1 | <!--
2 | | (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2005. All Rights Reserved.
3 | |
4 | | The Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) was orginated by
5 | | IBM's XML Workgroup and ID Workbench tools team.
6 | |
7 | | Refer to this file by the following public identfier or an appropriate
8 | | system identifier:
9 | |
10 | | PUBLIC "-//IBM//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
11 | |
12 | | Release history (vrm):
13 | | 1.0.0 Initial release on developerWorks, March 2001 (dita00.zip)
14 | | 1.0.1 fix 1 on developerWorks, October 2001 (dita01.zip)
15 | | 1.0.2 consolidated redesign December 2001
16 | | 1.0.3 fix 1, dtd freeze for UCD-1 January 2002
17 | | 1.1.0 Release 1 March 2002 (dita10.zip)
18 | | 1.1.1 Release 1.1 December 2002
19 | | 1.1.2 Release 1.2 June 2003
20 | | 1.1.3 Release 1.3 March 2004: bug fixes and map updates
21 | *-->
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 | <!--vocabulary declarations-->
26 | <!ENTITY % ui-d-dec PUBLIC "-//IBM//ENTITIES DITA User Interface Domain//EN" "ui-domain.ent">
27 | %ui-d-dec;
28 | <!ENTITY % hi-d-dec PUBLIC "-//IBM//ENTITIES DITA Highlight Domain//EN" "highlight-domain.ent">
29 | %hi-d-dec;
30 | <!ENTITY % pr-d-dec PUBLIC "-//IBM//ENTITIES DITA Programming Domain//EN" "programming-domain.ent">
31 | %pr-d-dec;
32 | <!ENTITY % sw-d-dec PUBLIC "-//IBM//ENTITIES DITA Software Domain//EN" "software-domain.ent">
33 | %sw-d-dec;
34 | <!ENTITY % ut-d-dec PUBLIC "-//IBM//ENTITIES DITA Utilities Domain//EN" "utilities-domain.ent">
35 | %ut-d-dec;
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 | <!--vocabulary substitution (one for each extended base element,
40 | with the name of the domain(s) in which the extension was declared)-->
41 | <!ENTITY % pre "pre | %pr-d-pre; | %sw-d-pre; | %ui-d-pre;">
42 | <!ENTITY % keyword "keyword | %pr-d-keyword; | %sw-d-keyword; | %ui-d-keyword;">
43 | <!ENTITY % ph "ph | %pr-d-ph; | %sw-d-ph; | %hi-d-ph; | %ui-d-ph;">
44 | <!ENTITY % fig "fig | %pr-d-fig; | %ut-d-fig;">
45 | <!ENTITY % dl "dl | %pr-d-dl;">
46 |
47 |
48 | <!--Redefine the infotype entity to exclude other topic types and disallow nesting-->
49 | <!ENTITY % concept-info-types "concept">
50 |
51 | <!--vocabulary attributes (must be declared ahead of the dtds, which puts @domains first in order) -->
52 | <!ENTITY included-domains "&ui-d-att; &hi-d-att; &pr-d-att; &sw-d-att; &ut-d-att;">
53 |
54 | <!--Embed topic to get generic elements -->
55 | <!ENTITY % topic-type PUBLIC "-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA Topic//EN" "topic.mod">
56 | %topic-type;
57 |
58 | <!--Embed concept to get specific elements -->
59 | <!ENTITY % concept-typemod PUBLIC "-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA Concept//EN" "concept.mod">
60 | %concept-typemod;
61 |
62 |
63 | <!--vocabulary definitions-->
64 | <!ENTITY % ui-d-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA User Interface Domain//EN" "ui-domain.mod">
65 | %ui-d-def;
66 | <!ENTITY % hi-d-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA Highlight Domain//EN" "highlight-domain.mod">
67 | %hi-d-def;
68 | <!ENTITY % pr-d-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA Programming Domain//EN" "programming-domain.mod">
69 | %pr-d-def;
70 | <!ENTITY % sw-d-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA Software Domain//EN" "software-domain.mod">
71 | %sw-d-def;
72 | <!ENTITY % ut-d-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA Utilities Domain//EN" "utilities-domain.mod">
73 | %ut-d-def;
74 |