1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE html
3 | PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
4 | <html xml:lang="en-us" lang="en-us">
5 | <head>
6 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
7 | <meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2005"/>
8 | <meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2005"/>
9 | <meta name="DC.Type" content="reference"/>
10 | <meta name="DC.Title" content="Command-line tool parameters: All HTML-based transformations"/>
11 | <meta name="abstract" content="Certain parameters apply to all the HTML-based transformation types: Eclipse content, Eclipse help, HTML Help, JavaHelp, TocJS, and XHTML."/>
12 | <meta name="description" content="Certain parameters apply to all the HTML-based transformation types: Eclipse content, Eclipse help, HTML Help, JavaHelp, TocJS, and XHTML."/>
13 | <meta name="DC.subject" content="command-line tool, parameters, args.css, artlbl, copycss, csspath, cssroot, ftr, generateouter, hdf, hdr, indexshow, onlytopicinmap, outercontrol, usetasklabels, xhtmlclass, xsl"/>
14 | <meta name="keywords" content="command-line tool, parameters, args.css, artlbl, copycss, csspath, cssroot, ftr, generateouter, hdf, hdr, indexshow, onlytopicinmap, outercontrol, usetasklabels, xhtmlclass, xsl"/>
15 | <meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../readme/dita-ot_java_properties.html"/>
16 | <meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../readme/tool-parameters-eclipsecontent-transformation.html"/>
17 | <meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../readme/tool-parameters-eclipsehelp-transformation.html"/>
18 | <meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../readme/tool-parameters-htmlhelp-transformation.html"/>
19 | <meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../readme/tool-parameters-javahelp-transformation.html"/>
20 | <meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../readme/tool-parameters-xhtml-transformation.html"/>
21 | <meta name="DC.Format" content="XHTML"/>
22 | <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="tool-parameters-javahelp-transformation"/>
23 | <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../commonltr.css"/>
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25 | <title>Command-line tool parameters: All HTML-based transformations</title>
26 | </head>
27 | <body id="tool-parameters-javahelp-transformation">
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30 | <h1 class="title topictitle1">Command-line tool parameters: All HTML-based transformations</h1>
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34 |
35 | <div class="body refbody"><p class="shortdesc">Certain parameters apply to all the HTML-based transformation types: Eclipse content,
36 | Eclipse help, HTML Help, JavaHelp, TocJS, and XHTML.</p>
37 |
38 | <div class="section">
39 | <div class="note note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> You must specify an absolute path as the value for the following parameters:<ul class="ul">
40 | <li class="li"><span class="keyword parmname">ftr</span></li>
41 |
42 | <li class="li"><span class="keyword parmname">hdr</span></li>
43 |
44 | <li class="li"><span class="keyword parmname">hdf</span></li>
45 |
46 | </ul>
47 | </div>
48 |
49 |
50 | <div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" class="table" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption><span class="tablecap">Table 1. Command-line tool parameters: All HTML-based transformations</span></caption>
51 |
52 |
53 | <thead class="thead" align="left">
54 | <tr class="row">
55 | <th class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" id="d36528e100">Parameters</th>
56 |
57 | <th class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" id="d36528e103">Description</th>
58 |
59 | </tr>
60 |
61 | </thead>
62 |
63 | <tbody class="tbody">
64 | <tr class="row">
65 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">args.css</span></td>
66 |
67 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies the name of a custom .css
68 | file.</td>
69 |
70 | </tr>
71 |
72 | <tr class="row">
73 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">artlbl</span></td>
74 |
75 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies whether to generate a label
76 | for each image; the label will contain the image file name. The allowed values are
77 | <span class="keyword option">yes</span> and <span class="keyword option">no</span>; the default value is
78 | <span class="keyword option">no</span>.</td>
79 |
80 | </tr>
81 |
82 | <tr class="row">
83 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">copycss</span></td>
84 |
85 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies whether to copy the custom
86 | .css file to the output directory.</td>
87 |
88 | </tr>
89 |
90 | <tr class="row">
91 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">csspath</span></td>
92 |
93 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies the location of a copied .css
94 | file relative to the output directory. <span class="ph">Corresponds to
95 | XSLT parameter <span class="keyword parmname">CSSPATH</span>.</span></td>
96 |
97 | </tr>
98 |
99 | <tr class="row">
100 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">cssroot</span></td>
101 |
102 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies the directory that contains
103 | the custom .css file. DITA-OT will copy the file from this location.</td>
104 |
105 | </tr>
106 |
107 | <tr class="row">
108 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">ftr</span></td>
109 |
110 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies an XML file that contains content
111 | for a running footer. <span class="ph">Corresponds to XSLT parameter
112 | <span class="keyword parmname">FTR</span>.</span><div class="note note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> The XML file must contain valid XML. A common
113 | practice is to place all content into a <div> element.</div>
114 | </td>
115 |
116 | </tr>
117 |
118 | <tr class="row">
119 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">generateouter</span></td>
120 |
121 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies whether to generate
122 | output files for content that is not located in or beneath the directory containing
123 | the DITA map file. The following values are supported:<ul class="ul">
124 | <li class="li"><span class="keyword option">1</span> (default) – Do not generate output for content that is
125 | located outside the DITA map directory..</li>
126 |
127 | <li class="li"><span class="keyword option">2</span> – Generate output for the content that is located outside the
128 | DITA map directory.</li>
129 |
130 | <li class="li"><span class="keyword option">3</span> – Shift the output directory so that it contains all output
131 | for the publication.</li>
132 |
133 | </ul>
134 | <p class="p">See <a class="xref" href="generate-copy-outer.html" title="Elaboration on how the generate.outer.copy parameter functions.">generate.outer.copy parameter</a> for more information.</p>
135 | </td>
136 |
137 | </tr>
138 |
139 | <tr class="row">
140 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">hdf</span></td>
141 |
142 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies an XML file that contains content
143 | to be placed in the document head.</td>
144 |
145 | </tr>
146 |
147 | <tr class="row">
148 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">hdr</span></td>
149 |
150 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies an XML file that contains content
151 | for a running header. <span class="ph">Corresponds to the XSLT parameter
152 | <span class="keyword parmname">HDR</span>.</span><div class="note note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> The XML file must contain valid XML. A common
153 | practice is to place all content into a <div> element.</div>
154 | </td>
155 |
156 | </tr>
157 |
158 | <tr class="row">
159 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">indexshow</span></td>
160 |
161 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies whether the content of
162 | <indexterm> elements are rendered in the output. The allowed values are
163 | <span class="keyword option">yes</span> and <span class="keyword option">no</span>; the default value is
164 | <span class="keyword option">no</span>.</td>
165 |
166 | </tr>
167 |
168 | <tr class="row">
169 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">onlytopicinmap</span></td>
170 |
171 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies whether files that are
172 | linked to, or referenced with a @conref attribute, generate output. If set to
173 | <span class="keyword option">yes</span>, only files that are referenced directly from the map will
174 | generate output.</td>
175 |
176 | </tr>
177 |
178 | <tr class="row">
179 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">outercontrol</span></td>
180 |
181 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies how the DITA OT handles
182 | content files that are located in or below the directory containing the master DITA
183 | map. The following values are supported:<ul class="ul">
184 | <li class="li"><span class="keyword option">fail</span> – Fail quickly if files are going to be generated or
185 | copied outside of the directory</li>
186 |
187 | <li class="li"><span class="keyword option">warn</span> (default) – Complete the operation if files will be
188 | generated or copied outside of the directory, but log a warning</li>
189 |
190 | <li class="li"><span class="keyword option">quiet</span> – Quietly finish with only those files; do not generate
191 | warnings or errors.</li>
192 |
193 | </ul>
194 | The <span class="keyword parmname">gen-list-without-flagging</span> Ant task generates a harmless
195 | warning for content that is located outside the map directory; you can suppress these
196 | warnings by setting the property to <span class="keyword option">quiet</span>. <div class="note warning"><span class="warningtitle">Warning:</span> Microsoft HTML Help Compiler cannot produce HTML Help for
197 | documentation projects that use outer content. The content files must reside in or
198 | below the directory containing the master DITA map file, and the map file cannot
199 | specify ".." at the start of the @href attributes for <topicref> elements.</div>
200 |
201 | </td>
202 |
203 | </tr>
204 |
205 | <tr class="row">
206 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">usetasklabels</span></td>
207 |
208 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies whether to generate
209 | headings for sections within task topics. The allowed values are <span class="keyword option">YES</span>
210 | and <span class="keyword option">NO</span>; the default value is <span class="keyword option">NO</span>. <span class="ph">Corresponds to the XSLT parameter
211 | <span class="keyword parmname">GENERATE-TASK-LABELS</span>.</span></td>
212 |
213 | </tr>
214 |
215 | <tr class="row">
216 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">xhtmlclass</span></td>
217 |
218 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies whether to include
219 | the DITA class ancestry inside the XHTML elements .For example, the <prereq>
220 | element (which is specialized from section) would generate <samp class="ph codeph">class="section
221 | prereq</samp>. The allowed values are <span class="keyword option">yes</span> and
222 | <span class="keyword option">no</span>; the default value is <span class="keyword option">yes</span>. <span class="ph">Corresponds to the XSLT parameter
223 | <span class="keyword parmname">PRESERVE-DITA-CLASS</span>.</span><div class="note note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> Beginning with DITA OT release
224 | 1.5.2, the default value is <span class="keyword option">yes</span>. For release 1.5 and 1.5.1, the
225 | default value was <span class="keyword option">no</span>. </div>
226 | </td>
227 |
228 | </tr>
229 |
230 | <tr class="row">
231 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="27.27272727272727%" headers="d36528e100 "><span class="keyword parmname">xsl</span></td>
232 |
233 | <td class="entry" valign="top" width="72.72727272727273%" headers="d36528e103 ">Specifies a custom XSL file to be used
234 | instead of the default XSL transformation (<span class="ph filepath">xsl\dita2xhtml.xsl</span>).
235 | The parameter must specify a fully qualified file name.</td>
236 |
237 | </tr>
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239 | </tbody>
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241 | </table>
242 | </div>
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244 | </div>
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246 | </div>
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248 | <div class="related-links">
249 | <div class="familylinks">
250 | <div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a class="link" href="../readme/dita-ot_java_properties.html" title="Certain parameters apply to all DITA-OT transformations. Other parameters are common to the HTML-based transformations. Finally, some parameters apply only to the specific transformation types.">Command-line tool parameters</a></div>
251 | </div>
252 | <div class="relinfo relref"><strong>Related reference</strong><br/>
253 | <div><a class="link" href="../readme/tool-parameters-eclipsecontent-transformation.html" title="Certain parameters are specific to the Eclipse content transformation.">Command-line tool parameters: Eclipse content transformation</a></div>
254 | <div><a class="link" href="../readme/tool-parameters-eclipsehelp-transformation.html" title="Certain parameters are specific to the Eclipse help transformation.">Command-line tool parameters: Eclipse help transformation</a></div>
255 | <div><a class="link" href="../readme/tool-parameters-htmlhelp-transformation.html" title="Certain parameters are specific to the HTML help transformation.">Command-line tool parameters: HTML help transformation</a></div>
256 | <div><a class="link" href="../readme/tool-parameters-javahelp-transformation.html" title="Certain parameters are specific to the JavaHelp transformation.">Command-line tool parameters: JavaHelp transformation</a></div>
257 | <div><a class="link" href="../readme/tool-parameters-xhtml-transformation.html" title="Certain parameters are specific to the XHTML transformation.">Command-line tool parameters: XHTML transformation</a></div>
258 | </div>
259 | </div>
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261 | </body>
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