1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2 | <!--
3 | This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
4 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
5 | applicable licenses.
6 |
7 | (C) Copyright Shawn McKenzie, 2007. All Rights Reserved.
8 |
10 | August 2011: Updated by Robert D Anderson for SF Bug 3392718
11 | *-->
12 | <project name="docondoc" default="sample2tocjs">
13 | <import file="..${file.separator}..${file.separator}build.xml"/>
14 | <property name="dita.ext" value=".xml"/>
15 | <property name="content.frame" value="contentwin"/>
16 |
17 | <target name="sample2html" depends="use-init">
18 | <antcall target="dita2xhtml">
19 | <param name="args.input"
20 | value="sample${file.separator}tocjs.ditamap"/>
21 | <param name="output.dir" value="out${file.separator}sample"/>
22 | <param name="args.css"
23 | value="sample${file.separator}basefiles${file.separator}sample.css"/>
24 | <param name="args.copycss" value="yes"/>
25 | </antcall>
26 |
27 | <copy
28 | file="sample${file.separator}basefiles${file.separator}frameset.html"
29 | tofile="out${file.separator}sample${file.separator}frameset.html"/>
30 | <!--<antcall target="sample2tocjs"/>-->
31 | </target>
32 |
33 |
34 | <target name="sample2tocjs" description="Generate tocjs javascript file" depends="sample2html">
35 | <!-- Update August 2011: Calling dita2tocjs will repeat the entire HTML build, ending with
36 | a process to create toctree.js. "sample2html" has already run, so the map and HTML
37 | will always exist in the temp directory. Rather than calling a new build to repeat
38 | that HTML conversion, just run the XSLT process to create toctree.js. -->
39 | <xslt in="${dita.temp.dir}${file.separator}tocjs.ditamap" out="out${file.separator}sample${file.separator}toctree.js" style="${dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.dir}/xsl/tocjs.xsl">
40 | <param name="contentwin" expression="${content.frame}" if="content.frame" />
41 | <param name="ditaext" expression="${dita.ext}" if="dita.ext"/>
42 | <param name="htmlext" expression="${out.ext}" />
43 | </xslt>
44 | <!--<antcall target="dita2tocjs">
45 | <param name="transtype" value="tocjs"/>
46 | <param name="args.input"
47 | value="sample${file.separator}tocjs.ditamap"/>
48 | <param name="output.file"
49 | value="out${file.separator}sample${file.separator}toctree.js"/>
50 | </antcall>-->
51 | <copy todir="out${file.separator}sample"><fileset
52 | dir="${dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.dir}${file.separator}basefiles"><include name="**/*"/></fileset></copy>
53 | </target>
54 |
55 | <target name="sampleclean" description="clean tocjs sample output">
56 | <delete dir="${dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.dir}${file.separator}out"/>
57 | </target>
58 |
59 | </project>