#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # $Id: tdStorageBenchmark1.py 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $ """ VirtualBox Validation Kit - Storage benchmark. """ __copyright__ = \ """ Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates. This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as available from https://www.virtualbox.org. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0 """ __version__ = "$Revision: 106061 $" # Standard Python imports. import os; import socket; import sys; if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from io import StringIO as StringIO; # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,useless-import-alias else: from StringIO import StringIO as StringIO; # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,useless-import-alias # Only the main script needs to modify the path. try: __file__ # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment except: __file__ = sys.argv[0]; g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))); sys.path.append(g_ksValidationKitDir); # Validation Kit imports. from common import constants; from common import utils; from testdriver import reporter; from testdriver import base; from testdriver import vbox; from testdriver import vboxcon; from testdriver import vboxwrappers; import remoteexecutor; import storagecfg; class FioTest(object): """ Flexible I/O tester testcase. """ kdHostIoEngine = { 'solaris': ('solarisaio', False), 'linux': ('libaio', True) }; def __init__(self, oExecutor, dCfg = None): self.oExecutor = oExecutor; self.sCfgFileId = None; self.dCfg = dCfg; self.sError = None; self.sResult = None; def prepare(self, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Prepares the testcase """ reporter.testStart('Fio'); sTargetOs = self.dCfg.get('TargetOs', 'linux'); sIoEngine, fDirectIo = self.kdHostIoEngine.get(sTargetOs); if sIoEngine is None: return False; cfgBuf = StringIO(); cfgBuf.write('[global]\n'); cfgBuf.write('bs=' + str(self.dCfg.get('RecordSize', 4096)) + '\n'); cfgBuf.write('ioengine=' + sIoEngine + '\n'); cfgBuf.write('iodepth=' + str(self.dCfg.get('QueueDepth', 32)) + '\n'); cfgBuf.write('size=' + str(self.dCfg.get('TestsetSize', 2147483648)) + '\n'); if fDirectIo: cfgBuf.write('direct=1\n'); else: cfgBuf.write('direct=0\n'); cfgBuf.write('directory=' + self.dCfg.get('FilePath', '/mnt') + '\n'); cfgBuf.write('filename=fio.test.file'); cfgBuf.write('[seq-write]\n'); cfgBuf.write('rw=write\n'); cfgBuf.write('stonewall\n'); cfgBuf.write('[rand-write]\n'); cfgBuf.write('rw=randwrite\n'); cfgBuf.write('stonewall\n'); cfgBuf.write('[seq-read]\n'); cfgBuf.write('rw=read\n'); cfgBuf.write('stonewall\n'); cfgBuf.write('[rand-read]\n'); cfgBuf.write('rw=randread\n'); cfgBuf.write('stonewall\n'); self.sCfgFileId = self.oExecutor.copyString(cfgBuf.getvalue(), 'aio-test', cMsTimeout); return self.sCfgFileId is not None; def run(self, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Runs the testcase """ fRc, sOutput, sError = self.oExecutor.execBinary('fio', (self.sCfgFileId,), cMsTimeout = cMsTimeout); if fRc: self.sResult = sOutput; else: self.sError = ('Binary: fio\n' + '\nOutput:\n\n' + sOutput + '\nError:\n\n' + sError); return fRc; def cleanup(self): """ Cleans up any leftovers from the testcase. """ reporter.testDone(); return True; def reportResult(self): """ Reports the test results to the test manager. """ return True; def getErrorReport(self): """ Returns the error report in case the testcase failed. """ return self.sError; class IozoneTest(object): """ I/O zone testcase. """ def __init__(self, oExecutor, dCfg = None): self.oExecutor = oExecutor; self.sResult = None; self.sError = None; self.lstTests = [ ('initial writers', 'FirstWrite'), ('rewriters', 'Rewrite'), ('re-readers', 'ReRead'), ('stride readers', 'StrideRead'), ('reverse readers', 'ReverseRead'), ('random readers', 'RandomRead'), ('mixed workload', 'MixedWorkload'), ('random writers', 'RandomWrite'), ('pwrite writers', 'PWrite'), ('pread readers', 'PRead'), ('fwriters', 'FWrite'), ('freaders', 'FRead'), ('readers', 'FirstRead')]; self.sRecordSize = str(int(dCfg.get('RecordSize', 4096) / 1024)); self.sTestsetSize = str(int(dCfg.get('TestsetSize', 2147483648) / 1024)); self.sQueueDepth = str(int(dCfg.get('QueueDepth', 32))); self.sFilePath = dCfg.get('FilePath', '/mnt/iozone'); self.fDirectIo = True; sTargetOs = dCfg.get('TargetOs'); if sTargetOs == 'solaris': self.fDirectIo = False; def prepare(self, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Prepares the testcase """ reporter.testStart('IoZone'); _ = cMsTimeout; return True; # Nothing to do. def run(self, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Runs the testcase """ tupArgs = ('-r', self.sRecordSize, '-s', self.sTestsetSize, \ '-t', '1', '-T', '-F', self.sFilePath + '/iozone.tmp'); if self.fDirectIo: tupArgs += ('-I',); fRc, sOutput, sError = self.oExecutor.execBinary('iozone', tupArgs, cMsTimeout = cMsTimeout); if fRc: self.sResult = sOutput; else: self.sError = ('Binary: iozone\n' + '\nOutput:\n\n' + sOutput + '\nError:\n\n' + sError); return fRc; def cleanup(self): """ Cleans up any leftovers from the testcase. """ reporter.testDone(); return True; def reportResult(self): """ Reports the test results to the test manager. """ fRc = True; if self.sResult is not None: try: asLines = self.sResult.splitlines(); for sLine in asLines: sLine = sLine.strip(); if sLine.startswith('Children') is True: # Extract the value idxValue = sLine.rfind('='); if idxValue == -1: raise Exception('IozoneTest: Invalid state'); idxValue += 1; while sLine[idxValue] == ' ': idxValue += 1; # Get the reported value, cut off after the decimal point # it is not supported by the testmanager yet and is not really # relevant anyway. idxValueEnd = idxValue; while sLine[idxValueEnd].isdigit(): idxValueEnd += 1; for sNeedle, sTestVal in self.lstTests: if sLine.rfind(sNeedle) != -1: reporter.testValue(sTestVal, sLine[idxValue:idxValueEnd], constants.valueunit.g_asNames[constants.valueunit.KILOBYTES_PER_SEC]); break; except: fRc = False; else: fRc = False; return fRc; def getErrorReport(self): """ Returns the error report in case the testcase failed. """ return self.sError; class IoPerfTest(object): """ IoPerf testcase. """ def __init__(self, oExecutor, dCfg = None): self.oExecutor = oExecutor; self.sResult = None; self.sError = None; self.sRecordSize = str(dCfg.get('RecordSize', 4094)); self.sTestsetSize = str(dCfg.get('TestsetSize', 2147483648)); self.sQueueDepth = str(dCfg.get('QueueDepth', 32)); self.sFilePath = dCfg.get('FilePath', '/mnt'); self.fDirectIo = True; self.fReportIoStats = dCfg.get('ReportIoStats', True); self.asGstIoPerfPaths = [ '${CDROM}/validationkit/${OS/ARCH}/IoPerf${EXESUFF}', '${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/IoPerf${EXESUFF}', ]; sTargetOs = dCfg.get('TargetOs'); if sTargetOs == 'solaris': self.fDirectIo = False; def _locateGstIoPerf(self): """ Returns guest side path to FsPerf. """ for sIoPerfPath in self.asGstIoPerfPaths: if self.oExecutor.isFile(sIoPerfPath): return sIoPerfPath; reporter.log('Unable to find guest FsPerf in any of these places: %s' % ('\n '.join(self.asGstIoPerfPaths),)); return self.asGstIoPerfPaths[0]; def prepare(self, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Prepares the testcase """ _ = cMsTimeout; return True; # Nothing to do. def run(self, cMsTimeout = 30000): """ Runs the testcase """ tupArgs = ('--block-size', self.sRecordSize, '--test-set-size', self.sTestsetSize, \ '--maximum-requests', self.sQueueDepth, '--dir', self.sFilePath + '/ioperfdir-1'); if self.fDirectIo: tupArgs += ('--use-cache', 'off'); if not self.fReportIoStats: tupArgs += ('--report-io-stats', 'off'); fRc, sOutput, sError = self.oExecutor.execBinary(self._locateGstIoPerf(), tupArgs, cMsTimeout = cMsTimeout); if fRc: self.sResult = sOutput; else: if sError is None: sError = ''; if sOutput is None: sOutput = ''; self.sError = ('Binary: IoPerf\n' + '\nOutput:\n\n' + sOutput + '\nError:\n\n' + sError); return fRc; def cleanup(self): """ Cleans up any leftovers from the testcase. """ return True; def reportResult(self): """ Reports the test results to the test manager. """ # Should be done using the test pipe already. return True; def getErrorReport(self): """ Returns the error report in case the testcase failed. """ return self.sError; class StorTestCfgMgr(object): """ Manages the different testcases. """ def __init__(self, aasTestLvls, aasTestsBlacklist, fnIsCfgSupported = None): self.aasTestsBlacklist = aasTestsBlacklist; self.at4TestLvls = []; self.iTestLvl = 0; self.fnIsCfgSupported = fnIsCfgSupported; for asTestLvl in aasTestLvls: if isinstance(asTestLvl, tuple): asTestLvl, fSubTestStartAuto, fnTestFmt = asTestLvl; self.at4TestLvls.append((0, fSubTestStartAuto, fnTestFmt, asTestLvl)); else: self.at4TestLvls.append((0, True, None, asTestLvl)); self.at4TestLvls.reverse(); # Get the first non blacklisted test. asTestCfg = self.getCurrentTestCfg(); while asTestCfg and self.isTestCfgBlacklisted(asTestCfg): asTestCfg = self.advanceTestCfg(); iLvl = 0; for sCfg in asTestCfg: sSubTest = self.getTestIdString(sCfg, iLvl); if sSubTest is not None: reporter.testStart('%s' % (sSubTest,)); iLvl += 1; def __del__(self): # Make sure the tests are marked as done. while self.iTestLvl < len(self.at4TestLvls): reporter.testDone(); self.iTestLvl += 1; def getTestIdString(self, oCfg, iLvl): """ Returns a potentially formatted string for the test name. """ # The order of the test levels is reversed so get the level starting # from the end. _, fSubTestStartAuto, fnTestFmt, _ = self.at4TestLvls[len(self.at4TestLvls) - 1 - iLvl]; if not fSubTestStartAuto: return None; if fnTestFmt is not None: return fnTestFmt(oCfg); return oCfg; def isTestCfgBlacklisted(self, asTestCfg): """ Returns whether the given test config is black listed. """ fBlacklisted = False; for asTestBlacklist in self.aasTestsBlacklist: iLvl = 0; fBlacklisted = True; while iLvl < len(asTestBlacklist) and iLvl < len(asTestCfg): if asTestBlacklist[iLvl] != asTestCfg[iLvl] and asTestBlacklist[iLvl] != '*': fBlacklisted = False; break; iLvl += 1; if not fBlacklisted and self.fnIsCfgSupported is not None: fBlacklisted = not self.fnIsCfgSupported(asTestCfg); return fBlacklisted; def advanceTestCfg(self): """ Advances to the next test config and returns it as an array of strings or an empty config if there is no test left anymore. """ iTestCfg, fSubTestStartAuto, fnTestFmt, asTestCfg = self.at4TestLvls[self.iTestLvl]; iTestCfg += 1; self.at4TestLvls[self.iTestLvl] = (iTestCfg, fSubTestStartAuto, fnTestFmt, asTestCfg); while iTestCfg == len(asTestCfg) and self.iTestLvl < len(self.at4TestLvls): self.at4TestLvls[self.iTestLvl] = (0, fSubTestStartAuto, fnTestFmt, asTestCfg); self.iTestLvl += 1; if self.iTestLvl < len(self.at4TestLvls): iTestCfg, fSubTestStartAuto, fnTestFmt, asTestCfg = self.at4TestLvls[self.iTestLvl]; iTestCfg += 1; self.at4TestLvls[self.iTestLvl] = (iTestCfg, fSubTestStartAuto, fnTestFmt, asTestCfg); if iTestCfg < len(asTestCfg): self.iTestLvl = 0; break; else: break; # We reached the end of our tests. return self.getCurrentTestCfg(); def getCurrentTestCfg(self): """ Returns the current not black listed test config as an array of strings. """ asTestCfg = []; if self.iTestLvl < len(self.at4TestLvls): for t4TestLvl in self.at4TestLvls: iTestCfg, _, _, asTestLvl = t4TestLvl; asTestCfg.append(asTestLvl[iTestCfg]); asTestCfg.reverse() return asTestCfg; def getNextTestCfg(self): """ Returns the next not blacklisted test config or an empty list if there is no test left. """ asTestCfgCur = self.getCurrentTestCfg(); asTestCfg = self.advanceTestCfg(); while asTestCfg and self.isTestCfgBlacklisted(asTestCfg): asTestCfg = self.advanceTestCfg(); # Compare the current and next config and close the approriate test # categories. #reporter.testDone(fSkippedLast); if asTestCfg: idxSame = 0; while asTestCfgCur[idxSame] == asTestCfg[idxSame]: idxSame += 1; for i in range(idxSame, len(asTestCfg) - 1): reporter.testDone(); for i in range(idxSame, len(asTestCfg)): sSubTest = self.getTestIdString(asTestCfg[i], i); if sSubTest is not None: reporter.testStart('%s' % (sSubTest,)); else: # No more tests, mark all tests as done for i in range(0, len(asTestCfgCur) - 1): reporter.testDone(); return asTestCfg; class tdStorageBenchmark(vbox.TestDriver): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ Storage benchmark. """ # Global storage configs for the testbox kdStorageCfgs = { # Testbox configs (Flag whether to test raw mode on the testbox, disk configuration) 'testboxstor1.de.oracle.com': (True, storagecfg.DiskCfg('solaris', storagecfg.g_ksDiskCfgRegExp, r'c[3-9]t\dd0\Z')), # Windows testbox doesn't return testboxstor2.de.oracle.com from socket.getfqdn() 'testboxstor2': (False, storagecfg.DiskCfg('win', storagecfg.g_ksDiskCfgStatic, 'D:/StorageTest')), # Local test configs for the testcase developer 'adaris': (True, storagecfg.DiskCfg('linux', storagecfg.g_ksDiskCfgStatic, \ '/home/alexander/StorageScratch')), 'daedalus': (True, storagecfg.DiskCfg('darwin', storagecfg.g_ksDiskCfgStatic, \ '/Volumes/VirtualBox/Testsuite/StorageScratch')), 'windows10': (True, storagecfg.DiskCfg('win', storagecfg.g_ksDiskCfgStatic, \ 'L:\\Testsuite\\StorageTest')), }; # Available test sets. kdTestSets = { # Mostly for developing and debugging the testcase. 'Fast': { 'RecordSize': 65536, 'TestsetSize': 104857600, # 100 MiB 'QueueDepth': 32, 'DiskSizeGb': 2 }, # For quick functionality tests where benchmark results are not required. 'Functionality': { 'RecordSize': 65536, 'TestsetSize': 2147483648, # 2 GiB 'QueueDepth': 32, 'DiskSizeGb': 10 }, # For benchmarking the I/O stack. 'Benchmark': { 'RecordSize': 65536, 'TestsetSize': 21474836480, # 20 Gib 'QueueDepth': 32, 'DiskSizeGb': 30 }, # For stress testing which takes a lot of time. 'Stress': { 'RecordSize': 65536, 'TestsetSize': 2199023255552, # 2 TiB 'QueueDepth': 32, 'DiskSizeGb': 10000 }, }; # Dictionary mapping the virtualization mode mnemonics to a little less cryptic # strings used in test descriptions. kdVirtModeDescs = { 'raw' : 'Raw-mode', 'hwvirt' : 'HwVirt', 'hwvirt-np' : 'NestedPaging' }; kdHostIoCacheDescs = { 'default' : 'HostCacheDef', 'hostiocache' : 'HostCacheOn', 'no-hostiocache' : 'HostCacheOff' }; # Password ID for encryption. ksPwId = 'EncPwId'; # Array indexes for the test configs. kiVmName = 0; kiStorageCtrl = 1; kiHostIoCache = 2; kiDiskFmt = 3; kiDiskVar = 4; kiCpuCount = 5; kiVirtMode = 6; kiTestSet = 7; kiIoTest = 8; def __init__(self): vbox.TestDriver.__init__(self); self.asRsrcs = None; self.asTestVMsDef = ['tst-storage', 'tst-storage32']; self.asTestVMs = self.asTestVMsDef; self.asSkipVMs = []; self.asVirtModesDef = ['hwvirt', 'hwvirt-np', 'raw',] self.asVirtModes = self.asVirtModesDef; self.acCpusDef = [1, 2]; self.acCpus = self.acCpusDef; self.asStorageCtrlsDef = ['AHCI', 'IDE', 'LsiLogicSAS', 'LsiLogic', 'BusLogic', 'NVMe', 'VirtIoScsi']; self.asStorageCtrls = self.asStorageCtrlsDef; self.asHostIoCacheDef = ['default', 'hostiocache', 'no-hostiocache']; self.asHostIoCache = self.asHostIoCacheDef; self.asDiskFormatsDef = ['VDI', 'VMDK', 'VHD', 'QED', 'Parallels', 'QCOW', 'iSCSI']; self.asDiskFormats = self.asDiskFormatsDef; self.asDiskVariantsDef = ['Dynamic', 'Fixed', 'DynamicSplit2G', 'FixedSplit2G', 'Network']; self.asDiskVariants = self.asDiskVariantsDef; self.asTestsDef = ['ioperf']; self.asTests = self.asTestsDef; self.asTestSetsDef = ['Fast', 'Functionality', 'Benchmark', 'Stress']; self.asTestSets = self.asTestSetsDef; self.asIscsiTargetsDef = [ ]; # @todo: Configure one target for basic iSCSI testing self.asIscsiTargets = self.asIscsiTargetsDef; self.cDiffLvlsDef = 0; self.cDiffLvls = self.cDiffLvlsDef; self.fTestHost = False; self.fUseScratch = False; self.fRecreateStorCfg = True; self.fReportBenchmarkResults = True; self.fTestRawMode = False; self.oStorCfg = None; self.sIoLogPathDef = self.sScratchPath; self.sIoLogPath = self.sIoLogPathDef; self.fIoLog = False; self.fUseRamDiskDef = False; self.fUseRamDisk = self.fUseRamDiskDef; self.fEncryptDiskDef = False; self.fEncryptDisk = self.fEncryptDiskDef; self.sEncryptPwDef = 'TestTestTest'; self.sEncryptPw = self.sEncryptPwDef; self.sEncryptAlgoDef = 'AES-XTS256-PLAIN64'; self.sEncryptAlgo = self.sEncryptAlgoDef; # # Overridden methods. # def showUsage(self): rc = vbox.TestDriver.showUsage(self); reporter.log(''); reporter.log('tdStorageBenchmark1 Options:'); reporter.log(' --virt-modes '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(self.asStorageCtrlsDef))); reporter.log(' --host-io-cache '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(self.asHostIoCacheDef))); reporter.log(' --disk-formats '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(self.asDiskFormatsDef))); reporter.log(' --disk-variants '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(self.asDiskVariantsDef))); reporter.log(' --iscsi-targets '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(self.asIscsiTargetsDef))); reporter.log(' --tests '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(self.asTestsDef))); reporter.log(' --test-sets '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(self.asTestSetsDef))); reporter.log(' --diff-levels '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (self.cDiffLvlsDef)); reporter.log(' --test-vms '); reporter.log(' Test the specified VMs in the given order. Use this to change'); reporter.log(' the execution order or limit the choice of VMs'); reporter.log(' Default: %s (all)' % (':'.join(self.asTestVMsDef))); reporter.log(' --skip-vms '); reporter.log(' Skip the specified VMs when testing.'); reporter.log(' --test-host'); reporter.log(' Do all configured tests on the host first and report the results'); reporter.log(' to get a baseline'); reporter.log(' --use-scratch'); reporter.log(' Use the scratch directory for testing instead of setting up'); reporter.log(' fresh volumes on dedicated disks (for development)'); reporter.log(' --always-wipe-storage-cfg'); reporter.log(' Recreate the host storage config before each test'); reporter.log(' --dont-wipe-storage-cfg'); reporter.log(' Don\'t recreate the host storage config before each test'); reporter.log(' --report-benchmark-results'); reporter.log(' Report all benchmark results'); reporter.log(' --dont-report-benchmark-results'); reporter.log(' Don\'t report any benchmark results'); reporter.log(' --io-log-path '); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (self.sIoLogPathDef)); reporter.log(' --enable-io-log'); reporter.log(' Whether to enable I/O logging for each test'); reporter.log(' --use-ramdisk'); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (self.fUseRamDiskDef)); reporter.log(' --encrypt-disk'); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (self.fEncryptDiskDef)); reporter.log(' --encrypt-password'); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (self.sEncryptPwDef)); reporter.log(' --encrypt-algorithm'); reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (self.sEncryptAlgoDef)); return rc; def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements if asArgs[iArg] == '--virt-modes': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--virt-modes" takes a colon separated list of modes'); self.asVirtModes = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); for s in self.asVirtModes: if s not in self.asVirtModesDef: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--virt-modes" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' \ % (s, ' '.join(self.asVirtModesDef))); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--cpu-counts': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpu-counts" takes a colon separated list of cpu counts'); self.acCpus = []; for s in asArgs[iArg].split(':'): try: c = int(s); except: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpu-counts" value "%s" is not an integer' % (s,)); if c <= 0: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpu-counts" value "%s" is zero or negative' % (s,)); self.acCpus.append(c); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--storage-ctrls': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--storage-ctrls" takes a colon separated list of Storage controller types'); self.asStorageCtrls = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--host-io-cache': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--host-io-cache" takes a colon separated list of I/O cache settings'); self.asHostIoCache = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--disk-formats': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--disk-formats" takes a colon separated list of disk formats'); self.asDiskFormats = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--disk-variants': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--disk-variants" takes a colon separated list of disk variants'); self.asDiskVariants = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--iscsi-targets': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--iscsi-targets" takes a colon separated list of iscsi targets'); self.asIscsiTargets = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--tests': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--tests" takes a colon separated list of tests to run'); self.asTests = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--test-sets': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--test-sets" takes a colon separated list of test sets'); self.asTestSets = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--diff-levels': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--diff-levels" takes an integer'); try: self.cDiffLvls = int(asArgs[iArg]); except: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--diff-levels" value "%s" is not an integer' % (asArgs[iArg],)); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--test-vms': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--test-vms" takes colon separated list'); self.asTestVMs = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); for s in self.asTestVMs: if s not in self.asTestVMsDef: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--test-vms" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' \ % (s, ' '.join(self.asTestVMsDef))); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--skip-vms': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--skip-vms" takes colon separated list'); self.asSkipVMs = asArgs[iArg].split(':'); for s in self.asSkipVMs: if s not in self.asTestVMsDef: reporter.log('warning: The "--test-vms" value "%s" does not specify any of our test VMs.' % (s)); elif asArgs[iArg] == '--test-host': self.fTestHost = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--use-scratch': self.fUseScratch = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--always-wipe-storage-cfg': self.fRecreateStorCfg = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--dont-wipe-storage-cfg': self.fRecreateStorCfg = False; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--report-benchmark-results': self.fReportBenchmarkResults = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--dont-report-benchmark-results': self.fReportBenchmarkResults = False; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--io-log-path': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--io-log-path" takes a path argument'); self.sIoLogPath = asArgs[iArg]; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--enable-io-log': self.fIoLog = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--use-ramdisk': self.fUseRamDisk = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--encrypt-disk': self.fEncryptDisk = True; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--encrypt-password': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--encrypt-password" takes a string'); self.sEncryptPw = asArgs[iArg]; elif asArgs[iArg] == '--encrypt-algorithm': iArg += 1; if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--encrypt-algorithm" takes a string'); self.sEncryptAlgo = asArgs[iArg]; else: return vbox.TestDriver.parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg); return iArg + 1; def completeOptions(self): # Remove skipped VMs from the test list. for sVM in self.asSkipVMs: try: self.asTestVMs.remove(sVM); except: pass; return vbox.TestDriver.completeOptions(self); def getResourceSet(self): # Construct the resource list the first time it's queried. if self.asRsrcs is None: self.asRsrcs = []; if 'tst-storage' in self.asTestVMs: self.asRsrcs.append('5.0/storage/tst-storage.vdi'); if 'tst-storage32' in self.asTestVMs: self.asRsrcs.append('5.0/storage/tst-storage32.vdi'); return self.asRsrcs; def actionConfig(self): # Make sure vboxapi has been imported so we can use the constants. if not self.importVBoxApi(): return False; # # Configure the VMs we're going to use. # # Linux VMs if 'tst-storage' in self.asTestVMs: oVM = self.createTestVM('tst-storage', 1, '5.0/storage/tst-storage.vdi', sKind = 'ArchLinux_64', fIoApic = True, \ eNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT, \ eNic0Type = vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C973, \ sDvdImage = self.sVBoxValidationKitIso); if oVM is None: return False; if 'tst-storage32' in self.asTestVMs: oVM = self.createTestVM('tst-storage32', 1, '5.0/storage/tst-storage32.vdi', sKind = 'ArchLinux', fIoApic = True, \ eNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT, \ eNic0Type = vboxcon.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C973, \ sDvdImage = self.sVBoxValidationKitIso); if oVM is None: return False; return True; def actionExecute(self): """ Execute the testcase. """ fRc = self.test1(); return fRc; # # Test execution helpers. # def prepareStorage(self, oStorCfg, fRamDisk = False, cbPool = None): """ Prepares the host storage for disk images or direct testing on the host. Will return the created mount point path on success, or None on failure. """ # Create a basic pool with the default configuration. sMountPoint = None; fRc, sPoolId = oStorCfg.createStoragePool(cbPool = cbPool, fRamDisk = fRamDisk); if fRc: fRc, sMountPoint = oStorCfg.createVolume(sPoolId); if not fRc: sMountPoint = None; oStorCfg.cleanup(); if not fRc: if cbPool is None: reporter.error('Failed to prepare host storage (fRamDisk=%s)' % (fRamDisk,)); else: reporter.error('Failed to prepare host storage (fRamDisk=%s, cbPool=%d)' % (fRamDisk, cbPool,)); return sMountPoint; def cleanupStorage(self, oStorCfg): """ Cleans up any created storage space for a test. """ return oStorCfg.cleanup(); def getGuestDisk(self, oSession, oTxsSession, eStorageController): """ Gets the path of the disk in the guest to use for testing. """ lstDisks = None; # The naming scheme for NVMe is different and we don't have # to query the guest for unformatted disks here because the disk with the OS # is not attached to a NVMe controller. if eStorageController == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_NVMe: lstDisks = [ '/dev/nvme0n1' ]; else: # Find a unformatted disk (no partition). # @todo: This is a hack because LIST and STAT are not yet implemented # in TXS (get to this eventually) lstBlkDev = [ '/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb' ]; for sBlkDev in lstBlkDev: fRc = oTxsSession.syncExec('/usr/bin/ls', ('ls', sBlkDev + '1')); if not fRc: lstDisks = [ sBlkDev ]; break; _ = oSession; return lstDisks; def mountValidationKitIso(self, oVmExec): """ Hack to get the vlaidation kit ISO mounted in the guest as it was left out originally and I don't feel like respinning the disk image. """ fRc = oVmExec.mkDir('/media'); if fRc: fRc = oVmExec.mkDir('/media/cdrom'); if fRc: fRc = oVmExec.execBinaryNoStdOut('mount', ('/dev/sr0', '/media/cdrom')); return fRc; def getDiskFormatVariantsForTesting(self, sDiskFmt, asVariants): """ Returns a list of disk variants for testing supported by the given disk format and selected for testing. """ lstDskFmts = self.oVBoxMgr.getArray(self.oVBox.systemProperties, 'mediumFormats'); for oDskFmt in lstDskFmts: if oDskFmt.id == sDiskFmt: lstDskVariants = []; lstCaps = self.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oDskFmt, 'capabilities'); if vboxcon.MediumFormatCapabilities_CreateDynamic in lstCaps \ and 'Dynamic' in asVariants: lstDskVariants.append('Dynamic'); if vboxcon.MediumFormatCapabilities_CreateFixed in lstCaps \ and 'Fixed' in asVariants: lstDskVariants.append('Fixed'); if vboxcon.MediumFormatCapabilities_CreateSplit2G in lstCaps \ and vboxcon.MediumFormatCapabilities_CreateDynamic in lstCaps \ and 'DynamicSplit2G' in asVariants: lstDskVariants.append('DynamicSplit2G'); if vboxcon.MediumFormatCapabilities_CreateSplit2G in lstCaps \ and vboxcon.MediumFormatCapabilities_CreateFixed in lstCaps \ and 'FixedSplit2G' in asVariants: lstDskVariants.append('FixedSplit2G'); if vboxcon.MediumFormatCapabilities_TcpNetworking in lstCaps \ and 'Network' in asVariants: lstDskVariants.append('Network'); # Solely for iSCSI to get a non empty list return lstDskVariants; return []; def convDiskToMediumVariant(self, sDiskVariant): """ Returns a tuple of medium variant flags matching the given disk variant. """ tMediumVariant = None; if sDiskVariant == 'Dynamic': tMediumVariant = (vboxcon.MediumVariant_Standard, ); elif sDiskVariant == 'Fixed': tMediumVariant = (vboxcon.MediumVariant_Fixed, ); elif sDiskVariant == 'DynamicSplit2G': tMediumVariant = (vboxcon.MediumVariant_Standard, vboxcon.MediumVariant_VmdkSplit2G); elif sDiskVariant == 'FixedSplit2G': tMediumVariant = (vboxcon.MediumVariant_Fixed, vboxcon.MediumVariant_VmdkSplit2G); return tMediumVariant; def getStorageCtrlFromName(self, sStorageCtrl): """ Resolves the storage controller string to the matching constant. """ eStorageCtrl = None; if sStorageCtrl == 'AHCI': eStorageCtrl = vboxcon.StorageControllerType_IntelAhci; elif sStorageCtrl == 'IDE': eStorageCtrl = vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX4; elif sStorageCtrl == 'LsiLogicSAS': eStorageCtrl = vboxcon.StorageControllerType_LsiLogicSas; elif sStorageCtrl == 'LsiLogic': eStorageCtrl = vboxcon.StorageControllerType_LsiLogic; elif sStorageCtrl == 'BusLogic': eStorageCtrl = vboxcon.StorageControllerType_BusLogic; elif sStorageCtrl == 'NVMe': eStorageCtrl = vboxcon.StorageControllerType_NVMe; elif sStorageCtrl == 'VirtIoScsi': eStorageCtrl = vboxcon.StorageControllerType_VirtioSCSI; return eStorageCtrl; def getStorageDriverFromEnum(self, eStorageCtrl, fHardDisk): """ Returns the appropriate driver name for the given storage controller and a flag whether the driver has the generic SCSI driver attached. """ if eStorageCtrl == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_IntelAhci: if fHardDisk: return ('ahci', False); return ('ahci', True); if eStorageCtrl == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX4: return ('piix3ide', False); if eStorageCtrl == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_LsiLogicSas: return ('lsilogicsas', True); if eStorageCtrl == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_LsiLogic: return ('lsilogicscsi', True); if eStorageCtrl == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_BusLogic: return ('buslogic', True); if eStorageCtrl == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_NVMe: return ('nvme', False); if eStorageCtrl == vboxcon.StorageControllerType_VirtioSCSI: return ('virtio-scsi', True); return ('', False); def isTestCfgSupported(self, asTestCfg): """ Returns whether a specific test config is supported. """ # Check whether the disk variant is supported by the selected format. asVariants = self.getDiskFormatVariantsForTesting(asTestCfg[self.kiDiskFmt], [ asTestCfg[self.kiDiskVar] ]); if not asVariants: return False; # For iSCSI check whether we have targets configured. if asTestCfg[self.kiDiskFmt] == 'iSCSI' and not self.asIscsiTargets: return False; # Check for virt mode, CPU count and selected VM. if asTestCfg[self.kiVirtMode] == 'raw' \ and ( asTestCfg[self.kiCpuCount] > 1 \ or asTestCfg[self.kiVmName] == 'tst-storage' \ or not self.fTestRawMode): return False; # IDE does not support the no host I/O cache setting if asTestCfg[self.kiHostIoCache] == 'no-hostiocache' \ and asTestCfg[self.kiStorageCtrl] == 'IDE': return False; return True; def fnFormatCpuString(self, cCpus): """ Formats the CPU count to be readable. """ if cCpus == 1: return '1 cpu'; return '%u cpus' % (cCpus); def fnFormatVirtMode(self, sVirtMode): """ Formats the virtualization mode to be a little less cryptic for use in test descriptions. """ return self.kdVirtModeDescs[sVirtMode]; def fnFormatHostIoCache(self, sHostIoCache): """ Formats the host I/O cache mode to be a little less cryptic for use in test descriptions. """ return self.kdHostIoCacheDescs[sHostIoCache]; def testBenchmark(self, sTargetOs, sBenchmark, sMountpoint, oExecutor, dTestSet, \ cMsTimeout = 3600000): """ Runs the given benchmark on the test host. """ dTestSet['FilePath'] = sMountpoint; dTestSet['TargetOs'] = sTargetOs; dTestSet['ReportIoStats'] = self.fReportBenchmarkResults; oTst = None; if sBenchmark == 'iozone': oTst = IozoneTest(oExecutor, dTestSet); elif sBenchmark == 'fio': oTst = FioTest(oExecutor, dTestSet); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type elif sBenchmark == 'ioperf': oTst = IoPerfTest(oExecutor, dTestSet); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type if oTst is not None: fRc = oTst.prepare(); if fRc: fRc = oTst.run(cMsTimeout); if fRc: if self.fReportBenchmarkResults: fRc = oTst.reportResult(); else: reporter.testFailure('Running the testcase failed'); reporter.addLogString(oTst.getErrorReport(), sBenchmark + '.log', 'log/release/client', 'Benchmark raw output'); else: reporter.testFailure('Preparing the testcase failed'); oTst.cleanup(); return fRc; def createHd(self, oSession, sDiskFormat, sDiskVariant, iDiffLvl, oHdParent, \ sDiskPath, cbDisk): """ Creates a new disk with the given parameters returning the medium object on success. """ oHd = None; if sDiskFormat == "iSCSI" and iDiffLvl == 0: listNames = []; listValues = []; listValues = self.asIscsiTargets[0].split('|'); listNames.append('TargetAddress'); listNames.append('TargetName'); listNames.append('LUN'); if self.fpApiVer >= 5.0: oHd = oSession.oVBox.createMedium(sDiskFormat, sDiskPath, vboxcon.AccessMode_ReadWrite, \ vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk); else: oHd = oSession.oVBox.createHardDisk(sDiskFormat, sDiskPath); oHd.type = vboxcon.MediumType_Normal; oHd.setProperties(listNames, listValues); else: if iDiffLvl == 0: tMediumVariant = self.convDiskToMediumVariant(sDiskVariant); oHd = oSession.createBaseHd(sDiskPath + '/base.img', sDiskFormat, cbDisk, \ cMsTimeout = 3600 * 1000, tMediumVariant = tMediumVariant); else: sDiskPath = sDiskPath + '/diff_%u.img' % (iDiffLvl); oHd = oSession.createDiffHd(oHdParent, sDiskPath, None); if oHd is not None and iDiffLvl == 0 and self.fEncryptDisk: try: oIProgress = oHd.changeEncryption('', self.sEncryptAlgo, self.sEncryptPw, self.ksPwId); oProgress = vboxwrappers.ProgressWrapper(oIProgress, self.oVBoxMgr, self, 'Encrypting "%s"' % (sDiskPath,)); oProgress.wait(60*60000); # Wait for up to one hour, fixed disks take longer to encrypt. if oProgress.logResult() is False: raise base.GenError('Encrypting disk "%s" failed' % (sDiskPath, )); except: reporter.errorXcpt('changeEncryption("%s","%s","%s") failed on "%s"' \ % ('', self.sEncryptAlgo, self.sEncryptPw, oSession.sName) ); self.oVBox.deleteHdByMedium(oHd); oHd = None; else: reporter.log('Encrypted "%s"' % (sDiskPath,)); return oHd; def startVmAndConnect(self, sVmName): """ Our own implementation of startVmAndConnectToTxsViaTcp to make it possible to add passwords to a running VM when encryption is used. """ oSession = self.startVmByName(sVmName); if oSession is not None: # Add password to the session in case encryption is used. fRc = True; if self.fEncryptDisk: try: if self.fpApiVer >= 7.0: oSession.o.console.addEncryptionPassword(self.ksPwId, self.sEncryptPw, False); else: oSession.o.console.addDiskEncryptionPassword(self.ksPwId, self.sEncryptPw, False); except: reporter.logXcpt(); fRc = False; # Connect to TXS. if fRc: reporter.log2('startVmAndConnect: Started(/prepared) "%s", connecting to TXS ...' % (sVmName,)); (fRc, oTxsSession) = self.txsDoConnectViaTcp(oSession, 15*60000, fNatForwardingForTxs = True); if fRc is True: if fRc is True: # Success! return (oSession, oTxsSession); else: reporter.error('startVmAndConnect: txsDoConnectViaTcp failed'); # If something went wrong while waiting for TXS to be started - take VM screenshot before terminate it self.terminateVmBySession(oSession); return (None, None); def testOneCfg(self, sVmName, eStorageController, sHostIoCache, sDiskFormat, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-statements sDiskVariant, sDiskPath, cCpus, sIoTest, sVirtMode, sTestSet): """ Runs the specified VM thru test #1. Returns a success indicator on the general test execution. This is not the actual test result. """ oVM = self.getVmByName(sVmName); dTestSet = self.kdTestSets.get(sTestSet); cbDisk = dTestSet.get('DiskSizeGb') * 1024*1024*1024; fHwVirt = sVirtMode != 'raw'; fNestedPaging = sVirtMode == 'hwvirt-np'; fRc = True; if sDiskFormat == 'iSCSI': sDiskPath = self.asIscsiTargets[0]; elif self.fUseScratch: sDiskPath = self.sScratchPath; else: # If requested recreate the storage space to start with a clean config # for benchmarks if self.fRecreateStorCfg: sMountPoint = self.prepareStorage(self.oStorCfg, self.fUseRamDisk, 2 * cbDisk); if sMountPoint is not None: # Create a directory where every normal user can write to. self.oStorCfg.mkDirOnVolume(sMountPoint, 'test', 0o777); sDiskPath = sMountPoint + '/test'; else: fRc = False; reporter.testFailure('Failed to prepare storage for VM'); if not fRc: return fRc; lstDisks = []; # List of disks we have to delete afterwards. for iDiffLvl in range(self.cDiffLvls + 1): sIoLogFile = None; if iDiffLvl == 0: reporter.testStart('Base'); else: reporter.testStart('Diff %u' % (iDiffLvl)); # Reconfigure the VM oSession = self.openSession(oVM); if oSession is not None: # # Disable audio controller which shares the interrupt line with the BusLogic controller and is suspected to cause # rare test failures because the device initialization fails. # fRc = oSession.setupAudio(vboxcon.AudioControllerType_AC97, False); # Attach HD fRc = fRc and oSession.ensureControllerAttached(self.controllerTypeToName(eStorageController)); fRc = fRc and oSession.setStorageControllerType(eStorageController, self.controllerTypeToName(eStorageController)); if sHostIoCache == 'hostiocache': fRc = fRc and oSession.setStorageControllerHostIoCache(self.controllerTypeToName(eStorageController), True); elif sHostIoCache == 'no-hostiocache': fRc = fRc and oSession.setStorageControllerHostIoCache(self.controllerTypeToName(eStorageController), False); iDevice = 0; if eStorageController in (vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX3, vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX4,): iDevice = 1; # Master is for the OS. oHdParent = None; if iDiffLvl > 0: oHdParent = lstDisks[0]; oHd = self.createHd(oSession, sDiskFormat, sDiskVariant, iDiffLvl, oHdParent, sDiskPath, cbDisk); if oHd is not None: lstDisks.insert(0, oHd); try: if oSession.fpApiVer >= 4.0: oSession.o.machine.attachDevice(self.controllerTypeToName(eStorageController), 0, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk, oHd); else: oSession.o.machine.attachDevice(self.controllerTypeToName(eStorageController), 0, iDevice, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk, oHd.id); except: reporter.errorXcpt('attachDevice("%s",%s,%s,HardDisk,"%s") failed on "%s"' \ % (self.controllerTypeToName(eStorageController), 1, 0, oHd.id, oSession.sName) ); fRc = False; else: reporter.log('attached "%s" to %s' % (sDiskPath, oSession.sName)); else: fRc = False; # Set up the I/O logging config if enabled if fRc and self.fIoLog: try: oSession.o.machine.setExtraData('VBoxInternal2/EnableDiskIntegrityDriver', '1'); iLun = 0; if eStorageController in (vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX3, vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX4,): iLun = 1 sDrv, fDrvScsi = self.getStorageDriverFromEnum(eStorageController, True); if fDrvScsi: sCfgmPath = 'VBoxInternal/Devices/%s/0/LUN#%u/AttachedDriver/Config' % (sDrv, iLun); else: sCfgmPath = 'VBoxInternal/Devices/%s/0/LUN#%u/Config' % (sDrv, iLun); sIoLogFile = '%s/%s.iolog' % (self.sIoLogPath, sDrv); print(sCfgmPath); print(sIoLogFile); oSession.o.machine.setExtraData('%s/IoLog' % (sCfgmPath,), sIoLogFile); except: reporter.logXcpt(); fRc = fRc and oSession.enableVirtExX86(fHwVirt); fRc = fRc and oSession.enableNestedPagingX86(fNestedPaging); fRc = fRc and oSession.setCpuCount(cCpus); fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings(); fRc = oSession.close() and fRc and True; # pychecker hack. oSession = None; else: fRc = False; # Start up. if fRc is True: self.logVmInfo(oVM); oSession, oTxsSession = self.startVmAndConnect(sVmName); if oSession is not None: self.addTask(oTxsSession); # Fudge factor - Allow the guest to finish starting up. self.sleep(5); # Prepare the storage on the guest lstBinaryPaths = ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin' ]; oExecVm = remoteexecutor.RemoteExecutor(oTxsSession, lstBinaryPaths, '${SCRATCH}'); fRc = self.mountValidationKitIso(oExecVm); if fRc: oGstDiskCfg = storagecfg.DiskCfg('linux', storagecfg.g_ksDiskCfgList, self.getGuestDisk(oSession, oTxsSession, eStorageController)); oStorCfgVm = storagecfg.StorageCfg(oExecVm, oGstDiskCfg); iTry = 0; while iTry < 3: sMountPoint = self.prepareStorage(oStorCfgVm); if sMountPoint is not None: reporter.log('Prepared storage on %s try' % (iTry + 1,)); break; iTry = iTry + 1; self.sleep(5); if sMountPoint is not None: # 3 hours max (Benchmark and QED takes a lot of time) self.testBenchmark('linux', sIoTest, sMountPoint, oExecVm, dTestSet, cMsTimeout = 3 * 3600 * 1000); self.cleanupStorage(oStorCfgVm); else: reporter.testFailure('Failed to prepare storage for the guest benchmark'); # cleanup. self.removeTask(oTxsSession); self.terminateVmBySession(oSession); # Add the I/O log if it exists and the test failed if reporter.testErrorCount() > 0 \ and sIoLogFile is not None \ and os.path.exists(sIoLogFile): reporter.addLogFile(sIoLogFile, 'misc/other', 'I/O log'); os.remove(sIoLogFile); else: reporter.testFailure('Failed to mount validation kit ISO'); else: fRc = False; # Remove disk oSession = self.openSession(oVM); if oSession is not None: try: oSession.o.machine.detachDevice(self.controllerTypeToName(eStorageController), 0, iDevice); # Remove storage controller if it is not an IDE controller. if eStorageController not in (vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX3, vboxcon.StorageControllerType_PIIX4,): oSession.o.machine.removeStorageController(self.controllerTypeToName(eStorageController)); oSession.saveSettings(); oSession.saveSettings(); oSession.close(); oSession = None; except: reporter.errorXcpt('failed to detach/delete disk %s from storage controller' % (sDiskPath)); else: fRc = False; reporter.testDone(); # Delete all disks for oHd in lstDisks: self.oVBox.deleteHdByMedium(oHd); # Cleanup storage area if sDiskFormat != 'iSCSI' and not self.fUseScratch and self.fRecreateStorCfg: self.cleanupStorage(self.oStorCfg); return fRc; def testStorage(self, sDiskPath = None): """ Runs the storage testcase through the selected configurations """ aasTestCfgs = []; aasTestCfgs.insert(self.kiVmName, self.asTestVMs); aasTestCfgs.insert(self.kiStorageCtrl, self.asStorageCtrls); aasTestCfgs.insert(self.kiHostIoCache, (self.asHostIoCache, True, self.fnFormatHostIoCache)); aasTestCfgs.insert(self.kiDiskFmt, self.asDiskFormats); aasTestCfgs.insert(self.kiDiskVar, self.asDiskVariants); aasTestCfgs.insert(self.kiCpuCount, (self.acCpus, True, self.fnFormatCpuString)); aasTestCfgs.insert(self.kiVirtMode, (self.asVirtModes, True, self.fnFormatVirtMode)); aasTestCfgs.insert(self.kiTestSet, self.asTestSets); aasTestCfgs.insert(self.kiIoTest, (self.asTests, False, None)); aasTestsBlacklist = []; aasTestsBlacklist.append(['tst-storage', 'BusLogic']); # 64bit Linux is broken with BusLogic oTstCfgMgr = StorTestCfgMgr(aasTestCfgs, aasTestsBlacklist, self.isTestCfgSupported); fRc = True; asTestCfg = oTstCfgMgr.getCurrentTestCfg(); while asTestCfg: fRc = self.testOneCfg(asTestCfg[self.kiVmName], self.getStorageCtrlFromName(asTestCfg[self.kiStorageCtrl]), \ asTestCfg[self.kiHostIoCache], asTestCfg[self.kiDiskFmt], asTestCfg[self.kiDiskVar], sDiskPath, asTestCfg[self.kiCpuCount], asTestCfg[self.kiIoTest], \ asTestCfg[self.kiVirtMode], asTestCfg[self.kiTestSet]) and fRc and True; # pychecker hack. asTestCfg = oTstCfgMgr.getNextTestCfg(); return fRc; def test1(self): """ Executes test #1. """ fRc = True; tupTstCfg = self.kdStorageCfgs.get(socket.getfqdn().lower()); if tupTstCfg is None: tupTstCfg = self.kdStorageCfgs.get(socket.gethostname().lower()); # Test the host first if requested if tupTstCfg is not None or self.fUseScratch: self.fTestRawMode = tupTstCfg[0]; oDiskCfg = tupTstCfg[1]; lstBinaryPaths = ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', \ '/opt/csw/bin', '/usr/ccs/bin', '/usr/sfw/bin']; oExecutor = remoteexecutor.RemoteExecutor(None, lstBinaryPaths, self.sScratchPath); if not self.fUseScratch: self.oStorCfg = storagecfg.StorageCfg(oExecutor, oDiskCfg); # Try to cleanup any leftovers from a previous run first. fRc = self.oStorCfg.cleanupLeftovers(); if not fRc: reporter.error('Failed to cleanup any leftovers from a previous run'); if self.fTestHost: reporter.testStart('Host'); if self.fUseScratch: sMountPoint = self.sScratchPath; else: sMountPoint = self.prepareStorage(self.oStorCfg); if sMountPoint is not None: for sIoTest in self.asTests: for sTestSet in self.asTestSets: reporter.testStart(sTestSet); dTestSet = self.kdTestSets.get(sTestSet); self.testBenchmark(utils.getHostOs(), sIoTest, sMountPoint, oExecutor, dTestSet); reporter.testDone(); self.cleanupStorage(self.oStorCfg); else: reporter.testFailure('Failed to prepare host storage'); fRc = False; reporter.testDone(); else: # Create the storage space first if it is not done before every test. sMountPoint = None; if self.fUseScratch: sMountPoint = self.sScratchPath; elif not self.fRecreateStorCfg: reporter.testStart('Create host storage'); sMountPoint = self.prepareStorage(self.oStorCfg); if sMountPoint: fMode = 0o777; sDir = os.path.join(sMountPoint, 'test'); fDirExist = os.path.exists(sDir) fMountPointExist = os.path.exists(sMountPoint) reporter.log("fExist for sMountPoint: %s, fExist for sDir (test folder): %s" % \ (fMountPointExist, fDirExist)) if fDirExist or self.oStorCfg.mkDirOnVolume(sMountPoint, 'test', fMode): sMountPoint = sDir else: reporter.error('Creating volume directory "%s" (mode %x) failed' % (sDir, fMode,)); else: fRc = False; reporter.testDone(); if fRc: # Run the storage tests. if not self.testStorage(sMountPoint): fRc = False; if not self.fRecreateStorCfg and not self.fUseScratch: self.cleanupStorage(self.oStorCfg); else: reporter.testFailure('Could not get disk configuration for host: %s' % (socket.getfqdn().lower())); fRc = False; return fRc; if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(tdStorageBenchmark().main(sys.argv));