/* $Id: vkatInternal.h 96607 2022-09-05 22:30:23Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VKAT - Internal header file for common definitions + structs. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included * in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0 */ #ifndef VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_audio_vkatInternal_h #define VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_audio_vkatInternal_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "Audio/AudioMixBuffer.h" #include "Audio/AudioTest.h" #include "Audio/AudioTestService.h" #include "Audio/AudioTestServiceClient.h" #include "VBoxDD.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Audio driver stack. * * This can be just be backend driver alone or DrvAudio with a backend. * @todo add automatic resampling via mixer so we can test more of the audio * stack used by the device emulations. */ typedef struct AUDIOTESTDRVSTACK { /** The device registration record for the backend. */ PCPDMDRVREG pDrvReg; /** The backend driver instance. */ PPDMDRVINS pDrvBackendIns; /** The backend's audio interface. */ PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pIHostAudio; /** The DrvAudio instance. */ PPDMDRVINS pDrvAudioIns; /** This is NULL if we don't use DrvAudio. */ PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pIAudioConnector; /** The current (last) audio device enumeration to use. */ PDMAUDIOHOSTENUM DevEnum; } AUDIOTESTDRVSTACK; /** Pointer to an audio driver stack. */ typedef AUDIOTESTDRVSTACK *PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK; /** * Backend-only stream structure. */ typedef struct AUDIOTESTDRVSTACKSTREAM { /** The public stream data. */ PDMAUDIOSTREAM Core; /** The backend data (variable size). */ PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM Backend; } AUDIOTESTDRVSTACKSTREAM; /** Pointer to a backend-only stream structure. */ typedef AUDIOTESTDRVSTACKSTREAM *PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACKSTREAM; /** * Mixer setup for a stream. */ typedef struct AUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM { /** Pointer to the driver stack. */ PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack; /** Pointer to the stream. */ PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream; /** Properties to use. */ PCPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps; /** Set if we're mixing or just passing thru to the driver stack. */ bool fDoMixing; /** Mixer buffer. */ AUDIOMIXBUF MixBuf; /** Write state. */ AUDIOMIXBUFWRITESTATE WriteState; /** Peek state. */ AUDIOMIXBUFPEEKSTATE PeekState; } AUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM; /** Pointer to mixer setup for a stream. */ typedef AUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM *PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM; /** * Enumeration specifying the current audio test mode. */ typedef enum AUDIOTESTMODE { /** Unknown mode. */ AUDIOTESTMODE_UNKNOWN = 0, /** VKAT is running on the guest side. */ AUDIOTESTMODE_GUEST, /** VKAT is running on the host side. */ AUDIOTESTMODE_HOST } AUDIOTESTMODE; struct AUDIOTESTENV; /** Pointer a audio test environment. */ typedef AUDIOTESTENV *PAUDIOTESTENV; struct AUDIOTESTDESC; /** Pointer a audio test descriptor. */ typedef AUDIOTESTDESC *PAUDIOTESTDESC; /** * Callback to set up the test parameters for a specific test. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @retval VINF_SUCCESS if setting the parameters up succeeded. Any other error code * otherwise indicating the kind of error. * @param pszTest Test name. * @param pTstParmsAcq The audio test parameters to set up. */ typedef DECLCALLBACKTYPE(int, FNAUDIOTESTSETUP,(PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv, PAUDIOTESTDESC pTstDesc, PAUDIOTESTPARMS pTstParmsAcq, void **ppvCtx)); /** Pointer to an audio test setup callback. */ typedef FNAUDIOTESTSETUP *PFNAUDIOTESTSETUP; typedef DECLCALLBACKTYPE(int, FNAUDIOTESTEXEC,(PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv, void *pvCtx, PAUDIOTESTPARMS pTstParms)); /** Pointer to an audio test exec callback. */ typedef FNAUDIOTESTEXEC *PFNAUDIOTESTEXEC; typedef DECLCALLBACKTYPE(int, FNAUDIOTESTDESTROY,(PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv, void *pvCtx)); /** Pointer to an audio test destroy callback. */ typedef FNAUDIOTESTDESTROY *PFNAUDIOTESTDESTROY; /** * Structure for keeping an audio test audio stream. */ typedef struct AUDIOTESTSTREAM { /** The PDM stream. */ PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream; /** The backend stream. */ PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pBackend; /** The stream config. */ PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG Cfg; /** Associated mixing stream. Optional. */ AUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM Mix; } AUDIOTESTSTREAM; /** Pointer to audio test stream. */ typedef AUDIOTESTSTREAM *PAUDIOTESTSTREAM; /** Maximum audio streams a test environment can handle. */ #define AUDIOTESTENV_MAX_STREAMS 8 /** * Structure for keeping TCP/IP-specific options. */ typedef struct AUDIOTESTENVTCPOPTS { /** Connection mode(s) to use. */ ATSCONNMODE enmConnMode; /** Bind address (server mode). When empty, "" (any host) will be used. */ char szBindAddr[128]; /** Bind port (server mode). */ uint16_t uBindPort; /** Connection address (client mode). */ char szConnectAddr[128]; /** Connection port (client mode). */ uint16_t uConnectPort; } AUDIOTESTENVTCPOPTS; /** Pointer to audio test TCP options. */ typedef AUDIOTESTENVTCPOPTS *PAUDIOTESTENVTCPOPTS; /** * Structure holding additional I/O options. */ typedef struct AUDIOTESTIOOPTS { /** Whether to use the audio connector or not. */ bool fWithDrvAudio; /** Whether to use a mixing buffer or not. */ bool fWithMixer; /** Buffer size (in ms). */ uint32_t cMsBufferSize; /** Pre-buffering size (in ms). */ uint32_t cMsPreBuffer; /** Scheduling (in ms). */ uint32_t cMsSchedulingHint; /** Audio vlume to use (in percent). */ uint8_t uVolumePercent; /** PCM audio properties to use. */ PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS Props; } AUDIOTESTIOOPTS; /** Pointer to additional playback options. */ typedef AUDIOTESTIOOPTS *PAUDIOTESTIOOPTS; /** * Structure for keeping a user context for the test service callbacks. */ typedef struct ATSCALLBACKCTX { /** The test environment bound to this context. */ PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv; /** Absolute path to the packed up test set archive. * Keep it simple for now and only support one (open) archive at a time. */ char szTestSetArchive[RTPATH_MAX]; /** File handle to the (opened) test set archive for reading. */ RTFILE hTestSetArchive; /** Number of currently connected clients. */ uint8_t cClients; } ATSCALLBACKCTX; typedef ATSCALLBACKCTX *PATSCALLBACKCTX; /** * Audio test environment parameters. * * This is global to all tests defined. */ typedef struct AUDIOTESTENV { /** Audio testing mode. */ AUDIOTESTMODE enmMode; /** Whether self test mode is active or not. */ bool fSelftest; /** Whether skip the actual verification or not. */ bool fSkipVerify; /** Name of the audio device to use. * If empty the default audio device will be used. */ char szDev[128]; /** Zero-based index of current test (will be increased for every run test). */ uint32_t idxTest; /** Number of iterations for *all* tests specified. * When set to 0 (default), a random value (see specific test) will be chosen. */ uint32_t cIterations; /** I/O options to use. */ AUDIOTESTIOOPTS IoOpts; /** Test tone parameters to use. */ AUDIOTESTTONEPARMS ToneParms; /** Output path for storing the test environment's final test files. */ char szTag[AUDIOTEST_TAG_MAX]; /** Output path for storing the test environment's final test files. */ char szPathOut[RTPATH_MAX]; /** Temporary path for this test environment. */ char szPathTemp[RTPATH_MAX]; /** Pointer to audio test driver stack to use. */ PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack; /** Audio stream. */ AUDIOTESTSTREAM aStreams[AUDIOTESTENV_MAX_STREAMS]; /** The audio test set to use. */ AUDIOTESTSET Set; /** TCP options to use for ATS. */ AUDIOTESTENVTCPOPTS TcpOpts; /** ATS server instance to use. * NULL if not in use. */ PATSSERVER pSrv; /** ATS callback context to use. */ ATSCALLBACKCTX CallbackCtx; union { struct { /** Client connected to the ATS on the guest side. */ ATSCLIENT AtsClGuest; /** Path to the guest's test set downloaded to the host. */ char szPathTestSetGuest[RTPATH_MAX]; /** Client connected to the Validation Kit audio driver ATS. */ ATSCLIENT AtsClValKit; /** Path to the Validation Kit audio driver's test set downloaded to the host. */ char szPathTestSetValKit[RTPATH_MAX]; } Host; } u; } AUDIOTESTENV; /** * Audio test descriptor. */ typedef struct AUDIOTESTDESC { /** (Sort of) Descriptive test name. */ const char *pszName; /** Flag whether the test is excluded. */ bool fExcluded; /** The setup callback. */ PFNAUDIOTESTSETUP pfnSetup; /** The exec callback. */ PFNAUDIOTESTEXEC pfnExec; /** The destruction callback. */ PFNAUDIOTESTDESTROY pfnDestroy; } AUDIOTESTDESC; /** * Backend description. */ typedef struct AUDIOTESTBACKENDDESC { /** The driver registration structure. */ PCPDMDRVREG pDrvReg; /** The backend name. * Aliases are implemented by having multiple entries for the same backend. */ const char *pszName; } AUDIOTESTBACKENDDESC; /** * VKAT command table entry. */ typedef struct VKATCMD { /** The command name. */ const char *pszCommand; /** The command handler. */ DECLCALLBACKMEMBER(RTEXITCODE, pfnHandler,(PRTGETOPTSTATE pGetState)); /** Command description. */ const char *pszDesc; /** Options array. */ PCRTGETOPTDEF paOptions; /** Number of options in the option array. */ size_t cOptions; /** Gets help for an option. */ DECLCALLBACKMEMBER(const char *, pfnOptionHelp,(PCRTGETOPTDEF pOpt)); /** Flag indicating if the command needs the ATS transport layer. * Needed for command line parsing. */ bool fNeedsTransport; } VKATCMD; /** Pointer to a const VKAT command entry. */ typedef VKATCMD const *PCVKATCMD; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Terminate ASAP if set. Set on Ctrl-C. */ extern bool volatile g_fTerminate; /** The release logger. */ extern PRTLOGGER g_pRelLogger; /** The test handle. */ extern RTTEST g_hTest; /** The current verbosity level. */ extern unsigned g_uVerbosity; /** DrvAudio: Enable debug (or not). */ extern bool g_fDrvAudioDebug; /** DrvAudio: The debug output path. */ extern const char *g_pszDrvAudioDebug; extern const VKATCMD g_CmdTest; extern const VKATCMD g_CmdVerify; extern const VKATCMD g_CmdBackends; extern const VKATCMD g_CmdEnum; extern const VKATCMD g_CmdPlay; extern const VKATCMD g_CmdRec; extern const VKATCMD g_CmdSelfTest; extern AUDIOTESTDESC g_aTests[]; extern unsigned g_cTests; extern AUDIOTESTBACKENDDESC const g_aBackends[]; extern unsigned g_cBackends; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Prototypes * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** @name Command line handlers * @{ */ RTEXITCODE audioTestUsage(PRTSTREAM pStrm, PCVKATCMD pOnlyCmd); RTEXITCODE audioTestVersion(void); void audioTestShowLogo(PRTSTREAM pStream); /** @} */ /** @name Driver stack * @{ */ int AudioTestDriverStackPerformSelftest(void); void audioTestDriverStackDelete(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack); int audioTestDriverStackInitEx(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PCPDMDRVREG pDrvReg, bool fEnabledIn, bool fEnabledOut, bool fWithDrvAudio); int audioTestDriverStackInit(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PCPDMDRVREG pDrvReg, bool fWithDrvAudio); int audioTestDriverStackProbe(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PCPDMDRVREG pDrvReg, bool fEnabledIn, bool fEnabledOut, bool fWithDrvAudio); int audioTestDriverStackSetDevice(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PDMAUDIODIR enmDir, const char *pszDevId); /** @} */ /** @name Driver * @{ */ int audioTestDrvConstruct(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PCPDMDRVREG pDrvReg, PPDMDRVINS pParentDrvIns, PPPDMDRVINS ppDrvIns); /** @} */ /** @name Driver stack stream * @{ */ int audioTestDriverStackStreamCreateInput(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PCPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps, uint32_t cMsBufferSize, uint32_t cMsPreBuffer, uint32_t cMsSchedulingHint, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM *ppStream, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq); int audioTestDriverStackStreamCreateOutput(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PCPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps, uint32_t cMsBufferSize, uint32_t cMsPreBuffer, uint32_t cMsSchedulingHint, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM *ppStream, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq); void audioTestDriverStackStreamDestroy(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream); int audioTestDriverStackStreamDrain(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream, bool fSync); int audioTestDriverStackStreamEnable(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream); int AudioTestDriverStackStreamDisable(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream); bool audioTestDriverStackStreamIsOkay(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream); uint32_t audioTestDriverStackStreamGetWritable(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream); int audioTestDriverStackStreamPlay(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream, void const *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbPlayed); uint32_t audioTestDriverStackStreamGetReadable(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream); int audioTestDriverStackStreamCapture(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbCaptured); /** @} */ /** @name Backend handling * @{ */ PCPDMDRVREG AudioTestGetDefaultBackend(void); PCPDMDRVREG AudioTestFindBackendOpt(const char *pszBackend); /** @} */ /** @name Mixing stream * @{ */ int AudioTestMixStreamInit(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix, PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream, PCPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps, uint32_t cMsBuffer); void AudioTestMixStreamTerm(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix); int AudioTestMixStreamEnable(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix); int AudioTestMixStreamDrain(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix, bool fSync); int AudioTestMixStreamDisable(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix); bool AudioTestMixStreamIsOkay(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix); uint32_t AudioTestMixStreamGetWritable(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix); int AudioTestMixStreamPlay(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix, void const *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbPlayed); uint32_t AudioTestMixStreamGetReadable(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix); int AudioTestMixStreamCapture(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbCaptured); void AudioTestMixStreamSetVolume(PAUDIOTESTDRVMIXSTREAM pMix, uint8_t uVolumePercent); /** @} */ /** @name Device handling * @{ */ int audioTestDeviceOpen(PPDMAUDIOHOSTDEV pDev); int audioTestDeviceClose(PPDMAUDIOHOSTDEV pDev); int audioTestDevicesEnumerateAndCheck(PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack, const char *pszDev, PPDMAUDIOHOSTDEV *ppDev); /** @} */ /** @name ATS routines * @{ */ int audioTestEnvConnectToValKitAts(PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv, const char *pszHostTcpAddr, uint32_t uHostTcpPort); /** @} */ /** @name Test environment handling * @{ */ void audioTestEnvInit(PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv); int audioTestEnvCreate(PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv, PAUDIOTESTDRVSTACK pDrvStack); void audioTestEnvDestroy(PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv); int audioTestEnvPrologue(PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv, bool fPack, char *pszPackFile, size_t cbPackFile); void audioTestParmsInit(PAUDIOTESTPARMS pTstParms); void audioTestParmsDestroy(PAUDIOTESTPARMS pTstParms); /** @} */ int audioTestWorker(PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv); /** @todo Test tone handling */ int audioTestPlayTone(PAUDIOTESTIOOPTS pIoOpts, PAUDIOTESTENV pTstEnv, PAUDIOTESTSTREAM pStream, PAUDIOTESTTONEPARMS pParms); void audioTestToneParmsInit(PAUDIOTESTTONEPARMS pToneParms); /** @} */ void audioTestIoOptsInitDefaults(PAUDIOTESTIOOPTS pIoOpts); /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Common command line stuff * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Common long options values. */ enum { AUDIO_TEST_OPT_CMN_DAEMONIZE = 256, AUDIO_TEST_OPT_CMN_DAEMONIZED, AUDIO_TEST_OPT_CMN_DEBUG_AUDIO_ENABLE, AUDIO_TEST_OPT_CMN_DEBUG_AUDIO_PATH }; /** For use in the option switch to handle common options. */ #define AUDIO_TEST_COMMON_OPTION_CASES(a_ValueUnion, a_pCmd) \ case 'q': \ g_uVerbosity = 0; \ if (g_pRelLogger) \ RTLogGroupSettings(g_pRelLogger, "all=0 all.e"); \ break; \ \ case 'v': \ /* No-op here, has been handled by main() already. */ /** @todo r-bird: -q works, so -v must too! */ \ break; \ \ case 'V': \ return audioTestVersion(); \ \ case 'h': \ return audioTestUsage(g_pStdOut, a_pCmd); \ \ case AUDIO_TEST_OPT_CMN_DEBUG_AUDIO_ENABLE: \ g_fDrvAudioDebug = true; \ break; \ \ case AUDIO_TEST_OPT_CMN_DEBUG_AUDIO_PATH: \ g_pszDrvAudioDebug = (a_ValueUnion).psz; \ break; \ case AUDIO_TEST_OPT_CMN_DAEMONIZE: \ break; \ case AUDIO_TEST_OPT_CMN_DAEMONIZED: \ break; #endif /* !VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_audio_vkatInternal_h */