1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
3 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
4 | applicable licenses.-->
5 | <!-- (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006 All Rights Reserved. -->
6 | <project name="dita2javahelp">
7 |
8 | <target name="dita2javahelp"
9 | unless="noMap"
10 | depends="build-init, preprocess, copy-css,
11 | dita.topics.html, dita.inner.topics.html, dita.outer.topics.html">
12 | <antcall target="dita.map.javahelp"></antcall>
13 | <antcall target="compile.Java.Help"></antcall>
14 | </target>
15 |
16 | <target name="dita.map.javahelp"
17 | depends="dita.map.javahelp.init, dita.map.javahelp.toc,
18 | dita.map.javahelp.map, dita.map.javahelp.set, dita.map.javahelp.index,
19 | dita.out.map.javahelp.toc, dita.out.map.javahelp.map,
20 | dita.out.map.javahelp.set, dita.out.map.javahelp.index">
21 | </target>
22 |
23 | <target name="dita.map.javahelp.init"
24 | description="Init properties for JavaHelp">
25 | <basename property="dita.map.toc.root"
26 | file="${dita.input.filename}"
27 | suffix=".ditamap" />
28 | <condition property="args.javahelp.toc" value="${dita.map.toc.root}">
29 | <not>
30 | <isset property="args.javahelp.toc" />
31 | </not>
32 | </condition>
33 | <condition property="out.ext" value=".html">
34 | <not>
35 | <isset property="out.ext" />
36 | </not>
37 | </condition>
38 | <condition property="args.javahelp.map" value="${dita.map.toc.root}">
39 | <not>
40 | <isset property="args.javahelp.map" />
41 | </not>
42 | </condition>
43 | </target>
44 |
45 | <target name="dita.map.javahelp.toc"
46 | depends="dita.map.javahelp.init" if="old.transform"
47 | description="Build JavaHelp TOC file">
48 | <xslt
49 | basedir="${dita.temp.dir}"
50 | destdir="${output.dir}"
51 | includesfile="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file.listfile}"
52 | classpathref="dost.class.path"
53 | style="${dita.plugin.org.dita.javahelp.dir}/xsl/map2javahelptoc.xsl">
54 | <excludesfile name="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${resourceonlyfile}" if="resourceonlyfile"/>
55 | <param name="DITAEXT" expression="${dita.ext}" if="dita.ext" />
56 | <param name="OUTEXT" expression="${out.ext}" if="out.ext" />
57 | <mapper type="glob"
58 | from="*${dita.input.filename}"
59 | to="*${args.javahelp.toc}.xml" />
60 | <xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog"/>
61 | </xslt>
62 | </target>
63 |
64 | <target name="dita.out.map.javahelp.toc"
65 | depends="dita.map.javahelp.init" if="inner.transform"
66 | description="Build JavaHelp TOC file">
67 | <xslt
68 | basedir="${dita.temp.dir}"
69 | destdir="${output.dir}"
70 | includesfile="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file.listfile}"
71 | classpathref="dost.class.path"
72 | style="${dita.plugin.org.dita.javahelp.dir}/xsl/map2javahelptoc.xsl">
73 | <excludesfile name="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${resourceonlyfile}" if="resourceonlyfile"/>
74 | <param name="DITAEXT" expression="${dita.ext}" if="dita.ext" />
75 | <param name="OUTEXT" expression="${out.ext}" if="out.ext" />
76 | <mapper type="glob"
77 | from="${user.input.file}"
78 | to="${args.javahelp.toc}.xml" />
79 | <xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog"/>
80 | </xslt>
81 | </target>
82 |
83 | <target name="dita.map.javahelp.map"
84 | depends="dita.map.javahelp.init" if="old.transform"
85 | description="Build JavaHelp Map file">
86 | <xslt
87 | basedir="${dita.temp.dir}"
88 | destdir="${output.dir}"
89 | includesfile="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file.listfile}"
90 | classpathref="dost.class.path"
91 | style="${dita.plugin.org.dita.javahelp.dir}/xsl/map2javahelpmap.xsl">
92 | <excludesfile name="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${resourceonlyfile}" if="resourceonlyfile"/>
93 | <param name="DITAEXT" expression="${dita.ext}" if="dita.ext" />
94 | <param name="OUTEXT" expression="${out.ext}" if="out.ext" />
95 | <mapper type="glob"
96 | from="*${dita.input.filename}"
97 | to="*${args.javahelp.map}.jhm" />
98 | <xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog"/>
99 | </xslt>
100 | </target>
101 |
102 | <target name="dita.out.map.javahelp.map"
103 | depends="dita.map.javahelp.init" if="inner.transform"
104 | description="Build JavaHelp Map file">
105 | <xslt
106 | basedir="${dita.temp.dir}"
107 | destdir="${output.dir}"
108 | includesfile="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file.listfile}"
109 | classpathref="dost.class.path"
110 | style="${dita.plugin.org.dita.javahelp.dir}/xsl/map2javahelpmap.xsl">
111 | <excludesfile name="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${resourceonlyfile}" if="resourceonlyfile"/>
112 | <param name="DITAEXT" expression="${dita.ext}" if="dita.ext" />
113 | <param name="OUTEXT" expression="${out.ext}" if="out.ext" />
114 | <mapper type="glob"
115 | from="${user.input.file}"
116 | to="${args.javahelp.map}.jhm" />
117 | <xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog"/>
118 | </xslt>
119 | </target>
120 |
121 | <target name="dita.map.javahelp.set"
122 | depends="dita.map.javahelp.init, dita.map.javahelp.map" if="old.transform"
123 | description="Build JavaHelp Set file">
124 | <xslt
125 | basedir="${dita.temp.dir}"
126 | destdir="${output.dir}"
127 | includesfile="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file.listfile}"
128 | classpathref="dost.class.path"
129 | style="${dita.plugin.org.dita.javahelp.dir}/xsl/map2javahelpset.xsl">
130 | <excludesfile name="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${resourceonlyfile}" if="resourceonlyfile"/>
131 | <param name="javahelpmap" expression="${args.javahelp.map}" />
132 | <param name="javahelptoc" expression="${args.javahelp.toc}" />
133 | <param name="basedir" expression="${basedir}"/>
134 | <param name="outputdir" expression="${output.dir}"/>
135 | <!--param name="outputdir" expression="${dita.dir}${file.separator}${output.dir}${file.separator}" /-->
136 | <mapper type="glob"
137 | from="*${dita.input.filename}"
138 | to="*${dita.map.toc.root}_helpset.hs" />
139 | <xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog"/>
140 | </xslt>
141 | </target>
142 |
143 | <target name="dita.out.map.javahelp.set"
144 | depends="dita.map.javahelp.init, dita.out.map.javahelp.map" if="inner.transform"
145 | description="Build JavaHelp Set file">
146 | <xslt
147 | basedir="${dita.temp.dir}"
148 | destdir="${output.dir}"
149 | includesfile="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file.listfile}"
150 | classpathref="dost.class.path"
151 | style="${dita.plugin.org.dita.javahelp.dir}/xsl/map2javahelpset.xsl">
152 | <excludesfile name="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}${resourceonlyfile}" if="resourceonlyfile"/>
153 | <param name="javahelpmap" expression="${args.javahelp.map}" />
154 | <param name="javahelptoc" expression="${args.javahelp.toc}" />
155 | <param name="basedir" expression="${basedir}"/>
156 | <param name="outputdir" expression="${output.dir}"/>
157 | <!--param name="outputdir" expression="${dita.dir}${file.separator}${output.dir}${file.separator}" /-->
158 | <mapper type="glob"
159 | from="${user.input.file}"
160 | to="${dita.map.toc.root}_helpset.hs" />
161 | <xmlcatalog refid="dita.catalog"/>
162 | </xslt>
163 | </target>
164 |
165 | <target name="dita.map.javahelp.index" if="old.transform"
166 | description="Build JavaHelp Index file">
167 | <pipeline message="Extract index term."
168 | tempdir="${dita.temp.dir}"
169 | inputmap="${user.input.file}">
170 | <module class="org.dita.dost.module.IndexTermExtractModule">
171 | <param name="output" location="${output.dir}${file.separator}${user.input.file}"/>
172 | <param name="targetext" value=".html"/>
173 | <param name="indextype" value="javahelp"/>
174 | <param name="encoding" value="${args.dita.locale}" if="args.dita.locale"/>
175 | </module>
176 | </pipeline>
177 | </target>
178 |
179 | <target name="dita.out.map.javahelp.index" if="inner.transform"
180 | description="Build JavaHelp Index file">
181 | <pipeline message="Extract index term."
182 | tempdir="${dita.temp.dir}"
183 | inputmap="${user.input.file}">
184 | <module class="org.dita.dost.module.IndexTermExtractModule">
185 | <param name="output" location="${output.dir}${file.separator}${dita.map.filename.root}.xml"/>
186 | <param name="targetext" value=".html"/>
187 | <param name="indextype" value="javahelp"/>
188 | <param name="encoding" value="${args.dita.locale}" if="args.dita.locale"/>
189 | </module>
190 | </pipeline>
191 | </target>
192 |
193 | <target name="compile.Java.Help"
194 | if="env.JHHOME"
195 | description="Compile Java Help output">
196 | <!-- delete 'JavaHelpSearch' directory before compiling. -->
197 | <condition property="compile.dir" value="${dita.map.output.dir}">
198 | <isset property="old.transform"/>
199 | </condition>
200 | <condition property="compile.dir" value="${output.dir}">
201 | <isset property="inner.transform"/>
202 | </condition>
203 | <delete dir="${compile.dir}${file.separator}JavaHelpSearch" />
204 | <java jar="${env.JHHOME}${file.separator}javahelp${file.separator}bin${file.separator}jhindexer.jar"
205 | fork="true"
206 | dir="${compile.dir}">
207 | <arg value="." />
208 | </java>
209 | </target>
210 |
211 | <!-- depecrated: keep for back-compatibility, will be remvoed in a later release -->
212 | <target name="dita.topics.javahelp" depends="dita.topics.html" />
213 |
214 | </project>