1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2 | <!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
3 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
4 | applicable licenses.-->
5 | <!-- (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2006 All Rights Reserved. -->
6 | <!-- revise @PLACEHOLDER@ names and values-->
7 |
8 | <!--
9 | | basedir can be specified to other places base on your need.
10 | |
11 | | Note: input, output, and temp directories will base on the basedir if
12 | | they are relative paths.
13 | * -->
14 |
15 | <project name="@PROJECT.NAME@_odt" default="@DELIVERABLE.NAME@2odt" basedir=".">
16 |
17 | <!-- dita.dir should point to the toolkit's root directory -->
18 | <property name="dita.dir" location="${basedir}${file.separator}..${file.separator}.."/>
19 |
20 | <target name="@DELIVERABLE.NAME@2odt">
21 | <ant antfile="${dita.dir}${file.separator}build.xml">
22 | <!-- please refer to the toolkit's document for supported parameters, and
23 | specify them base on your needs -->
24 | <property name="args.input" location="@DITA.INPUT@"/>
25 | <property name="output.dir" location="@OUTPUT.DIR@"/>
26 | <property name="transtype" value="odt"/>
27 | </ant>
28 | </target>
29 | </project>