1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN"
3 | "topic.dtd">
4 | <?Pub Inc?>
5 | <topic id="ditaopentoolkitprojectmanagement" xml:lang="en-us">
6 | <title>DITA Open Toolkit Project Management Guidelines</title>
7 | <titlealts>
8 | <navtitle>Project Management Guidelines</navtitle>
9 | </titlealts>
10 | <shortdesc>The<ph><cite> DITA Open Toolkit Project Management Guidelines</cite></ph> are designed to
11 | provide information about how the project is managed. These guidelines are geared to an audience
12 | that needs information about how to participate in the development of the DITA-OT.</shortdesc>
13 | <body>
14 | <p>The project is managed similarly to commercial software-development projects; it uses
15 | requirements gathering, plan validation with stakeholders and contributors, scheduled activities,
16 | tests, reviews, and builds. Quality is strongly emphasized.</p>
17 | </body>
18 | </topic><?Pub Caret -3?>
19 | <?Pub *0000000672?>