2 |
3 | The tocjs plugin generates a Table of Contents for the DITA Open Toolkit's
4 | XHTML output that can expand and collapse nodes. It is a more usable and
5 | visually pleasing option than the standard index.html generated by the Open
6 | Toolkit's dita2html transformation.
7 |
8 | Note: The examples below assume a Unix style file separator. If you are on
9 | a Windows machine, replace the '/' character with a '\' character for
10 | all file paths.
11 |
12 | To install and test the plugin:
13 |
14 | 1) From the main directory of the DITA Open Toolkit, type:
15 |
16 | ant -f integrator.xml
17 |
18 | 2) Type: ant -f demo/tocjs/buildsample.xml sample2tocjs.
19 |
20 | 3) Open demo/tocjs/out/sample/frameset.html in a browser.
21 |
22 | For more detailed documentation and licensing information, see README.html
23 | in the 'docs' directory.
24 |
25 |
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