Migrating HTML to DITA with Ant script
Running example
  1. Start the command window.
  2. Navigate to the directory of the migration tool.
  3. Use ant script to run the migration, on the command line, enter the following command: ant -Dargs.input={file|direcotry} -Dargs.output={direcotry} -Dargs.infotype={topic|concept|task|reference}
The namespace problem listed in has been fixed by adding a new preprocess step in the script in release 1.2.1.

You can also add other parameters to the command. See the following table for details.

Supported Parameters

The following table lists the supported parameters that you can set with the ant script.

Table of supported parameters Parameter Descriptoin Required args.input The input of the migration. It can be a file or directory. Default is current directory. No. args.include.subdirs The parameter to specify if sub directories under the input directory is included. "yes" and "no" are valid values. Default is "no".Any value that is not "yes" is regarded as "no". No. args.output The output directory of genrated DITA files. Default is the current directory. No. args.infotype The infotype of generated DITA files, topics, concept, task, and reference are valid values. Default is topic. No. args.dita.ext The extension of generated DITA files. This extension also used to convert links that go to other DITA topic. ".dita" and ".xml" are valid values. Default is ".dita". No. args.xsl The xsl file to replace the default xsl file. No. args.lang The default language of output DITA files. Default is "en-us". For supported language, please refer to strings.xml under the directory ${ditaot_dir}/xsl/common. No.