1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2010, v.4002-->
4 | "task.dtd">
5 | <task id="mapref" xml:lang="en-us">
6 | <title>Mapref</title>
7 | <shortdesc>Mapref refers to a special usage of the <tt><topicref></tt>
8 | element as a reference to another ditamap file. This allows you
9 | to manage the overall ditamap file more easily. A large ditamap
10 | file can thus be broken down into several ditamap files, making
11 | it easier for the user to manage the overall logical structure.
12 | This mechanism also increases the reusability of those ditamap files.</shortdesc>
13 | <taskbody>
14 | <context>You can create references to another ditamap file by setting
15 | the format attribute to "ditamap" as follows.<note>This usage is often
16 | referred to as <codeph>mapref</codeph>. A new <codeph>mapref</codeph> element
17 | is defined in DITA 1.2, which provides a shortcut for this function
18 | by defaulting the format attribute to "ditamap". However, any topicref
19 | or topicref specialization may do the same thing by setting the format
20 | attribute as described.</note></context>
21 | <steps>
22 | <step><cmd>Add a <tt><topicref></tt> element to your map.</cmd>
23 | </step>
24 | <step><cmd>Define the location of the target ditamap file in the href
25 | attribute. The href takes a standard URI format. Typically it is a
26 | relative path to the ditamap. </cmd></step>
27 | <step><cmd>Set format="ditamap".</cmd></step>
28 | <step importance="optional"><cmd>Add a navigation title in the navtitle
29 | attribute. </cmd><info>The navtitle attribute on a map reference is
30 | not used for anything during DITA-OT processing, but is helpful when
31 | authoring.</info></step>
32 | </steps>
33 | <example> <p>For example, if you want to create a reference
34 | to the <i>samples/mysamp.ditamap</i> file using <tt>sample
35 | ditamap</tt> as the navigation title, add the following codes
36 | into the <i>readme.ditamap</i> file.</p><p> <codeblock><topicref format="ditamap" href="samples/mysample.ditamap" navtitle="sample ditamap"> </codeblock>
37 | </p> <p>Now the complete content of the <i>readme.ditamap</i> file
38 | is shown as follows. <codeblock>
39 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
40 | <!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
41 | <map id="mainDITAreadme" title="DITA Readme map">
42 | <topicref collection-type="family" href="DITA-readme.xml" id="DITA-doc"
43 | locktitle="yes" navtitle="DITA-OT Introduction">
44 | <topicref href="DITA-changes.xml" navtitle="DITA release history"/>
45 | <topicref format="ditamap" href="samples/mysample.ditamap" navtitle="sample ditamap"/>
46 | </topicref>
47 | </map>
48 | </codeblock> </p> <p>Assume the file <i>samples/mysample.ditamap</i> is
49 | defined as follows:<codeblock>
50 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
51 | <!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
52 | <map id="samplemap" title="Sample Ditamap">
53 | <topicref href="..\DITA-relnotes.xml" navtitle="DITA OT Release notes"/>
54 | <topicref href="..\DITA-installation.xml" navtitle="Installation"/>
55 | </map>
56 | </codeblock><?Pub Caret 301?> </p><p>The <i>readme.ditamap</i> file
57 | can be equivalently expressed by the following map:</p><p>
58 | <codeblock>
59 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
60 | <!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
61 | <map id="mainDITAreadme" title="DITA Readme map">
62 | <topicref collection-type="family" href="DITA-readme.xml"
63 | id="DITA-doc" locktitle="yes" navtitle="DITA-OT Introduction">
64 | <topicref href="DITA-changes.xml" navtitle="DITA release history"/>
65 | <topicref href="DITA-relnotes.xml" navtitle="DITA OT Release notes"/>
66 | <topicref href="DITA-installation.xml" navtitle="Installation"/>
67 | </topicref>
68 | </map>
69 | </codeblock></p></example>
70 | </taskbody>
71 | </task>
72 | <?Pub *0000003985?>