1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
3 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
4 | applicable licenses.-->
5 | <!-- (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2011 All Rights Reserved. -->
6 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
7 | <concept id="h2d" xml:lang="en-us">
8 | <title>Migrating HTML to DITA</title>
9 | <shortdesc>The HTML to DITA migration tool ships in the <filepath>plugins</filepath> directory of
10 | the toolkit, and does not make use of the common toolkit processing for DITA
11 | content.</shortdesc>
12 | <conbody>
13 | <p>The DITA Open Toolkit release 1.2 or above provides a HTML to DITA migration tool, which migrates
14 | HTML files to DITA files. This migration tool originally comes from the developerWorks
15 | publication of Robert D. Anderson's how-to articles with the original h2d code. This migration
16 | tool is under <filepath>plugins\h2d</filepath> directory. You can use it separately because it
17 | is not integrated into the main transformation of toolkit. The version in the toolkit is more
18 | recent, but the articles should be referenced for information on details of the program, as
19 | well as for information on how to extend it. There are links to the articles at the bottom of
20 | this page.</p>
21 | <section> <title>Preconditions</title> <p>The
22 | preconditions to be considered before using the migration
23 | tool are listed below:</p> <ul>
24 | <li>The HTML file content must be divided among concepts,
25 | tasks, and reference articles. If not, the HTML files
26 | should be reworked before migrating.</li>
27 | <li>This migration tool is intended for topics. The HTML page
28 | should contain a single section without any nested
29 | sections.</li>
30 | <li>DITA architecture is focused on topics, information that is
31 | written for books needs to be redesigned in order
32 | to fit into a topic-based archiecture.</li>
33 | <li>This migration utility only works with valid XHTML files,
34 | HTML files must be cleaned up using HTML Tidy or
35 | other utility before processing.</li>
36 | </ul> </section>
37 | <!--section>
38 | <title>Running examples</title>
39 | <p>You can use the Ant script to migrate only one HTML file or all
40 | the HTML files in same directory each time. See <xref
41 | href="DITA-h2d-ant.xml#h2d-ant"></xref> for more
42 | details.</p>
43 | <p>You can also use the Java command for migration. See <xref
44 | href="DITA-h2d-java.xml#h2d-java"></xref> for more
45 | details.</p>
46 | </section-->
47 | <section> <title>Post conditions</title> <p>There
48 | are also some post conditions to consider after processing:</p>
49 | <ul>
50 | <li>In some case, the tool cannot determine the correct way to migrate,
51 | it places the contents in a <required-cleanup> element, you
52 | should fix such elements in the output DITA files.</li>
53 | <li> Check the output DITA files. Compare them with the source
54 | HTML files and check if both contents are equivalent.</li>
55 | </ul> </section>
56 | <section> <title>Known limitations</title>
57 | <ol conref="DITA-limitations.xml#limitations/html2dita-limitations">
58 | <li></li>
59 | </ol> </section>
60 | <section> <title>Extension points</title> <p>The
61 | HTML2DITA migration tool helps extension in the following
62 | listed ways:</p> <ul>
63 | <li>The <codeph>genidattridbute</codeph> template can be
64 | overridden to change the method for creating the topic
65 | ID. </li>
66 | <li>The <codeph>gentitlealts</codeph> template can be
67 | overridden to change the ways of title generation.</li>
68 | <li>Override respond section in the tool to preserve the
69 | semantic of source, in case if the <div> or <span>
70 | element is used in regular structures.</li>
71 | <li>You can also migrate to another specialized DTD by
72 | overriding the original template base on the specific DTD
73 | and your required output.</li>
74 | </ul> </section>
75 | </conbody>
76 | <related-links>
77 | <link format="html"
78 | href="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-dita8a/"
79 | scope="external"><linktext>Migrating HTML to DITA, part 1</linktext>
80 | </link>
81 | <link format="html"
82 | href="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-dita8b/"
83 | scope="external"><linktext>Migrating HTML to DITA, part 2</linktext>
84 | </link>
85 | </related-links>
86 | </concept>