1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2010, v.4002-->
3 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
4 | "concept.dtd">
5 | <concept id="preprocessarch" xml:lang="en-us">
6 | <title>DITA pre-processing architecture</title>
7 | <shortdesc>This document describes the different steps in preprocessing
8 | for DITA topics.</shortdesc>
9 | <conbody>
10 | <note>This topic was lasted updated for an earlier release of the
11 | toolkit, and no longer includes all steps in the pre-process pipeline;
12 | we expect to correct the documentation in the DITA-OT 1.5.2 release.</note><?Pub
13 | Caret 177?>
14 | <p>The DITA Open Toolkit implements a two-pass, map-driven architecture
15 | that resolves any conditional properties and content references
16 | on the first pass, then applies transformations to the normalized
17 | files on the second pass. The stages of this pre-processing
18 | pipeline are described below.</p>
19 | <section> <title>genlist: generate list files of map and topic</title>
20 | <p>Pass the files and generate list files that may be needed
21 | by other activity.<i>(Implemented by ANT extension with Java.)</i></p>
22 | </section>
23 | <section> <title>filtering:</title> <p>Filter the source
24 | files according to the input <filepath>.ditaval</filepath> file.
25 | Based on the specified action, either flag or exclude the
26 | content according to the %select-atts. <i>(Implemented by
27 | ANT extension with Java.)</i></p> </section>
28 | <section> <title>insert debug information (merged into filtering):</title>
29 | <p>Add @xtrf and @xtrc attribute with proper values into each
30 | element.<i>(Implemented by ANT extension with Java.)</i></p>
31 | <p> <i>The output of this step is directed to a temp
32 | directory.</i> </p> </section>
33 | <section> <title>adjust column names of table (merged into conref
34 | resolve activity):</title> <p>Adjust all of the column
35 | names of the tables to "col1, col2, col3 ..." to
36 | enable conref between tables.<i>(Implemented by ANT extension
37 | with Java.)</i></p> <p> <i>The colname attribute is
38 | adjusted in the content that was conrefed during the process
39 | of resolving conref.</i> </p> </section>
40 | <section> <title>move index entries:</title> <p>Move the
41 | index entries contained in the <topicmeta> tag into the
42 | relevant topics referred to in the ditamap.<i>(Implemented by
43 | ANT extension with Java.)</i></p> </section>
44 | <section> <title>resolve conref:</title> <p>Pass all the
45 | files which used conref and resolve the conref.<i>(Implemented
46 | by XSL-T)</i></p> </section>
47 | <section> <title>mappull:</title> <p>Pull the navtitle
48 | and topicmeta from topics to ditamap<i>(Implemented by XSL-T)</i></p>
49 | </section>
50 | <section> <title>topicpull:</title> <p>Pull metadata for <link>
51 | and <xref> element<i>(Implemented by XSL-T)</i></p>
52 | </section>
53 | <section> <title>maplink:</title> <p>Find and generate
54 | related link information into maplinks.unordered for every
55 | topic referred to in the ditamap <i>(Implemented by XSL-T)</i></p>
56 | </section>
57 | <section> <title>movelink:</title> <p>Move the related
58 | link information from the maplinks.unordered to every topic <i>(Implemented
59 | in ANT extension with Java)</i></p> </section>
60 | <section> <image href="preprocess.gif"></image> </section>
61 | </conbody>
62 | </concept>
63 | <?Pub *0000003560?>