1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
3 | <!-- HEADER -->
4 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
5 | <!-- MODULE: DITA Reference XSD Module -->
6 | <!-- VERSION: 1.1 -->
7 | <!-- DATE: November 2006 -->
8 | <!-- -->
9 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
10 |
11 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
12 | <!-- SYSTEM: Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) -->
13 | <!-- -->
14 | <!-- PURPOSE: DTD to describe DITA References -->
15 | <!-- -->
17 | <!-- March 2001 -->
18 | <!-- -->
19 | <!-- (C) Copyright OASIS-Open.org 2005, 2006 -->
20 | <!-- (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2004. -->
21 | <!-- All Rights Reserved. -->
22 | <!-- ============================================================= -->
23 | <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">
24 | <!-- ==================== Import Section ======================= -->
25 | <xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:xml.xsd:1.1"/>
26 | <xs:import namespace="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/" schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:ditaarch.xsd:1.1"/>
27 |
28 | <xs:element name="reference">
29 | <xs:annotation>
30 | <xs:documentation>
31 | The <<keyword>reference</keyword>> element defines a top-level container
32 | for a reference topic. Reference topics document programming constructs or
33 | facts about a product. Examples of reference topics include language elements,
34 | class descriptions, commands, functions, statements, protocols, types, declarators,
35 | operands, and API information, which provide quick access to facts, but no
36 | explanation of concepts or procedures. Reference topics have the same high-level
37 | structure as any other topic type, with a title, short description, and body.
38 | Within the body, reference topics are typically organized into one or more
39 | sections, property lists, and tables. The reference topic type provides general
40 | rules that apply to all kinds of reference information, using elements like <<keyword>refsyn</keyword>> for
41 | syntax or signatures, and <<keyword>properties</keyword>> for lists of properties
42 | and values.
43 | </xs:documentation>
44 | </xs:annotation>
45 | <xs:complexType>
46 | <xs:complexContent>
47 | <xs:extension base="reference.class">
48 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/topic reference/reference "/>
49 | </xs:extension>
50 | </xs:complexContent>
51 | </xs:complexType>
52 | </xs:element>
53 |
54 | <xs:element name="refbody">
55 | <xs:annotation>
56 | <xs:documentation>
57 | The <<keyword>refbody</keyword>> element is a container for the
58 | main content of the reference topic. Reference topics limit the body structure
59 | to tables (both simple and standard), property lists, syntax sections, and
60 | generic sections and examples, in any sequence or number.
61 | </xs:documentation>
62 | </xs:annotation>
63 | <xs:complexType>
64 | <xs:complexContent>
65 | <xs:extension base="refbody.class">
66 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/body reference/refbody "/>
67 | </xs:extension>
68 | </xs:complexContent>
69 | </xs:complexType>
70 | </xs:element>
71 |
72 | <xs:element name="refsyn">
73 | <xs:annotation>
74 | <xs:documentation>
75 | The <<keyword>refsyn</keyword>> element is a special section inside
76 | a reference topic. The section often contains syntax or signature content
77 | (for example, a command-line utility's calling syntax, or an API's signature).
78 | The <<keyword>refsyn</keyword>> contains a brief, possibly diagrammatic
79 | description of the subject's interface or high-level structure.
80 | </xs:documentation>
81 | </xs:annotation>
82 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
83 | <xs:complexContent>
84 | <xs:extension base="refsyn.class">
85 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/section reference/refsyn "/>
86 | </xs:extension>
87 | </xs:complexContent>
88 | </xs:complexType>
89 | </xs:element>
90 |
91 | <xs:element name="properties">
92 | <xs:annotation>
93 | <xs:documentation>
94 | The <<keyword>properties</keyword>> element gives a list of properties for
95 | the subject of the current topic, for example whether a class is public or protected.
96 | Each property can include the type, value, and a description. The typical rendering is
97 | usually in a table-like format. To represent multiple values for a type, just create
98 | additional property elements and use only the <<keyword>propvalue</keyword>>
99 | element (and <<keyword>propdesc</keyword>> when needed) for each successive
100 | value.
101 | </xs:documentation>
102 | </xs:annotation>
103 | <xs:complexType>
104 | <xs:complexContent>
105 | <xs:extension base="properties.class">
106 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/simpletable reference/properties "/>
107 | </xs:extension>
108 | </xs:complexContent>
109 | </xs:complexType>
110 | </xs:element>
111 |
112 | <xs:element name="property">
113 | <xs:annotation>
114 | <xs:documentation>
115 | The <<keyword>property</keyword>> element represents a property
116 | of the current topic's subject. For example, if the current topic is a class,
117 | the property might show that the class is protected rather than public.
118 | It contains three optional elements: type, value, and description.
119 | </xs:documentation>
120 | </xs:annotation>
121 | <xs:complexType>
122 | <xs:complexContent>
123 | <xs:extension base="property.class">
124 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/strow reference/property "/>
125 | </xs:extension>
126 | </xs:complexContent>
127 | </xs:complexType>
128 | </xs:element>
129 |
130 | <xs:element name="propvalue">
131 | <xs:annotation>
132 | <xs:documentation>
133 | The <<keyword>propvalue</keyword>> element indicates the value or values
134 | for the current property type. You can put values in separate rows if they
135 | need separate descriptions, and just leave the <<keyword>proptype</keyword>> element
136 | blank.
137 | </xs:documentation>
138 | </xs:annotation>
139 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
140 | <xs:complexContent>
141 | <xs:extension base="propvalue.class">
142 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/stentry reference/propvalue "/>
143 | </xs:extension>
144 | </xs:complexContent>
145 | </xs:complexType>
146 | </xs:element>
147 |
148 | <xs:element name="propdesc">
149 | <xs:annotation>
150 | <xs:documentation>
151 | The <<keyword>propdesc</keyword>> element is used to provide a short description
152 | of the property type and its listed values (or just the value).
153 | </xs:documentation>
154 | </xs:annotation>
155 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
156 | <xs:complexContent>
157 | <xs:extension base="propdesc.class">
158 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/stentry reference/propdesc "/>
159 | </xs:extension>
160 | </xs:complexContent>
161 | </xs:complexType>
162 | </xs:element>
163 |
164 | <xs:element name="proptype">
165 | <xs:annotation>
166 | <xs:documentation>
167 | The proptype element describes the type of property.
168 | </xs:documentation>
169 | </xs:annotation>
170 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
171 | <xs:complexContent>
172 | <xs:extension base="proptype.class">
173 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/stentry reference/proptype "/>
174 | </xs:extension>
175 | </xs:complexContent>
176 | </xs:complexType>
177 | </xs:element>
178 |
179 | <xs:element name="prophead">
180 | <xs:annotation>
181 | <xs:documentation>
182 | The prophead element supports regular headings for the properties element.
183 | </xs:documentation>
184 | </xs:annotation>
185 | <xs:complexType>
186 | <xs:complexContent>
187 | <xs:extension base="prophead.class">
188 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/sthead reference/prophead "/>
189 | </xs:extension>
190 | </xs:complexContent>
191 | </xs:complexType>
192 | </xs:element>
193 |
194 | <xs:element name="propvaluehd">
195 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
196 | <xs:complexContent>
197 | <xs:extension base="propvaluehd.class">
198 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/stentry reference/propvaluehd "/>
199 | </xs:extension>
200 | </xs:complexContent>
201 | </xs:complexType>
202 | </xs:element>
203 |
204 | <xs:element name="propdeschd">
205 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
206 | <xs:complexContent>
207 | <xs:extension base="propdeschd.class">
208 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/stentry reference/propdeschd "/>
209 | </xs:extension>
210 | </xs:complexContent>
211 | </xs:complexType>
212 | </xs:element>
213 |
214 | <xs:element name="proptypehd">
215 | <xs:complexType mixed="true">
216 | <xs:complexContent>
217 | <xs:extension base="proptypehd.class">
218 | <xs:attribute ref="class" default="- topic/stentry reference/proptypehd "/>
219 | </xs:extension>
220 | </xs:complexContent>
221 | </xs:complexType>
222 | </xs:element>
223 |
224 | <xs:group name="reference-info-types">
225 | <xs:choice>
226 | <xs:group ref="reference"/>
227 | <xs:group ref="info-types"/>
228 | </xs:choice>
229 | </xs:group>
230 |
231 | <!-- Base type: topic.class -->
232 | <xs:complexType name="reference.class">
233 | <xs:sequence>
234 | <xs:group ref="title"/>
235 | <xs:group ref="titlealts" minOccurs="0"/>
236 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
237 | <xs:group ref="shortdesc" minOccurs="0"/>
238 | <xs:group ref="abstract" minOccurs="0"/>
239 | </xs:choice>
240 | <xs:group ref="prolog" minOccurs="0"/>
241 | <xs:group ref="refbody" minOccurs="0"/>
242 | <xs:group ref="related-links" minOccurs="0"/>
243 | <xs:group ref="reference-info-types" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
244 | </xs:sequence>
245 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
246 | <xs:attribute name="conref" type="xs:string"/>
247 | <xs:attribute ref="ditaarch:DITAArchVersion"/>
248 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
249 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="select-atts"/>
250 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="localization-atts"/>
251 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
252 | </xs:complexType>
253 |
254 | <!-- Base type: body.class -->
255 | <xs:complexType name="refbody.class">
256 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
257 | <xs:group ref="refsyn"/>
258 | <xs:group ref="table"/>
259 | <xs:group ref="simpletable"/>
260 | <xs:group ref="properties"/>
261 | <xs:group ref="section"/>
262 | <xs:group ref="example"/>
263 | <xs:group ref="data.element.incl"/>
264 | <xs:group ref="foreign.unknown.incl"/>
265 | </xs:choice>
266 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
267 | <xs:attribute name="base" type="xs:string" />
268 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="base-attribute-extensions"/>
269 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="id-atts"/>
270 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="localization-atts"/>
271 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
272 | </xs:complexType>
273 |
274 |
275 | <!-- Base type: section.class -->
276 | <xs:complexType name="refsyn.class" mixed="true">
277 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
278 | <xs:group ref="section.cnt"/>
279 | </xs:choice>
280 | <xs:attribute name="spectitle" type="xs:string"/>
281 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
282 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
283 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
284 | </xs:complexType>
285 |
286 | <!-- Base type: simpletable.class -->
287 | <xs:complexType name="properties.class">
288 | <xs:sequence>
289 | <xs:group ref="prophead" minOccurs="0"/>
290 | <xs:group ref="property" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
291 | </xs:sequence>
292 | <xs:attribute name="relcolwidth" type="xs:string"/>
293 | <xs:attribute name="keycol" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
294 | <xs:attribute name="refcols" type="xs:NMTOKENS"/>
295 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
296 | <xs:attribute name="spectitle" type="xs:string"/>
297 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="display-atts"/>
298 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
299 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
300 | </xs:complexType>
301 |
302 |
303 | <!-- Base type: sthead.class -->
304 | <xs:complexType name="prophead.class">
305 | <xs:sequence>
306 | <xs:group ref="proptypehd" minOccurs="0"/>
307 | <xs:group ref="propvaluehd" minOccurs="0"/>
308 | <xs:group ref="propdeschd" minOccurs="0"/>
309 | </xs:sequence>
310 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
311 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
312 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
313 | </xs:complexType>
314 |
315 | <!-- Base type: stentry.class -->
316 | <xs:complexType name="proptypehd.class" mixed="true">
317 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
318 | <xs:group ref="tblcell.cnt"/>
319 | </xs:choice>
320 | <xs:attribute name="specentry" type="xs:string"/>
321 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
322 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
323 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
324 | </xs:complexType>
325 |
326 | <!-- Base type: stentry.class -->
327 | <xs:complexType name="propvaluehd.class" mixed="true">
328 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
329 | <xs:group ref="tblcell.cnt"/>
330 | </xs:choice>
331 | <xs:attribute name="specentry" type="xs:string"/>
332 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
333 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
334 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
335 | </xs:complexType>
336 |
337 | <!-- Base type: stentry.class -->
338 | <xs:complexType name="propdeschd.class" mixed="true">
339 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
340 | <xs:group ref="tblcell.cnt"/>
341 | </xs:choice>
342 | <xs:attribute name="specentry" type="xs:string"/>
343 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
344 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
345 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
346 | </xs:complexType>
347 |
348 | <!-- Base type: strow.class -->
349 | <xs:complexType name="property.class">
350 | <xs:sequence>
351 | <xs:group ref="proptype" minOccurs="0"/>
352 | <xs:group ref="propvalue" minOccurs="0"/>
353 | <xs:group ref="propdesc" minOccurs="0"/>
354 | </xs:sequence>
355 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
356 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
357 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
358 | </xs:complexType>
359 |
360 | <!-- Base type: stentry.class -->
361 | <xs:complexType name="proptype.class" mixed="true">
362 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
363 | <xs:group ref="ph.cnt"/>
364 | </xs:choice>
365 | <xs:attribute name="specentry" type="xs:string"/>
366 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
367 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
368 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
369 | </xs:complexType>
370 |
371 | <!-- Base type: stentry.class -->
372 | <xs:complexType name="propvalue.class" mixed="true">
373 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
374 | <xs:group ref="ph.cnt"/>
375 | </xs:choice>
376 | <xs:attribute name="specentry" type="xs:string"/>
377 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
378 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
379 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
380 | </xs:complexType>
381 |
382 | <!-- Base type: stentry.class -->
383 | <xs:complexType name="propdesc.class" mixed="true">
384 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
385 | <xs:group ref="desc.cnt"/>
386 | </xs:choice>
387 | <xs:attribute name="specentry" type="xs:string"/>
388 | <xs:attribute name="outputclass" type="xs:string"/>
389 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="univ-atts"/>
390 | <xs:attributeGroup ref="global-atts"/>
391 | </xs:complexType>
392 | </xs:schema>