1 | // Copyright (c) 2014-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
2 | //
3 | // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
4 | // of this software and/or associated documentation files (the "Materials"),
5 | // to deal in the Materials without restriction, including without limitation
6 | // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
7 | // and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to permit persons to whom the
8 | // Materials are furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
9 | //
10 | // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
11 | // all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.
12 | //
15 | // HEADER INFORMATION ARE LOCATED AT https://www.khronos.org/registry/
16 | //
24 |
25 | #include <assert.h>
26 | #include <string.h>
27 | #include <algorithm>
28 | #include <cstdlib>
29 | #include <iostream>
30 | #include <unordered_map>
31 | #include <unordered_set>
32 | #include <utility>
33 | #include <fstream>
34 |
35 | #include "jsoncpp/dist/json/json.h"
36 |
37 | #include "jsonToSpirv.h"
38 |
39 | namespace {
40 | // Returns true if the given string is a valid SPIR-V version.
41 | bool validSpirvVersionString(const std::string s) {
42 | return
43 | s == "1.0" ||
44 | s == "1.1" ||
45 | s == "1.2" ||
46 | s == "1.3" ||
47 | s == "1.4" ||
48 | s == "1.5" ||
49 | s == "1.6";
50 | }
51 |
52 | // Returns true if the given string is a valid version
53 | // specifier in the grammar file.
54 | bool validSpirvVersionStringSpecifier(const std::string s) {
55 | return s == "None" || validSpirvVersionString(s);
56 | }
57 | } // anonymous namespace
58 |
59 | namespace spv {
60 |
61 | bool IsLegacyDoublyEnabledInstruction(const std::string& instruction) {
62 | static std::unordered_set<std::string> allowed = {
63 | "OpSubgroupBallotKHR",
64 | "OpSubgroupFirstInvocationKHR",
65 | "OpSubgroupAllKHR",
66 | "OpSubgroupAnyKHR",
67 | "OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR",
68 | "OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR",
69 | "OpTraceRayKHR",
70 | "OpExecuteCallableKHR",
71 | "OpConvertUToAccelerationStructureKHR",
72 | "OpIgnoreIntersectionKHR",
73 | "OpTerminateRayKHR",
74 | "OpTypeRayQueryKHR",
75 | "OpRayQueryInitializeKHR",
76 | "OpRayQueryTerminateKHR",
77 | "OpRayQueryGenerateIntersectionKHR",
78 | "OpRayQueryConfirmIntersectionKHR",
79 | "OpRayQueryProceedKHR",
80 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTypeKHR",
81 | "OpGroupIAddNonUniformAMD",
82 | "OpGroupFAddNonUniformAMD",
83 | "OpGroupFMinNonUniformAMD",
84 | "OpGroupUMinNonUniformAMD",
85 | "OpGroupSMinNonUniformAMD",
86 | "OpGroupFMaxNonUniformAMD",
87 | "OpGroupUMaxNonUniformAMD",
88 | "OpGroupSMaxNonUniformAMD",
89 | "OpFragmentMaskFetchAMD",
90 | "OpFragmentFetchAMD",
91 | "OpImageSampleFootprintNV",
92 | "OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV",
93 | "OpWritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV",
94 | "OpReportIntersectionNV",
95 | "OpReportIntersectionKHR",
96 | "OpIgnoreIntersectionNV",
97 | "OpTerminateRayNV",
98 | "OpTraceNV",
99 | "OpTraceMotionNV",
100 | "OpTraceRayMotionNV",
101 | "OpTypeAccelerationStructureNV",
102 | "OpTypeAccelerationStructureKHR",
103 | "OpExecuteCallableNV",
104 | "OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV",
105 | "OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV",
106 | "OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV",
107 | "OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV",
108 | "OpCooperativeMatrixLengthNV",
109 | "OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT",
110 | "OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT",
111 | "OpIsHelperInvocationEXT",
112 | "OpConstantFunctionPointerINTEL",
113 | "OpFunctionPointerCallINTEL",
114 | "OpAssumeTrueKHR",
115 | "OpExpectKHR",
116 | "OpLoopControlINTEL",
117 | "OpAliasDomainDeclINTEL",
118 | "OpAliasScopeDeclINTEL",
119 | "OpAliasScopeListDeclINTEL",
120 | "OpReadPipeBlockingINTEL",
121 | "OpWritePipeBlockingINTEL",
122 | "OpFPGARegINTEL",
123 | "OpRayQueryGetRayTMinKHR",
124 | "OpRayQueryGetRayFlagsKHR",
125 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTKHR",
126 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexKHR",
127 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdKHR",
128 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffsetKHR",
129 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexKHR",
130 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexKHR",
131 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsKHR",
132 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionFrontFaceKHR",
133 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionCandidateAABBOpaqueKHR",
134 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayDirectionKHR",
135 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayOriginKHR",
136 | "OpRayQueryGetWorldRayDirectionKHR",
137 | "OpRayQueryGetWorldRayOriginKHR",
138 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectToWorldKHR",
139 | "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionWorldToObjectKHR",
140 | "OpAtomicFAddEXT",
141 | };
142 | return allowed.count(instruction) != 0;
143 | }
144 |
145 | bool EnumValue::IsValid(OperandClass oc, const std::string& context) const
146 | {
147 | bool result = true;
148 | if (firstVersion.empty()) {
149 | std::cerr << "Error: " << context << " " << name << " \"version\" must be set, probably to \"None\"" << std::endl;
150 | result = false;
151 | } else if (!validSpirvVersionStringSpecifier(firstVersion)) {
152 | std::cerr << "Error: " << context << " " << name << " \"version\" is invalid: " << firstVersion << std::endl;
153 | result = false;
154 | }
155 | if (!lastVersion.empty() && !validSpirvVersionString(lastVersion)) {
156 | std::cerr << "Error: " << context << " " << name << " \"lastVersion\" is invalid: " << lastVersion << std::endl;
157 | result = false;
158 | }
159 |
160 | // When a feature is introduced by an extension, the firstVersion is set to
161 | // "None". There are three cases:
162 | // - A new capability should be guarded/enabled by the extension
163 | // - A new instruction should be:
164 | // - Guarded/enabled by a new capability.
165 | // - Not enabled by *both* a capability and an extension.
166 | // There are many existing instructions that are already like this,
167 | // and we grandparent them as allowed.
168 | // - Other enums fall into two cases:
169 | // 1. The enum is part of a new operand kind introduced by the extension.
170 | // In this case we rely on transitivity: The use of the operand occurs
171 | // in a new instruction that itself is guarded; or as the operand of
172 | // another operand that itself is (recursively) guarded.
173 | // 2. The enum is a new case in an existing operand kind. This case
174 | // should be guarded by a capability. However, we do not check this
175 | // here. Checking it requires more context than we have here.
176 | if (oc == OperandOpcode) {
177 | const bool instruction_unusable =
178 | (firstVersion == "None") && extensions.empty() && capabilities.empty();
179 | if (instruction_unusable) {
180 | std::cerr << "Error: " << context << " " << name << " is not usable: "
181 | << "its version is set to \"None\", and it is not enabled by a "
182 | << "capability or extension. Guard it with a capability."
183 | << std::endl;
184 | result = false;
185 | }
186 | // Complain if an instruction is not in any core version and also enabled by
187 | // both an extension and a capability.
188 | // It's important to check the "not in any core version" case, because,
189 | // for example, OpTerminateInvocation is in SPIR-V 1.6 *and* enabled by an
190 | // extension, and guarded by the Shader capability.
191 | const bool instruction_doubly_enabled = (firstVersion == "None") &&
192 | !extensions.empty() &&
193 | !capabilities.empty();
194 | if (instruction_doubly_enabled && !IsLegacyDoublyEnabledInstruction(name)) {
195 | std::cerr << "Error: " << context << " " << name << " is doubly-enabled: "
196 | << "it is enabled by both a capability and an extension. "
197 | << "Guard it with a capability only." << std::endl;
198 | result = false;
199 | }
200 | }
201 | if (oc == OperandCapability) {
202 | // If capability X lists capabilities Y and Z, then Y and Z are *enabled*
203 | // when X is enabled. They are not *guards* on X's use.
204 | // Only versions and extensions can guard a capability.
205 | const bool capability_unusable =
206 | (firstVersion == "None") && extensions.empty();
207 | if (capability_unusable) {
208 | std::cerr << "Error: " << context << " " << name << " is not usable: "
209 | << "its version is set to \"None\", and it is not enabled by "
210 | << "an extension. Guard it with an extension." << std::endl;
211 | result = false;
212 | }
213 | }
214 |
215 | return result;
216 | }
217 |
218 | // The set of objects that hold all the instruction/operand
219 | // parameterization information.
220 | InstructionValues InstructionDesc;
221 |
222 | // The ordered list (in printing order) of printing classes
223 | // (specification subsections).
224 | PrintingClasses InstructionPrintingClasses;
225 |
226 | // Note: There is no entry for OperandOpcode. Use InstructionDesc instead.
227 | EnumDefinition OperandClassParams[OperandOpcode];
228 | EnumValues SourceLanguageParams;
229 | EnumValues ExecutionModelParams;
230 | EnumValues AddressingParams;
231 | EnumValues MemoryParams;
232 | EnumValues ExecutionModeParams;
233 | EnumValues StorageParams;
234 | EnumValues SamplerAddressingModeParams;
235 | EnumValues SamplerFilterModeParams;
236 | EnumValues ImageFormatParams;
237 | EnumValues ImageChannelOrderParams;
238 | EnumValues ImageChannelDataTypeParams;
239 | EnumValues ImageOperandsParams;
240 | EnumValues FPFastMathParams;
241 | EnumValues FPRoundingModeParams;
242 | EnumValues FPDenormModeParams;
243 | EnumValues FPOperationModeParams;
244 | EnumValues QuantizationModesParams;
245 | EnumValues OverflowModesParams;
246 | EnumValues LinkageTypeParams;
247 | EnumValues DecorationParams;
248 | EnumValues BuiltInParams;
249 | EnumValues DimensionalityParams;
250 | EnumValues FuncParamAttrParams;
251 | EnumValues AccessQualifierParams;
252 | EnumValues GroupOperationParams;
253 | EnumValues LoopControlParams;
254 | EnumValues SelectionControlParams;
255 | EnumValues FunctionControlParams;
256 | EnumValues MemorySemanticsParams;
257 | EnumValues MemoryAccessParams;
258 | EnumValues ScopeParams;
259 | EnumValues KernelEnqueueFlagsParams;
260 | EnumValues KernelProfilingInfoParams;
261 | EnumValues CapabilityParams;
262 | EnumValues RayFlagsParams;
263 | EnumValues RayQueryIntersectionParams;
264 | EnumValues RayQueryCommittedIntersectionTypeParams;
265 | EnumValues RayQueryCandidateIntersectionTypeParams;
266 | EnumValues FragmentShadingRateParams;
267 | EnumValues PackedVectorFormatParams;
268 | EnumValues CooperativeMatrixOperandsParams;
269 | EnumValues CooperativeMatrixLayoutParams;
270 | EnumValues CooperativeMatrixUseParams;
271 | EnumValues InitializationModeQualifierParams;
272 | EnumValues HostAccessQualifierParams;
273 | EnumValues LoadCacheControlParams;
274 | EnumValues StoreCacheControlParams;
275 | EnumValues NamedMaximumNumberOfRegistersParams;
276 | EnumValues RawAccessChainOperandsParams;
277 |
278 | std::pair<bool, std::string> ReadFile(const std::string& path)
279 | {
280 | std::ifstream fstream(path, std::ios::in);
281 | if (fstream) {
282 | std::string contents;
283 | fstream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
284 | contents.reserve((unsigned int)fstream.tellg());
285 | fstream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
286 | contents.assign((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(fstream)),
287 | std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
288 | return std::make_pair(true, contents);
289 | }
290 | return std::make_pair(false, "");
291 | }
292 |
293 | struct ClassOptionality {
294 | OperandClass type;
295 | bool optional;
296 | };
297 |
298 | // Converts the |operandKind| and |quantifier| pair used to describe operands
299 | // in the JSON grammar to OperandClass and optionality used in this repo.
300 | ClassOptionality ToOperandClassAndOptionality(const std::string& operandKind, const std::string& quantifier)
301 | {
302 | assert(quantifier.empty() || quantifier == "?" || quantifier == "*");
303 |
304 | if (operandKind == "IdRef") {
305 | if (quantifier.empty())
306 | return {OperandId, false};
307 | else if (quantifier == "?")
308 | return {OperandId, true};
309 | else
310 | return {OperandVariableIds, false};
311 | } else if (operandKind == "LiteralInteger") {
312 | if (quantifier.empty())
313 | return {OperandLiteralNumber, false};
314 | if (quantifier == "?")
315 | return {OperandOptionalLiteral, true};
316 | else
317 | return {OperandVariableLiterals, false};
318 | } else if (operandKind == "LiteralString") {
319 | if (quantifier.empty())
320 | return {OperandLiteralString, false};
321 | else if (quantifier == "?")
322 | return {OperandLiteralString, true};
323 | else {
324 | return {OperandOptionalLiteralStrings, false};
325 | }
326 | } else if (operandKind == "PairLiteralIntegerIdRef") {
327 | // Used by OpSwitch in the grammar
328 | return {OperandVariableLiteralId, false};
329 | } else if (operandKind == "PairIdRefLiteralInteger") {
330 | // Used by OpGroupMemberDecorate in the grammar
331 | return {OperandVariableIdLiteral, false};
332 | } else if (operandKind == "PairIdRefIdRef") {
333 | // Used by OpPhi in the grammar
334 | return {OperandVariableIds, false};
335 | } else {
336 | OperandClass type = OperandNone;
337 | if (operandKind == "IdMemorySemantics" || operandKind == "MemorySemantics") {
338 | type = OperandMemorySemantics;
339 | } else if (operandKind == "IdScope" || operandKind == "Scope") {
340 | type = OperandScope;
341 | } else if (operandKind == "LiteralExtInstInteger") {
342 | type = OperandLiteralNumber;
343 | } else if (operandKind == "LiteralSpecConstantOpInteger") {
344 | type = OperandLiteralNumber;
345 | } else if (operandKind == "LiteralContextDependentNumber") {
346 | type = OperandAnySizeLiteralNumber;
347 | } else if (operandKind == "LiteralFloat") {
348 | type = OperandLiteralNumber;
349 | } else if (operandKind == "SourceLanguage") {
350 | type = OperandSource;
351 | } else if (operandKind == "ExecutionModel") {
352 | type = OperandExecutionModel;
353 | } else if (operandKind == "AddressingModel") {
354 | type = OperandAddressing;
355 | } else if (operandKind == "MemoryModel") {
356 | type = OperandMemory;
357 | } else if (operandKind == "ExecutionMode") {
358 | type = OperandExecutionMode;
359 | } else if (operandKind == "StorageClass") {
360 | type = OperandStorage;
361 | } else if (operandKind == "Dim") {
362 | type = OperandDimensionality;
363 | } else if (operandKind == "SamplerAddressingMode") {
364 | type = OperandSamplerAddressingMode;
365 | } else if (operandKind == "SamplerFilterMode") {
366 | type = OperandSamplerFilterMode;
367 | } else if (operandKind == "ImageFormat") {
368 | type = OperandSamplerImageFormat;
369 | } else if (operandKind == "ImageChannelOrder") {
370 | type = OperandImageChannelOrder;
371 | } else if (operandKind == "ImageChannelDataType") {
372 | type = OperandImageChannelDataType;
373 | } else if (operandKind == "FPRoundingMode") {
374 | type = OperandFPRoundingMode;
375 | } else if (operandKind == "FPDenormMode") {
376 | type = OperandFPDenormMode;
377 | } else if (operandKind == "FPOperationMode") {
378 | type = OperandFPOperationMode;
379 | } else if (operandKind == "QuantizationModes") {
380 | type = OperandQuantizationModes;
381 | } else if (operandKind == "OverflowModes") {
382 | type = OperandOverflowModes;
383 | } else if (operandKind == "LinkageType") {
384 | type = OperandLinkageType;
385 | } else if (operandKind == "AccessQualifier") {
386 | type = OperandAccessQualifier;
387 | } else if (operandKind == "FunctionParameterAttribute") {
388 | type = OperandFuncParamAttr;
389 | } else if (operandKind == "Decoration") {
390 | type = OperandDecoration;
391 | } else if (operandKind == "BuiltIn") {
392 | type = OperandBuiltIn;
393 | } else if (operandKind == "GroupOperation") {
394 | type = OperandGroupOperation;
395 | } else if (operandKind == "KernelEnqueueFlags") {
396 | type = OperandKernelEnqueueFlags;
397 | } else if (operandKind == "KernelProfilingInfo") {
398 | type = OperandKernelProfilingInfo;
399 | } else if (operandKind == "Capability") {
400 | type = OperandCapability;
401 | } else if (operandKind == "ImageOperands") {
402 | type = OperandImageOperands;
403 | } else if (operandKind == "FPFastMathMode") {
404 | type = OperandFPFastMath;
405 | } else if (operandKind == "SelectionControl") {
406 | type = OperandSelect;
407 | } else if (operandKind == "LoopControl") {
408 | type = OperandLoop;
409 | } else if (operandKind == "FunctionControl") {
410 | type = OperandFunction;
411 | } else if (operandKind == "MemoryAccess") {
412 | type = OperandMemoryOperands;
413 | } else if (operandKind == "RayFlags") {
414 | type = OperandRayFlags;
415 | } else if (operandKind == "RayQueryIntersection") {
416 | type = OperandRayQueryIntersection;
417 | } else if (operandKind == "RayQueryCommittedIntersectionType") {
418 | type = OperandRayQueryCommittedIntersectionType;
419 | } else if (operandKind == "RayQueryCandidateIntersectionType") {
420 | type = OperandRayQueryCandidateIntersectionType;
421 | } else if (operandKind == "FragmentShadingRate") {
422 | type = OperandFragmentShadingRate;
423 | } else if (operandKind == "PackedVectorFormat") {
424 | type = OperandPackedVectorFormat;
425 | } else if (operandKind == "CooperativeMatrixOperands") {
426 | type = OperandCooperativeMatrixOperands;
427 | } else if (operandKind == "CooperativeMatrixLayout") {
428 | type = OperandCooperativeMatrixLayout;
429 | } else if (operandKind == "CooperativeMatrixUse") {
430 | type = OperandCooperativeMatrixUse;
431 | } else if (operandKind == "InitializationModeQualifier") {
432 | type = OperandInitializationModeQualifier;
433 | } else if (operandKind == "HostAccessQualifier") {
434 | type = OperandHostAccessQualifier;
435 | } else if (operandKind == "LoadCacheControl") {
436 | type = OperandLoadCacheControl;
437 | } else if (operandKind == "StoreCacheControl") {
438 | type = OperandStoreCacheControl;
439 | } else if (operandKind == "NamedMaximumNumberOfRegisters") {
440 | type = OperandNamedMaximumNumberOfRegisters;
441 | } else if (operandKind == "RawAccessChainOperands") {
442 | type = OperandRawAccessChainOperands;
443 | }
444 |
445 | if (type == OperandNone) {
446 | std::cerr << "Unhandled operand kind found: " << operandKind << std::endl;
447 | exit(1);
448 | }
449 | return {type, !quantifier.empty()};
450 | }
451 | }
452 |
453 | bool IsTypeOrResultId(const std::string& str, bool* isType, bool* isResult)
454 | {
455 | if (str == "IdResultType")
456 | return *isType = true;
457 | if (str == "IdResult")
458 | return *isResult = true;
459 | return false;
460 | }
461 |
462 | // Given a number string, returns the position of the only bits set in the number.
463 | // So it requires the number is a power of two.
464 | unsigned int NumberStringToBit(const std::string& str)
465 | {
466 | char* parseEnd;
467 | unsigned int value = (unsigned int)std::strtol(str.c_str(), &parseEnd, 16);
468 | assert(!(value & (value - 1)) && "input number is not a power of 2");
469 | unsigned int bit = 0;
470 | for (; value; value >>= 1) ++bit;
471 | return bit;
472 | }
473 |
474 | void jsonToSpirv(const std::string& jsonPath, bool buildingHeaders)
475 | {
476 | // only do this once.
477 | static bool initialized = false;
478 | if (initialized)
479 | return;
480 | initialized = true;
481 |
482 | size_t errorCount = 0;
483 |
484 | // Read the JSON grammar file.
485 | bool fileReadOk = false;
486 | std::string content;
487 | std::tie(fileReadOk, content) = ReadFile(jsonPath);
488 | if (!fileReadOk) {
489 | std::cerr << "Failed to read JSON grammar file: "
490 | << jsonPath << std::endl;
491 | exit(1);
492 | }
493 |
494 | // Decode the JSON grammar file.
495 | Json::Reader reader;
496 | Json::Value root;
497 | if (!reader.parse(content, root)) {
498 | std::cerr << "Failed to parse JSON grammar:\n"
499 | << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages();
500 | exit(1);
501 | }
502 |
503 | // Layouts for all instructions.
504 |
505 | // A lambda for returning capabilities from a JSON object as strings.
506 | const auto getCaps = [](const Json::Value& object) {
507 | EnumCaps result;
508 | const auto& caps = object["capabilities"];
509 | if (!caps.empty()) {
510 | assert(caps.isArray());
511 | for (const auto& cap : caps) {
512 | result.emplace_back(cap.asString());
513 | }
514 | }
515 | return result;
516 | };
517 |
518 | // A lambda for returning extensions from a JSON object as strings.
519 | const auto getExts = [](const Json::Value& object) {
520 | Extensions result;
521 | const auto& exts = object["extensions"];
522 | if (!exts.empty()) {
523 | assert(exts.isArray());
524 | for (const auto& ext : exts) {
525 | result.emplace_back(ext.asString());
526 | }
527 | }
528 | return result;
529 | };
530 |
531 | // set up the printing classes
532 | std::unordered_set<std::string> tags; // short-lived local for error checking below
533 | const Json::Value printingClasses = root["instruction_printing_class"];
534 | for (const auto& printingClass : printingClasses) {
535 | if (printingClass["tag"].asString().size() > 0)
536 | tags.insert(printingClass["tag"].asString()); // just for error checking
537 | else {
538 | std::cerr << "Error: each instruction_printing_class requires a non-empty \"tag\"" << std::endl;
539 | std::exit(1);
540 | }
541 | if (buildingHeaders || printingClass["tag"].asString() != "@exclude") {
542 | InstructionPrintingClasses.push_back({printingClass["tag"].asString(),
543 | printingClass["heading"].asString()});
544 | }
545 | }
546 |
547 | // process the instructions
548 | const Json::Value insts = root["instructions"];
549 | unsigned maxOpcode = 0;
550 | bool firstOpcode = true;
551 | for (const auto& inst : insts) {
552 | const auto printingClass = inst["class"].asString();
553 | if (printingClass.size() == 0) {
554 | std::cerr << "Error: " << inst["opname"].asString()
555 | << " requires a non-empty printing \"class\" tag" << std::endl;
556 | std::exit(1);
557 | }
558 | if (!buildingHeaders && printingClass == "@exclude")
559 | continue;
560 | if (tags.find(printingClass) == tags.end()) {
561 | std::cerr << "Error: " << inst["opname"].asString()
562 | << " requires a \"class\" declared as a \"tag\" in \"instruction printing_class\""
563 | << std::endl;
564 | std::exit(1);
565 | }
566 | const auto opcode = inst["opcode"].asUInt();
567 | const std::string name = inst["opname"].asString();
568 | if (firstOpcode) {
569 | maxOpcode = opcode;
570 | firstOpcode = false;
571 | } else {
572 | if (maxOpcode > opcode) {
573 | std::cerr << "Error: " << name
574 | << " is out of order. It follows the instruction with opcode " << maxOpcode
575 | << std::endl;
576 | std::exit(1);
577 | } else {
578 | maxOpcode = opcode;
579 | }
580 | }
581 | EnumCaps caps = getCaps(inst);
582 | std::string version = inst["version"].asString();
583 | std::string lastVersion = inst["lastVersion"].asString();
584 | Extensions exts = getExts(inst);
585 | OperandParameters operands;
586 | bool defResultId = false;
587 | bool defTypeId = false;
588 | for (const auto& operand : inst["operands"]) {
589 | const std::string kind = operand["kind"].asString();
590 | const std::string quantifier = operand.get("quantifier", "").asString();
591 | const std::string doc = operand.get("name", "").asString();
592 | if (!IsTypeOrResultId(kind, &defTypeId, &defResultId)) {
593 | const auto p = ToOperandClassAndOptionality(kind, quantifier);
594 | operands.push(p.type, doc, p.optional);
595 | }
596 | }
597 | InstructionDesc.emplace_back(
598 | std::move(EnumValue(opcode, name,
599 | std::move(caps), std::move(version), std::move(lastVersion), std::move(exts),
600 | std::move(operands))),
601 | printingClass, defTypeId, defResultId);
602 | if (!InstructionDesc.back().IsValid(OperandOpcode, "instruction")) {
603 | errorCount++;
604 | }
605 | }
606 |
607 | // Specific additional context-dependent operands
608 |
609 | // Populate dest with EnumValue objects constructed from source.
610 | const auto populateEnumValues = [&getCaps,&getExts,&errorCount](EnumValues* dest, const Json::Value& source, bool bitEnum) {
611 | // A lambda for determining the numeric value to be used for a given
612 | // enumerant in JSON form, and whether that value is a 0 in a bitfield.
613 | auto getValue = [&bitEnum](const Json::Value& enumerant) {
614 | std::pair<unsigned, bool> result{0u,false};
615 | if (!bitEnum) {
616 | result.first = enumerant["value"].asUInt();
617 | } else {
618 | const unsigned int bit = NumberStringToBit(enumerant["value"].asString());
619 | if (bit == 0)
620 | result.second = true;
621 | else
622 | result.first = bit - 1; // This is the *shift* amount.
623 | }
624 | return result;
625 | };
626 |
627 | unsigned maxValue = 0;
628 | bool firstValue = true;
629 | for (const auto& enumerant : source["enumerants"]) {
630 | unsigned value;
631 | bool skip_zero_in_bitfield;
632 | std::tie(value, skip_zero_in_bitfield) = getValue(enumerant);
633 | if (skip_zero_in_bitfield)
634 | continue;
635 | if (firstValue) {
636 | maxValue = value;
637 | firstValue = false;
638 | } else {
639 | if (maxValue > value) {
640 | std::cerr << "Error: " << source["kind"] << " enumerant " << enumerant["enumerant"]
641 | << " is out of order. It has value " << value
642 | << " but follows the enumerant with value " << maxValue << std::endl;
643 | std::exit(1);
644 | } else {
645 | maxValue = value;
646 | }
647 | }
648 | EnumCaps caps(getCaps(enumerant));
649 | std::string version = enumerant["version"].asString();
650 | std::string lastVersion = enumerant["lastVersion"].asString();
651 | Extensions exts(getExts(enumerant));
652 | OperandParameters params;
653 | const Json::Value& paramsJson = enumerant["parameters"];
654 | if (!paramsJson.empty()) { // This enumerant has parameters.
655 | assert(paramsJson.isArray());
656 | for (const auto& param : paramsJson) {
657 | const std::string kind = param["kind"].asString();
658 | const std::string doc = param.get("name", "").asString();
659 | const auto p = ToOperandClassAndOptionality(kind, ""); // All parameters are required!
660 | params.push(p.type, doc);
661 | }
662 | }
663 | dest->emplace_back(
664 | value, enumerant["enumerant"].asString(),
665 | std::move(caps), std::move(version), std::move(lastVersion), std::move(exts), std::move(params));
666 | }
667 | };
668 |
669 | const auto establishOperandClass = [&populateEnumValues,&errorCount](
670 | const std::string& enumName, spv::OperandClass operandClass,
671 | spv::EnumValues* enumValues, const Json::Value& operandEnum, const std::string& category) {
672 | assert(category == "BitEnum" || category == "ValueEnum");
673 | bool bitEnum = (category == "BitEnum");
674 | if (!operandEnum["version"].empty()) {
675 | std::cerr << "Error: container for " << enumName << " operand_kind must not have a version field" << std::endl;
676 | errorCount++;
677 | }
678 | populateEnumValues(enumValues, operandEnum, bitEnum);
679 | const std::string errContext = "enum " + enumName;
680 | for (const auto& e: *enumValues) {
681 | if (!e.IsValid(operandClass, errContext)) {
682 | errorCount++;
683 | }
684 | }
685 | OperandClassParams[operandClass].set(enumName, enumValues, bitEnum);
686 | };
687 |
688 | const Json::Value operandEnums = root["operand_kinds"];
689 | for (const auto& operandEnum : operandEnums) {
690 | const std::string enumName = operandEnum["kind"].asString();
691 | const std::string category = operandEnum["category"].asString();
692 | if (enumName == "SourceLanguage") {
693 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandSource, &SourceLanguageParams, operandEnum, category);
694 | } else if (enumName == "Decoration") {
695 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandDecoration, &DecorationParams, operandEnum, category);
696 | } else if (enumName == "ExecutionMode") {
697 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandExecutionMode, &ExecutionModeParams, operandEnum, category);
698 | } else if (enumName == "Capability") {
699 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandCapability, &CapabilityParams, operandEnum, category);
700 | } else if (enumName == "AddressingModel") {
701 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandAddressing, &AddressingParams, operandEnum, category);
702 | } else if (enumName == "MemoryModel") {
703 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandMemory, &MemoryParams, operandEnum, category);
704 | } else if (enumName == "MemorySemantics") {
705 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandMemorySemantics, &MemorySemanticsParams, operandEnum, category);
706 | } else if (enumName == "ExecutionModel") {
707 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandExecutionModel, &ExecutionModelParams, operandEnum, category);
708 | } else if (enumName == "StorageClass") {
709 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandStorage, &StorageParams, operandEnum, category);
710 | } else if (enumName == "SamplerAddressingMode") {
711 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandSamplerAddressingMode, &SamplerAddressingModeParams, operandEnum, category);
712 | } else if (enumName == "SamplerFilterMode") {
713 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandSamplerFilterMode, &SamplerFilterModeParams, operandEnum, category);
714 | } else if (enumName == "ImageFormat") {
715 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandSamplerImageFormat, &ImageFormatParams, operandEnum, category);
716 | } else if (enumName == "ImageChannelOrder") {
717 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandImageChannelOrder, &ImageChannelOrderParams, operandEnum, category);
718 | } else if (enumName == "ImageChannelDataType") {
719 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandImageChannelDataType, &ImageChannelDataTypeParams, operandEnum, category);
720 | } else if (enumName == "ImageOperands") {
721 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandImageOperands, &ImageOperandsParams, operandEnum, category);
722 | } else if (enumName == "FPFastMathMode") {
723 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandFPFastMath, &FPFastMathParams, operandEnum, category);
724 | } else if (enumName == "FPRoundingMode") {
725 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandFPRoundingMode, &FPRoundingModeParams, operandEnum, category);
726 | } else if (enumName == "FPDenormMode") {
727 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandFPDenormMode, &FPDenormModeParams, operandEnum, category);
728 | } else if (enumName == "FPOperationMode") {
729 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandFPOperationMode, &FPOperationModeParams, operandEnum, category);
730 | } else if (enumName == "QuantizationModes") {
731 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandQuantizationModes, &QuantizationModesParams, operandEnum, category);
732 | } else if (enumName == "OverflowModes") {
733 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandOverflowModes, &OverflowModesParams, operandEnum, category);
734 | } else if (enumName == "LinkageType") {
735 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandLinkageType, &LinkageTypeParams, operandEnum, category);
736 | } else if (enumName == "FunctionParameterAttribute") {
737 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandFuncParamAttr, &FuncParamAttrParams, operandEnum, category);
738 | } else if (enumName == "AccessQualifier") {
739 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandAccessQualifier, &AccessQualifierParams, operandEnum, category);
740 | } else if (enumName == "BuiltIn") {
741 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandBuiltIn, &BuiltInParams, operandEnum, category);
742 | } else if (enumName == "SelectionControl") {
743 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandSelect, &SelectionControlParams, operandEnum, category);
744 | } else if (enumName == "LoopControl") {
745 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandLoop, &LoopControlParams, operandEnum, category);
746 | } else if (enumName == "FunctionControl") {
747 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandFunction, &FunctionControlParams, operandEnum, category);
748 | } else if (enumName == "Dim") {
749 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandDimensionality, &DimensionalityParams, operandEnum, category);
750 | } else if (enumName == "MemoryAccess") {
751 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandMemoryOperands, &MemoryAccessParams, operandEnum, category);
752 | } else if (enumName == "Scope") {
753 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandScope, &ScopeParams, operandEnum, category);
754 | } else if (enumName == "GroupOperation") {
755 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandGroupOperation, &GroupOperationParams, operandEnum, category);
756 | } else if (enumName == "KernelEnqueueFlags") {
757 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandKernelEnqueueFlags, &KernelEnqueueFlagsParams, operandEnum, category);
758 | } else if (enumName == "KernelProfilingInfo") {
759 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandKernelProfilingInfo, &KernelProfilingInfoParams, operandEnum, category);
760 | } else if (enumName == "RayFlags") {
761 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandRayFlags, &RayFlagsParams, operandEnum, category);
762 | } else if (enumName == "RayQueryIntersection") {
763 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandRayQueryIntersection, &RayQueryIntersectionParams, operandEnum, category);
764 | } else if (enumName == "RayQueryCommittedIntersectionType") {
765 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandRayQueryCommittedIntersectionType, &RayQueryCommittedIntersectionTypeParams, operandEnum, category);
766 | } else if (enumName == "RayQueryCandidateIntersectionType") {
767 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandRayQueryCandidateIntersectionType, &RayQueryCandidateIntersectionTypeParams, operandEnum, category);
768 | } else if (enumName == "FragmentShadingRate") {
769 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandFragmentShadingRate, &FragmentShadingRateParams, operandEnum, category);
770 | } else if (enumName == "PackedVectorFormat") {
771 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandPackedVectorFormat, &PackedVectorFormatParams, operandEnum, category);
772 | } else if (enumName == "CooperativeMatrixOperands") {
773 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandCooperativeMatrixOperands, &CooperativeMatrixOperandsParams, operandEnum, category);
774 | } else if (enumName == "CooperativeMatrixLayout") {
775 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandCooperativeMatrixLayout, &CooperativeMatrixLayoutParams, operandEnum, category);
776 | } else if (enumName == "CooperativeMatrixUse") {
777 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandCooperativeMatrixUse, &CooperativeMatrixUseParams, operandEnum, category);
778 | } else if (enumName == "InitializationModeQualifier") {
779 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandInitializationModeQualifier, &InitializationModeQualifierParams, operandEnum, category);
780 | } else if (enumName == "HostAccessQualifier") {
781 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandHostAccessQualifier, &HostAccessQualifierParams, operandEnum, category);
782 | } else if (enumName == "LoadCacheControl") {
783 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandLoadCacheControl, &LoadCacheControlParams, operandEnum, category);
784 | } else if (enumName == "StoreCacheControl") {
785 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandStoreCacheControl, &StoreCacheControlParams, operandEnum, category);
786 | } else if (enumName == "NamedMaximumNumberOfRegisters") {
787 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandNamedMaximumNumberOfRegisters, &NamedMaximumNumberOfRegistersParams, operandEnum, category);
788 | } else if (enumName == "RawAccessChainOperands") {
789 | establishOperandClass(enumName, OperandRawAccessChainOperands, &RawAccessChainOperandsParams, operandEnum, category);
790 | }
791 | }
792 |
793 | if (errorCount > 0) {
794 | std::exit(1);
795 | }
796 | }
797 |
798 | }; // end namespace spv