1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2011, v.4002-->
3 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN"
4 | "reference.dtd">
5 | <?Pub Inc?>
6 | <reference id="plugin-xsltparams" xml:lang="en-us">
7 | <title>Passing parameters to existing XSLT steps</title>
8 | <shortdesc>Plug-ins can define new parameters to be passed from the
9 | Ant build into existing XSLT pipeline stages, usually to have those
10 | parameters available as global <codeph><xsl:param></codeph> values
11 | within XSLT overrides.</shortdesc>
12 | <refbody>
13 | <section><p>To create new parameters, create a file <filepath>insertParameters.xml</filepath> which
14 | contains one or more Ant <codeph><param></codeph> elements. It
15 | also needs a <dummy> wrapper element around the parameters. For
16 | example, the following parameter will be passed in to the XSLT file
17 | with a value of <codeph>${antProperty}</codeph>, but only if that
18 | parameter is defined:<codeblock><dummy>
19 | <!-- Any Ant code allowed in xslt task is possible. Common example: -->
20 | <param name="paramNameinXSLT" expression="${antProperty}" if="antProperty"/>
21 | </dummy></codeblock></p><p>Pass the value using the following extensions: </p><dl>
22 | <dlentry>
23 | <dt><codeph>dita.conductor.html.param</codeph></dt>
24 | <dd>Pass parameters to HTML and HTML Help XSLT</dd>
25 | </dlentry><dlentry>
26 | <dt><codeph>dita.conductor.xhtml.param</codeph></dt>
27 | <dd>Pass parameters to XHTML and Eclipse Help XSLT</dd>
28 | </dlentry>
29 | <dlentry>
30 | <dt><codeph>dita.conductor.xhtml.toc.param</codeph></dt>
31 | <dd>Pass parameters to XHTML TOC XSLT</dd>
32 | </dlentry>
33 | <dlentry>
34 | <dt><codeph>dita.conductor.eclipse.toc.param</codeph></dt>
35 | <dd>Pass parameters to Eclipse Help TOC XSLT</dd>
36 | </dlentry>
37 | <dlentry>
38 | <dt><codeph>dita.preprocess.conref.param</codeph></dt>
39 | <dd>Pass parameters to conref XSLT</dd>
40 | </dlentry><dlentry>
41 | <dt><codeph>dita.preprocess.mapref.param</codeph></dt>
42 | <dd>Pass parameters to mapref XSLT</dd>
43 | </dlentry><dlentry>
44 | <dt><codeph>dita.preprocess.mappull.param</codeph></dt>
45 | <dd>Pass parameters to mappull XSLT</dd>
46 | </dlentry><dlentry>
47 | <dt><codeph>dita.preprocess.maplink.param</codeph></dt>
48 | <dd>Pass parameters to maplink XSLT</dd>
49 | </dlentry><dlentry>
50 | <dt><codeph>dita.preprocess.topicpull.param</codeph></dt>
51 | <dd>Pass parameters to topicpull XSLT</dd>
52 | </dlentry>
53 | <dlentry>
54 | <dt><codeph>dita.conductor.pdf2.param</codeph></dt>
55 | <dd>Pass parameters to PDF2 XSLT</dd>
56 | </dlentry></dl></section>
57 | <example><title>Example</title><p>The following plug-in will pass
58 | the parameters defined inside of <filepath>insertParameter.xml</filepath> as
59 | input to the XHTML process. Generally, an additional XSLT override
60 | will make use of the parameter to do something new with the generated
61 | content.</p><codeblock><plugin id="com.example.newparam">
62 | <feature extension="dita.conductor.xhtml.param" file="insertParameters.xml"/>
63 | </plugin></codeblock><?Pub Caret -2?> </example>
64 | </refbody>
65 | </reference>
66 | <?Pub *0000002568?>