1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
3 | "concept.dtd">
4 | <concept id="xhtmleclipse" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>Eclipse help processing</title>
6 | <shortdesc>The <option>eclipsehelp</option> transformation generates XHTML-based output and files
7 | that are needing to create an Eclipse Help system plug-in. Once the normal XHTML process has run,
8 | the <codeph>dita.map.eclipse</codeph> target is used to create a set of control files and navigation
9 | files.</shortdesc>
10 | <conbody>
11 | <section><p>Eclipse use multiple files to control the plug-in behavior. Some of these control files are
12 | generated by the build, while others might be created manually. The following Ant targets control
13 | the Eclipse help processing:<dl>
14 | <dlentry>
15 | <dt><codeph>dita.map.eclipse.init</codeph></dt>
16 | <dd>Sets up various default properties</dd>
17 | </dlentry>
18 | <dlentry>
19 | <dt><codeph>dita.map.eclipse.toc</codeph></dt>
20 | <dd>Creates the XML file that defines an Eclipse table of contents</dd>
21 | </dlentry>
22 | <dlentry>
23 | <dt><codeph>dita.map.eclipse.index</codeph></dt>
24 | <dd>Creates the sorted XML file that defines an Eclipse index</dd>
25 | </dlentry>
26 | <dlentry>
27 | <dt><codeph>dita.map.eclipse.plugin</codeph></dt>
28 | <dd>Creates the <filepath>plugin.xml</filepath> file that controls the behavior of an Eclipse
29 | plug-in</dd>
30 | </dlentry>
31 | <dlentry>
32 | <dt><codeph>dita.map.eclipse.plugin.properties</codeph></dt>
33 | <dd>Creates a Java properties file that sets properties for the plug-in, such as name and version
34 | information</dd>
35 | </dlentry>
36 | <dlentry>
37 | <dt><codeph>dita.map.eclipse.manifest.file</codeph></dt>
38 | <dd>Creates a <filepath>MANIFEST.MF</filepath> file that contains additional information used by
39 | Eclipse</dd>
40 | </dlentry>
41 | <dlentry>
42 | <dt><codeph>copy-plugin-files</codeph></dt>
43 | <dd>Checks for the presence of certain control files in the source directory, and copies those found
44 | to the output directory</dd>
45 | </dlentry>
46 | <dlentry>
47 | <dt><codeph>dita.map.eclipse.fragment.language.init</codeph></dt>
48 | <dd>Works in conjunction with the <codeph>dita.map.eclipse.fragment.language.country.init</codeph>
49 | and <codeph>dita.map.eclipse.fragment.error</codeph> targets to control Eclipse fragment files,
50 | which are used for versions of a plug-in created for a new language or locale</dd>
51 | </dlentry>
52 | </dl></p><p>Several of the targets listed above have matching templates for processing content that is
53 | located outside of the scope of the map directory, such as
54 | <codeph>dita.out.map.eclipse.toc</codeph>.</p></section>
55 | </conbody>
56 | </concept>