1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2011, v.4002-->
3 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN"
4 | "reference.dtd">
5 | <?Pub Inc?>
6 | <reference id="extending-the-ot" xml:lang="en-us">
7 | <title>Extending the DITA Open Toolkit</title>
8 | <shortdesc>There are several methods that can be used to extend the
9 | toolkit; not all of them are recommended or supported. The best way
10 | to create most extensions is with a plug-in; extended documentation
11 | for creating plug-ins is provided in the next section.</shortdesc>
12 | <refbody>
13 | <section><ul>
14 | <li>Creating a plug-in can be very simple to very complex, and is generally the best method for
15 | changing or extending the toolkit. Plug-ins can be used to accomplish almost any
16 | modification that is needed for toolkit processing, from minor style tweaks to extensive,
17 | complicated new output formats.</li><?Pub Caret 244?>
18 | <li>The PDF process was initially developed independently of the toolkit,
19 | and created its own extension mechanism using customization directories.
20 | Many (but not quite all) of the capabilities available through PDF
21 | customization directories are now available through plug-ins.</li>
22 | <li>Using a single XSL file as an override by passing it in as a parameter.
23 | For example, when building XHTML content, the XSL parameter allows
24 | users to specify a single local XSL file (inside or outside of the
25 | toolkit) that is called in place of the default XHTML code. Typically,
26 | this code imports the default processing code, and overrides a couple
27 | of processing routines. This approach is best when the override is
28 | very minimal, or when the style varies from build to build. However,
29 | any extension made with this sort of override is also possible with
30 | a plug-in.</li>
31 | <li>Editing DITA-OT code directly may work in some cases, but is not
32 | advised. Modifying the code directly significantly increases the work
33 | and risk involved with future upgrades. It is also likely that such
34 | modifications will break plug-ins provided by others, limiting the
35 | function available to the toolkit.</li>
36 | </ul></section>
37 | </refbody>
38 | </reference>
39 | <?Pub *0000002122?>