1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN"
3 | "topic.dtd">
4 | <?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>
5 | <topic id="ditaotgoals" xml:lang="en-us">
6 | <title>Goals and objectives of the DITA Open Toolkit</title>
7 | <titlealts>
8 | <navtitle>Goals and objectives</navtitle>
9 | </titlealts>
10 | <shortdesc>The goal of the DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) is to provide a high-quality implementation
11 | for production-level output of DITA content, built in a professionally-managed project environment
12 | by vetted contributors, and tested thoroughly for each release.</shortdesc>
13 | <prolog>
14 | <metadata>
15 | <keywords>
16 | <indexterm>DITA-OT project<indexterm>goals and objectives</indexterm></indexterm>
17 | </keywords>
18 | </metadata>
19 | </prolog>
20 | <body>
21 | <p>The DITA-OT is designed to meet the needs of users who want to publish DITA content, from
22 | individual users running the toolkit in a stand-alone mode to vendors who incorporate the toolkit
23 | into their software products. The different distribution packages are designed to meet the needs of
24 | these different audiences.</p>
25 | <p>The DITA-OT project keeps up to date with the latest DTD and Schema updates from the OASIS DITA
26 | Technical Committee (TC), which develops and maintains the DITA standard. As the DITA TC produces
27 | drafts of future versions, the DITA-OT works to create early support for new features and helps to
28 | test the new draft versions of the standard.</p>
29 | <p>The project agrees with the open-source motto of <q>Release early and often</q> and seeks to
30 | develop wide consensus on issues.</p>
31 | </body>
32 | </topic>