1 | <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 | <!--
3 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
4 | See the accompanying license.txt file for applicable licenses.
5 | -->
6 | <project name="org.dita.pdf2.xep">
7 |
8 | <target name="transform.fo2pdf.xep.test-use">
9 | <condition property="use.xep.pdf.formatter">
10 | <equals arg1="${pdf.formatter}" arg2="xep"/>
11 | </condition>
12 | </target>
13 |
14 | <target name="transform.fo2pdf.xep.init" if="use.xep.pdf.formatter">
15 | <condition property="use.xep.pdf.formatter">
16 | <equals arg1="${pdf.formatter}" arg2="xep"/>
17 | </condition>
18 |
19 | <!-- default output format -->
20 | <condition property="xep.formatter.output-format" value="PDF">
21 | <not><isset property="xep.formatter.output-format"/></not>
22 | </condition>
23 | <!-- output file extension -->
24 | <condition property="xsl.formatter.ext" value=".ps">
25 | <and>
26 | <equals arg1="${xep.formatter.output-format}" arg2="PostScript"/>
27 | <not><isset property="xsl.formatter.ext"/></not>
28 | </and>
29 | </condition>
30 | <condition property="xsl.formatter.ext" value=".html">
31 | <and>
32 | <equals arg1="${xep.formatter.output-format}" arg2="XHTML"/>
33 | <not><isset property="xsl.formatter.ext"/></not>
34 | </and>
35 | </condition>
36 | <condition property="xsl.formatter.ext" value=".AT.xml">
37 | <and>
38 | <equals arg1="${xep.formatter.output-format}" arg2="XEP"/>
39 | <not><isset property="xsl.formatter.ext"/></not>
40 | </and>
41 | </condition>
42 | <!--condition property="xsl.formatter.ext" value=".AT.xml">
43 | <and>
44 | <equals arg1="${xep.formatter.output-format}" arg2="AT"/>
45 | <not><isset property="xsl.formatter.ext"/></not>
46 | </and>
47 | </condition-->
48 | <condition property="xsl.formatter.ext" value=".svg">
49 | <and>
50 | <equals arg1="${xep.formatter.output-format}" arg2="SVG"/>
51 | <not><isset property="xsl.formatter.ext"/></not>
52 | </and>
53 | </condition>
54 | <condition property="xsl.formatter.ext" value=".xps">
55 | <and>
56 | <equals arg1="${xep.formatter.output-format}" arg2="XPS"/>
57 | <not><isset property="xsl.formatter.ext"/></not>
58 | </and>
59 | </condition>
60 | <condition property="xsl.formatter.ext" value=".afp">
61 | <and>
62 | <equals arg1="${xep.formatter.output-format}" arg2="AFP"/>
63 | <not><isset property="xsl.formatter.ext"/></not>
64 | </and>
65 | </condition>
66 | <condition property="xsl.formatter.ext" value=".ppml">
67 | <and>
68 | <equals arg1="${xep.formatter.output-format}" arg2="PPML"/>
69 | <not><isset property="xsl.formatter.ext"/></not>
70 | </and>
71 | </condition>
72 | <condition property="xsl.formatter.ext" value=".pdf">
73 | <and>
74 | <equals arg1="${xep.formatter.output-format}" arg2="PDF"/>
75 | <not><isset property="xsl.formatter.ext"/></not>
76 | </and>
77 | </condition>
78 | </target>
79 |
80 | <!-- run XEP -->
81 | <target name="transform.fo2pdf.xep" depends="transform.fo2pdf.xep.test-use, transform.fo2pdf.xep.init" if="use.xep.pdf.formatter">
82 | <property name="xep.dir" value="${fo.lib.dir}/xep"/>
83 |
84 | <condition property="xep.config.file" value="${custom.xep.config}">
85 | <isset property="custom.xep.config"/>
86 | </condition>
87 | <condition property="xep.config.file" value="${xep.dir}/xep.xml">
88 | <not><isset property="custom.xep.config"/></not>
89 | </condition>
90 |
91 | <path id="xep.class.path">
92 | <fileset dir="${xep.dir}/lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>
93 | <pathelement location="${fo.lib.dir}/fo.jar"/>
94 | </path>
95 |
96 | <condition property="xep.failOnError" value="false">
97 | <not><isset property="xep.failOnError"/></not>
98 | </condition>
99 |
100 | <condition property="outputFile" value="${dita.map.output.dir}/${outputFile.base}${xsl.formatter.ext}">
101 | <not><isset property="outputFile"/></not>
102 | </condition>
103 | <mkdir dir="${dita.map.output.dir}"/>
104 |
105 | <java classname="com.idiominc.ws.opentopic.fo.xep.Runner" resultproperty="errCode"
106 | failonerror="${xep.failOnError}" fork="true" maxmemory="${maxJavaMemory}">
107 | <jvmarg line="${baseJVMArgLine}"/>
108 | <arg value="${pdf2.temp.dir}/topic.fo"/>
109 | <arg value="${outputFile}"/>
110 | <arg value="failOnError=${xep.failOnError}"/>
111 | <arg value="-${xep.formatter.output-format}"/>
112 | <classpath refid="xep.class.path"/>
113 | <sysproperty key="com.renderx.xep.CONFIG" value="${xep.config.file}"/>
114 | </java>
115 | <condition property="xepExitedOnError" value="true">
116 | <not><equals arg1="${errCode}" arg2="0"/></not>
117 | </condition>
118 | </target>
119 |
120 | </project>