1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
3 | <!-- HEADER -->
4 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
5 | <!-- MODULE: DITA Software Domain -->
6 | <!-- VERSION: 1.1 -->
7 | <!-- DATE: November 2006 -->
8 | <!-- -->
9 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
10 |
11 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
12 | <!-- SYSTEM: Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) -->
13 | <!-- -->
14 | <!-- PURPOSE: Define elements and specialization attributes -->
15 | <!-- for Software Domain -->
16 | <!-- -->
18 | <!-- March 2001 -->
19 | <!-- -->
20 | <!-- (C) Copyright OASIS-Open.org 2005, 2006 -->
21 | <!-- (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2004. -->
22 | <!-- All Rights Reserved. -->
23 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
24 | <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
25 |
26 | <!-- 20021227 EAS: Use xml:space (preserve) for pre derivs: codeblock, msgblock, screen -->
27 | <xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:xml.xsd:1.1"/>
28 |
29 | <xs:group name="sw-d-ph">
30 | <xs:choice>
31 | <xs:element ref="msgph" />
32 | <xs:element ref="filepath" />
33 | <xs:element ref="userinput" />
34 | <xs:element ref="systemoutput" />
35 | </xs:choice>
36 | </xs:group>
37 |
38 | <xs:group name="sw-d-keyword">
39 | <xs:choice>
40 | <xs:element ref="msgnum" />
41 | <xs:element ref="varname" />
42 | <xs:element ref="cmdname" />
43 | </xs:choice>
44 | </xs:group>
45 |
46 | <xs:group name="sw-d-pre">
47 | <xs:choice>
48 | <xs:element ref="msgblock" />
49 | </xs:choice>
50 | </xs:group>
51 |
52 |
53 | <xs:group name="msgblock">
54 | <xs:choice>
55 | <xs:element ref="msgblock"/>
56 | </xs:choice>
57 | </xs:group>
58 |
59 | <xs:group name="msgnum">
60 | <xs:choice>
61 | <xs:element ref="msgnum"/>
62 | </xs:choice>
63 | </xs:group>
64 |
65 | <xs:group name="varname">
66 | <xs:choice>
67 | <xs:element ref="varname"/>
68 | </xs:choice>
69 | </xs:group>
70 |
71 | <xs:group name="msgph">
72 | <xs:choice>
73 | <xs:element ref="msgph"/>
74 | </xs:choice>
75 | </xs:group>
76 |
77 | <xs:group name="filepath">
78 | <xs:choice>
79 | <xs:element ref="filepath"/>
80 | </xs:choice>
81 | </xs:group>
82 |
83 | <xs:group name="userinput">
84 | <xs:choice>
85 | <xs:element ref="userinput"/>
86 | </xs:choice>
87 | </xs:group>
88 |
89 | <xs:group name="systemoutput">
90 | <xs:choice>
91 | <xs:element ref="systemoutput"/>
92 | </xs:choice>
93 | </xs:group>
94 |
95 | <xs:group name="cmdname">
96 | <xs:choice>
97 | <xs:element ref="cmdname"/>
98 | </xs:choice>
99 | </xs:group>
100 |
101 | <xs:element name="msgph">
102 | <xs:annotation>
103 | <xs:documentation>
104 | The message phrase (<msgph>) element contains the text content
105 | of a message produced by an application or program. It can also contain the
106 | variable name (varname) element to illustrate where variable text content
107 | can occur in the message. This element is part of the DITA software domain,
108 | a special set of DITA elements designed to document software tasks, concepts
109 | and reference information.
110 | </xs:documentation>
111 | </xs:annotation>
112 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
113 | <xs:complexContent>
114 | <xs:extension base="msgph.class">
115 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="+ topic/ph sw-d/msgph "/>
116 | </xs:extension>
117 | </xs:complexContent>
118 | </xs:complexType>
119 | </xs:element>
120 |
121 |
122 | <xs:complexType name="msgph.class" mixed="true">
123 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
124 | <xs:group ref="words.cnt"/>
125 | </xs:choice>
126 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
127 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
128 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
129 | </xs:complexType>
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 | <xs:element name="msgnum">
136 | <xs:annotation>
137 | <xs:documentation>
138 | The message number (<<keyword>msgnum</keyword>>) element contains the number
139 | of a message produced by an application or program. This element is part of
140 | the DITA software domain, a special set of DITA elements designed to document
141 | software tasks, concepts and reference information.
142 | </xs:documentation>
143 | </xs:annotation>
144 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
145 | <xs:complexContent>
146 | <xs:extension base="msgnum.class">
147 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="+ topic/keyword sw-d/msgnum "/>
148 | </xs:extension>
149 | </xs:complexContent>
150 | </xs:complexType>
151 | </xs:element>
152 | <xs:complexType name="msgnum.class" mixed="true">
153 | <xs:attribute name="keyref" type="xs:string"/>
154 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
155 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
156 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
157 | </xs:complexType>
158 |
159 | <xs:element name="varname">
160 | <xs:annotation>
161 | <xs:documentation>
162 | The variable name (<<keyword>varname</keyword>>) element defines a variable
163 | that must be supplied to a software application. The variable name element
164 | is very similar to the variable (var) element, but variable name is used outside
165 | of syntax diagrams, possibly within a message or API description to describe
166 | a system variable or environment variable. This element is part of the DITA
167 | software domain, a special set of DITA elements designed to document software
168 | tasks, concepts and reference information.
169 | </xs:documentation>
170 | </xs:annotation>
171 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
172 | <xs:complexContent>
173 | <xs:extension base="varname.class">
174 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="+ topic/keyword sw-d/varname "/>
175 | </xs:extension>
176 | </xs:complexContent>
177 | </xs:complexType>
178 | </xs:element>
179 | <xs:complexType name="varname.class" mixed="true">
180 | <xs:attribute name="keyref" type="xs:string"/>
181 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
182 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
183 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
184 | </xs:complexType>
185 |
186 | <xs:element name="msgblock">
187 | <xs:annotation>
188 | <xs:documentation>
189 | The message block (<<keyword>msgblock</keyword>>) element contains a multi-line
190 | message or set of messages. The message block can contain multiple message
191 | numbers and message descriptions, each enclosed in a <<keyword>msgnum</keyword>> and <<keyword>msgph</keyword>> element.
192 | It can also contain the message content directly. This element is part of
193 | the DITA software domain, a special set of DITA elements designed to document
194 | software tasks, concepts and reference information.
195 | </xs:documentation>
196 | </xs:annotation>
197 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
198 | <xs:complexContent>
199 | <xs:extension base="msgblock.class">
200 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="+ topic/pre sw-d/msgblock "/>
201 | </xs:extension>
202 | </xs:complexContent>
203 | </xs:complexType>
204 | </xs:element>
205 | <xs:complexType name="msgblock.class" mixed="true">
206 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
207 | <xs:group ref="words.cnt"/>
208 | </xs:choice>
209 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
210 | <xs:attribute name="spectitle" type="xs:string"/>
211 | <xs:attribute ref="xml:space" fixed="preserve"/>
212 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="display-atts"/>
213 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
214 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
215 | </xs:complexType>
216 |
217 | <xs:element name="cmdname">
218 | <xs:annotation>
219 | <xs:documentation>
220 | The command name (<cmdname>) element specifies the name of a command
221 | when it is part of a software discussion. This element is part of the DITA
222 | software domain, a special set of DITA elements designed to document software
223 | tasks, concepts and reference information.
224 | </xs:documentation>
225 | </xs:annotation>
226 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
227 | <xs:complexContent>
228 | <xs:extension base="cmdname.class">
229 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="+ topic/keyword sw-d/cmdname "/>
230 | </xs:extension>
231 | </xs:complexContent>
232 | </xs:complexType>
233 | </xs:element>
234 | <xs:complexType name="cmdname.class" mixed="true">
235 | <xs:attribute name="keyref" type="xs:string"/>
236 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
237 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
238 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
239 | </xs:complexType>
240 |
241 | <xs:element name="filepath">
242 | <xs:annotation>
243 | <xs:documentation>
244 | The <<keyword>filepath</keyword>> element indicates
245 | the name and optionally the location of a referenced file by specifying the
246 | directory containing the file, and other directories that may precede it in
247 | the system hierarchy. This element is part of the DITA software domain, a
248 | special set of DITA elements designed to document software tasks, concepts
249 | and reference information.
250 | </xs:documentation>
251 | </xs:annotation>
252 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
253 | <xs:complexContent>
254 | <xs:extension base="filepath.class">
255 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="+ topic/ph sw-d/filepath "/>
256 | </xs:extension>
257 | </xs:complexContent>
258 | </xs:complexType>
259 | </xs:element>
260 | <xs:complexType name="filepath.class" mixed="true">
261 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
262 | <xs:group ref="words.cnt"/>
263 | </xs:choice>
264 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
265 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
266 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
267 | </xs:complexType>
268 |
269 | <xs:element name="userinput">
270 | <xs:annotation>
271 | <xs:documentation>
272 | The user input (<<keyword>userinput</keyword>>) element represens the text
273 | a user should input in response to a program or system prompt.
274 | This element is part of the DITA software domain, a special set of DITA elements
275 | designed to document software tasks, concepts and reference information.
276 | </xs:documentation>
277 | </xs:annotation>
278 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
279 | <xs:complexContent>
280 | <xs:extension base="userinput.class">
281 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="+ topic/ph sw-d/userinput "/>
282 | </xs:extension>
283 | </xs:complexContent>
284 | </xs:complexType>
285 | </xs:element>
286 | <xs:complexType name="userinput.class" mixed="true">
287 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
288 | <xs:group ref="words.cnt"/>
289 | </xs:choice>
290 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
291 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
292 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
293 | </xs:complexType>
294 |
295 | <xs:element name="systemoutput">
296 | <xs:annotation>
297 | <xs:documentation>
298 | The system output (<<keyword>systemoutput</keyword>>) element
299 | represents computer output or responses to a command or situation.
300 | A generalized element, it represents any kind of output from the computer,
301 | so the author may wish to choose more specific markup, such as msgph, for
302 | messages from the application. The system output element is part of the DITA
303 | software domain, a special set of DITA elements designed to document software
304 | tasks, concepts and reference information.
305 | </xs:documentation>
306 | </xs:annotation>
307 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
308 | <xs:complexContent>
309 | <xs:extension base="systemoutput.class">
310 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="+ topic/ph sw-d/systemoutput "/>
311 | </xs:extension>
312 | </xs:complexContent>
313 | </xs:complexType>
314 | </xs:element>
315 | <xs:complexType name="systemoutput.class" mixed="true">
316 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
317 | <xs:group ref="words.cnt"/>
318 | </xs:choice>
319 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
320 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
321 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
322 | </xs:complexType>
323 |
324 | </xs:schema>