1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # $Id: tdGuestOsInstTest1.py 65262 2017-01-12 13:05:38Z vboxsync $
4 |
5 | """
6 | VirtualBox Validation Kit - Guest OS installation tests.
7 | """
8 |
9 | __copyright__ = \
10 | """
11 | Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Oracle Corporation
12 |
13 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
14 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
15 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
16 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
17 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
18 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
19 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
20 |
21 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
22 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
23 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
24 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
25 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
26 |
27 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
28 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
29 | """
30 | __version__ = "$Revision: 65262 $"
31 |
32 |
33 | # Standard Python imports.
34 | import os
35 | import sys
36 |
37 |
38 | # Only the main script needs to modify the path.
39 | try: __file__
40 | except: __file__ = sys.argv[0]
41 | g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
42 | sys.path.append(g_ksValidationKitDir)
43 |
44 | # Validation Kit imports.
45 | from testdriver import vbox;
46 | from testdriver import base;
47 | from testdriver import reporter;
48 | from testdriver import vboxcon;
49 | from testdriver import vboxtestvms;
50 |
51 |
52 | class InstallTestVm(vboxtestvms.TestVm):
53 | """ Installation test VM. """
54 |
55 | ## @name The primary controller, to which the disk will be attached.
56 | ## @{
57 | ksScsiController = 'SCSI Controller'
58 | ksSataController = 'SATA Controller'
59 | ksIdeController = 'IDE Controller'
60 | ## @}
61 |
62 | ## @name VM option flags (OR together).
63 | ## @{
64 | kf32Bit = 0x01;
65 | kf64Bit = 0x02;
66 | kfReqIoApic = 0x10;
67 | kfReqIoApicSmp = 0x20;
68 | kfReqPae = 0x40;
69 | kfIdeIrqDelay = 0x80;
70 | kfUbuntuNewAmdBug = 0x100;
71 | kfNoWin81Paravirt = 0x200;
72 | ## @}
73 |
74 | ## IRQ delay extra data config for win2k VMs.
75 | kasIdeIrqDelay = [ 'VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/IRQDelay:1', ];
76 |
77 | ## Install ISO path relative to the testrsrc root.
78 | ksIsoPathBase = os.path.join('4.2', 'isos');
79 |
80 |
81 | def __init__(self, oSet, sVmName, sKind, sInstallIso, sHdCtrlNm, cGbHdd, fFlags):
82 | vboxtestvms.TestVm.__init__(self, oSet, sVmName, sKind = sKind, sHddControllerType = sHdCtrlNm,
83 | fRandomPvPMode = (fFlags & self.kfNoWin81Paravirt) == 0);
84 | self.sDvdImage = os.path.join(self.ksIsoPathBase, sInstallIso);
85 | self.cGbHdd = cGbHdd;
86 | self.fInstVmFlags = fFlags;
87 | if fFlags & self.kfReqPae:
88 | self.fPae = True;
89 | if fFlags & (self.kfReqIoApic | self.kfReqIoApicSmp):
90 | self.fIoApic = True;
91 |
92 | # Tweaks
93 | self.iOptRamAdjust = 0;
94 | self.asExtraData = [];
95 | if fFlags & self.kfIdeIrqDelay:
96 | self.asExtraData = self.kasIdeIrqDelay;
97 |
98 | def detatchAndDeleteHd(self, oTestDrv):
99 | """
100 | Detaches and deletes the HD.
101 | Returns success indicator, error info logged.
102 | """
103 | fRc = False;
104 | oVM = oTestDrv.getVmByName(self.sVmName);
105 | if oVM is not None:
106 | oSession = oTestDrv.openSession(oVM);
107 | if oSession is not None:
108 | (fRc, oHd) = oSession.detachHd(self.sHddControllerType, iPort = 0, iDevice = 0);
109 | if fRc is True and oHd is not None:
110 | fRc = oSession.saveSettings();
111 | fRc = fRc and oTestDrv.oVBox.deleteHdByMedium(oHd);
112 | fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings(); # Necessary for media reg?
113 | fRc = oSession.close() and fRc;
114 | return fRc;
115 |
116 | def getReconfiguredVm(self, oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode = None):
117 | #
118 | # Do the standard reconfig in the base class first, it'll figure out
119 | # if we can run the VM as requested.
120 | #
121 | (fRc, oVM) = vboxtestvms.TestVm.getReconfiguredVm(self, oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode);
122 |
123 | #
124 | # Make sure there is no HD from the previous run attached nor taking
125 | # up storage on the host.
126 | #
127 | if fRc is True:
128 | fRc = self.detatchAndDeleteHd(oTestDrv);
129 |
130 | #
131 | # Check for ubuntu installer vs. AMD host CPU.
132 | #
133 | if fRc is True and (self.fInstVmFlags & self.kfUbuntuNewAmdBug):
134 | if self.isHostCpuAffectedByUbuntuNewAmdBug(oTestDrv):
135 | return (None, None); # (skip)
136 |
137 | #
138 | # Make adjustments to the default config, and adding a fresh HD.
139 | #
140 | if fRc is True:
141 | oSession = oTestDrv.openSession(oVM);
142 | if oSession is not None:
143 | if self.sHddControllerType == self.ksSataController:
144 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setStorageControllerType(vboxcon.StorageControllerType_IntelAhci,
145 | self.sHddControllerType);
146 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setStorageControllerPortCount(self.sHddControllerType, 1);
147 | elif self.sHddControllerType == self.ksScsiController:
148 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setStorageControllerType(vboxcon.StorageControllerType_LsiLogic,
149 | self.sHddControllerType);
150 | try:
151 | sHddPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oVM.settingsFilePath),
152 | '%s-%s-%s.vdi' % (self.sVmName, sVirtMode, cCpus,));
153 | except:
154 | reporter.errorXcpt();
155 | sHddPath = None;
156 | fRc = False;
157 |
158 | fRc = fRc and oSession.createAndAttachHd(sHddPath,
159 | cb = self.cGbHdd * 1024*1024*1024,
160 | sController = self.sHddControllerType,
161 | iPort = 0,
162 | fImmutable = False);
163 |
164 | # Set proper boot order
165 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setBootOrder(1, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk)
166 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setBootOrder(2, vboxcon.DeviceType_DVD)
167 |
168 | # Adjust memory if requested.
169 | if self.iOptRamAdjust != 0:
170 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setRamSize(oSession.o.machine.memorySize + self.iOptRamAdjust);
171 |
172 | # Set extra data
173 | for sExtraData in self.asExtraData:
174 | try:
175 | sKey, sValue = sExtraData.split(':')
176 | except ValueError:
177 | raise base.InvalidOption('Invalid extradata specified: %s' % sExtraData)
178 | reporter.log('Set extradata: %s => %s' % (sKey, sValue))
179 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setExtraData(sKey, sValue)
180 |
181 | # Enable audio adapter
182 | oSession.o.machine.audioAdapter.enabled = True;
183 |
184 | # Other variations?
185 |
186 | # Save the settings.
187 | fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings()
188 | fRc = oSession.close() and fRc;
189 | else:
190 | fRc = False;
191 | if fRc is not True:
192 | oVM = None;
193 |
194 | # Done.
195 | return (fRc, oVM)
196 |
197 | def isHostCpuAffectedByUbuntuNewAmdBug(self, oTestDrv):
198 | """
199 | Checks if the host OS is affected by older ubuntu installers being very
200 | picky about which families of AMD CPUs it would run on.
201 |
202 | The installer checks for family 15, later 16, later 20, and in 11.10
203 | they remove the family check for AMD CPUs.
204 | """
205 | if not oTestDrv.isHostCpuAmd():
206 | return False;
207 | try:
208 | (uMaxExt, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000000, 0);
209 | (uFamilyModel, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000001, 0);
210 | except:
211 | reporter.logXcpt();
212 | return False;
213 | if uMaxExt < 0x80000001 or uMaxExt > 0x8000ffff:
214 | return False;
215 |
216 | uFamily = (uFamilyModel >> 8) & 0xf
217 | if uFamily == 0xf:
218 | uFamily = ((uFamilyModel >> 20) & 0x7f) + 0xf;
219 | ## @todo Break this down into which old ubuntu release supports exactly
220 | ## which AMD family, if we care.
221 | if uFamily <= 15:
222 | return False;
223 | reporter.log('Skipping "%s" because host CPU is a family %u AMD, which may cause trouble for the guest OS installer.'
224 | % (self.sVmName, uFamily,));
225 | return True;
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 | class tdGuestOsInstTest1(vbox.TestDriver):
232 | """
233 | Guest OS installation tests.
234 |
235 | Scenario:
236 | - Create new VM that corresponds specified installation ISO image.
237 | - Create HDD that corresponds to OS type that will be installed.
238 | - Boot VM from ISO image (i.e. install guest OS).
239 | - Wait for incomming TCP connection (guest should initiate such a
240 | connection in case installation has been completed successfully).
241 | """
242 |
243 |
244 | def __init__(self):
245 | """
246 | Reinitialize child class instance.
247 | """
248 | vbox.TestDriver.__init__(self)
249 | self.fLegacyOptions = False;
250 | assert self.fEnableVrdp; # in parent driver.
251 |
252 | #
253 | # Our install test VM set.
254 | #
255 | oSet = vboxtestvms.TestVmSet(self.oTestVmManager, fIgnoreSkippedVm = True);
256 | oSet.aoTestVms.extend([
257 | # pylint: disable=C0301
258 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-fedora4', 'Fedora', 'fedora4-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksIdeController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
259 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-fedora5', 'Fedora', 'fedora5-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfReqPae | InstallTestVm.kfReqIoApicSmp),
260 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-fedora6', 'Fedora', 'fedora6-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfReqIoApic),
261 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-fedora7', 'Fedora', 'fedora7-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfUbuntuNewAmdBug | InstallTestVm.kfReqIoApic),
262 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-fedora9', 'Fedora', 'fedora9-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
263 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-fedora18-64', 'Fedora_64', 'fedora18-x64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
264 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-fedora18', 'Fedora', 'fedora18-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksScsiController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
265 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ols6', 'Oracle', 'ols6-i386-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 12, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfReqPae),
266 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ols6-64', 'Oracle_64', 'ols6-x86_64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 12, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
267 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-rhel5', 'RedHat', 'rhel5-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfReqPae | InstallTestVm.kfReqIoApic),
268 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-suse102', 'OpenSUSE', 'opensuse102-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksIdeController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfReqIoApic),
269 | ## @todo InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu606', 'Ubuntu', 'ubuntu606-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
270 | ## @todo InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu710', 'Ubuntu', 'ubuntu710-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
271 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu804', 'Ubuntu', 'ubuntu804-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfUbuntuNewAmdBug | InstallTestVm.kfReqPae | InstallTestVm.kfReqIoApic),
272 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu804-64', 'Ubuntu_64', 'ubuntu804-amd64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
273 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu904', 'Ubuntu', 'ubuntu904-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfUbuntuNewAmdBug | InstallTestVm.kfReqPae),
274 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu904-64', 'Ubuntu_64', 'ubuntu904-amd64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
275 | #InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu1404', 'Ubuntu', 'ubuntu1404-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfUbuntuNewAmdBug | InstallTestVm.kfReqPae), bird: Is 14.04 one of the 'older ones'?
276 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu1404', 'Ubuntu', 'ubuntu1404-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfReqPae),
277 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-ubuntu1404-64','Ubuntu_64', 'ubuntu1404-amd64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
278 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-debian7', 'Debian', 'debian-7.0.0-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
279 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-debian7-64', 'Debian_64', 'debian-7.0.0-x64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksScsiController, 8, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
280 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-vista-64', 'WindowsVista_64', 'vista-x64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
281 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-vista-32', 'WindowsVista', 'vista-x86-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
282 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-w7-64', 'Windows7_64', 'win7-x64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
283 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-w7-32', 'Windows7', 'win7-x86-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
284 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-w2k3', 'Windows2003', 'win2k3ent-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksIdeController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
285 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-w2k', 'Windows2000', 'win2ksp0-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksIdeController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfIdeIrqDelay),
286 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-w2ksp4', 'Windows2000', 'win2ksp4-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksIdeController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfIdeIrqDelay),
287 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-wxp', 'WindowsXP', 'winxppro-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksIdeController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
288 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-wxpsp2', 'WindowsXP', 'winxpsp2-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksIdeController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
289 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-wxp64', 'WindowsXP_64', 'winxp64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksIdeController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
290 | ## @todo disable paravirt for Windows 8.1 guests as long as it's not fixed in the code
291 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-w81-32', 'Windows81', 'win81-x86-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit),
292 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-w81-64', 'Windows81_64', 'win81-x64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
293 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-32', 'Windows10', 'win10-x86-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf32Bit | InstallTestVm.kfReqPae),
294 | InstallTestVm(oSet, 'tst-w10-64', 'Windows10_64', 'win10-x64-txs.iso', InstallTestVm.ksSataController, 25, InstallTestVm.kf64Bit),
295 | # pylint: enable=C0301
296 | ]);
297 | self.oTestVmSet = oSet;
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 | #
302 | # Overridden methods.
303 | #
304 |
305 | def showUsage(self):
306 | """
307 | Extend usage info
308 | """
309 | rc = vbox.TestDriver.showUsage(self)
310 | reporter.log('');
311 | reporter.log('tdGuestOsInstTest1 options:');
312 | reporter.log(' --ioapic, --no-ioapic');
313 | reporter.log(' Enable or disable the I/O apic.');
314 | reporter.log(' Default: --ioapic');
315 | reporter.log(' --pae, --no-pae');
316 | reporter.log(' Enable or disable PAE support for 32-bit guests.');
317 | reporter.log(' Default: Guest dependent.');
318 | reporter.log(' --ram-adjust <MBs>')
319 | reporter.log(' Adjust the VM ram size by the given delta. Both negative and positive');
320 | reporter.log(' values are accepted.');
321 | reporter.log(' --set-extradata <key>:value')
322 | reporter.log(' Set VM extra data. This command line option might be used multiple times.')
323 | reporter.log('obsolete:');
324 | reporter.log(' --nested-paging, --no-nested-paging');
325 | reporter.log(' --raw-mode');
326 | reporter.log(' --cpus <# CPUs>');
327 | reporter.log(' --install-iso <ISO file name>');
328 |
329 | return rc
330 |
331 | def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg):
332 | """
333 | Extend standard options set
334 | """
335 |
336 | if False is True:
337 | pass;
338 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--ioapic':
339 | for oTestVm in self.oTestVmSet.aoTestVms:
340 | oTestVm.fIoApic = True;
341 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-ioapic':
342 | for oTestVm in self.oTestVmSet.aoTestVms:
343 | oTestVm.fIoApic = False;
344 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--pae':
345 | for oTestVm in self.oTestVmSet.aoTestVms:
346 | oTestVm.fPae = True;
347 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-pae':
348 | for oTestVm in self.oTestVmSet.aoTestVms:
349 | oTestVm.fPae = False;
350 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--ram-adjust':
351 | iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg);
352 | for oTestVm in self.oTestVmSet.aoTestVms:
353 | oTestVm.iOptRamAdjust = int(asArgs[iArg]);
354 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--set-extradata':
355 | iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg)
356 | for oTestVm in self.oTestVmSet.aoTestVms:
357 | oTestVm.asExtraData.append(asArgs[iArg]);
358 |
359 | # legacy, to be removed once TM is reconfigured.
360 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--install-iso':
361 | self.legacyOptions();
362 | iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg);
363 | for oTestVm in self.oTestVmSet.aoTestVms:
364 | oTestVm.fSkip = os.path.basename(oTestVm.sDvdImage) != asArgs[iArg];
365 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--cpus':
366 | self.legacyOptions();
367 | iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg);
368 | self.oTestVmSet.acCpus = [ int(asArgs[iArg]), ];
369 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--raw-mode':
370 | self.legacyOptions();
371 | self.oTestVmSet.asVirtModes = [ 'raw', ];
372 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--nested-paging':
373 | self.legacyOptions();
374 | self.oTestVmSet.asVirtModes = [ 'hwvirt-np', ];
375 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-nested-paging':
376 | self.legacyOptions();
377 | self.oTestVmSet.asVirtModes = [ 'hwvirt', ];
378 | else:
379 | return vbox.TestDriver.parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg)
380 |
381 | return iArg + 1
382 |
383 | def legacyOptions(self):
384 | """ Enables legacy option mode. """
385 | if not self.fLegacyOptions:
386 | self.fLegacyOptions = True;
387 | self.oTestVmSet.asVirtModes = [ 'hwvirt', ];
388 | self.oTestVmSet.acCpus = [ 1, ];
389 | return True;
390 |
391 | def actionConfig(self):
392 | if not self.importVBoxApi(): # So we can use the constant below.
393 | return False;
394 | return self.oTestVmSet.actionConfig(self, eNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT);
395 |
396 | def actionExecute(self):
397 | """
398 | Execute the testcase.
399 | """
400 | return self.oTestVmSet.actionExecute(self, self.testOneVmConfig)
401 |
402 | def testOneVmConfig(self, oVM, oTestVm):
403 | """
404 | Install guest OS and wait for result
405 | """
406 |
407 | self.logVmInfo(oVM)
408 | reporter.testStart('Installing %s' % (oTestVm.sVmName,))
409 |
410 | cMsTimeout = 40*60000;
411 | if not reporter.isLocal(): ## @todo need to figure a better way of handling timeouts on the testboxes ...
412 | cMsTimeout = 180 * 60000; # will be adjusted down.
413 |
414 | oSession, _ = self.startVmAndConnectToTxsViaTcp(oTestVm.sVmName, fCdWait = False, cMsTimeout = cMsTimeout);
415 | if oSession is not None:
416 | # The guest has connected to TXS, so we're done (for now anyways).
417 | reporter.log('Guest reported success')
418 | ## @todo Do save + restore.
419 |
420 | reporter.testDone()
421 | fRc = self.terminateVmBySession(oSession)
422 | return fRc is True
423 |
424 | reporter.error('Installation of %s has failed' % (oTestVm.sVmName,))
425 | oTestVm.detatchAndDeleteHd(self); # Save space.
426 | reporter.testDone()
427 | return False
428 |
429 | if __name__ == '__main__':
430 | sys.exit(tdGuestOsInstTest1().main(sys.argv))
431 |