Running example
- Start the command window.
- Navigate to the directory of the migration tool.
- (Optional) If the input HTML file contains namespace,
you can remove it by hand, or running the command below:
enter the following command when using Saxon:
java com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet mytask.htm preprocess.xsl > mytask.htm
enter the following command when using Xalan:
java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in mytask.htm -xsl preprocess.xsl -out mytask.htm
- Use Saxon or Xalan directory to run the migration, on the command line,
enter the following command when using Saxon:
java com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet mytask.htm h2d.xsl infotype=task > mytask.dita
enter the following command when using Xalan:
java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in mytask.htm -xsl h2d.xsl -out mytask.dita -param infortype task
You can also add other parameters to this properties file. See
the following table for details.
The output directory of the generated DITA file should exist, since
the XSLT processor can't create it automatically.