.TH LIBPNGPF 3 "January 7, 2025" .SH NAME libpng \- Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Reference Library 1.6.45 (private functions) .SH SYNOPSIS \fB#include \fI"pngpriv.h" \fBAs of libpng version \fP\fI1.5.1\fP\fB, this section is no longer \fP\fImaintained\fP\fB, now that the private function prototypes are hidden in \fP\fIpngpriv.h\fP\fB and not accessible to applications. Look in \fP\fIpngpriv.h\fP\fB for the prototypes and a short description of each function. .SH DESCRIPTION The functions previously listed here are used privately by libpng and are not available for use by applications. They are not "exported" to applications using shared libraries. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR "png"(5), " libpng"(3), " zlib"(3), " deflate"(5), " " and " zlib"(5) .SH AUTHORS Cosmin Truta, Glenn Randers-Pehrson