1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
3 | "concept.dtd">
4 | <concept id="pdfdefault" xml:lang="en-us">
5 | <title>PDF processing modules</title>
6 | <shortdesc>The <option>PDF</option> (formerly known as <option>PDF2</option>) transformation process
7 | runs the pre-processing routine and follows it by a series of additional targets. These steps work
8 | together to create a merged set of content, convert the merged content to XSL-FO, and then format
9 | the XSL-FO file to PDF.</shortdesc>
10 | <conbody>
11 | <section><p>The PDF process includes many Ant targets. During a typical conversion from map to PDF, the
12 | following targets are most significant.</p>
13 | <dl>
14 | <dlentry>
15 | <dt>map2pdf2</dt>
16 | <dd>Creates a merged file by calling a common Java merge module. It then calls the
17 | <codeph>publish.map.pdf</codeph> target to do the remainder of the work.</dd>
18 | </dlentry>
19 | <dlentry>
20 | <dt>publish.map.pdf</dt>
21 | <dd>Performs some initialization and then calls the <codeph>transform.topic2pdf</codeph> target to
22 | do the remainder of processing.</dd>
23 | </dlentry>
24 | <dlentry>
25 | <dt>transform.topic2pdf</dt>
26 | <dd>Converts the merged file to XSL-FO, generates the PDF, and deletes the
27 | <filepath>topic.fo</filepath> file, unless instructed to keep it. Uses the following targets to
28 | perform those tasks:<dl>
29 | <dlentry>
30 | <dt>transform.topic2fo</dt>
31 | <dd>Convert the merged file to an XSL-FO file. This process is composed of several Ant
32 | targets.<simpletable frame="all" relcolwidth="1.0* 1.0*">
33 | <sthead>
34 | <stentry>Ant target</stentry>
35 | <stentry>Description</stentry>
36 | </sthead>
37 | <strow>
38 | <stentry>transform.topic2fo.index</stentry>
39 | <stentry>Runs a Java process to set up index processing, based on the document language. This step
40 | generates the file <filepath>stage1.xml</filepath> in the temporary processing directory.</stentry>
41 | </strow>
42 | <strow>
43 | <stentry>transform.topic2fo.flagging</stentry>
44 | <stentry>Sets up preprocessing for flagging based on a DITAVAL file. This step generates the file
45 | <filepath>stage1a.xml</filepath> in the temporary processing directory.</stentry>
46 | </strow>
47 | <strow>
48 | <stentry>transform.topic2fo.main</stentry>
49 | <stentry>Does the bulk of the conversion from DITA to XSL-FO. It runs the XSLT based process that
50 | creates <filepath>stage2.fo</filepath> in the temporary processing directory</stentry>
51 | </strow>
52 | <strow>
53 | <stentry>transform.topic2fo.i18n</stentry>
54 | <stentry>Does additional localization processing on the FO file; it runs a Java process that
55 | converts <filepath>stage2.fo</filepath> into <filepath>stage3.fo</filepath>, followed by an XSLT
56 | process that converts <filepath>stage3.fo</filepath> into <filepath>topic.fo</filepath>.</stentry>
57 | </strow>
58 | <strow/>
59 | </simpletable></dd>
60 | </dlentry>
61 | <dlentry>
62 | <dt>transform.fo2pdf</dt>
63 | <dd>Converts the <filepath>topic.fo</filepath> file into PDF using the specified FO processor
64 | (Antenna House, XEP, or Apache FOP).</dd>
65 | </dlentry>
66 | <dlentry>
67 | <dt>delete.fo2pdf.topic.fo</dt>
68 | <dd>Deletes the <filepath>topic.fo</filepath> file, unless otherwise specified by setting an Ant
69 | property or command-line option.</dd>
70 | </dlentry>
71 | </dl></dd>
72 | </dlentry>
73 | </dl></section>
74 | </conbody>
75 | </concept>