1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!-- This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project hosted on
3 | Sourceforge.net. See the accompanying license.txt file for
4 | applicable licenses.-->
5 | <!--
6 | | (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005 - 2006. All Rights Reserved.
7 | *-->
9 | "..\..\dtd\task.dtd">
10 | <task id="integratingwithwtp" xml:lang="en-us">
11 | <title>Creating Eclipse help from within Eclipse</title>
12 | <shortdesc>This topic explains how to create an Eclipse help documentation
13 | plug-in from within the Eclipse platform. This process allows you
14 | to set up repeatable builds directly within Eclipse, which may already
15 | be familiar to many developers working within Eclipse. The topic was
16 | originally written based on Eclipse 3.3, but much of the information
17 | still applies.</shortdesc>
18 | <taskbody>
19 | <context>You can use a template to develop documentation plug-in with DITA in Eclipse PDE and use
20 | DITA-OT <keyword keyref="release.version"/> to build and pack the final plug-in. When you want to develop a documentation
21 | plug-in with DITA in Eclipse, you cannot use the previous releases of DITA-OT in Eclipse to
22 | transform DITA to HTML. Though previous releases of DITA-OT support the feature to transform
23 | DITA files to Eclipse documentation plug-in, they are not integrated with Eclipse. With
24 | DITA-OT <keyword keyref="release.version"/> integrated with WPT, you can develop document plug-ins with DITA in Eclipse PDE
25 | and build and pack the final plug-in by taking the following steps.</context>
26 | <steps>
27 | <step><cmd rev="r4">Create a new PDE project in Eclipse, and apply the DITA
28 | template to the project by following the wizard.</cmd><info><image href="images/createlpluginproject.jpg"
29 | placement="break"><alt>Start Eclipse and create a new plug-in project</alt>
30 | </image></info></step>
31 | <step id="step2"><cmd rev="r3">Set the source directory, the main ditamap file, the output directory (default value
32 | is root directory of project), css storage directory (used to contain<filepath>
33 | common.css</filepath>, <filepath>commonltr.css</filepath>, and
34 | <filepath>commonrtl.css</filepath>), user customized .css file name, and conditional
35 | processing ditaval file in the wizard. <uicontrol>Use root as output directory</uicontrol>
36 | is selected as the default.</cmd><info>You can also clear <uicontrol>Use root as output
37 | directory</uicontrol> and specify another output directory. <fig>
38 | <image href="images/specifyoutputdir.JPG" placement="break"><alt>Set directories</alt>
39 | </image>
40 | </fig><fig>
41 | <image href="images/newdirectory.JPG" placement="break"><alt>Specify another directory</alt>
42 | </image>
43 | </fig></info></step>
44 | <step><cmd>Create DITA files in the source directory and a ditamap to include
45 | the topic files that you created.</cmd></step>
46 | <step importance="optional"><cmd>Import the DITA files into the <filepath>src</filepath> directory
47 | of the DITA plug-in project you just created.</cmd>
48 | <substeps>
49 | <substep><cmd>Right-click a directory that you want to put the imported files and select <menucascade>
50 | <uicontrol>Import</uicontrol>
51 | <uicontrol>File system</uicontrol>
52 | </menucascade>. </cmd><info><fig>
53 | <image href="images/filesys.jpg" placement="break"><alt>Select an import file source</alt>
54 | </image>
55 | </fig></info></substep>
56 | <substep><cmd>Select the directory under which you put the DITA files.</cmd>
57 | <info><fig>
58 | <image href="images/setdirectory.jpg" placement="break"><alt>Select a directory</alt>
59 | </image>
60 | </fig></info></substep>
61 | <substep><cmd>Click Finish after you selected the DITA files under the specified
62 | directory. The DITA files are then imported to your DITA project.</cmd></substep>
63 | </substeps>
64 | </step>
65 | <step><cmd>Right click <filepath>build.xml</filepath>, select <menucascade><uicontrol>Run As</uicontrol>
66 | <uicontrol>Ant Build</uicontrol></menucascade>.</cmd>
67 | <info><note importance="high">If you're using Oracle JDK, please download and use the latest Xalan. The
68 | Xalan shipped with Oracle JDK has some issue that will cause the build failure. You can
69 | use the latest Xalan by selecting <uicontrol>ANT Build ...</uicontrol> and include the
70 | all of Xalan's jar files in Classpath.</note></info>
71 | <info>After the transformation, the output is in the output directory set in
72 | <filepath>build.xml</filepath>. Refresh the project after the build is successful.<fig>
73 | <image href="images/runasant.jpg" placement="break">
74 | <alt>Run as Ant build</alt>
75 | </image>
76 | </fig><fig>
77 | <image href="images/classpath.jpg" placement="break">
78 | <alt>Set the Classpath</alt>
79 | </image>
80 | </fig></info></step>
81 | <step><cmd>Edit the plug-in description of the property file <filepath>MANITEST.MF</filepath> in the
82 | plug-in editor after you run the Ant build successfully. </cmd>
83 | <substeps>
84 | <substep><cmd>Click <filepath>MANITEST.MF</filepath> to go to the <wintitle>Overview page</wintitle>.</cmd><info><fig>
85 | <image href="images/overview.jpg" placement="break"><alt>Overview</alt></image>
86 | </fig></info></substep>
87 | <substep><cmd>Edit Dependencies to include <codeph>org.eclipse.help</codeph>.</cmd><info><fig>
88 | <image href="images/org.jpg" placement="break"><alt>Edit Dependencies</alt></image>
89 | </fig></info></substep>
90 | <substep><cmd>Edit Extensions to add <codeph>org.eclipse.help.toc</codeph>; right click the added
91 | <codeph>org.eclipse.help.toc</codeph>, and select <menucascade>
92 | <uicontrol>New</uicontrol><uicontrol>toc</uicontrol>
93 | </menucascade>.</cmd><info><fig>
94 | <image href="images/toc.jpg" placement="break"><alt>Edit Extensions</alt></image>
95 | </fig></info></substep>
96 | <substep><cmd>Edit the Build Configuration to include the out directory or
97 | the directory you specified in <xref href="#integratingwithwtp/step2"><!--Step 2--></xref>.</cmd>
98 | <info><fig>
99 | <image href="images/buildout.JPG" placement="break"><alt>Edit Build Configuration</alt>
100 | </image>
101 | </fig></info></substep>
102 | <substep rev="r3"><cmd>Save the changes you made to the property file MANITEST.MF.</cmd>
103 | </substep>
104 | </substeps>
105 | </step>
106 | <step><cmd>Export the output to a documentation plug-in. </cmd><info><note>build.xml
107 | can be customized to meet the requirement of headless build.</note></info>
108 | <substeps>
109 | <substep><cmd>Select <menucascade>
110 | <uicontrol>File</uicontrol>
111 | <uicontrol rev="r3">Export</uicontrol>
112 | </menucascade>; select <uicontrol>Deployable plug-ins and fragments</uicontrol> and
113 | click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol>.</cmd>
114 | <info><fig>
115 | <image href="images/export.jpg" placement="break"><alt>Export a plug-in</alt></image>
116 | </fig></info></substep>
117 | <substep><cmd>Select the plug-in you want to export and specify a directory
118 | under which you want to put the plug-in package.</cmd><info><image href="images/selectplugin.jpg"
119 | placement="break"><alt>Select a plug-in and specify the export destination</alt>
120 | </image></info></substep>
121 | <substep><cmd>Click <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol> to export the plug-in package.</cmd>
122 | </substep>
123 | </substeps>
124 | </step>
125 | </steps>
126 | </taskbody>
127 | </task>