1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
3 | <task id="runant" xml:lang="en">
4 | <title>Building output using Ant</title>
5 | <shortdesc>You can build output by running the <cmdname>ant</cmdname> command and specifying the
6 | DITA-OT parameters at the command prompt. You also can use an Ant build script to provide the
7 | DITA-OT parameters</shortdesc>
8 | <taskbody>
9 | <steps>
10 | <step conref="conref-task.dita#conref-task/run-startcmd">
11 | <cmd/>
12 | </step>
13 | <step>
14 | <cmd>To provide the DITA-OT parameters from the command prompt, issue the following
15 | command:</cmd>
16 | <info><codeblock>ant -Dargs.input=<varname>input-file</varname> -Dtranstype=<varname>transformation-type</varname> -D<varname>parameter-name</varname>=<varname>value</varname></codeblock>where:<ul
17 | conref="conref-task.dita#conref-task/basic-variables">
18 | <li/>
19 | </ul></info>
20 | <stepresult conref="conref-task.dita#conref-task/running-ditaot-results"/>
21 | </step>
22 | <step>
23 | <cmd>If you use a build script, issue the following command:</cmd>
24 | <info><codeblock xml:space="preserve" class="+ topic/pre pr-d/codeblock " xtrf="C:\dita-ot\src\main\doc\readme\DITA-antuse.xml" xtrc="codeblock:2">ant -f <varname class="+ topic/keyword sw-d/varname " xtrf="C:\dita-ot\src\main\doc\readme\DITA-antuse.xml" xtrc="varname:5">build-script</varname> <varname class="+ topic/keyword sw-d/varname " xtrf="C:\dita-ot\src\main\doc\readme\DITA-antuse.xml" xtrc="varname:6">target</varname></codeblock>where:<ul>
25 | <li><varname>build-script</varname> is name of the Ant build script.</li>
26 | <li><varname>target</varname> is an optional switch that specifies the name of the Ant
27 | target that you want to run. If you do not specify a target, the value of the @default
28 | attribute for the Ant project is used. </li>
29 | </ul></info>
30 | </step>
31 | </steps>
32 | </taskbody>
33 | </task>