1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2011, v.4002-->
3 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN"
4 | "reference.dtd">
5 | <?Pub Inc?>
6 | <reference id="plugin-support" xml:lang="en-us">
7 | <title>Version and support information</title>
8 | <shortdesc>The following extension points are used by convention to
9 | define version and support info within a plug-in.</shortdesc>
10 | <refbody>
11 | <section> <ul id="ul_jxr_hlv_mc">
12 | <li><codeph>package.support.name</codeph></li>
13 | <li><codeph>package.support.email</codeph></li>
14 | <li><codeph>package.version</codeph></li>
15 | </ul> <note> <p>The toolkit does not currently do anything
16 | with these values, but may do so in the future.</p>
17 | </note> <p>The <codeph>package.version</codeph> value should
18 | follow the syntax rules:</p> <codeblock>version ::= major ( '.' minor ( '.' micro ( '.' qualifier )? )? )?
19 |
20 | major ::= number
21 | minor ::= number
22 | micro ::= number
23 | qualifier ::= ( [0..9] | [a..zA..Z] | ’_’ | '-' )+</codeblock>
24 | <p>The default value is <codeph>0.0.0</codeph>.</p> </section>
25 | <example><title>Example</title><codeblock><plugin id="com.example.WithSupportInfo">
26 | <feature extension="package.support.name" value="Joe the Author"/>
27 | <feature extension="package.support.email" value="[email protected]"/>
28 | <feature extension="package.version" value="1.2.3"/>
29 | </plugin></codeblock><?Pub Caret -1?> </example>
30 | </refbody>
31 | </reference>
32 | <?Pub *0000001511?>