1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
3 | <!-- HEADER -->
4 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
5 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
6 | <!-- MODULE: DITA Glossgroup XSD module -->
7 | <!-- VERSION: 1.2 -->
8 | <!-- DATE: November 2009 -->
9 | <!-- -->
10 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
11 |
12 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
13 | <!-- SYSTEM: Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) -->
14 | <!-- -->
15 | <!-- PURPOSE: W3C XML Schema to describe the glossgroup module -->
16 | <!-- -->
18 | <!-- September 2009 -->
19 | <!-- -->
20 | <!-- (C) Copyright OASIS-Open.org 2009 -->
21 | <!-- All Rights Reserved. -->
22 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
23 | <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">
24 |
25 | <xs:import namespace="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/" schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:ditaarch.xsd:1.2"/>
26 |
27 | <xs:annotation>
28 | <xs:appinfo>
29 | <dita:domainsModule xmlns:dita="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">(topic concept glossgroup)</dita:domainsModule>
30 | </xs:appinfo>
31 | <xs:documentation>
32 |
33 | </xs:documentation>
34 | </xs:annotation>
35 |
36 | <xs:element name="glossgroup">
37 | <xs:complexType>
38 | <xs:complexContent>
39 | <xs:extension base="glossgroup.class">
40 | <xs:attribute name="class" default="- topic/topic concept/concept glossgroup/glossgroup "/>
41 | </xs:extension>
42 | </xs:complexContent>
43 | </xs:complexType>
44 | </xs:element>
45 |
46 | <xs:complexType name="glossgroup.class">
47 | <xs:sequence>
48 | <xs:group ref="glossgroup.content"/>
49 | </xs:sequence>
50 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="glossgroup.attributes"/>
51 | </xs:complexType>
52 |
53 | <xs:group name="glossgroup.content">
54 | <xs:sequence>
55 | <xs:sequence>
56 | <xs:group ref="title"/>
57 | <xs:group ref="prolog" minOccurs="0"/>
58 | <xs:group ref="glossgroup-info-types" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
59 | </xs:sequence>
60 | </xs:sequence>
61 | </xs:group>
62 |
63 | <xs:attributeGroup name="glossgroup.attributes">
64 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
65 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="conref-atts" />
66 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="select-atts"/>
67 | <xs:attribute ref="ditaarch:DITAArchVersion" />
68 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="domains-att"/>
69 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
70 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="localization-atts"/>
71 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
72 | </xs:attributeGroup>
73 |
74 | <xs:group name="glossgroup-info-types">
75 | <xs:choice>
76 | <xs:group ref="glossgroup" />
77 | <xs:group ref="glossentry" />
78 | <xs:group ref="info-types"/>
79 | </xs:choice>
80 | </xs:group>
81 |
82 | </xs:schema>