1 | # Copyright 2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
2 | #
3 | # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
4 | # this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
5 | # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
6 | # https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
7 |
8 | package OpenSSL::Config::Query;
9 |
10 | use 5.10.0;
11 | use strict;
12 | use warnings;
13 | use Carp;
14 |
15 | =head1 NAME
16 |
17 | OpenSSL::Config::Query - Query OpenSSL configuration info
18 |
19 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
20 |
21 | use OpenSSL::Config::Info;
22 |
23 | my $query = OpenSSL::Config::Query->new(info => \%unified_info);
24 |
25 | # Query for something that's expected to give a scalar back
26 | my $variable = $query->method(... args ...);
27 |
28 | # Query for something that's expected to give a list back
29 | my @variable = $query->method(... args ...);
30 |
31 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
32 |
33 | The unified info structure, commonly known as the %unified_info table, has
34 | become quite complex, and a bit overwhelming to look through directly. This
35 | module makes querying this structure simpler, through diverse methods.
36 |
37 | =head2 Constructor
38 |
39 | =over 4
40 |
41 | =item B<new> I<%options>
42 |
43 | Creates an instance of the B<OpenSSL::Config::Query> class. It takes options
44 | in keyed pair form, i.e. a series of C<< key => value >> pairs. Available
45 | options are:
46 |
47 | =over 4
48 |
49 | =item B<info> =E<gt> I<HASHREF>
50 |
51 | A reference to a unified information hash table, most commonly known as
52 | %unified_info.
53 |
54 | =item B<config> =E<gt> I<HASHREF>
55 |
56 | A reference to a config information hash table, most commonly known as
57 | %config.
58 |
59 | =back
60 |
61 | Example:
62 |
63 | my $info = OpenSSL::Config::Info->new(info => \%unified_info);
64 |
65 | =back
66 |
67 | =cut
68 |
69 | sub new {
70 | my $class = shift;
71 | my %opts = @_;
72 |
73 | my @messages = _check_accepted_options(\%opts,
74 | info => 'HASH',
75 | config => 'HASH');
76 | croak $messages[0] if @messages;
77 |
78 | # We make a shallow copy of the input structure. We might make
79 | # a different choice in the future...
80 | my $instance = { info => $opts{info} // {},
81 | config => $opts{config} // {} };
82 | bless $instance, $class;
83 |
84 | return $instance;
85 | }
86 |
87 | =head2 Query methods
88 |
89 | =over 4
90 |
91 | =item B<get_sources> I<LIST>
92 |
93 | LIST is expected to be the collection of names of end products, such as
94 | programs, modules, libraries.
95 |
96 | The returned result is a hash table reference, with each key being one of
97 | these end product names, and its value being a reference to an array of
98 | source file names that constitutes everything that will or may become part
99 | of that end product.
100 |
101 | =cut
102 |
103 | sub get_sources {
104 | my $self = shift;
105 |
106 | my $result = {};
107 | foreach (@_) {
108 | my @sources = @{$self->{info}->{sources}->{$_} // []};
109 | my @staticlibs =
110 | grep { $_ =~ m|\.a$| } @{$self->{info}->{depends}->{$_} // []};
111 |
112 | my %parts = ( %{$self->get_sources(@sources)},
113 | %{$self->get_sources(@staticlibs)} );
114 | my @parts = map { @{$_} } values %parts;
115 |
116 | my @generator =
117 | ( ( $self->{info}->{generate}->{$_} // [] ) -> [0] // () );
118 | my %generator_parts = %{$self->get_sources(@generator)};
119 | # if there are any generator parts, we ignore it, because that means
120 | # it's a compiled program and thus NOT part of the source that's
121 | # queried.
122 | @generator = () if %generator_parts;
123 |
124 | my @partial_result =
125 | ( ( map { @{$_} } values %parts ),
126 | ( grep { !defined($parts{$_}) } @sources, @generator ) );
127 |
128 | # Push conditionally, to avoid creating $result->{$_} with an empty
129 | # value
130 | push @{$result->{$_}}, @partial_result if @partial_result;
131 | }
132 |
133 | return $result;
134 | }
135 |
136 | =item B<get_config> I<LIST>
137 |
138 | LIST is expected to be the collection of names of configuration data, such
139 | as build_infos, sourcedir, ...
140 |
141 | The returned result is a hash table reference, with each key being one of
142 | these configuration data names, and its value being a reference to the value
143 | corresponding to that name.
144 |
145 | =cut
146 |
147 | sub get_config {
148 | my $self = shift;
149 |
150 | return { map { $_ => $self->{config}->{$_} } @_ };
151 | }
152 |
153 | ########
154 | #
155 | # Helper functions
156 | #
157 |
158 | sub _check_accepted_options {
159 | my $opts = shift; # HASH reference (hopefully)
160 | my %conds = @_; # key => type
161 |
162 | my @messages;
163 | my %optnames = map { $_ => 1 } keys %$opts;
164 | foreach (keys %conds) {
165 | delete $optnames{$_};
166 | }
167 | push @messages, "Unknown options: " . join(', ', sort keys %optnames)
168 | if keys %optnames;
169 | foreach (sort keys %conds) {
170 | push @messages, "'$_' value not a $conds{$_} reference"
171 | if (defined $conds{$_} && defined $opts->{$_}
172 | && ref $opts->{$_} ne $conds{$_});
173 | }
174 | return @messages;
175 | }
176 |
177 | 1;