1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 | "map.dtd">
4 | <map xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>Developer's Reference</title>
6 | <topicref href="developer-reference.dita">
7 | <topicref href="DITA-OTArchitecture.dita" navtitle="Architecture of the DITA-OT">
8 | <topicref href="processing-structure.dita"/>
9 | <topicref href="processing-pipeline-modules.dita"/>
10 | <topicref href="processing-order.dita"/>
11 | <topicref collection-type="sequence" href="DITA-OTPreprocess.dita" id="preprocess"
12 | navtitle="Pre-processing modules">
13 | <topicref href="preprocess-genlist.dita"/>
14 | <topicref href="preprocess-debugfilter.dita"/>
15 | <topicref href="preprocess-copyfiles.dita"/>
16 | <topicref href="preprocess-conrefpush.dita"/>
17 | <topicref href="preprocess-conref.dita"/>
18 | <topicref href="preprocess-metadata.dita"/>
19 | <topicref href="preprocess-keyref.dita"/>
20 | <topicref href="preprocess-coderef.dita"/>
21 | <topicref href="preprocess-mapref.dita"/>
22 | <topicref href="preprocess-mappull.dita"/>
23 | <topicref href="preprocess-chunk.dita"/>
24 | <topicref href="preprocess-maplink.dita"/>
25 | <topicref href="preprocess-topicpull.dita"/>
26 | <topicref href="preprocess-flagging.dita"/>
27 | </topicref>
28 | <topicref href="XhtmlWithNavigation.dita">
29 | <topicref href="XhtmlCommon.dita"/>
30 | <topicref href="XhtmlDefault.dita"/>
31 | <topicref href="XhtmlEclipse.dita"/>
32 | <topicref href="XhtmlTocjs.dita"/>
33 | <topicref href="XhtmlCHM.dita"/>
34 | <topicref href="XhtmlJavahelp.dita"/>
35 | </topicref>
36 | <topicref href="PdfDefault.dita"/>
37 | <topicref href="OdtDefault.dita"/>
38 | </topicref>
39 | <topicref href="extending-the-ot.dita">
40 | <topicref href="plugins-installing.dita"/>
41 | <topicref href="plugins-removing.dita"/>
42 | <topicref href="rebuilding-the-dita-ot-documentation.dita"/>
43 | </topicref>
44 | <topicref href="configuring-the-dita-ot.dita">
45 | <topicref href="lib-org.dita.dost.platform-plugin.properties.dita"/>
46 | </topicref>
47 | <topicset href="plugins-overview.dita" id="plugins">
48 | <topicref href="plugin-configfile.dita"/>
49 | <topicref href="plugin-xmlcatalog.dita"/>
50 | <topicref href="plugin-anttarget.dita"/>
51 | <topicref href="plugin-antpreprocess.dita"/>
52 | <topicref href="plugin-newtranstype.dita"/>
53 | <topicref href="plugin-overridestyle.dita"/>
54 | <topicref href="plugin-addgeneratedtext.dita"/>
55 | <topicref href="plugin-xsltparams.dita"/>
56 | <topicref href="plugin-javalib.dita"/>
57 | <topicref href="plugin-messages.dita"/>
58 | <topicref href="plugin-dependencies.dita"/>
59 | <topicref href="plugin-support.dita"/>
60 | <topicref href="plugin-newextensions.dita"/>
61 | <topicref href="plugin-sample.dita"/>
62 | </topicset>
63 | <topichead navtitle="">
64 | <topicmeta>
65 | <navtitle>Migrating style sheets and XSLT overrides</navtitle>
66 | </topicmeta>
67 | <topicref rev="1.7" href="flagging-migration.dita"/>
68 | </topichead>
69 | <topicref href="../readme/dita2pdf-customization.dita"/>
70 | <topicref href="ant-properties.dita"/>
71 | <topicref href="DITA1.2-implementation-dependent-features.dita"/>
72 | <topicref href="extended-functionality.dita"/>
73 | <!-- XXX: is this obsolete? 2 April 2013: Commented out; high priority to write new topic about topic merge-->
74 | <!--<topicref href="topicmerge.dita" navtitle="Topic merge"/>-->
75 | <!--The following topic needs o be updated. robert to work with Eric. 2 April 2013: Commented out; low priority to write new topic about this-->
76 | <!--<topicref href="workingwithdocplugin.dita" navtitle="Working with documentation plug-in"/>-->
77 | <!-- To be cleaned up:
78 | DITA-OTArchitecture.xml referenced DITA-OTGenListModule.dita, which is out of date and
79 | no longer referenced. The topic should be cleaned up or removed. It is also commented
80 | out of the TOC below. -->
81 | <!-- <topicref href="DITA-OTGenListModule.xml" navtitle="Java Module Architecture"/> -->
82 | </topicref>
83 | <reltable>
84 | <relrow>
85 | <relcell>
86 | <topicref href="preprocess-chunk.dita"></topicref>
87 | </relcell>
88 | <relcell>
89 | <topicref format="html"
90 | href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/archSpec/chunking.html"
91 | scope="external">
92 | <topicmeta>
93 | <navtitle>Chunking definition in the DITA 1.2 specification</navtitle>
94 | </topicmeta>
95 | </topicref>
96 | </relcell>
97 | </relrow>
98 | </reltable>
99 | </map>