1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
3 | <concept id="distribution_packages">
4 | <title>Distribution packages</title>
5 | <shortdesc>The DITA Open Toolkit is distributed in three packages: minimal, standard, and
6 | full-easy-install. The source code is available both as a Git repository and a ZIP file.</shortdesc>
7 | <prolog>
8 | <metadata>
9 | <keywords>
10 | <indexterm>distribution packages</indexterm>
11 | <indexterm>full-easy-install package, overview</indexterm>
12 | <indexterm>minimal package, overview</indexterm>
13 | <indexterm>standard package, overview</indexterm>
14 | </keywords>
15 | </metadata>
16 | </prolog>
17 | <conbody>
18 | <section>
19 | <title>Minimal package</title>
20 | <p>This package is designed for vendors that embed the toolkit within a product. It contains
21 | all of the core processing code: CSS and XSLT files, Ant build scripts, Java code
22 | (<filepath>dost.jar</filepath>), resource files, and the OASIS DITA DTDs and Schemas.
23 | Users need to have their own versions of Ant and other libraries; they also need to set up
24 | environment variables for each library. The only external files that are included are the
25 | DTDs and Schemas, along with the following open-source libraries:<ul>
26 | <li>Apache Catalog Resolver, version <keyword keyref="tool.resolver.version"/></li>
27 | <li>Apache Commons Codec, version <keyword keyref="tool.codec.version"/></li>
28 | <li>Apache Xerces, version <keyword keyref="tool.xerces.version"/></li>
29 | </ul></p>
30 | <p>The minimal package has the following file names:<ul>
31 | <li><filepath>DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
32 | ></keyword>_minimal_bin.zip</filepath></li>
33 | <li><filepath>DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
34 | ></keyword>_minimal_bin.tar.gz</filepath></li>
35 | </ul></p>
36 | </section>
37 | <section>
38 | <title>Standard package</title>
39 | <p>This package is designed for people who want the core toolkit functionality, but who
40 | already have locally-installed copies of Ant and other required tools. It contains
41 | everything in the minimal package, plus documentation, demo code (for example, legacy
42 | support for the old bookmap), sample Ant scripts, and sample DITA files. The standard
43 | package includes the following open-source libraries:<draft-comment
44 | author="Kristen James Eberlein" time="20 July 2012">Regarding the statement above that the
45 | standard package includes demo code -- Is this still true and is the example still
46 | correct?</draft-comment></p>
47 | <ul>
48 | <li>Apache Catalog Resolver, version <keyword keyref="tool.resolver.version"/></li>
49 | <li>Apache Commons Codec, version <keyword keyref="tool.codec.version"/></li>
50 | <li>Apache Xerces, version <keyword keyref="tool.xerces.version"/></li>
51 | </ul>
52 | <p>The standard package has the following file names:<ul>
53 | <li><filepath>DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
54 | ></keyword>_standard_bin.zip</filepath></li>
55 | <li><filepath>DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
56 | ></keyword>_standard_bin.tar.gz</filepath></li>
57 | </ul></p>
58 | </section>
59 | <section>
60 | <title>Full-easy-install package</title>
61 | <p>his package is designed for users who want the simplest installation experience. In
62 | addition to the core DITA-OT code and the external libraries that are in the minimal and
63 | standard packages, it contains Apache Ant and FOP. The full-easy-install package also
64 | contains batch files designed to set up a build environment using those tools, as well as a
65 | scripts for a guided demo of the DITA-OT. The full-easy-install package includes the
66 | following external libraries:</p>
67 | <ul>
68 | <li>Apache Ant, version <keyword keyref="tool.ant.version"/></li>
69 | <li>Apache Catalog Resolver, version <keyword keyref="tool.resolver.version"/></li>
70 | <li>Apache Commons Codec, version <keyword keyref="tool.codec.version"/></li>
71 | <li>Apache FOP, version <keyword keyref="tool.fop.version"/></li>
72 | <li>ICU for Java, version <keyword keyref="tool.icu4j.version"/></li>
73 | <li>Apache Xerces, version <keyword keyref="tool.xerces.version"/></li>
74 | <li>Saxon, version <keyword keyref="tool.saxon.version"/></li>
75 | </ul>
76 | <p>The full-easy-install package has the following file names:<ul>
77 | <li><filepath>DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
78 | ></keyword>_full_easy_install_bin.zip</filepath></li>
79 | <li><filepath>DITA-OT<keyword keyref="release.version"
80 | ></keyword>_full_easy_install_bin.tar.gz</filepath></li>
81 | </ul></p>
82 | </section>
83 | </conbody>
84 | </concept>