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10 | <meta name="DC.Title" content="DITA-OT transformations"/>
11 | <meta name="abstract" content="The DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) ships with several core transformations. Each core transformation represents an implementation of all processing that is defined by OASIS in the DITA specification."/>
12 | <meta name="description" content="The DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) ships with several core transformations. Each core transformation represents an implementation of all processing that is defined by OASIS in the DITA specification."/>
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35 | <h1 class="title topictitle1">DITA-OT transformations</h1>
36 |
37 | <p class="shortdesc"> The DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) ships with several core transformations. Each core
38 | transformation represents an implementation of all processing that is defined by OASIS in the
39 | DITA specification. </p>
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41 | <div class="related-links">
42 | <ul class="ullinks">
43 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2docbook.html">DITA to Docbook</a></strong><br/>
44 | The <span class="keyword option">docbook</span> transformation converts DITA maps and topics into a Docbook output file. Complex DITA markup might not be supported, but the transformation supports most common DITA structures.</li>
45 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2eclipsecontent.html">DITA to Eclipse Content</a></strong><br/>
46 | The <span class="keyword option">eclipsecontent</span> transformation generates normalized DITA files and Eclipse control files. It originally was designed for an Eclipse plug-in that dynamically rendered DITA content, but the output from the transformation can be used by other applications that work with DITA.</li>
47 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2eclipsehelp.html">DITA to Eclipse help</a></strong><br/>
48 | The<span class="keyword option"> eclipsehelp</span> transformation generates XHTML output, CSS files, and the control files that are needed for Eclipse help.</li>
49 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2htmlhelp.html">DITA to HTML Help (CHM)</a></strong><br/>
50 | The <span class="keyword option">htmlhelp</span> transformation generates HTML output, CSS files, and the control files that are needed to produce a Microsoft HTML Help file.</li>
51 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2legacypdf.html">DITA to legacy PDF transformation</a></strong><br/>
52 | The <span class="keyword option">legacypdf</span> transformation produces a PDF using the demo PDF build. This transformation is deprecated.</li>
53 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2odt.html">DITA to Open Document Type</a></strong><br/>
54 | The <span class="keyword option">odt</span> transformation produces output files that use the Open Document format, which is used by tools such as Open Office. </li>
55 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2pdf.html">DITA to PDF (PDF2)</a></strong><br/>
56 | The <span class="keyword option">pdf</span> (or <span class="keyword option">pdf2</span>) transformation generates PDF output.</li>
57 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2word.html">DITA to Rich Text Format</a></strong><br/>
58 | The <span class="keyword option">wordrtf</span> transformation produces an RTF file for use by Microsoft Word.</li>
59 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2tocjs.html">DITA to TocJS</a></strong><br/>
60 | The <span class="keyword option">tocjs</span> transformation generates XHTML output, a frameset, and a JavaScript-based table of contents with expandable and collapsible entries. The transformation was originally created by Shawn McKenzie as a plug-in and was added to the default distribution in DITA OT, release 1.5.4.</li>
61 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2troff.html">DITA to Troff</a></strong><br/>
62 | The <span class="keyword option">troff</span> transformation produces output for use with the Troff viewer on Unix-style platforms, particularly for programs such as the Man page viewer.</li>
63 | <li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../readme/dita2xhtml.html">DITA to XHTML</a></strong><br/>
64 | The <span class="keyword option">xhtml</span> transformation generates XHTML output and a table of contents (TOC) file. This was the first transformation created for the DITA Open Toolkit, and it is the basis for all the HTML-based transformations.</li>
65 | </ul>
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67 | <div class="familylinks">
68 | <div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a class="link" href="../readme/tranforming-dita-content.html" title="You can use either Ant or the command-line tool to transform DITA content to the various output formats that are supported by the DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT).">Publishing DITA content</a></div>
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