1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
3 | <reference id="ant-properties">
4 | <title>Internal Ant properties</title>
5 | <shortdesc>Reference list of Ant properties used by DITA-OT internally.</shortdesc>
6 | <refbody>
7 | <section>
8 | <parml>
9 | <plentry>
10 | <pt><codeph>include.rellinks</codeph></pt>
11 | <pd>Space separated list of link roles to be output; value token <codeph>#default</codeph>
12 | denotes default role value. Property default value depends on transformation type.
13 | Defined by <codeph>args.rellinks</codeph>, but may be overridden directly.</pd>
14 | </plentry>
15 | </parml>
16 | <!--
17 | HTMLHelpCompiler
18 | _org.dita.pdf2.valfile
19 | _org.dita.pdf2.valfile.url
20 | _xhtml.map.file
21 | artworkPrefixUrl
22 | axf.cmd
23 | axf.formatter.output-format
24 | axf.path
25 | chunkedditamapfile
26 | chunkedtopicfile
27 | clean-temp.skip
28 | clean.temp
29 | collator
30 | compile.dir
31 | content.frame
32 | content.link.ext
33 | csspath
34 | current.date
35 | custom.xep.config
36 | customization.dir.url
37 | default.locale
38 | dita.dir
39 | dita.eclipsehelp.index.class
40 | dita.ext
41 | dita.extname
42 | dita.input
43 | dita.input.dirname
44 | dita.input.filename
45 | dita.input.valfile
46 | dita.input.valfile.url
47 | dita.map.filename.root
48 | dita.map.output.dir
49 | dita.map.output.dir.url
50 | dita.map.toc.root
51 | dita.odt.outputdir
52 | dita.plugin.com.sophos.tocjs.copydefaults
53 | dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet
54 | dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet.conref
55 | dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet.maplink
56 | dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet.mappull
57 | dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet.mapref
58 | dita.preprocess.reloadstylesheet.topicpull
59 | dita.rtf.outputdir
60 | dita.temp.dir.fullpath
61 | dita.topic.filename.root
62 | dita.xhtml.reloadstylesheet
63 | document.language
64 | document.locale
65 | eclipse.fragment.country
66 | eclipse.fragment.error
67 | eclipse.fragment.language
68 | eclipse.plugin
69 | env.AXF_DIR
70 | env.HHCDIR
71 | env.JHHOME
72 | errCode
73 | file.protocol.prefix
74 | flag
75 | fo.ah.program.name
76 | fop.formatter.output-format
77 | formatter.specific.ext
78 | generate.copy.outer
79 | has.axf.option
80 | hasFOP
81 | hasFopLib
82 | hasSaxon
83 | hhc.dir
84 | i18n.config.file
85 | icu4j-available
86 | image.copy.normal
87 | image.copy.uplevels
88 | include.rellinks
89 | index.config.file
90 | inner.transform
91 | inputFile.url
92 | is32bit
93 | is64bit
94 | isDocbookOutput
95 | isEclipseOutput
96 | isHtmlHelpOutput
97 | isJavaHelpOutput
98 | isPDFOutput
99 | isTocjsOutput
100 | isWebOutput
101 | jvmArchFlag
102 | maplink.workdir
103 | mappull.workdir
104 | mapref.workdir
105 | msg.deprecate
106 | noCoderef
107 | noConref
108 | noConrefPush
109 | noHtmllist
110 | noImagelist
111 | noKeyref
112 | noMap
113 | noPlugin
114 | noSublist
115 | noTopic
116 | odt.dir
117 | odt.output.tempdir
118 | old.transform
119 | onlytopic.in.map
120 | org.dita.pdf2.i18n.enabled
121 | org.xml.sax.driver
122 | out.ext
123 | outditafileslist
124 | outer.control
125 | outer.transform
126 | output.dir
127 | output.file
128 | outputFile
129 | pdf2.i18n.skip
130 | pdf2.temp.dir
131 | preprocess.chunk.skip
132 | preprocess.coderef.skip
133 | preprocess.conref.skip
134 | preprocess.conrefpush.skip
135 | preprocess.copy-files.skip
136 | preprocess.copy-flag.skip
137 | preprocess.copy-generated-files.skip
138 | preprocess.copy-html.skip
139 | preprocess.copy-image.skip
140 | preprocess.copy-subsidiary.skip
141 | preprocess.debug-filter.skip
142 | preprocess.gen-list.skip
143 | preprocess.keyref.skip
144 | preprocess.maplink.skip
145 | preprocess.mappull.skip
146 | preprocess.mapref.skip
147 | preprocess.move-links.skip
148 | preprocess.move-meta-entries.skip
149 | preprocess.topicpull.skip
150 | prompt.ditamap.directory
151 | prompt.ditamap.filename
152 | prompt.ditamap.fileroot
153 | prompt.output.confirm
154 | prompt.output.directory
155 | prompt.output.type
156 | publish.required.cleanup
157 | resourceonlyfile
158 | retain.topic.fo
159 | temp.base
160 | temp.dir
161 | temp.outdir
162 | temp.transformation.file
163 | transtarget
164 | use.ah.pdf.formatter
165 | use.fop.pdf.formatter
166 | use.xep.pdf.formatter
167 | user.copycss.yes
168 | user.csspath
169 | user.csspath.url
170 | user.input.dir.url
171 | validate
172 | variable.file
173 | variable.file.url
174 | work.dir.url
175 | workdir
176 | xep-available
177 | xep.config.file
178 | xep.failOnError
179 | xep.formatter.output-format
180 | xepExitedOnError
181 | xhtml.map.url
182 | xml.parser
183 | xsl.formatter.ext
184 | xslt.parser
185 | -->
186 | </section>
187 | </refbody>
188 | </reference>