1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
3 | "concept.dtd">
4 | <concept id="preprocess-mapref" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>Resolve map references (mapref)</title>
6 | <shortdesc>The <codeph>mapref</codeph> step resolves references from one DITA map to another. This
7 | step is implemented in XSLT.</shortdesc>
8 | <conbody>
9 | <section><p>Maps reference other maps by using the following sorts of
10 | markup:<codeblock><topicref href="other.ditamap" format="ditamap"/>
11 | ...
12 | <mapref href="other.ditamap"/></codeblock></p><p>As a result of the mapref step, the element that references another map is replaced by the topic
13 | references from the other map. Relationship tables are pulled into the referencing map as a
14 | child of the root element (<map> or a specialization of <map>).</p></section>
15 | </conbody>
16 | </concept>