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4 | <title>libvorbis - function - vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket</title>
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11 | <td><p class=tiny>libvorbis documentation</p></td>
12 | <td align=right><p class=tiny>libvorbis version 1.3.2 - 20101101</p></td>
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16 | <h1>vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket</h1>
17 |
18 | <p><i>declared in "vorbis/codec.h";</i></p>
19 |
20 | <p>This function returns the next available completed packet from the
21 | bitrate management engine. It should be called in a loop after any call
22 | to vorbis_bitrate_addblock() until it returns either 0 (more data needed)
23 | or a negative value (error).
24 | </p>
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26 | <p>
27 | The data returned in the ogg_packet structure can be copied to the
28 | final compressed output stream.
29 | </p>
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33 | <td>
34 | <pre><b>
35 | extern int vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(vorbis_dsp_state *vd,
36 | ogg_packet *op);
37 | </b></pre>
38 | </td>
39 | </tr>
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42 | <h3>Parameters</h3>
43 | <dl>
44 | <dt><i>vd</i></dt>
45 | <dd>Pointer to the vorbis_dsp_state represending the encoder.</dd>
46 | <dt><i>op</i></dt>
47 | <dd>Pointer to an ogg_packet to be filled out with the compressed data.</dd>
48 | </dl>
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51 | <h3>Return Values</h3>
52 | <ul>
53 | <li>1 for success when more packets are available.
54 | <li>0 for success when this is the last packet available from the current input.</li>
55 | <li>negative values for failure:
56 | <ul>
57 | <li>OV_EINVAL - Invalid parameters.</li>
58 | <li>OV_EFAULT - Internal fault; indicates a bug or memory corruption.</li>
59 | <li>OV_EIMPL - Unimplemented; not supported by this version of the library.</li>
60 | </ul>
61 | </li>
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69 | <td><p class=tiny>copyright © 2010 Xiph.Org</p></td>
70 | <td align=right><p class=tiny><a href="https://xiph.org/vorbis/">Ogg Vorbis</a></p></td>
71 | </tr><tr>
72 | <td><p class=tiny>libvorbis documentation</p></td>
73 | <td align=right><p class=tiny>libvorbis version 1.3.2 - 20101101</p></td>
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