1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
3 | "concept.dtd">
4 | <concept id="processing-pipeline-modules" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>DITA-OT processing modules</title>
6 | <shortdesc>The DITA-OT processing pipeline is implemented using Ant. Individual modules within the
7 | Ant script are implemented in either Java or XSLT, depending on such factors as performance or
8 | requirements for customization. Virtually all Ant and XSLT modules can be extended by adding a
9 | plug-in to the toolkit; new Ant targets may be inserted before or after common processing, and new
10 | rules may be imported into common XSLT modules to override default processing.</shortdesc>
11 | <conbody>
12 | <section>
13 | <title>XSLT modules</title><p>The XSLT modules use shell files. Typically, each shell file begins by importing common rules
14 | that apply to all topics. This set of common processing rules may in turn import additional common
15 | modules, such as those used for reporting errors or determining the document locale. After the
16 | common rules are imported, additional imports can be included in order to support processing for
17 | DITA specializations.</p><p>For example, XHTML processing is controlled by the <filepath>xsl\dita2xhtml.xsl</filepath> file.
18 | The shell begins by importing common rules that are applicable to all general topics:
19 | <filepath>xslhtml\dita2htmlImpl.xsl</filepath>. After that, additional XSLT overrides are imported
20 | for specializations that require modified processing. For example, an override for reference topics
21 | is imported in order to add default headers to property tables. Additional modules are imported for
22 | tasks, for the highlighting domain, and for several other standard specializations. After the
23 | standard XSLT overrides occur, plug-ins may add in additional processing rules for local styles or
24 | for additional specializations.</p></section>
25 | <section>
26 | <title>Java modules</title>
27 | <p>Java modules are typically used when XSLT is a poor fit, such as for processes that make use of
28 | standard Java libraries (like those used for index sorting). Java modules are also used in many
29 | cases where a step involves copying files, such as the initial process where source files are parsed
30 | and copied to a temporary processing directory.</p>
31 | </section>
32 | </conbody>
33 | </concept>