1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
3 | "concept.dtd">
4 | <concept id="processing-order" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>DITA-OT processing order</title>
6 | <shortdesc>The order of processing is often significant when evaluating DITA content. Although the
7 | DITA specification does not mandate a specific order for processing, the DITA-OT has determined that
8 | performing filtering before conref resolution best meets user expectations. Switching the order of
9 | processing, while legal, may give different results. </shortdesc>
10 | <conbody>
11 | <section>
12 | <p>The DITA-OT project has found that filtering first provides several benefits. Consider the
13 | following sample that contains a <note> element that both uses conref and contains a @product
14 | attribute:<codeblock><note conref="documentA.dita#doc/note" product="MyProd"/></codeblock></p><p>If the @conref attribute is evaluated first, then documentA must be parsed in order to retrieve
15 | the note content. That content is then stored in the current document (or in a representation of
16 | that document in memory). However, if all content with product="MyProd" is filtered out, then that
17 | work is all discarded later in the build.</p><p>If the filtering is done first (as in the DITA-OT), this element is discarded immediately, and
18 | documentA is never examined. This provides several important benefits:<ul>
19 | <li>Time is saved by discarding unused content as early as possible; all future steps can load the
20 | document without this extra content.</li>
21 | <li>Additional time is saved case by not evaluating the @conref attribute; in fact, documentA does
22 | not even need to be parsed.</li>
23 | <li>Any user reproducing this build does not need documentA. If the content is sent to a translation
24 | team, that team can reproduce an error-free build without documentA; this means documentA can be
25 | kept back from translation, preventing accidental translation and increased costs.</li>
26 | </ul></p>
27 | <p>If the order of these two steps is reversed, so that conref is evaluated first, it is possible
28 | that results will differ. For example, in the code sample above, the @product attribute will
29 | override the product setting on the referencing note. Assume that the <note> elements in
30 | documentA is defined as
31 | follows:<codeblock><note id="note" product="SomeOtherProduct">This is an important note!</note></codeblock></p>
32 | <p>A process that filters out product="SomeOtherProduct" will remove the target of the original
33 | conref before that conref is ever evaluated, which will result in a broken reference. Evaluating
34 | conref first would resolve the reference, and only later filter out the target of the conref. While
35 | some use cases can be found where this is the desired behavior, benefits such as those described
36 | above resulted in the current processing order used by the DITA-OT..</p></section>
37 | </conbody>
38 | </concept>