#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED #include #include #endif /* * for older versions of Python, we don't use PyBytes, but keep PyString * and don't use Capsule but CObjects */ #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02070000 #ifndef PyBytes_Check #define PyBytes_Check PyString_Check #define PyBytes_Size PyString_Size #define PyBytes_AsString PyString_AsString #define PyBytes_AS_STRING PyString_AS_STRING #define PyBytes_GET_SIZE PyString_GET_SIZE #endif #ifndef PyCapsule_New #define PyCapsule_New PyCObject_FromVoidPtrAndDesc #define PyCapsule_CheckExact PyCObject_Check #define PyCapsule_GetPointer(o, n) PyCObject_GetDesc((o)) #endif #endif /** * ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED: * * Macro used to signal to GCC unused function parameters * Repeated here since the definition is not available when * compiled outside the libxml2 build tree. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #ifdef ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED #undef ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED #endif #ifndef ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED #define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__)) #endif /* ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED */ #else #define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED #endif /* * Macros to ignore deprecation warnings */ #if defined(__clang__) || \ (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 406)) #define XML_IGNORE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS \ _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") \ _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"") #elif defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) #define XML_IGNORE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS \ __pragma(warning(push)) \ __pragma(warning(disable : 4996)) #else #define XML_IGNORE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS #endif #define PyxmlNode_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyxmlNode_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlNodePtr obj; } PyxmlNode_Object; #define PyxmlXPathContext_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyxmlXPathContext_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlXPathContextPtr obj; } PyxmlXPathContext_Object; #define PyxmlXPathParserContext_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyxmlXPathParserContext_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlXPathParserContextPtr obj; } PyxmlXPathParserContext_Object; #define PyparserCtxt_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyparserCtxt_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlParserCtxtPtr obj; } PyparserCtxt_Object; #define PyValidCtxt_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyValidCtxt_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlValidCtxtPtr obj; } PyValidCtxt_Object; #define Pycatalog_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((Pycatalog_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlCatalogPtr obj; } Pycatalog_Object; #ifdef LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED #define PyxmlReg_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyxmlReg_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlRegexpPtr obj; } PyxmlReg_Object; #endif /* LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED */ #ifdef LIBXML_READER_ENABLED #define PyxmlTextReader_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyxmlTextReader_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlTextReaderPtr obj; } PyxmlTextReader_Object; #define PyxmlTextReaderLocator_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyxmlTextReaderLocator_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr obj; } PyxmlTextReaderLocator_Object; #endif #define PyURI_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyURI_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlErrorPtr obj; } PyError_Object; #define PyError_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyError_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlOutputBufferPtr obj; } PyoutputBuffer_Object; #define PyoutputBuffer_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyoutputBuffer_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlParserInputBufferPtr obj; } PyinputBuffer_Object; #define PyinputBuffer_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyinputBuffer_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlURIPtr obj; } PyURI_Object; /* FILE * have their own internal representation */ #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 FILE *libxml_PyFileGet(PyObject *f); void libxml_PyFileRelease(FILE *f); #define PyFile_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : libxml_PyFileGet(v)) #define PyFile_Release(f) libxml_PyFileRelease(f) #else #define PyFile_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (PyFile_Check(v) ? (PyFile_AsFile(v)) : stdout)) #define PyFile_Release(f) #endif #ifdef LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlRelaxNGPtr obj; } PyrelaxNgSchema_Object; #define PyrelaxNgSchema_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyrelaxNgSchema_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr obj; } PyrelaxNgParserCtxt_Object; #define PyrelaxNgParserCtxt_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyrelaxNgParserCtxt_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr obj; } PyrelaxNgValidCtxt_Object; #define PyrelaxNgValidCtxt_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PyrelaxNgValidCtxt_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlSchemaPtr obj; } PySchema_Object; #define PySchema_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PySchema_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr obj; } PySchemaParserCtxt_Object; #define PySchemaParserCtxt_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PySchemaParserCtxt_Object *)(v))->obj)) typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr obj; } PySchemaValidCtxt_Object; #define PySchemaValidCtxt_Get(v) (((v) == Py_None) ? NULL : \ (((PySchemaValidCtxt_Object *)(v))->obj)) #endif /* LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED */ PyObject * libxml_intWrap(int val); PyObject * libxml_longWrap(long val); PyObject * libxml_xmlCharPtrWrap(xmlChar *str); PyObject * libxml_constxmlCharPtrWrap(const xmlChar *str); PyObject * libxml_charPtrWrap(char *str); PyObject * libxml_constcharPtrWrap(const char *str); PyObject * libxml_charPtrConstWrap(const char *str); PyObject * libxml_xmlCharPtrConstWrap(const xmlChar *str); PyObject * libxml_xmlDocPtrWrap(xmlDocPtr doc); PyObject * libxml_xmlNodePtrWrap(xmlNodePtr node); PyObject * libxml_xmlAttrPtrWrap(xmlAttrPtr attr); PyObject * libxml_xmlNsPtrWrap(xmlNsPtr ns); PyObject * libxml_xmlAttributePtrWrap(xmlAttributePtr ns); PyObject * libxml_xmlElementPtrWrap(xmlElementPtr ns); PyObject * libxml_doubleWrap(double val); PyObject * libxml_xmlXPathContextPtrWrap(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt); PyObject * libxml_xmlParserCtxtPtrWrap(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); PyObject * libxml_xmlXPathParserContextPtrWrap(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt); PyObject * libxml_xmlXPathObjectPtrWrap(xmlXPathObjectPtr obj); PyObject * libxml_xmlValidCtxtPtrWrap(xmlValidCtxtPtr valid); PyObject * libxml_xmlCatalogPtrWrap(xmlCatalogPtr obj); PyObject * libxml_xmlURIPtrWrap(xmlURIPtr uri); PyObject * libxml_xmlOutputBufferPtrWrap(xmlOutputBufferPtr buffer); PyObject * libxml_xmlParserInputBufferPtrWrap(xmlParserInputBufferPtr buffer); #ifdef LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED PyObject * libxml_xmlRegexpPtrWrap(xmlRegexpPtr regexp); #endif /* LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED */ #ifdef LIBXML_READER_ENABLED PyObject * libxml_xmlTextReaderPtrWrap(xmlTextReaderPtr reader); PyObject * libxml_xmlTextReaderLocatorPtrWrap(xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator); #endif xmlXPathObjectPtr libxml_xmlXPathObjectPtrConvert(PyObject * obj); #ifdef LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED PyObject * libxml_xmlRelaxNGPtrWrap(xmlRelaxNGPtr ctxt); PyObject * libxml_xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtrWrap(xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr ctxt); PyObject * libxml_xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtrWrap(xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr valid); PyObject * libxml_xmlSchemaPtrWrap(xmlSchemaPtr ctxt); PyObject * libxml_xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtrWrap(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt); PyObject * libxml_xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtrWrap(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr valid); #endif /* LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED */ PyObject * libxml_xmlErrorPtrWrap(const xmlError *error); PyObject * libxml_xmlSchemaSetValidErrors(PyObject * self, PyObject * args); PyObject * libxml_xmlRegisterInputCallback(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); PyObject * libxml_xmlUnregisterInputCallback(PyObject *self, PyObject *args); PyObject * libxml_xmlNodeRemoveNsDef(PyObject * self, PyObject * args); int libxml_deprecationWarning(const char *func);