1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
3 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
4 | applicable licenses.-->
5 | <!-- (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2006 All Rights Reserved. -->
6 |
7 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
8 | <reference id="h2d-ant" xml:lang="en-us">
9 | <title>Migrating HTML to DITA with Ant script</title>
10 | <refbody>
11 | <section>
12 | <title>Running example</title>
13 | <ol>
14 | <li>Start the command window.</li>
15 | <li>Navigate to the directory of the migration tool.</li>
16 | <li>Use ant script to run the migration, on the command line, enter the following command:
17 | <codeblock>ant -Dargs.input={file|direcotry} -Dargs.output={direcotry} -Dargs.infotype={topic|concept|task|reference}</codeblock>
18 | </li>
19 | </ol>
20 | <note>The namespace problem listed in <xref href="DITA-limitations.xml"/>
21 | has been fixed by adding a new preprocess step in the script in
22 | release 1.2.1.</note>
23 | <p>You can also add other parameters to the command. See the following table for details.</p>
24 | </section>
25 | <section>
26 | <title>Supported Parameters</title>
27 | <p>The following table lists the supported parameters that you can set with the ant script.</p>
28 | <table>
29 | <title>Table of supported parameters</title>
30 | <tgroup cols="3">
31 | <colspec colname="col1"/>
32 | <colspec colname="col2"/>
33 | <colspec colname="col3"/>
34 | <thead>
35 | <row valign="bottom">
36 | <entry colname="col1">Parameter</entry>
37 | <entry colname="col2">Descriptoin</entry>
38 | <entry colname="col3">Required</entry>
39 | </row>
40 | </thead>
41 | <tbody>
42 | <row>
43 | <entry colname="col1">args.input</entry>
44 | <entry colname="col2">The input of the migration.
45 | It can be a file or directory. Default is
46 | current directory.</entry>
47 | <entry colname="col3">No.</entry>
48 | </row>
49 | <row>
50 | <entry colname="col1"> args.include.subdirs</entry>
51 | <entry colname="col2">The parameter to specify if
52 | sub directories under the input directory is
53 | included. "yes" and "no" are valid
54 | values. Default is "no".<note>Any value that is
55 | not "yes" is regarded as "no".</note></entry>
56 | <entry colname="col3">No.</entry>
57 | </row>
58 | <row>
59 | <entry colname="col1">args.output</entry>
60 | <entry colname="col2">The output directory of
61 | genrated DITA files. Default is the current
62 | directory.</entry>
63 | <entry colname="col3">No.</entry>
64 | </row>
65 | <row>
66 | <entry colname="col1">args.infotype</entry>
67 | <entry colname="col2">The infotype of generated
68 | DITA files, topics, concept, task, and
69 | reference are valid values. Default is
70 | topic.</entry>
71 | <entry colname="col3">No.</entry>
72 | </row>
73 | <row>
74 | <entry colname="col1">args.dita.ext</entry>
75 | <entry colname="col2">The extension of generated
76 | DITA files. This extension also used to convert
77 | links that go to other DITA topic. ".dita" and
78 | ".xml" are valid values. Default is ".dita".</entry>
79 | <entry colname="col3">No.</entry>
80 | </row>
81 | <row>
82 | <entry colname="col1">args.xsl</entry>
83 | <entry colname="col2">The xsl file to replace the
84 | default xsl file.</entry>
85 | <entry colname="col3">No.</entry>
86 | </row>
87 | <row>
88 | <entry colname="col1">args.lang</entry>
89 | <entry colname="col2">The default language of
90 | output DITA files. Default is "en-us".
91 | <note>For supported language, please refer to
92 | <codeph>strings.xml</codeph> under the
93 | directory
94 | <codeph>${ditaot_dir}/xsl/common</codeph>.
95 | </note>
96 | </entry>
97 | <entry colname="col3">No.</entry>
98 | </row>
99 | </tbody>
100 | </tgroup>
101 | </table>
102 | </section>
103 | </refbody>
104 | </reference>