but will send the request via
136 | SSL_verify_client_post_handshake(). This allows the SSL_CTX or SSL
137 | to be configured for post-handshake peer verification before the
138 | handshake occurs. This flag must be used together with
139 | SSL_VERIFY_PEER. TLSv1.3 only; no effect on pre-TLSv1.3 connections.
140 |
141 | B<Client mode:> ignored (see BUGS)
142 |
143 | =back
144 |
145 | If the B<mode> is SSL_VERIFY_NONE none of the other flags may be set.
146 |
147 | The actual verification procedure is performed either using the built-in
148 | verification procedure or using another application provided verification
149 | function set with
150 | L<SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(3)>.
151 | The following descriptions apply in the case of the built-in procedure. An
152 | application provided procedure also has access to the verify depth information
153 | and the verify_callback() function, but the way this information is used
154 | may be different.
155 |
156 | SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth() and SSL_set_verify_depth() set a limit on the
157 | number of certificates between the end-entity and trust-anchor certificates.
158 | Neither the
159 | end-entity nor the trust-anchor certificates count against B<depth>. If the
160 | certificate chain needed to reach a trusted issuer is longer than B<depth+2>,
161 | X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG will be issued.
162 | The depth count is "level 0:peer certificate", "level 1: CA certificate",
163 | "level 2: higher level CA certificate", and so on. Setting the maximum
164 | depth to 2 allows the levels 0, 1, 2 and 3 (0 being the end-entity and 3 the
165 | trust-anchor).
166 | The default depth limit is 100,
167 | allowing for the peer certificate, at most 100 intermediate CA certificates and
168 | a final trust anchor certificate.
169 |
170 | The B<verify_callback> function is used to control the behaviour when the
171 | SSL_VERIFY_PEER flag is set. It must be supplied by the application and
172 | receives two arguments: B<preverify_ok> indicates, whether the verification of
173 | the certificate in question was passed (preverify_ok=1) or not
174 | (preverify_ok=0). B<x509_ctx> is a pointer to the complete context used
175 | for the certificate chain verification.
176 |
177 | The certificate chain is checked starting with the deepest nesting level
178 | (the root CA certificate) and worked upward to the peer's certificate.
179 | At each level signatures and issuer attributes are checked. Whenever
180 | a verification error is found, the error number is stored in B<x509_ctx>
181 | and B<verify_callback> is called with B<preverify_ok>=0. By applying
182 | X509_CTX_store_* functions B<verify_callback> can locate the certificate
183 | in question and perform additional steps (see EXAMPLES). If no error is
184 | found for a certificate, B<verify_callback> is called with B<preverify_ok>=1
185 | before advancing to the next level.
186 |
187 | The return value of B<verify_callback> controls the strategy of the further
188 | verification process. If B<verify_callback> returns 0, the verification
189 | process is immediately stopped with "verification failed" state. If
190 | SSL_VERIFY_PEER is set, a verification failure alert is sent to the peer and
191 | the TLS/SSL handshake is terminated. If B<verify_callback> returns 1,
192 | the verification process is continued. If B<verify_callback> always returns
193 | 1, the TLS/SSL handshake will not be terminated with respect to verification
194 | failures and the connection will be established. The calling process can
195 | however retrieve the error code of the last verification error using
196 | L<SSL_get_verify_result(3)> or by maintaining its
197 | own error storage managed by B<verify_callback>.
198 |
199 | If no B<verify_callback> is specified, the default callback will be used.
200 | Its return value is identical to B<preverify_ok>, so that any verification
201 | failure will lead to a termination of the TLS/SSL handshake with an
202 | alert message, if SSL_VERIFY_PEER is set.
203 |
204 | After calling SSL_set_post_handshake_auth(), the client will need to add a
205 | certificate or certificate callback to its configuration before it can
206 | successfully authenticate. This must be called before SSL_connect().
207 |
208 | SSL_verify_client_post_handshake() requires that verify flags have been
209 | previously set, and that a client sent the post-handshake authentication
210 | extension. When the client returns a certificate the verify callback will be
211 | invoked. A write operation must take place for the Certificate Request to be
212 | sent to the client, this can be done with SSL_do_handshake() or SSL_write_ex().
213 | Only one certificate request may be outstanding at any time.
214 |
215 | When post-handshake authentication occurs, a refreshed NewSessionTicket
216 | message is sent to the client.
217 |
218 | =head1 BUGS
219 |
220 | In client mode, it is not checked whether the SSL_VERIFY_PEER flag
221 | is set, but whether any flags other than SSL_VERIFY_NONE are set. This can
222 | lead to unexpected behaviour if SSL_VERIFY_PEER and other flags are not used as
223 | required.
224 |
225 | =head1 RETURN VALUES
226 |
227 | The SSL*_set_verify*() functions do not provide diagnostic information.
228 |
229 | The SSL_verify_client_post_handshake() function returns 1 if the request
230 | succeeded, and 0 if the request failed. The error stack can be examined
231 | to determine the failure reason.
232 |
233 | =head1 EXAMPLES
234 |
235 | The following code sequence realizes an example B<verify_callback> function
236 | that will always continue the TLS/SSL handshake regardless of verification
237 | failure, if wished. The callback realizes a verification depth limit with
238 | more informational output.
239 |
240 | All verification errors are printed; information about the certificate chain
241 | is printed on request.
242 | The example is realized for a server that does allow but not require client
243 | certificates.
244 |
245 | The example makes use of the ex_data technique to store application data
246 | into/retrieve application data from the SSL structure
247 | (see L<CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index(3)>,
248 | L<SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx(3)>).
249 |
250 | ...
251 | typedef struct {
252 | int verbose_mode;
253 | int verify_depth;
254 | int always_continue;
255 | } mydata_t;
256 | int mydata_index;
257 |
258 | ...
259 | static int verify_callback(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
260 | {
261 | char buf[256];
262 | X509 *err_cert;
263 | int err, depth;
264 | SSL *ssl;
265 | mydata_t *mydata;
266 |
267 | err_cert = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx);
268 | err = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx);
269 | depth = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(ctx);
270 |
271 | /*
272 | * Retrieve the pointer to the SSL of the connection currently treated
273 | * and the application specific data stored into the SSL object.
274 | */
275 | ssl = X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(ctx, SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx());
276 | mydata = SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, mydata_index);
277 |
278 | X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(err_cert), buf, 256);
279 |
280 | /*
281 | * Catch a too long certificate chain. The depth limit set using
282 | * SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth() is by purpose set to "limit+1" so
283 | * that whenever the "depth>verify_depth" condition is met, we
284 | * have violated the limit and want to log this error condition.
285 | * We must do it here, because the CHAIN_TOO_LONG error would not
286 | * be found explicitly; only errors introduced by cutting off the
287 | * additional certificates would be logged.
288 | */
289 | if (depth > mydata->verify_depth) {
290 | preverify_ok = 0;
291 | err = X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG;
292 | X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, err);
293 | }
294 | if (!preverify_ok) {
295 | printf("verify error:num=%d:%s:depth=%d:%s\n", err,
296 | X509_verify_cert_error_string(err), depth, buf);
297 | } else if (mydata->verbose_mode) {
298 | printf("depth=%d:%s\n", depth, buf);
299 | }
300 |
301 | /*
302 | * At this point, err contains the last verification error. We can use
303 | * it for something special
304 | */
305 | if (!preverify_ok && (err == X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT)) {
306 | X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(err_cert), buf, 256);
307 | printf("issuer= %s\n", buf);
308 | }
309 |
310 | if (mydata->always_continue)
311 | return 1;
312 | else
313 | return preverify_ok;
314 | }
315 | ...
316 |
317 | mydata_t mydata;
318 |
319 | ...
320 | mydata_index = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, "mydata index", NULL, NULL, NULL);
321 |
322 | ...
324 | verify_callback);
325 |
326 | /*
327 | * Let the verify_callback catch the verify_depth error so that we get
328 | * an appropriate error in the logfile.
329 | */
330 | SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(verify_depth + 1);
331 |
332 | /*
333 | * Set up the SSL specific data into "mydata" and store it into th SSL
334 | * structure.
335 | */
336 | mydata.verify_depth = verify_depth; ...
337 | SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, mydata_index, &mydata);
338 |
339 | ...
340 | SSL_accept(ssl); /* check of success left out for clarity */
341 | if (peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl)) {
342 | if (SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) == X509_V_OK) {
343 | /* The client sent a certificate which verified OK */
344 | }
345 | }
346 |
347 | =head1 SEE ALSO
348 |
349 | L<ssl(7)>, L<SSL_new(3)>,
350 | L<SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode(3)>,
351 | L<SSL_get_verify_result(3)>,
352 | L<SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3)>,
353 | L<SSL_get_peer_certificate(3)>,
354 | L<SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(3)>,
355 | L<SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx(3)>,
356 | L<SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb(3)>,
357 | L<CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index(3)>
358 |
359 | =head1 HISTORY
360 |
361 | The SSL_VERIFY_POST_HANDSHAKE option, and the SSL_verify_client_post_handshake()
362 | and SSL_set_post_handshake_auth() functions were added in OpenSSL 1.1.1.
363 |
364 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
365 |
366 | Copyright 2000-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
367 |
368 | Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
369 | this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
370 | in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
371 | L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
372 |
373 | =cut