1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # pylint: disable=C0302
4 |
5 | """
6 | VirtualBox Validation Kit - Guest Control Tests.
7 | """
8 |
9 | __copyright__ = \
10 | """
11 | Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Oracle Corporation
12 |
13 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
14 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
15 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
16 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
17 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
18 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
19 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
20 |
21 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
22 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
23 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
24 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
25 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
26 |
27 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
28 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
29 | """
30 | __version__ = "$Revision: 65963 $"
31 |
32 | # Disable bitching about too many arguments per function.
33 | # pylint: disable=R0913
34 |
35 | ## @todo Convert map() usage to a cleaner alternative Python now offers.
36 | # pylint: disable=W0141
37 |
38 | ## @todo Convert the context/test classes into named tuples. Not in the mood right now, so
39 | # disabling it.
40 | # pylint: disable=R0903
41 |
42 | # Standard Python imports.
43 | from array import array
44 | import errno
45 | import os
46 | import random
47 | import string # pylint: disable=W0402
48 | import struct
49 | import sys
50 | import time
51 |
52 | # Only the main script needs to modify the path.
53 | try: __file__
54 | except: __file__ = sys.argv[0];
55 | g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))));
56 | sys.path.append(g_ksValidationKitDir);
57 |
58 | # Validation Kit imports.
59 | from testdriver import reporter;
60 | from testdriver import base;
61 | from testdriver import vbox;
62 | from testdriver import vboxcon;
63 | from testdriver import vboxwrappers;
64 |
65 | # Python 3 hacks:
66 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
67 | long = int # pylint: disable=W0622,C0103
68 |
69 |
70 | class GuestStream(bytearray):
71 | """
72 | Class for handling a guest process input/output stream.
73 | """
74 | def appendStream(self, stream, convertTo='<b'):
75 | """
76 | Appends and converts a byte sequence to this object;
77 | handy for displaying a guest stream.
78 | """
79 | self.extend(struct.pack(convertTo, stream));
80 |
81 | class tdCtxTest(object):
82 | """
83 | Provides the actual test environment. Should be kept
84 | as generic as possible.
85 | """
86 | def __init__(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=W0613
87 | ## The desired Main API result.
88 | self.fRc = False;
89 | ## IGuest reference.
90 | self.oGuest = oSession.o.console.guest;
91 | # Rest not used (yet).
92 |
93 | class tdCtxCreds(object):
94 | """
95 | Provides credentials to pass to the guest.
96 | """
97 | def __init__(self, sUser = None, sPassword = None, sDomain = None, oTestVm = None):
98 | # If no user is specified, select the default user and
99 | # password for the given test VM.
100 | if sUser is None:
101 | assert sPassword is None;
102 | assert sDomain is None;
103 | assert oTestVm is not None;
104 |
105 | ## @todo fix this so all VMs have several usable test users with the same passwords (or none).
106 | sUser = 'test';
107 | sPassword = 'password';
108 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
109 | #sPassword = ''; # stupid config mistake.
110 | sPassword = 'password';
111 | sUser = 'Administrator';
112 | sDomain = '';
113 |
114 | self.sUser = sUser;
115 | self.sPassword = sPassword if sPassword is not None else '';
116 | self.sDomain = sDomain if sDomain is not None else '';
117 |
118 | class tdTestGuestCtrlBase(object):
119 | """
120 | Base class for all guest control tests.
121 | Note: This test ASSUMES that working Guest Additions
122 | were installed and running on the guest to be tested.
123 | """
124 | def __init__(self):
125 | self.oTest = None;
126 | self.oCreds = None;
127 | self.timeoutMS = 30 * 1000; # 30s timeout
128 | ## IGuestSession reference or None.
129 | self.oGuestSession = None;
130 |
131 | def setEnvironment(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm):
132 | """
133 | Sets the test environment required for this test.
134 | """
135 | self.oTest = tdCtxTest(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
136 | return self.oTest;
137 |
138 | def createSession(self, sName):
139 | """
140 | Creates (opens) a guest session.
141 | Returns (True, IGuestSession) on success or (False, None) on failure.
142 | """
143 | if self.oGuestSession is None:
144 | if sName is None:
145 | sName = "<untitled>";
146 | try:
147 | reporter.log('Creating session "%s" ...' % (sName,));
148 | self.oGuestSession = self.oTest.oGuest.createSession(self.oCreds.sUser,
149 | self.oCreds.sPassword,
150 | self.oCreds.sDomain,
151 | sName);
152 | except:
153 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
154 | reporter.logXcpt('Creating a guest session "%s" failed; sUser="%s", pw="%s", sDomain="%s":'
155 | % (sName, self.oCreds.sUser, self.oCreds.sPassword, self.oCreds.sDomain));
156 | return (False, None);
157 |
158 | try:
159 | reporter.log('Waiting for session "%s" to start within %dms...' % (sName, self.timeoutMS));
160 | fWaitFor = [ vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitForFlag_Start ];
161 | waitResult = self.oGuestSession.waitForArray(fWaitFor, self.timeoutMS);
162 | #
163 | # Be nice to Guest Additions < 4.3: They don't support session handling and
164 | # therefore return WaitFlagNotSupported.
165 | #
166 | if waitResult != vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitResult_Start \
167 | and waitResult != vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported:
168 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
169 | reporter.log('Session did not start successfully, returned wait result: %d' \
170 | % (waitResult,));
171 | return (False, None);
172 | reporter.log('Session "%s" successfully started' % (sName,));
173 | except:
174 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
175 | reporter.logXcpt('Waiting for guest session "%s" (usr=%s;pw=%s;dom=%s) to start failed:'
176 | % (sName, self.oCreds.sUser, self.oCreds.sPassword, self.oCreds.sDomain,));
177 | return (False, None);
178 | else:
179 | reporter.log('Warning: Session already set; this is probably not what you want');
180 | return (True, self.oGuestSession);
181 |
182 | def setSession(self, oGuestSession):
183 | """
184 | Sets the current guest session and closes
185 | an old one if necessary.
186 | """
187 | if self.oGuestSession is not None:
188 | self.closeSession();
189 | self.oGuestSession = oGuestSession;
190 | return self.oGuestSession;
191 |
192 | def closeSession(self):
193 | """
194 | Closes the guest session.
195 | """
196 | if self.oGuestSession is not None:
197 | sName = self.oGuestSession.name;
198 | try:
199 | reporter.log('Closing session "%s" ...' % (sName,));
200 | self.oGuestSession.close();
201 | self.oGuestSession = None;
202 | except:
203 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
204 | reporter.logXcpt('Closing guest session "%s" failed:' % (sName,));
205 | return False;
206 | return True;
207 |
208 | class tdTestCopyFrom(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
209 | """
210 | Test for copying files from the guest to the host.
211 | """
212 | def __init__(self, sSrc = "", sDst = "", sUser = "", sPassword = "", aFlags = None):
213 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
214 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
215 | self.sSrc = sSrc;
216 | self.sDst = sDst;
217 | self.aFlags = aFlags;
218 |
219 | class tdTestCopyTo(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
220 | """
221 | Test for copying files from the host to the guest.
222 | """
223 | def __init__(self, sSrc = "", sDst = "", sUser = "", sPassword = "", aFlags = None):
224 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
225 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
226 | self.sSrc = sSrc;
227 | self.sDst = sDst;
228 | self.aFlags = aFlags;
229 |
230 | class tdTestDirCreate(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
231 | """
232 | Test for directoryCreate call.
233 | """
234 | def __init__(self, sDirectory = "", sUser = "", sPassword = "", fMode = 0, aFlags = None):
235 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
236 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
237 | self.sDirectory = sDirectory;
238 | self.fMode = fMode;
239 | self.aFlags = aFlags;
240 |
241 | class tdTestDirCreateTemp(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
242 | """
243 | Test for the directoryCreateTemp call.
244 | """
245 | def __init__(self, sDirectory = "", sTemplate = "", sUser = "", sPassword = "", fMode = 0, fSecure = False):
246 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
247 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
248 | self.sDirectory = sDirectory;
249 | self.sTemplate = sTemplate;
250 | self.fMode = fMode;
251 | self.fSecure = fSecure;
252 |
253 | class tdTestDirOpen(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
254 | """
255 | Test for the directoryOpen call.
256 | """
257 | def __init__(self, sDirectory = "", sUser = "", sPassword = "",
258 | sFilter = "", aFlags = None):
259 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
260 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
261 | self.sDirectory = sDirectory;
262 | self.sFilter = sFilter;
263 | self.aFlags = aFlags or [];
264 |
265 | class tdTestDirRead(tdTestDirOpen):
266 | """
267 | Test for the opening, reading and closing a certain directory.
268 | """
269 | def __init__(self, sDirectory = "", sUser = "", sPassword = "",
270 | sFilter = "", aFlags = None):
271 | tdTestDirOpen.__init__(self, sDirectory, sUser, sPassword, sFilter, aFlags);
272 |
273 | class tdTestExec(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
274 | """
275 | Specifies exactly one guest control execution test.
276 | Has a default timeout of 5 minutes (for safety).
277 | """
278 | def __init__(self, sCmd = "", aArgs = None, aEnv = None, \
279 | aFlags = None, timeoutMS = 5 * 60 * 1000, \
280 | sUser = "", sPassword = "", sDomain = "", \
281 | fWaitForExit = True):
282 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
283 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain);
284 | self.sCmd = sCmd;
285 | self.aArgs = aArgs if aArgs is not None else [sCmd,];
286 | self.aEnv = aEnv;
287 | self.aFlags = aFlags or [];
288 | self.timeoutMS = timeoutMS;
289 | self.fWaitForExit = fWaitForExit;
290 | self.uExitStatus = 0;
291 | self.iExitCode = 0;
292 | self.cbStdOut = 0;
293 | self.cbStdErr = 0;
294 | self.sBuf = '';
295 |
296 | class tdTestFileExists(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
297 | """
298 | Test for the file exists API call (fileExists).
299 | """
300 | def __init__(self, sFile = "", sUser = "", sPassword = ""):
301 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
302 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
303 | self.sFile = sFile;
304 |
305 | class tdTestFileRemove(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
306 | """
307 | Test querying guest file information.
308 | """
309 | def __init__(self, sFile = "", sUser = "", sPassword = ""):
310 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
311 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
312 | self.sFile = sFile;
313 |
314 | class tdTestFileStat(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
315 | """
316 | Test querying guest file information.
317 | """
318 | def __init__(self, sFile = "", sUser = "", sPassword = "", cbSize = 0, eFileType = 0):
319 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
320 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
321 | self.sFile = sFile;
322 | self.cbSize = cbSize;
323 | self.eFileType = eFileType;
324 |
325 | class tdTestFileIO(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
326 | """
327 | Test for the IGuestFile object.
328 | """
329 | def __init__(self, sFile = "", sUser = "", sPassword = ""):
330 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
331 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
332 | self.sFile = sFile;
333 |
334 | class tdTestFileQuerySize(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
335 | """
336 | Test for the file size query API call (fileQuerySize).
337 | """
338 | def __init__(self, sFile = "", sUser = "", sPassword = ""):
339 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
340 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
341 | self.sFile = sFile;
342 |
343 | class tdTestFileReadWrite(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
344 | """
345 | Tests reading from guest files.
346 | """
347 | def __init__(self, sFile = "", sUser = "", sPassword = "",
348 | sOpenMode = "r", sDisposition = "",
349 | sSharingMode = "",
350 | lCreationMode = 0, cbOffset = 0, cbToReadWrite = 0,
351 | aBuf = None):
352 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
353 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain = "");
354 | self.sFile = sFile;
355 | self.sOpenMode = sOpenMode;
356 | self.sDisposition = sDisposition;
357 | self.sSharingMode = sSharingMode;
358 | self.lCreationMode = lCreationMode;
359 | self.cbOffset = cbOffset;
360 | self.cbToReadWrite = cbToReadWrite;
361 | self.aBuf = aBuf;
362 |
363 | def getOpenAction(self):
364 | """ Converts string disposition to open action enum. """
365 | if self.sDisposition == 'oe': return vboxcon.FileOpenAction_OpenExisting;
366 | if self.sDisposition == 'oc': return vboxcon.FileOpenAction_OpenOrCreate;
367 | if self.sDisposition == 'ce': return vboxcon.FileOpenAction_CreateNew;
368 | if self.sDisposition == 'ca': return vboxcon.FileOpenAction_CreateOrReplace;
369 | if self.sDisposition == 'ot': return vboxcon.FileOpenAction_OpenExistingTruncated;
370 | if self.sDisposition == 'oa': return vboxcon.FileOpenAction_AppendOrCreate;
371 | raise base.GenError(self.sDisposition);
372 |
373 | def getAccessMode(self):
374 | """ Converts open mode to access mode enum. """
375 | if self.sOpenMode == 'r': return vboxcon.FileOpenMode_ReadOnly;
376 | if self.sOpenMode == 'w': return vboxcon.FileOpenMode_WriteOnly;
377 | if self.sOpenMode == 'w+': return vboxcon.FileOpenMode_ReadWrite;
378 | if self.sOpenMode == 'r+': return vboxcon.FileOpenMode_ReadWrite;
379 | raise base.GenError(self.sOpenMode);
380 |
381 | def getSharingMode(self):
382 | """ Converts the sharing mode. """
383 | return vboxcon.FileSharingMode_All;
384 |
385 | class tdTestSession(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
386 | """
387 | Test the guest session handling.
388 | """
389 | def __init__(self, sUser = "", sPassword = "", sDomain = "", \
390 | sSessionName = ""):
391 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
392 | self.sSessionName = sSessionName;
393 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain);
394 |
395 | def getSessionCount(self, oVBoxMgr):
396 | """
397 | Helper for returning the number of currently
398 | opened guest sessions of a VM.
399 | """
400 | if self.oTest.oGuest is None:
401 | return 0;
402 | aoSession = oVBoxMgr.getArray(self.oTest.oGuest, 'sessions')
403 | return len(aoSession);
404 |
405 | class tdTestSessionEx(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
406 | """
407 | Test the guest session.
408 | """
409 | def __init__(self, aoSteps = None, enmUser = None):
410 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
411 | assert enmUser is None; # For later.
412 | self.enmUser = enmUser;
413 | self.aoSteps = aoSteps if aoSteps is not None else [];
414 |
415 | def execute(self, oTstDrv, oVmSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm, sMsgPrefix):
416 | """
417 | Executes the test.
418 | """
419 | #
420 | # Create a session.
421 | #
422 | assert self.enmUser is None; # For later.
423 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(oTestVm = oTestVm);
424 | self.setEnvironment(oVmSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
425 | reporter.log2('%s: %s steps' % (sMsgPrefix, len(self.aoSteps),));
426 | fRc, oCurSession = self.createSession(sMsgPrefix);
427 | if fRc is True:
428 | #
429 | # Execute the tests.
430 | #
431 | try:
432 | fRc = self.executeSteps(oTstDrv, oCurSession, sMsgPrefix);
433 | except:
434 | reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Unexpected exception executing test steps' % (sMsgPrefix,));
435 | fRc = False;
436 |
437 | fRc2 = self.closeSession();
438 | if fRc2 is False:
439 | reporter.error('%s: Session could not be closed' % (sMsgPrefix,));
440 | fRc = False;
441 | else:
442 | reporter.error('%s: Session creation failed' % (sMsgPrefix,));
443 | fRc = False;
444 | return fRc;
445 |
446 | def executeSteps(self, oTstDrv, oGstCtrlSession, sMsgPrefix):
447 | """
448 | Executes just the steps.
449 | Returns True on success, False on test failure.
450 | """
451 | fRc = True;
452 | for (i, oStep) in enumerate(self.aoSteps):
453 | fRc2 = oStep.execute(oTstDrv, oGstCtrlSession, sMsgPrefix + ', step #%d' % i);
454 | if fRc2 is True:
455 | pass;
456 | elif fRc2 is None:
457 | reporter.log('skipping remaining %d steps' % (len(self.aoSteps) - i - 1,));
458 | break;
459 | else:
460 | fRc = False;
461 | return fRc;
462 |
463 | @staticmethod
464 | def executeListTestSessions(aoTests, oTstDrv, oVmSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm, sMsgPrefix):
465 | """
466 | Works thru a list of tdTestSessionEx object.
467 | """
468 | fRc = True;
469 | for (i, oCurTest) in enumerate(aoTests):
470 | try:
471 | fRc2 = oCurTest.execute(oTstDrv, oVmSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm, '%s, test %#d' % (sMsgPrefix, i,));
472 | if fRc2 is not True:
473 | fRc = False;
474 | except:
475 | reporter.errorXcpt('Unexpected exception executing test #%d' % (i,));
476 | fRc = False;
477 |
478 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
479 |
480 |
481 | class tdSessionStepBase(object):
482 | """
483 | Base class for the guest control session test steps.
484 | """
485 |
486 | def execute(self, oTstDrv, oGstCtrlSession, sMsgPrefix):
487 | """
488 | Executes the test step.
489 |
490 | Returns True on success.
491 | Returns False on failure (must be reported as error).
492 | Returns None if to skip the remaining steps.
493 | """
494 | reporter.error('%s: Missing execute implementation: %s' % (sMsgPrefix, self,));
495 | _ = oTstDrv;
496 | _ = oGstCtrlSession;
497 | return False;
498 |
499 |
500 | class tdStepRequireMinimumApiVer(tdSessionStepBase):
501 | """
502 | Special test step which will cause executeSteps to skip the remaining step
503 | if the VBox API is too old:
504 | """
505 | def __init__(self, fpMinApiVer):
506 | self.fpMinApiVer = fpMinApiVer;
507 |
508 | def execute(self, oTstDrv, oGstCtrlSession, sMsgPrefix):
509 | """ Returns None if API version is too old, otherwise True. """
510 | if oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= self.fpMinApiVer:
511 | return True;
512 | _ = oGstCtrlSession;
513 | _ = sMsgPrefix;
514 | return None; # Special return value. Don't use elsewhere.
515 |
516 |
517 | #
518 | # Scheduling Environment Changes with the Guest Control Session.
519 | #
520 |
521 | class tdStepSessionSetEnv(tdSessionStepBase):
522 | """
523 | Guest session environment: schedule putenv
524 | """
525 | def __init__(self, sVar, sValue, hrcExpected = 0):
526 | self.sVar = sVar;
527 | self.sValue = sValue;
528 | self.hrcExpected = hrcExpected;
529 |
530 | def execute(self, oTstDrv, oGstCtrlSession, sMsgPrefix):
531 | """
532 | Executes the step.
533 | Returns True on success, False on test failure.
534 | """
535 | reporter.log2('tdStepSessionSetEnv: sVar=%s sValue=%s hrcExpected=%#x' % (self.sVar, self.sValue, self.hrcExpected,));
536 | try:
537 | if oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
538 | oGstCtrlSession.environmentScheduleSet(self.sVar, self.sValue);
539 | else:
540 | oGstCtrlSession.environmentSet(self.sVar, self.sValue);
541 | except vbox.ComException, oXcpt:
542 | # Is this an expected failure?
543 | if vbox.ComError.equal(oXcpt, self.hrcExpected):
544 | return True;
545 | reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Expected hrc=%#x (%s) got %#x (%s) instead (setenv %s=%s)'
546 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.hrcExpected, vbox.ComError.toString(self.hrcExpected),
547 | vbox.ComError.getXcptResult(oXcpt),
548 | vbox.ComError.toString(vbox.ComError.getXcptResult(oXcpt)),
549 | self.sVar, self.sValue,));
550 | return False;
551 | except:
552 | reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Unexpected exception in tdStepSessionSetEnv::execute (%s=%s)'
553 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.sVar, self.sValue,));
554 | return False;
555 |
556 | # Should we succeed?
557 | if self.hrcExpected != 0:
558 | reporter.error('%s: Expected hrcExpected=%#x, got S_OK (putenv %s=%s)'
559 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.hrcExpected, self.sVar, self.sValue,));
560 | return False;
561 | return True;
562 |
563 | class tdStepSessionUnsetEnv(tdSessionStepBase):
564 | """
565 | Guest session environment: schedule unset.
566 | """
567 | def __init__(self, sVar, hrcExpected = 0):
568 | self.sVar = sVar;
569 | self.hrcExpected = hrcExpected;
570 |
571 | def execute(self, oTstDrv, oGstCtrlSession, sMsgPrefix):
572 | """
573 | Executes the step.
574 | Returns True on success, False on test failure.
575 | """
576 | reporter.log2('tdStepSessionUnsetEnv: sVar=%s hrcExpected=%#x' % (self.sVar, self.hrcExpected,));
577 | try:
578 | if oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
579 | oGstCtrlSession.environmentScheduleUnset(self.sVar);
580 | else:
581 | oGstCtrlSession.environmentUnset(self.sVar);
582 | except vbox.ComException, oXcpt:
583 | # Is this an expected failure?
584 | if vbox.ComError.equal(oXcpt, self.hrcExpected):
585 | return True;
586 | reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Expected hrc=%#x (%s) got %#x (%s) instead (unsetenv %s)'
587 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.hrcExpected, vbox.ComError.toString(self.hrcExpected),
588 | vbox.ComError.getXcptResult(oXcpt),
589 | vbox.ComError.toString(vbox.ComError.getXcptResult(oXcpt)),
590 | self.sVar,));
591 | return False;
592 | except:
593 | reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Unexpected exception in tdStepSessionUnsetEnv::execute (%s)'
594 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.sVar,));
595 | return False;
596 |
597 | # Should we succeed?
598 | if self.hrcExpected != 0:
599 | reporter.error('%s: Expected hrcExpected=%#x, got S_OK (unsetenv %s)'
600 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.hrcExpected, self.sVar,));
601 | return False;
602 | return True;
603 |
604 | class tdStepSessionBulkEnv(tdSessionStepBase):
605 | """
606 | Guest session environment: Bulk environment changes.
607 | """
608 | def __init__(self, asEnv = None, hrcExpected = 0):
609 | self.asEnv = asEnv if asEnv is not None else [];
610 | self.hrcExpected = hrcExpected;
611 |
612 | def execute(self, oTstDrv, oGstCtrlSession, sMsgPrefix):
613 | """
614 | Executes the step.
615 | Returns True on success, False on test failure.
616 | """
617 | reporter.log2('tdStepSessionBulkEnv: asEnv=%s hrcExpected=%#x' % (self.asEnv, self.hrcExpected,));
618 | try:
619 | if oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
620 | oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.setArray(oGstCtrlSession, 'environmentChanges', self.asEnv);
621 | else:
622 | oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.setArray(oGstCtrlSession, 'environment', self.asEnv);
623 | except vbox.ComException, oXcpt:
624 | # Is this an expected failure?
625 | if vbox.ComError.equal(oXcpt, self.hrcExpected):
626 | return True;
627 | reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Expected hrc=%#x (%s) got %#x (%s) instead (asEnv=%s)'
628 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.hrcExpected, vbox.ComError.toString(self.hrcExpected),
629 | vbox.ComError.getXcptResult(oXcpt),
630 | vbox.ComError.toString(vbox.ComError.getXcptResult(oXcpt)),
631 | self.asEnv,));
632 | return False;
633 | except:
634 | reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Unexpected exception writing the environmentChanges property (asEnv=%s).'
635 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.asEnv));
636 | return False;
637 | return True;
638 |
639 | class tdStepSessionClearEnv(tdStepSessionBulkEnv):
640 | """
641 | Guest session environment: clears the scheduled environment changes.
642 | """
643 | def __init__(self):
644 | tdStepSessionBulkEnv.__init__(self);
645 |
646 |
647 | class tdStepSessionCheckEnv(tdSessionStepBase):
648 | """
649 | Check the currently scheduled environment changes of a guest control session.
650 | """
651 | def __init__(self, asEnv = None):
652 | self.asEnv = asEnv if asEnv is not None else [];
653 |
654 | def execute(self, oTstDrv, oGstCtrlSession, sMsgPrefix):
655 | """
656 | Executes the step.
657 | Returns True on success, False on test failure.
658 | """
659 | reporter.log2('tdStepSessionCheckEnv: asEnv=%s' % (self.asEnv,));
660 |
661 | #
662 | # Get the environment change list.
663 | #
664 | try:
665 | if oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
666 | asCurEnv = oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGstCtrlSession, 'environmentChanges');
667 | else:
668 | asCurEnv = oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGstCtrlSession, 'environment');
669 | except:
670 | reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Unexpected exception reading the environmentChanges property.' % (sMsgPrefix,));
671 | return False;
672 |
673 | #
674 | # Compare it with the expected one by trying to remove each expected value
675 | # and the list anything unexpected.
676 | #
677 | fRc = True;
678 | asCopy = list(asCurEnv); # just in case asCurEnv is immutable
679 | for sExpected in self.asEnv:
680 | try:
681 | asCopy.remove(sExpected);
682 | except:
683 | reporter.error('%s: Expected "%s" to be in the resulting environment' % (sMsgPrefix, sExpected,));
684 | fRc = False;
685 | for sUnexpected in asCopy:
686 | reporter.error('%s: Unexpected "%s" in the resulting environment' % (sMsgPrefix, sUnexpected,));
687 | fRc = False;
688 |
689 | if fRc is not True:
690 | reporter.log2('%s: Current environment: %s' % (sMsgPrefix, asCurEnv));
691 | return fRc;
692 |
693 |
694 | #
695 | # File system object statistics (i.e. stat()).
696 | #
697 |
698 | class tdStepStat(tdSessionStepBase):
699 | """
700 | Stats a file system object.
701 | """
702 | def __init__(self, sPath, hrcExpected = 0, fFound = True, fFollowLinks = True, enmType = None):
703 | self.sPath = sPath;
704 | self.hrcExpected = hrcExpected;
705 | self.fFound = fFound;
706 | self.fFollowLinks = fFollowLinks;
707 | self.enmType = enmType if enmType is not None else vboxcon.FsObjType_File;
708 | self.cbExactSize = None;
709 | self.cbMinSize = None;
710 |
711 | def execute(self, oTstDrv, oGstCtrlSession, sMsgPrefix):
712 | """
713 | Execute the test step.
714 | """
715 | reporter.log2('tdStepStat: sPath=%s enmType=%s hrcExpected=%s fFound=%s fFollowLinks=%s'
716 | % (self.sPath, self.enmType, self.hrcExpected, self.fFound, self.fFollowLinks,));
717 |
718 | # Don't execute non-file tests on older VBox version.
719 | if oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0 or self.enmType == vboxcon.FsObjType_File or not self.fFound:
720 | #
721 | # Call the API.
722 | #
723 | try:
724 | if oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
725 | oFsInfo = oGstCtrlSession.fsObjQueryInfo(self.sPath, self.fFollowLinks);
726 | else:
727 | oFsInfo = oGstCtrlSession.fileQueryInfo(self.sPath);
728 | except vbox.ComException, oXcpt:
729 | ## @todo: The error reporting in the API just plain sucks! Most of the errors are
730 | ## VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR and there seems to be no way to distinguish between
731 | ## non-existing files/path and a lot of other errors. Fix API and test!
732 | if not self.fFound:
733 | return True;
734 | if vbox.ComError.equal(oXcpt, self.hrcExpected): # Is this an expected failure?
735 | return True;
736 | return reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Unexpected exception for exiting path "%s" (enmType=%s, hrcExpected=%s):'
737 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.sPath, self.enmType, self.hrcExpected,));
738 | except:
739 | return reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Unexpected exception in tdStepStat::execute (%s)'
740 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.sPath,));
741 | if oFsInfo is None:
742 | return reporter.error('%s: "%s" got None instead of IFsObjInfo instance!' % (sMsgPrefix, self.sPath,));
743 |
744 | #
745 | # Check type expectations.
746 | #
747 | try:
748 | enmType = oFsInfo.type;
749 | except:
750 | return reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Unexpected exception in reading "IFsObjInfo::type"' % (sMsgPrefix,));
751 | if enmType != self.enmType:
752 | return reporter.error('%s: "%s" has type %s, expected %s'
753 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.sPath, enmType, self.enmType));
754 |
755 | #
756 | # Check size expectations.
757 | # Note! This is unicode string here on windows, for some reason.
758 | # long long mapping perhaps?
759 | #
760 | try:
761 | cbObject = long(oFsInfo.objectSize);
762 | except:
763 | return reporter.errorXcpt('%s: Unexpected exception in reading "IFsObjInfo::objectSize"'
764 | % (sMsgPrefix,));
765 | if self.cbExactSize is not None \
766 | and cbObject != self.cbExactSize:
767 | return reporter.error('%s: "%s" has size %s bytes, expected %s bytes'
768 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.sPath, cbObject, self.cbExactSize));
769 | if self.cbMinSize is not None \
770 | and cbObject < self.cbMinSize:
771 | return reporter.error('%s: "%s" has size %s bytes, expected as least %s bytes'
772 | % (sMsgPrefix, self.sPath, cbObject, self.cbMinSize));
773 | return True;
774 |
775 | class tdStepStatDir(tdStepStat):
776 | """ Checks for an existing directory. """
777 | def __init__(self, sDirPath):
778 | tdStepStat.__init__(self, sPath = sDirPath, enmType = vboxcon.FsObjType_Directory);
779 |
780 | class tdStepStatFile(tdStepStat):
781 | """ Checks for an existing file """
782 | def __init__(self, sFilePath):
783 | tdStepStat.__init__(self, sPath = sFilePath, enmType = vboxcon.FsObjType_File);
784 |
785 | class tdStepStatFileSize(tdStepStat):
786 | """ Checks for an existing file of a given expected size.. """
787 | def __init__(self, sFilePath, cbExactSize = 0):
788 | tdStepStat.__init__(self, sPath = sFilePath, enmType = vboxcon.FsObjType_File);
789 | self.cbExactSize = cbExactSize;
790 |
791 | class tdStepStatFileNotFound(tdStepStat):
792 | """ Checks for an existing directory. """
793 | def __init__(self, sPath):
794 | tdStepStat.__init__(self, sPath = sPath, fFound = False);
795 |
796 | class tdStepStatPathNotFound(tdStepStat):
797 | """ Checks for an existing directory. """
798 | def __init__(self, sPath):
799 | tdStepStat.__init__(self, sPath = sPath, fFound = False);
800 |
801 |
802 | #
803 | #
804 | #
805 |
806 | class tdTestSessionFileRefs(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
807 | """
808 | Tests session file (IGuestFile) reference counting.
809 | """
810 | def __init__(self, cRefs = 0):
811 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
812 | self.cRefs = cRefs;
813 |
814 | class tdTestSessionDirRefs(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
815 | """
816 | Tests session directory (IGuestDirectory) reference counting.
817 | """
818 | def __init__(self, cRefs = 0):
819 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
820 | self.cRefs = cRefs;
821 |
822 | class tdTestSessionProcRefs(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
823 | """
824 | Tests session process (IGuestProcess) reference counting.
825 | """
826 | def __init__(self, cRefs = 0):
827 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
828 | self.cRefs = cRefs;
829 |
830 | class tdTestUpdateAdditions(tdTestGuestCtrlBase):
831 | """
832 | Test updating the Guest Additions inside the guest.
833 | """
834 | def __init__(self, sSrc = "", aArgs = None, aFlags = None,
835 | sUser = "", sPassword = "", sDomain = ""):
836 | tdTestGuestCtrlBase.__init__(self);
837 | self.oCreds = tdCtxCreds(sUser, sPassword, sDomain);
838 | self.sSrc = sSrc;
839 | self.aArgs = aArgs;
840 | self.aFlags = aFlags;
841 |
842 | class tdTestResult(object):
843 | """
844 | Base class for test results.
845 | """
846 | def __init__(self, fRc = False):
847 | ## The overall test result.
848 | self.fRc = fRc;
849 |
850 | class tdTestResultDirRead(tdTestResult):
851 | """
852 | Test result for reading guest directories.
853 | """
854 | def __init__(self, fRc = False,
855 | numFiles = 0, numDirs = 0):
856 | tdTestResult.__init__(self, fRc = fRc);
857 | self.numFiles = numFiles;
858 | self.numDirs = numDirs;
859 |
860 | class tdTestResultExec(tdTestResult):
861 | """
862 | Holds a guest process execution test result,
863 | including the exit code, status + aFlags.
864 | """
865 | def __init__(self, fRc = False, \
866 | uExitStatus = 500, iExitCode = 0, \
867 | sBuf = None, cbBuf = 0, \
868 | cbStdOut = 0, cbStdErr = 0):
869 | tdTestResult.__init__(self);
870 | ## The overall test result.
871 | self.fRc = fRc;
872 | ## Process exit stuff.
873 | self.uExitStatus = uExitStatus;
874 | self.iExitCode = iExitCode;
875 | ## Desired buffer length returned back from stdout/stderr.
876 | self.cbBuf = cbBuf;
877 | ## Desired buffer result from stdout/stderr. Use with caution!
878 | self.sBuf = sBuf;
879 | self.cbStdOut = cbStdOut;
880 | self.cbStdErr = cbStdErr;
881 |
882 | class tdTestResultFileStat(tdTestResult):
883 | """
884 | Test result for stat'ing guest files.
885 | """
886 | def __init__(self, fRc = False,
887 | cbSize = 0, eFileType = 0):
888 | tdTestResult.__init__(self, fRc = fRc);
889 | self.cbSize = cbSize;
890 | self.eFileType = eFileType;
891 | ## @todo Add more information.
892 |
893 | class tdTestResultFileReadWrite(tdTestResult):
894 | """
895 | Test result for reading + writing guest directories.
896 | """
897 | def __init__(self, fRc = False,
898 | cbProcessed = 0, cbOffset = 0, aBuf = None):
899 | tdTestResult.__init__(self, fRc = fRc);
900 | self.cbProcessed = cbProcessed;
901 | self.cbOffset = cbOffset;
902 | self.aBuf = aBuf;
903 |
904 | class tdTestResultSession(tdTestResult):
905 | """
906 | Test result for guest session counts.
907 | """
908 | def __init__(self, fRc = False, cNumSessions = 0):
909 | tdTestResult.__init__(self, fRc = fRc);
910 | self.cNumSessions = cNumSessions;
911 |
912 | class SubTstDrvAddGuestCtrl(base.SubTestDriverBase):
913 | """
914 | Sub-test driver for executing guest control (VBoxService, IGuest) tests.
915 | """
916 |
917 | def __init__(self, oTstDrv):
918 | base.SubTestDriverBase.__init__(self, 'add-guest-ctrl', oTstDrv);
919 |
920 | ## @todo base.TestBase.
921 | self.asTestsDef = \
922 | [
923 | 'session_basic', 'session_env', 'session_file_ref', 'session_dir_ref', 'session_proc_ref', \
924 | 'exec_basic', 'exec_errorlevel', 'exec_timeout', \
925 | 'dir_create', 'dir_create_temp', 'dir_read', \
926 | 'file_remove', 'file_stat', 'file_read', 'file_write', \
927 | 'copy_to', 'copy_from', \
928 | 'update_additions'
929 | ];
930 | self.asTests = self.asTestsDef;
931 |
932 | def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg): # pylint: disable=R0912,R0915
933 | if asArgs[iArg] == '--add-guest-ctrl-tests':
934 | iArg += 1;
935 | if asArgs[iArg] == 'all': # Nice for debugging scripts.
936 | self.asTests = self.asTestsDef;
937 | return iArg + 1;
938 |
939 | iNext = self.oTstDrv.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg);
940 | self.asTests = asArgs[iArg].split(':');
941 | for s in self.asTests:
942 | if s not in self.asTestsDef:
943 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--add-guest-ctrl-tests" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' \
944 | % (s, ' '.join(self.asTestsDef)));
945 | return iNext;
946 | return iArg;
947 |
948 | def showUsage(self):
949 | base.SubTestDriverBase.showUsage(self);
950 | reporter.log(' --add-guest-ctrl-tests <s1[:s2[:]]>');
951 | reporter.log(' Default: %s (all)' % (':'.join(self.asTestsDef)));
952 | return True;
953 |
954 | def testIt(self, oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession):
955 | """
956 | Executes the test.
957 |
958 | Returns fRc, oTxsSession. The latter may have changed.
959 | """
960 | reporter.log("Active tests: %s" % (self.asTests,));
961 |
962 | fRc = True;
963 |
964 | # Do the testing.
965 | reporter.testStart('Session Basics');
966 | fSkip = 'session_basic' not in self.asTests;
967 | if fSkip is False:
968 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlSession(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
969 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
970 |
971 | reporter.testStart('Session Environment');
972 | fSkip = 'session_env' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
973 | if fSkip is False:
974 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlSessionEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
975 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
976 |
977 | reporter.testStart('Session File References');
978 | fSkip = 'session_file_ref' not in self.asTests;
979 | if fSkip is False:
980 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlSessionFileRefs(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
981 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
982 |
983 | ## @todo Implement this.
984 | #reporter.testStart('Session Directory References');
985 | #fSkip = 'session_dir_ref' not in self.asTests;
986 | #if fSkip is False:
987 | # fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlSessionDirRefs(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
988 | #reporter.testDone(fSkip);
989 |
990 | reporter.testStart('Session Process References');
991 | fSkip = 'session_proc_ref' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
992 | if fSkip is False:
993 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlSessionProcRefs(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
994 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
995 |
996 | reporter.testStart('Execution');
997 | fSkip = 'exec_basic' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
998 | if fSkip is False:
999 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlExec(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1000 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1001 |
1002 | reporter.testStart('Execution Error Levels');
1003 | fSkip = 'exec_errorlevel' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1004 | if fSkip is False:
1005 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlExecErrorLevel(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1006 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1007 |
1008 | reporter.testStart('Execution Timeouts');
1009 | fSkip = 'exec_timeout' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1010 | if fSkip is False:
1011 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlExecTimeout(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1012 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1013 |
1014 | reporter.testStart('Creating directories');
1015 | fSkip = 'dir_create' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1016 | if fSkip is False:
1017 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlDirCreate(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1018 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1019 |
1020 | reporter.testStart('Creating temporary directories');
1021 | fSkip = 'dir_create_temp' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1022 | if fSkip is False:
1023 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlDirCreateTemp(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1024 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1025 |
1026 | reporter.testStart('Reading directories');
1027 | fSkip = 'dir_read' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1028 | if fSkip is False:
1029 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlDirRead(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1030 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1031 |
1032 | # FIXME: Failing test.
1033 | # reporter.testStart('Copy to guest');
1034 | # fSkip = 'copy_to' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1035 | # if fSkip is False:
1036 | # fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlCopyTo(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1037 | # reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1038 |
1039 | reporter.testStart('Copy from guest');
1040 | fSkip = 'copy_from' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1041 | if fSkip is False:
1042 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlCopyFrom(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1043 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1044 |
1045 | reporter.testStart('Removing files');
1046 | fSkip = 'file_remove' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1047 | if fSkip is False:
1048 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlFileRemove(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1049 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1050 |
1051 | reporter.testStart('Querying file information (stat)');
1052 | fSkip = 'file_stat' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1053 | if fSkip is False:
1054 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlFileStat(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1055 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1056 |
1057 | # FIXME: Failing tests.
1058 | # reporter.testStart('File read');
1059 | # fSkip = 'file_read' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1060 | # if fSkip is False:
1061 | # fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlFileRead(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1062 | # reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1063 |
1064 | # reporter.testStart('File write');
1065 | # fSkip = 'file_write' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1066 | # if fSkip is False:
1067 | # fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlFileWrite(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1068 | # reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1069 |
1070 | reporter.testStart('Updating Guest Additions');
1071 | fSkip = 'update_additions' not in self.asTests or fRc is False;
1072 | # Skip test for updating Guest Additions if we run on a too old (Windows) guest.
1073 | fSkip = oTestVm.sKind in ('WindowsNT4', 'Windows2000', 'WindowsXP', 'Windows2003');
1074 | if fSkip is False:
1075 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlUpdateAdditions(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1076 | reporter.testDone(fSkip);
1077 |
1078 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
1079 |
1080 | def gctrlCopyFileFrom(self, oGuestSession, sSrc, sDst, aFlags):
1081 | """
1082 | Helper function to copy a single file from the guest to the host.
1083 | """
1084 | fRc = True; # Be optimistic.
1085 | try:
1086 | reporter.log2('Copying guest file "%s" to host "%s"' % (sSrc, sDst));
1087 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1088 | curProgress = oGuestSession.fileCopyFromGuest(sSrc, sDst, aFlags);
1089 | else:
1090 | curProgress = oGuestSession.copyFrom(sSrc, sDst, aFlags);
1091 | if curProgress is not None:
1092 | oProgress = vboxwrappers.ProgressWrapper(curProgress, self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr, self, "gctrlCopyFrm");
1093 | try:
1094 | iRc = oProgress.waitForOperation(0, fIgnoreErrors = True);
1095 | if iRc != 0:
1096 | reporter.log('Waiting for copyFrom failed');
1097 | fRc = False;
1098 | except:
1099 | reporter.logXcpt('Copy from waiting exception for sSrc="%s", sDst="%s":' \
1100 | % (sSrc, sDst));
1101 | fRc = False;
1102 | except:
1103 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1104 | reporter.logXcpt('Copy from exception for sSrc="%s", sDst="%s":' \
1105 | % (sSrc, sDst));
1106 | fRc = False;
1107 |
1108 | return fRc;
1109 |
1110 | def gctrlCopyFileTo(self, oGuestSession, sSrc, sDst, aFlags):
1111 | """
1112 | Helper function to copy a single file from host to the guest.
1113 | """
1114 | fRc = True; # Be optimistic.
1115 | try:
1116 | reporter.log2('Copying host file "%s" to guest "%s"' % (sSrc, sDst));
1117 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1118 | curProgress = oGuestSession.fileCopyToGuest(sSrc, sDst, aFlags);
1119 | else:
1120 | curProgress = oGuestSession.copyTo(sSrc, sDst, aFlags);
1121 | if curProgress is not None:
1122 | oProgress = vboxwrappers.ProgressWrapper(curProgress, self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr, self, "gctrlCopyTo");
1123 | try:
1124 | iRc = oProgress.waitForOperation(0, fIgnoreErrors = True);
1125 | if iRc != 0:
1126 | reporter.log('Waiting for copyTo failed');
1127 | fRc = False;
1128 | except:
1129 | reporter.logXcpt('Copy to waiting exception for sSrc="%s", sDst="%s":' \
1130 | % (sSrc, sDst));
1131 | fRc = False;
1132 | else:
1133 | reporter.error('No progress object returned');
1134 | except:
1135 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1136 | reporter.logXcpt('Copy to exception for sSrc="%s", sDst="%s":' \
1137 | % (sSrc, sDst));
1138 | fRc = False;
1139 |
1140 | return fRc;
1141 |
1142 | def gctrlCopyFrom(self, oTest, oRes, oGuestSession, subDir = ''): # pylint: disable=R0914
1143 | """
1144 | Copies files / directories to the host.
1145 | Source always contains the absolute path, subDir all paths
1146 | below it.
1147 | """
1148 | ## @todo r=bird: The use subDir and sSubDir in this method is extremely confusing!!
1149 | # Just follow the coding guidelines and ALWAYS use prefixes, please!
1150 | fRc = True; # Be optimistic.
1151 |
1152 | sSrc = oTest.sSrc;
1153 | sDst = oTest.sDst;
1154 | aFlags = oTest.aFlags;
1155 |
1156 | if sSrc == "" \
1157 | or os.path.isfile(sSrc):
1158 | return self.gctrlCopyFileFrom(oGuestSession, \
1159 | sSrc, sDst, aFlags);
1160 | sSrcAbs = sSrc;
1161 | if subDir != "":
1162 | sSrcAbs = os.path.join(sSrc, subDir);
1163 | sFilter = ""; # No filter.
1164 |
1165 | sDstAbs = os.path.join(sDst, subDir);
1166 | reporter.log2('Copying guest directory "%s" to host "%s"' % (sSrcAbs, sDstAbs));
1167 |
1168 | try:
1169 | #reporter.log2('Directory="%s", filter="%s", aFlags="%s"' % (sCurDir, sFilter, aFlags));
1170 | oCurDir = oGuestSession.directoryOpen(sSrcAbs, sFilter, aFlags);
1171 | while fRc:
1172 | try:
1173 | oFsObjInfo = oCurDir.read();
1174 | if oFsObjInfo.name == "." \
1175 | or oFsObjInfo.name == "..":
1176 | #reporter.log2('\tSkipping "%s"' % (oFsObjInfo.name,));
1177 | continue; # Skip "." and ".." entries.
1178 | if oFsObjInfo.type is vboxcon.FsObjType_Directory:
1179 | #reporter.log2('\tDirectory "%s"' % (oFsObjInfo.name,));
1180 | sDirCreate = sDst;
1181 | if subDir != "":
1182 | sDirCreate = os.path.join(sDirCreate, subDir);
1183 | sDirCreate = os.path.join(sDirCreate, oFsObjInfo.name);
1184 | try:
1185 | reporter.log2('\tCreating directory "%s"' % (sDirCreate,));
1186 | os.makedirs(sDirCreate);
1187 | sSubDir = oFsObjInfo.name;
1188 | if subDir != "":
1189 | sSubDir = os.path.join(subDir, oFsObjInfo.name);
1190 | self.gctrlCopyFrom(oTest, oRes, oGuestSession, sSubDir);
1191 | except (OSError) as e:
1192 | if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
1193 | pass;
1194 | else:
1195 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1196 | reporter.logXcpt('\tDirectory creation exception for directory="%s":' % (sSubDir,));
1197 | raise;
1198 | elif oFsObjInfo.type is vboxcon.FsObjType_File:
1199 | #reporter.log2('\tFile "%s"' % (oFsObjInfo.name,));
1200 | sSourceFile = os.path.join(sSrcAbs, oFsObjInfo.name);
1201 | sDestFile = os.path.join(sDstAbs, oFsObjInfo.name);
1202 | self.gctrlCopyFileFrom(oGuestSession, sSourceFile, sDestFile, aFlags);
1203 | elif oFsObjInfo.type is vboxcon.FsObjType_Symlink:
1204 | #reporter.log2('\tSymlink "%s" -- not tested yet' % oFsObjInfo.name);
1205 | pass;
1206 | else:
1207 | reporter.error('\tDirectory "%s" contains invalid directory entry "%s" (%d)' \
1208 | % (sSubDir, oFsObjInfo.name, oFsObjInfo.type));
1209 | fRc = False;
1210 | except Exception, oXcpt:
1211 | # No necessarily an error -- could be VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND. See reference.
1212 | if vbox.ComError.equal(oXcpt, vbox.ComError.VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND):
1213 | #reporter.log2('\tNo more directory entries for "%s"' % (sCurDir,));
1214 | break
1215 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1216 | reporter.logXcpt('\tDirectory read exception for directory="%s":' % (sSrcAbs,));
1217 | fRc = False;
1218 | break;
1219 | oCurDir.close();
1220 | except:
1221 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1222 | reporter.logXcpt('\tDirectory open exception for directory="%s":' % (sSrcAbs,));
1223 | fRc = False;
1224 |
1225 | return fRc;
1226 |
1227 | def gctrlCopyTo(self, oTest, oGuestSession, subDir = ''): # pylint: disable=R0914
1228 | """
1229 | Copies files / directories to the guest.
1230 | Source always contains the absolute path,
1231 | subDir all paths below it.
1232 | """
1233 | fRc = True; # Be optimistic.
1234 |
1235 | sSrc = oTest.sSrc;
1236 | sDst = oTest.sDst;
1237 | aFlags = oTest.aFlags;
1238 |
1239 | reporter.log2('sSrc=%s, sDst=%s, aFlags=%s' % (sSrc, sDst, aFlags));
1240 |
1241 | sSrcAbs = sSrc;
1242 | if subDir != "":
1243 | sSrcAbs = os.path.join(sSrc, subDir);
1244 |
1245 | # Note: Current test might want to test copying empty sources
1246 | if not os.path.exists(sSrcAbs) \
1247 | or os.path.isfile(sSrcAbs):
1248 | return self.gctrlCopyFileTo(oGuestSession, \
1249 | sSrcAbs, sDst, aFlags);
1250 |
1251 | sDstAbs = os.path.join(sDst, subDir);
1252 | reporter.log2('Copying host directory "%s" to guest "%s"' % (sSrcAbs, sDstAbs));
1253 |
1254 | try:
1255 | # Note: Symlinks intentionally not considered here.
1256 | for (sDirCurrent, oDirs, oFiles) in os.walk(sSrcAbs, topdown=True):
1257 | for sFile in oFiles:
1258 | sCurFile = os.path.join(sDirCurrent, sFile);
1259 | reporter.log2('Processing host file "%s"' % (sCurFile,));
1260 | sFileDest = os.path.join(sDstAbs, os.path.relpath(sCurFile, sSrcAbs));
1261 | reporter.log2('Copying file to "%s"' % (sFileDest,));
1262 | fRc = self.gctrlCopyFileTo(oGuestSession, \
1263 | sCurFile, sFileDest, aFlags);
1264 | if fRc is False:
1265 | break;
1266 |
1267 | if fRc is False:
1268 | break;
1269 |
1270 | for sSubDir in oDirs:
1271 | sCurDir = os.path.join(sDirCurrent, sSubDir);
1272 | reporter.log2('Processing host dir "%s"' % (sCurDir,));
1273 | sDirDest = os.path.join(sDstAbs, os.path.relpath(sCurDir, sSrcAbs));
1274 | reporter.log2('Creating guest dir "%s"' % (sDirDest,));
1275 | oGuestSession.directoryCreate(sDirDest, \
1276 | 700, [ vboxcon.DirectoryCreateFlag_Parents ]);
1277 | if fRc is False:
1278 | break;
1279 |
1280 | if fRc is False:
1281 | break;
1282 | except:
1283 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1284 | reporter.logXcpt('Copy to exception for sSrc="%s", sDst="%s":' \
1285 | % (sSrcAbs, sDst));
1286 | return False;
1287 |
1288 | return fRc;
1289 |
1290 | def gctrlCreateDir(self, oTest, oRes, oGuestSession):
1291 | """
1292 | Helper function to create a guest directory specified in
1293 | the current test.
1294 | """
1295 | fRc = True; # Be optimistic.
1296 | reporter.log2('Creating directory "%s"' % (oTest.sDirectory,));
1297 |
1298 | try:
1299 | oGuestSession.directoryCreate(oTest.sDirectory, \
1300 | oTest.fMode, oTest.aFlags);
1301 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1302 | fDirExists = oGuestSession.directoryExists(oTest.sDirectory, False);
1303 | else:
1304 | fDirExists = oGuestSession.directoryExists(oTest.sDirectory);
1305 | if fDirExists is False \
1306 | and oRes.fRc is True:
1307 | # Directory does not exist but we want it to.
1308 | fRc = False;
1309 | except:
1310 | reporter.logXcpt('Directory create exception for directory "%s":' % (oTest.sDirectory,));
1311 | if oRes.fRc is True:
1312 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1313 | fRc = False;
1314 | # Directory creation failed, which was the expected result.
1315 |
1316 | return fRc;
1317 |
1318 | def gctrlReadDir(self, oTest, oRes, oGuestSession, subDir = ''): # pylint: disable=R0914
1319 | """
1320 | Helper function to read a guest directory specified in
1321 | the current test.
1322 | """
1323 | sDir = oTest.sDirectory;
1324 | sFilter = oTest.sFilter;
1325 | aFlags = oTest.aFlags;
1326 |
1327 | fRc = True; # Be optimistic.
1328 | cDirs = 0; # Number of directories read.
1329 | cFiles = 0; # Number of files read.
1330 |
1331 | try:
1332 | sCurDir = os.path.join(sDir, subDir);
1333 | #reporter.log2('Directory="%s", filter="%s", aFlags="%s"' % (sCurDir, sFilter, aFlags));
1334 | oCurDir = oGuestSession.directoryOpen(sCurDir, sFilter, aFlags);
1335 | while fRc:
1336 | try:
1337 | oFsObjInfo = oCurDir.read();
1338 | if oFsObjInfo.name == "." \
1339 | or oFsObjInfo.name == "..":
1340 | #reporter.log2('\tSkipping "%s"' % oFsObjInfo.name);
1341 | continue; # Skip "." and ".." entries.
1342 | if oFsObjInfo.type is vboxcon.FsObjType_Directory:
1343 | #reporter.log2('\tDirectory "%s"' % oFsObjInfo.name);
1344 | cDirs += 1;
1345 | sSubDir = oFsObjInfo.name;
1346 | if subDir != "":
1347 | sSubDir = os.path.join(subDir, oFsObjInfo.name);
1348 | fRc, cSubDirs, cSubFiles = self.gctrlReadDir(oTest, oRes, oGuestSession, sSubDir);
1349 | cDirs += cSubDirs;
1350 | cFiles += cSubFiles;
1351 | elif oFsObjInfo.type is vboxcon.FsObjType_File:
1352 | #reporter.log2('\tFile "%s"' % oFsObjInfo.name);
1353 | cFiles += 1;
1354 | elif oFsObjInfo.type is vboxcon.FsObjType_Symlink:
1355 | #reporter.log2('\tSymlink "%s" -- not tested yet' % oFsObjInfo.name);
1356 | pass;
1357 | else:
1358 | reporter.error('\tDirectory "%s" contains invalid directory entry "%s" (type %d)' % \
1359 | (sCurDir, oFsObjInfo.name, oFsObjInfo.type));
1360 | fRc = False;
1361 | except Exception, oXcpt:
1362 | # No necessarily an error -- could be VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND. See reference.
1363 | if vbox.ComError.equal(oXcpt, vbox.ComError.VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND):
1364 | #reporter.log2('\tNo more directory entries for "%s"' % (sCurDir,));
1365 | break
1366 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1367 | reporter.logXcpt('\tDirectory open exception for directory="%s":' % (sCurDir,));
1368 | fRc = False;
1369 | break;
1370 | oCurDir.close();
1371 | except:
1372 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1373 | reporter.logXcpt('\tDirectory open exception for directory="%s":' % (sCurDir,));
1374 | fRc = False;
1375 |
1376 | return (fRc, cDirs, cFiles);
1377 |
1378 | def gctrlExecDoTest(self, i, oTest, oRes, oGuestSession):
1379 | """
1380 | Wrapper function around gctrlExecute to provide more sanity checking
1381 | when needed in actual execution tests.
1382 | """
1383 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, cmd="%s" ...' % (i, oTest.sCmd));
1384 | fRc = self.gctrlExecute(oTest, oGuestSession);
1385 | if fRc is oRes.fRc:
1386 | if fRc is True:
1387 | # Compare exit status / code on successful process execution.
1388 | if oTest.uExitStatus != oRes.uExitStatus \
1389 | or oTest.iExitCode != oRes.iExitCode:
1390 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got exit status + code %d,%d, expected %d,%d'
1391 | % (i, oTest.uExitStatus, oTest.iExitCode, oRes.uExitStatus, oRes.iExitCode));
1392 | return False;
1393 | if fRc is True:
1394 | # Compare test / result buffers on successful process execution.
1395 | if oTest.sBuf is not None \
1396 | and oRes.sBuf is not None:
1397 | if bytes(oTest.sBuf) != bytes(oRes.sBuf):
1398 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got buffer\n%s (%d bytes), expected\n%s (%d bytes)'
1399 | % (i, map(hex, map(ord, oTest.sBuf)), len(oTest.sBuf), \
1400 | map(hex, map(ord, oRes.sBuf)), len(oRes.sBuf)));
1401 | return False;
1402 | else:
1403 | reporter.log2('Test #%d passed: Buffers match (%d bytes)' % (i, len(oRes.sBuf)));
1404 | elif oRes.sBuf is not None \
1405 | and oRes.sBuf:
1406 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got no buffer data, expected\n%s (%dbytes)' %
1407 | (i, map(hex, map(ord, oRes.sBuf)), len(oRes.sBuf)));
1408 | return False;
1409 | elif oRes.cbStdOut > 0 \
1410 | and oRes.cbStdOut != oTest.cbStdOut:
1411 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %d stdout data, expected %d'
1412 | % (i, oTest.cbStdOut, oRes.cbStdOut));
1413 | return False;
1414 | else:
1415 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %s, expected %s' % (i, fRc, oRes.fRc));
1416 | return False;
1417 | return True;
1418 |
1419 | def gctrlExecute(self, oTest, oGuestSession):
1420 | """
1421 | Helper function to execute a program on a guest, specified in
1422 | the current test.
1423 | """
1424 | fRc = True; # Be optimistic.
1425 |
1426 | ## @todo Compare execution timeouts!
1427 | #tsStart = base.timestampMilli();
1428 |
1429 | reporter.log2('Using session user=%s, sDomain=%s, session name=%s, session timeout=%d' \
1430 | % (oGuestSession.user, oGuestSession.domain, \
1431 | oGuestSession.name, oGuestSession.timeout));
1432 | reporter.log2('Executing cmd=%s, aFlags=%s, timeout=%d, args=%s, env=%s' \
1433 | % (oTest.sCmd, oTest.aFlags, oTest.timeoutMS, \
1434 | oTest.aArgs, oTest.aEnv));
1435 | try:
1436 | curProc = oGuestSession.processCreate(oTest.sCmd,
1437 | oTest.aArgs if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0 else oTest.aArgs[1:],
1438 | oTest.aEnv, oTest.aFlags, oTest.timeoutMS);
1439 | if curProc is not None:
1440 | reporter.log2('Process start requested, waiting for start (%dms) ...' % (oTest.timeoutMS,));
1441 | fWaitFor = [ vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_Start ];
1442 | waitResult = curProc.waitForArray(fWaitFor, oTest.timeoutMS);
1443 | reporter.log2('Wait result returned: %d, current process status is: %d' % (waitResult, curProc.status));
1444 |
1445 | if curProc.status == vboxcon.ProcessStatus_Started:
1446 | fWaitFor = [ vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_Terminate ];
1447 | if vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut in oTest.aFlags:
1448 | fWaitFor.append(vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_StdOut);
1449 | if vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr in oTest.aFlags:
1450 | fWaitFor.append(vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_StdErr);
1451 | ## @todo Add vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_StdIn.
1452 | reporter.log2('Process (PID %d) started, waiting for termination (%dms), waitFlags=%s ...' \
1453 | % (curProc.PID, oTest.timeoutMS, fWaitFor));
1454 | while True:
1455 | waitResult = curProc.waitForArray(fWaitFor, oTest.timeoutMS);
1456 | reporter.log2('Wait returned: %d' % (waitResult,));
1457 | try:
1458 | # Try stdout.
1459 | if waitResult == vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_StdOut \
1460 | or waitResult == vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported:
1461 | reporter.log2('Reading stdout ...');
1462 | abBuf = curProc.Read(1, 64 * 1024, oTest.timeoutMS);
1463 | if abBuf:
1464 | reporter.log2('Process (PID %d) got %d bytes of stdout data' % (curProc.PID, len(abBuf)));
1465 | oTest.cbStdOut += len(abBuf);
1466 | oTest.sBuf = abBuf; # Appending does *not* work atm, so just assign it. No time now.
1467 | # Try stderr.
1468 | if waitResult == vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_StdErr \
1469 | or waitResult == vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported:
1470 | reporter.log2('Reading stderr ...');
1471 | abBuf = curProc.Read(2, 64 * 1024, oTest.timeoutMS);
1472 | if abBuf:
1473 | reporter.log2('Process (PID %d) got %d bytes of stderr data' % (curProc.PID, len(abBuf)));
1474 | oTest.cbStdErr += len(abBuf);
1475 | oTest.sBuf = abBuf; # Appending does *not* work atm, so just assign it. No time now.
1476 | # Use stdin.
1477 | if waitResult == vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_StdIn \
1478 | or waitResult == vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported:
1479 | pass; #reporter.log2('Process (PID %d) needs stdin data' % (curProc.pid,));
1480 | # Termination or error?
1481 | if waitResult == vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_Terminate \
1482 | or waitResult == vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_Error \
1483 | or waitResult == vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_Timeout:
1484 | reporter.log2('Process (PID %d) reported terminate/error/timeout: %d, status: %d' \
1485 | % (curProc.PID, waitResult, curProc.status));
1486 | break;
1487 | except:
1488 | # Just skip reads which returned nothing.
1489 | pass;
1490 | reporter.log2('Final process status (PID %d) is: %d' % (curProc.PID, curProc.status));
1491 | reporter.log2('Process (PID %d) %d stdout, %d stderr' % (curProc.PID, oTest.cbStdOut, oTest.cbStdErr));
1492 | oTest.uExitStatus = curProc.status;
1493 | oTest.iExitCode = curProc.exitCode;
1494 | reporter.log2('Process (PID %d) has exit code: %d' % (curProc.PID, oTest.iExitCode));
1495 | except KeyboardInterrupt:
1496 | reporter.error('Process (PID %d) execution interrupted' % (curProc.PID,));
1497 | if curProc is not None:
1498 | curProc.close();
1499 | except:
1500 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1501 | reporter.logXcpt('Execution exception for command "%s":' % (oTest.sCmd,));
1502 | fRc = False;
1503 |
1504 | return fRc;
1505 |
1506 | def testGuestCtrlSessionEnvironment(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
1507 | """
1508 | Tests the guest session environment changes.
1509 | """
1510 | aoTests = [
1511 | # Check basic operations.
1512 | tdTestSessionEx([ # Initial environment is empty.
1513 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1514 | # Check clearing empty env.
1515 | tdStepSessionClearEnv(),
1516 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1517 | # Check set.
1518 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO', 'BAR'),
1519 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(['FOO=BAR',]),
1520 | tdStepRequireMinimumApiVer(5.0), # 4.3 can't cope with the remainder.
1521 | tdStepSessionClearEnv(),
1522 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1523 | # Check unset.
1524 | tdStepSessionUnsetEnv('BAR'),
1525 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(['BAR']),
1526 | tdStepSessionClearEnv(),
1527 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1528 | # Set + unset.
1529 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO', 'BAR'),
1530 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(['FOO=BAR',]),
1531 | tdStepSessionUnsetEnv('FOO'),
1532 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(['FOO']),
1533 | # Bulk environment changes (via attrib) (shall replace existing 'FOO').
1534 | tdStepSessionBulkEnv( ['PATH=/bin:/usr/bin', 'TMPDIR=/var/tmp', 'USER=root']),
1535 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(['PATH=/bin:/usr/bin', 'TMPDIR=/var/tmp', 'USER=root']),
1536 | ]),
1537 | tdTestSessionEx([ # Check that setting the same value several times works.
1538 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO','BAR'),
1539 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ 'FOO=BAR',]),
1540 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO','BAR2'),
1541 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ 'FOO=BAR2',]),
1542 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO','BAR3'),
1543 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ 'FOO=BAR3',]),
1544 | tdStepRequireMinimumApiVer(5.0), # 4.3 can't cope with the remainder.
1545 | # Add a little unsetting to the mix.
1546 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('BAR', 'BEAR'),
1547 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ 'FOO=BAR3', 'BAR=BEAR',]),
1548 | tdStepSessionUnsetEnv('FOO'),
1549 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ 'FOO', 'BAR=BEAR',]),
1550 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO','BAR4'),
1551 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ 'FOO=BAR4', 'BAR=BEAR',]),
1552 | # The environment is case sensitive.
1553 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('foo','BAR5'),
1554 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ 'FOO=BAR4', 'BAR=BEAR', 'foo=BAR5']),
1555 | tdStepSessionUnsetEnv('foo'),
1556 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ 'FOO=BAR4', 'BAR=BEAR', 'foo']),
1557 | ]),
1558 | tdTestSessionEx([ # Bulk settings merges stuff, last entry standing.
1559 | tdStepSessionBulkEnv(['FOO=bar', 'foo=bar', 'FOO=doofus', 'TMPDIR=/tmp', 'foo=bar2']),
1560 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(['FOO=doofus', 'TMPDIR=/tmp', 'foo=bar2']),
1561 | tdStepRequireMinimumApiVer(5.0), # 4.3 is buggy!
1562 | tdStepSessionBulkEnv(['2=1+1', 'FOO=doofus2', ]),
1563 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(['2=1+1', 'FOO=doofus2' ]),
1564 | ]),
1565 | # Invalid variable names.
1566 | tdTestSessionEx([
1567 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('', 'FOO', vbox.ComError.E_INVALIDARG),
1568 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1569 | tdStepRequireMinimumApiVer(5.0), # 4.3 is too relaxed checking input!
1570 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('=', '===', vbox.ComError.E_INVALIDARG),
1571 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1572 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO=', 'BAR', vbox.ComError.E_INVALIDARG),
1573 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1574 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('=FOO', 'BAR', vbox.ComError.E_INVALIDARG),
1575 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1576 | tdStepRequireMinimumApiVer(5.0), # 4.3 is buggy and too relaxed!
1577 | tdStepSessionBulkEnv(['', 'foo=bar'], vbox.ComError.E_INVALIDARG),
1578 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1579 | tdStepSessionBulkEnv(['=', 'foo=bar'], vbox.ComError.E_INVALIDARG),
1580 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1581 | tdStepSessionBulkEnv(['=FOO', 'foo=bar'], vbox.ComError.E_INVALIDARG),
1582 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(),
1583 | ]),
1584 | # A bit more weird keys/values.
1585 | tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepSessionSetEnv('$$$', ''),
1586 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ '$$$=',]), ]),
1587 | tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepSessionSetEnv('$$$', '%%%'),
1588 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ '$$$=%%%',]),
1589 | ]),
1590 | tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepRequireMinimumApiVer(5.0), # 4.3 is buggy!
1591 | tdStepSessionSetEnv(u'ß$%ß&', ''),
1592 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ u'ß$%ß&=',]),
1593 | ]),
1594 | # Misc stuff.
1595 | tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO', ''),
1596 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(['FOO=',]),
1597 | ]),
1598 | tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO', 'BAR'),
1599 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv(['FOO=BAR',])
1600 | ],),
1601 | tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepSessionSetEnv('FOO', 'BAR'),
1602 | tdStepSessionSetEnv('BAR', 'BAZ'),
1603 | tdStepSessionCheckEnv([ 'FOO=BAR', 'BAR=BAZ',]),
1604 | ]),
1605 | ];
1606 | return tdTestSessionEx.executeListTestSessions(aoTests, self.oTstDrv, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm, 'SessionEnv');
1607 |
1608 | def testGuestCtrlSession(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
1609 | """
1610 | Tests the guest session handling.
1611 | """
1612 |
1613 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
1614 | sUser = "Administrator";
1615 | else:
1616 | sUser = "vbox";
1617 | sPassword = "password";
1618 |
1619 | aaTests = [
1620 | # Invalid parameters.
1621 | [ tdTestSession(),
1622 | tdTestResultSession(fRc = False) ],
1623 | [ tdTestSession(sUser = ''),
1624 | tdTestResultSession(fRc = False) ],
1625 | [ tdTestSession(sPassword = 'bar'),
1626 | tdTestResultSession(fRc = False) ],
1627 | [ tdTestSession(sDomain = 'boo'),
1628 | tdTestResultSession(fRc = False) ],
1629 | [ tdTestSession(sPassword = 'bar', sDomain = 'boo'),
1630 | tdTestResultSession(fRc = False) ],
1631 | # User account without a passwort - forbidden.
1632 | [ tdTestSession(sUser = sUser),
1633 | tdTestResultSession(fRc = False) ],
1634 | # Wrong credentials.
1635 | # Note: On Guest Additions < 4.3 this always succeeds because these don't
1636 | # support creating dedicated sessions. Instead, guest process creation
1637 | # then will fail. See note below.
1638 | [ tdTestSession(sUser = 'foo', sPassword = 'bar', sDomain = 'boo'),
1639 | tdTestResultSession(fRc = False) ],
1640 | # Correct credentials.
1641 | [ tdTestSession(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
1642 | tdTestResultSession(fRc = True, cNumSessions = 1) ]
1643 | ];
1644 |
1645 | # Parameters.
1646 | fRc = True;
1647 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
1648 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestSession, use an index, later.
1649 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
1650 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1651 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, user="%s", sPassword="%s", sDomain="%s" ...' \
1652 | % (i, curTest.oCreds.sUser, curTest.oCreds.sPassword, curTest.oCreds.sDomain));
1653 | curGuestSessionName = 'testGuestCtrlSession: Test #%d' % (i);
1654 | fRc2, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession(curGuestSessionName);
1655 | # See note about < 4.3 Guest Additions above.
1656 | if curGuestSession is not None \
1657 | and curGuestSession.protocolVersion >= 2 \
1658 | and fRc2 is not curRes.fRc:
1659 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Session creation failed: Got %s, expected %s' \
1660 | % (i, fRc2, curRes.fRc));
1661 | fRc = False;
1662 | if fRc2:
1663 | # On Guest Additions < 4.3 getSessionCount() always will return 1, so skip the
1664 | # check then.
1665 | if curGuestSession.protocolVersion >= 2:
1666 | curSessionCount = curTest.getSessionCount(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr);
1667 | if curSessionCount is not curRes.cNumSessions:
1668 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Session count does not match: Got %d, expected %d' \
1669 | % (i, curSessionCount, curRes.cNumSessions));
1670 | fRc = False;
1671 | break;
1672 | if curGuestSession is not None \
1673 | and curGuestSession.name != curGuestSessionName:
1674 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Session name does not match: Got "%s", expected "%s"' \
1675 | % (i, curGuestSession.name, curGuestSessionName));
1676 | fRc = False;
1677 | break;
1678 | fRc2 = curTest.closeSession();
1679 | if fRc2 is False:
1680 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Session could not be closed' % (i,));
1681 | fRc = False;
1682 | break;
1683 |
1684 | if fRc is False:
1685 | return (False, oTxsSession);
1686 |
1687 | # Multiple sessions.
1688 | iMaxGuestSessions = 31; # Maximum number of concurrent guest session allowed.
1689 | # Actually, this is 32, but we don't test session 0.
1690 | multiSession = {};
1691 | reporter.log2('Opening multiple guest tsessions at once ...');
1692 | for i in range(iMaxGuestSessions + 1):
1693 | multiSession[i] = tdTestSession(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSessionName = 'MultiSession #%d' % (i,));
1694 | multiSession[i].setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
1695 | curSessionCount = multiSession[i].getSessionCount(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr);
1696 | reporter.log2('MultiSession test #%d count is %d' % (i, curSessionCount));
1697 | if curSessionCount is not i:
1698 | reporter.error('MultiSession count #%d must be %d, got %d' % (i, i, curSessionCount));
1699 | fRc = False;
1700 | break;
1701 | fRc2, _ = multiSession[i].createSession('MultiSession #%d' % (i,));
1702 | if fRc2 is not True:
1703 | if i < iMaxGuestSessions:
1704 | reporter.error('MultiSession #%d test failed' % (i,));
1705 | fRc = False;
1706 | else:
1707 | reporter.log('MultiSession #%d exceeded concurrent guest session count, good' % (i,));
1708 | break;
1709 |
1710 | curSessionCount = multiSession[i].getSessionCount(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr);
1711 | if curSessionCount is not iMaxGuestSessions:
1712 | reporter.error('Final MultiSession count must be %d, got %d'
1713 | % (iMaxGuestSessions, curSessionCount));
1714 | return (False, oTxsSession);
1715 |
1716 | reporter.log2('Closing MultiSessions ...');
1717 | iLastSession = iMaxGuestSessions - 1;
1718 | for i in range(iLastSession): # Close all but the last opened session.
1719 | fRc2 = multiSession[i].closeSession();
1720 | reporter.log2('MultiSession #%d count is %d' % (i, multiSession[i].getSessionCount(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr),));
1721 | if fRc2 is False:
1722 | reporter.error('Closing MultiSession #%d failed' % (i,));
1723 | fRc = False;
1724 | break;
1725 | curSessionCount = multiSession[i].getSessionCount(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr);
1726 | if curSessionCount is not 1:
1727 | reporter.error('Final MultiSession count #2 must be 1, got %d' % (curSessionCount,));
1728 | fRc = False;
1729 |
1730 | try:
1731 | # r=bird: multiSession[0].oGuestSession is None! Why don't you just use 'assert' or 'if' to check
1732 | # the functioning of the __testcase__?
1733 |
1734 | # Make sure that accessing the first opened guest session does not work anymore because we just removed (closed) it.
1735 | curSessionName = multiSession[0].oGuestSession.name;
1736 | reporter.error('Accessing first removed MultiSession should not be possible, got name="%s"' % (curSessionName,));
1737 | fRc = False;
1738 | except:
1739 | reporter.logXcpt('Could not access first removed MultiSession object, good:');
1740 |
1741 | try:
1742 | # Try Accessing last opened session which did not get removed yet.
1743 | curSessionName = multiSession[iLastSession].oGuestSession.name;
1744 | reporter.log('Accessing last standing MultiSession worked, got name="%s"' % (curSessionName,));
1745 | multiSession[iLastSession].closeSession();
1746 | curSessionCount = multiSession[i].getSessionCount(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr);
1747 | if curSessionCount is not 0:
1748 | reporter.error('Final MultiSession count #3 must be 0, got %d' % (curSessionCount,));
1749 | fRc = False;
1750 | except:
1751 | reporter.logXcpt('Could not access last standing MultiSession object:');
1752 | fRc = False;
1753 |
1754 | ## @todo Test session timeouts.
1755 |
1756 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
1757 |
1758 | def testGuestCtrlSessionFileRefs(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
1759 | """
1760 | Tests the guest session file reference handling.
1761 | """
1762 |
1763 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
1764 | sUser = "Administrator";
1765 | sPassword = "password";
1766 | sDomain = "";
1767 | sFile = "C:\\windows\\system32\\kernel32.dll";
1768 |
1769 | # Number of stale guest files to create.
1770 | cStaleFiles = 10;
1771 |
1772 | fRc = True;
1773 | try:
1774 | oGuest = oSession.o.console.guest;
1775 | oGuestSession = oGuest.createSession(sUser, sPassword, sDomain, \
1776 | "testGuestCtrlSessionFileRefs");
1777 | fWaitFor = [ vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitForFlag_Start ];
1778 | waitResult = oGuestSession.waitForArray(fWaitFor, 30 * 1000);
1779 | #
1780 | # Be nice to Guest Additions < 4.3: They don't support session handling and
1781 | # therefore return WaitFlagNotSupported.
1782 | #
1783 | if waitResult != vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitResult_Start \
1784 | and waitResult != vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported:
1785 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1786 | reporter.log('Session did not start successfully, returned wait result: %d' \
1787 | % (waitResult));
1788 | return (False, oTxsSession);
1789 | reporter.log('Session successfully started');
1790 |
1791 | #
1792 | # Open guest files and "forget" them (stale entries).
1793 | # For them we don't have any references anymore intentionally.
1794 | #
1795 | reporter.log2('Opening stale files');
1796 | for i in range(0, cStaleFiles):
1797 | try:
1798 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1799 | oGuestSession.fileOpen(sFile, vboxcon.FileAccessMode_ReadOnly, vboxcon.FileOpenAction_OpenExisting, 0);
1800 | else:
1801 | oGuestSession.fileOpen(sFile, "r", "oe", 0);
1802 | # Note: Use a timeout in the call above for not letting the stale processes
1803 | # hanging around forever. This can happen if the installed Guest Additions
1804 | # do not support terminating guest processes.
1805 | except:
1806 | reporter.errorXcpt('Opening stale file #%d failed:' % (i,));
1807 | fRc = False;
1808 | break;
1809 |
1810 | if fRc:
1811 | cFiles = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGuestSession, 'files'));
1812 | if cFiles != cStaleFiles:
1813 | reporter.error('Test failed: Got %d stale files, expected %d' % (cFiles, cStaleFiles));
1814 | fRc = False;
1815 |
1816 | if fRc:
1817 | #
1818 | # Open non-stale files and close them again.
1819 | #
1820 | reporter.log2('Opening non-stale files');
1821 | aaFiles = [];
1822 | for i in range(0, cStaleFiles):
1823 | try:
1824 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1825 | oCurFile = oGuestSession.fileOpen(sFile, vboxcon.FileAccessMode_ReadOnly,
1826 | vboxcon.FileOpenAction_OpenExisting, 0);
1827 | else:
1828 | oCurFile = oGuestSession.fileOpen(sFile, "r", "oe", 0);
1829 | aaFiles.append(oCurFile);
1830 | except:
1831 | reporter.errorXcpt('Opening non-stale file #%d failed:' % (i,));
1832 | fRc = False;
1833 | break;
1834 | if fRc:
1835 | cFiles = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGuestSession, 'files'));
1836 | if cFiles != cStaleFiles * 2:
1837 | reporter.error('Test failed: Got %d total files, expected %d' % (cFiles, cStaleFiles * 2));
1838 | fRc = False;
1839 | if fRc:
1840 | reporter.log2('Closing all non-stale files again ...');
1841 | for i in range(0, cStaleFiles):
1842 | try:
1843 | aaFiles[i].close();
1844 | except:
1845 | reporter.errorXcpt('Waiting for non-stale file #%d failed:' % (i,));
1846 | fRc = False;
1847 | break;
1848 | cFiles = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGuestSession, 'files'));
1849 | # Here we count the stale files (that is, files we don't have a reference
1850 | # anymore for) and the opened and then closed non-stale files (that we still keep
1851 | # a reference in aaFiles[] for).
1852 | if cFiles != cStaleFiles:
1853 | reporter.error('Test failed: Got %d total files, expected %d' \
1854 | % (cFiles, cStaleFiles));
1855 | fRc = False;
1856 | if fRc:
1857 | #
1858 | # Check if all (referenced) non-stale files now are in "closed" state.
1859 | #
1860 | reporter.log2('Checking statuses of all non-stale files ...');
1861 | for i in range(0, cStaleFiles):
1862 | try:
1863 | curFilesStatus = aaFiles[i].status;
1864 | if curFilesStatus != vboxcon.FileStatus_Closed:
1865 | reporter.error('Test failed: Non-stale file #%d has status %d, expected %d' \
1866 | % (i, curFilesStatus, vboxcon.FileStatus_Closed));
1867 | fRc = False;
1868 | except:
1869 | reporter.errorXcpt('Checking status of file #%d failed:' % (i,));
1870 | fRc = False;
1871 | break;
1872 | if fRc:
1873 | reporter.log2('All non-stale files closed');
1874 | cFiles = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGuestSession, 'files'));
1875 | reporter.log2('Final guest session file count: %d' % (cFiles,));
1876 | # Now try to close the session and see what happens.
1877 | reporter.log2('Closing guest session ...');
1878 | oGuestSession.close();
1879 | except:
1880 | reporter.errorXcpt('Testing for stale processes failed:');
1881 | fRc = False;
1882 |
1883 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
1884 |
1885 | #def testGuestCtrlSessionDirRefs(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm):
1886 | # """
1887 | # Tests the guest session directory reference handling.
1888 | # """
1889 |
1890 | # fRc = True;
1891 | # return (fRc, oTxsSession);
1892 |
1893 | def testGuestCtrlSessionProcRefs(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
1894 | """
1895 | Tests the guest session process reference handling.
1896 | """
1897 |
1898 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
1899 | sUser = "Administrator";
1900 | sPassword = "password";
1901 | sDomain = "";
1902 | sCmd = "C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe";
1903 | aArgs = [sCmd,];
1904 |
1905 | # Number of stale guest processes to create.
1906 | cStaleProcs = 10;
1907 |
1908 | fRc = True;
1909 | try:
1910 | oGuest = oSession.o.console.guest;
1911 | oGuestSession = oGuest.createSession(sUser, sPassword, sDomain, \
1912 | "testGuestCtrlSessionProcRefs");
1913 | fWaitFor = [ vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitForFlag_Start ];
1914 | waitResult = oGuestSession.waitForArray(fWaitFor, 30 * 1000);
1915 | #
1916 | # Be nice to Guest Additions < 4.3: They don't support session handling and
1917 | # therefore return WaitFlagNotSupported.
1918 | #
1919 | if waitResult != vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitResult_Start \
1920 | and waitResult != vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported:
1921 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
1922 | reporter.log('Session did not start successfully, returned wait result: %d' \
1923 | % (waitResult));
1924 | return (False, oTxsSession);
1925 | reporter.log('Session successfully started');
1926 |
1927 | #
1928 | # Fire off forever-running processes and "forget" them (stale entries).
1929 | # For them we don't have any references anymore intentionally.
1930 | #
1931 | reporter.log2('Starting stale processes');
1932 | for i in range(0, cStaleProcs):
1933 | try:
1934 | oGuestSession.processCreate(sCmd,
1935 | aArgs if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0 else aArgs[1:], [],
1936 | [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut ], \
1937 | 30 * 1000);
1938 | # Note: Use a timeout in the call above for not letting the stale processes
1939 | # hanging around forever. This can happen if the installed Guest Additions
1940 | # do not support terminating guest processes.
1941 | except:
1942 | reporter.logXcpt('Creating stale process #%d failed:' % (i,));
1943 | fRc = False;
1944 | break;
1945 |
1946 | if fRc:
1947 | cProcs = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGuestSession, 'processes'));
1948 | if cProcs != cStaleProcs:
1949 | reporter.error('Test failed: Got %d stale processes, expected %d' % (cProcs, cStaleProcs));
1950 | fRc = False;
1951 |
1952 | if fRc:
1953 | #
1954 | # Fire off non-stale processes and wait for termination.
1955 | #
1956 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
1957 | aArgs = [ sCmd, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'C:\\Windows\\system'];
1958 | reporter.log2('Starting non-stale processes');
1959 | aaProcs = [];
1960 | for i in range(0, cStaleProcs):
1961 | try:
1962 | oCurProc = oGuestSession.processCreate(sCmd, aArgs if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0 else aArgs[1:],
1963 | [], [], 0); # Infinite timeout.
1964 | aaProcs.append(oCurProc);
1965 | except:
1966 | reporter.logXcpt('Creating non-stale process #%d failed:' % (i,));
1967 | fRc = False;
1968 | break;
1969 | if fRc:
1970 | reporter.log2('Waiting for non-stale processes to terminate');
1971 | for i in range(0, cStaleProcs):
1972 | try:
1973 | aaProcs[i].waitForArray([ vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_Terminate ], 30 * 1000);
1974 | curProcStatus = aaProcs[i].status;
1975 | if aaProcs[i].status != vboxcon.ProcessStatus_TerminatedNormally:
1976 | reporter.error('Test failed: Waiting for non-stale processes #%d'
1977 | ' resulted in status %d, expected %d' \
1978 | % (i, curProcStatus, vboxcon.ProcessStatus_TerminatedNormally));
1979 | fRc = False;
1980 | except:
1981 | reporter.logXcpt('Waiting for non-stale process #%d failed:' % (i,));
1982 | fRc = False;
1983 | break;
1984 | cProcs = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGuestSession, 'processes'));
1985 | # Here we count the stale processes (that is, processes we don't have a reference
1986 | # anymore for) and the started + terminated non-stale processes (that we still keep
1987 | # a reference in aaProcs[] for).
1988 | if cProcs != (cStaleProcs * 2):
1989 | reporter.error('Test failed: Got %d total processes, expected %d' \
1990 | % (cProcs, cStaleProcs));
1991 | fRc = False;
1992 | if fRc:
1993 | #
1994 | # Check if all (referenced) non-stale processes now are in "terminated" state.
1995 | #
1996 | for i in range(0, cStaleProcs):
1997 | curProcStatus = aaProcs[i].status;
1998 | if aaProcs[i].status != vboxcon.ProcessStatus_TerminatedNormally:
1999 | reporter.error('Test failed: Non-stale processes #%d has status %d, expected %d' \
2000 | % (i, curProcStatus, vboxcon.ProcessStatus_TerminatedNormally));
2001 | fRc = False;
2002 | if fRc:
2003 | reporter.log2('All non-stale processes terminated');
2004 |
2005 | # Fire off blocking processes which are terminated via terminate().
2006 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2007 | aArgs = [ sCmd, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'C:\\Windows'];
2008 | reporter.log2('Starting blocking processes');
2009 | aaProcs = [];
2010 | for i in range(0, cStaleProcs):
2011 | try:
2012 | oCurProc = oGuestSession.processCreate(sCmd, aArgs if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0 else aArgs[1:],
2013 | [], [], 30 * 1000);
2014 | # Note: Use a timeout in the call above for not letting the stale processes
2015 | # hanging around forever. This can happen if the installed Guest Additions
2016 | # do not support terminating guest processes.
2017 | aaProcs.append(oCurProc);
2018 | except:
2019 | reporter.logXcpt('Creating blocking process failed:');
2020 | fRc = False;
2021 | break;
2022 | if fRc:
2023 | reporter.log2('Terminating blocking processes');
2024 | for i in range(0, cStaleProcs):
2025 | try:
2026 | aaProcs[i].terminate();
2027 | except: # Termination might not be supported, just skip and log it.
2028 | reporter.logXcpt('Termination of blocking process failed, skipped:');
2029 | cProcs = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGuestSession, 'processes'));
2030 | if cProcs != (cStaleProcs * 2): # Still should be 20 processes because we terminated the 10 newest ones.
2031 | reporter.error('Test failed: Got %d total processes, expected %d' % (cProcs, cStaleProcs * 2));
2032 | fRc = False;
2033 | cProcs = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oGuestSession, 'processes'));
2034 | reporter.log2('Final guest session processes count: %d' % (cProcs,));
2035 | # Now try to close the session and see what happens.
2036 | reporter.log2('Closing guest session ...');
2037 | oGuestSession.close();
2038 | except:
2039 | reporter.logXcpt('Testing for stale processes failed:');
2040 | fRc = False;
2041 |
2042 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2043 |
2044 | def testGuestCtrlExec(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914,R0915
2045 | """
2046 | Tests the basic execution feature.
2047 | """
2048 |
2049 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2050 | sUser = "Administrator";
2051 | else:
2052 | sUser = "vbox";
2053 | sPassword = "password";
2054 |
2055 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2056 | # Outputting stuff.
2057 | sImageOut = "C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe";
2058 | else:
2059 | reporter.error('Implement me!'); ## @todo Implement non-Windows bits.
2060 | return (False, oTxsSession);
2061 |
2062 | aaInvalid = [
2063 | # Invalid parameters.
2064 | [ tdTestExec(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2065 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = False) ],
2066 | # Non-existent / invalid image.
2067 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = "non-existent", sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2068 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = False) ],
2069 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = "non-existent2", sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, fWaitForExit = True),
2070 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = False) ],
2071 | # Use an invalid format string.
2072 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = "%$%%%&", sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2073 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = False) ],
2074 | # More stuff.
2075 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = "ƒ‰‹ˆ÷‹¸", sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2076 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = False) ],
2077 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = "???://!!!", sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2078 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = False) ],
2079 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = "<>!\\", sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2080 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = False) ]
2081 | # Enable as soon as ERROR_BAD_DEVICE is implemented.
2082 | #[ tdTestExec(sCmd = "CON", sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2083 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = False) ]
2084 | ];
2085 |
2086 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2087 | sVBoxControl = "C:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox Guest Additions\\VBoxControl.exe";
2088 | aaExec = [
2089 | # Basic executon.
2090 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'c:\\windows\\system32' ],
2091 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2092 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True) ],
2093 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'c:\\windows\\system32\\kernel32.dll' ],
2094 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2095 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True) ],
2096 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'c:\\windows\\system32\\nonexist.dll' ],
2097 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2098 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2099 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', '/wrongparam' ],
2100 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2101 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2102 | # Paths with spaces.
2103 | ## @todo Get path of installed Guest Additions. Later.
2104 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sVBoxControl, aArgs = [ sVBoxControl, 'version' ],
2105 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2106 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True) ],
2107 | # StdOut.
2108 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'c:\\windows\\system32' ],
2109 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2110 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True) ],
2111 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'stdout-non-existing' ],
2112 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2113 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2114 | # StdErr.
2115 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'c:\\windows\\system32' ],
2116 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2117 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True) ],
2118 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'stderr-non-existing' ],
2119 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2120 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2121 | # StdOut + StdErr.
2122 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'c:\\windows\\system32' ],
2123 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2124 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True) ],
2125 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'stdouterr-non-existing' ],
2126 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2127 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ]
2128 | # FIXME: Failing tests.
2129 | # Environment variables.
2130 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'set', 'TEST_NONEXIST' ],
2131 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2132 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ]
2133 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'set', 'windir' ],
2134 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2135 | # aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut, vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2136 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, sBuf = 'windir=C:\\WINDOWS\r\n') ],
2137 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'set', 'TEST_FOO' ],
2138 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2139 | # aEnv = [ 'TEST_FOO=BAR' ],
2140 | # aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut, vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2141 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, sBuf = 'TEST_FOO=BAR\r\n') ],
2142 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'set', 'TEST_FOO' ],
2143 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2144 | # aEnv = [ 'TEST_FOO=BAR', 'TEST_BAZ=BAR' ],
2145 | # aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut, vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2146 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, sBuf = 'TEST_FOO=BAR\r\n') ]
2147 |
2148 | ## @todo Create some files (or get files) we know the output size of to validate output length!
2149 | ## @todo Add task which gets killed at some random time while letting the guest output something.
2150 | ];
2151 |
2152 | # Manual test, not executed automatically.
2153 | aaManual = [
2154 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImageOut, aArgs = [ sImageOut, '/C', 'dir /S C:\\Windows' ],
2155 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2156 | aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut, vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2157 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, cbStdOut = 497917) ] ];
2158 | else:
2159 | reporter.log('No OS-specific tests for non-Windows yet!');
2160 |
2161 | # Build up the final test array for the first batch.
2162 | aaTests = [];
2163 | aaTests.extend(aaInvalid);
2164 | if aaExec is not None:
2165 | aaTests.extend(aaExec);
2166 | fRc = True;
2167 |
2168 | #
2169 | # Single execution stuff. Nice for debugging.
2170 | #
2171 | fManual = False;
2172 | if fManual:
2173 | curTest = aaTests[1][0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2174 | curRes = aaTests[1][1]; # tdTestResultExec
2175 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2176 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlExec: Single test 1');
2177 | if fRc is False:
2178 | reporter.error('Single test failed: Could not create session');
2179 | else:
2180 | fRc = self.gctrlExecDoTest(0, curTest, curRes, curGuestSession);
2181 | curTest.closeSession();
2182 |
2183 | curTest = aaTests[2][0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2184 | curRes = aaTests[2][1]; # tdTestResultExec
2185 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2186 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlExec: Single test 2');
2187 | if fRc is False:
2188 | reporter.error('Single test failed: Could not create session');
2189 | else:
2190 | fRc = self.gctrlExecDoTest(0, curTest, curRes, curGuestSession);
2191 | curTest.closeSession();
2192 |
2193 | curTest = aaTests[3][0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2194 | curRes = aaTests[3][1]; # tdTestResultExec
2195 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2196 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlExec: Single test 3');
2197 | if fRc is False:
2198 | reporter.error('Single test failed: Could not create session');
2199 | else:
2200 | fRc = self.gctrlExecDoTest(0, curTest, curRes, curGuestSession);
2201 | curTest.closeSession();
2202 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2203 | else:
2204 | aaManual = aaManual; # Workaround for pylint #W0612.
2205 |
2206 | if fRc is False:
2207 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2208 |
2209 | #
2210 | # First batch: One session per guest process.
2211 | #
2212 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
2213 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2214 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResultExec
2215 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2216 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlExec: Test #%d' % (i,));
2217 | if fRc is False:
2218 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
2219 | break;
2220 | fRc = self.gctrlExecDoTest(i, curTest, curRes, curGuestSession);
2221 | if fRc is False:
2222 | break;
2223 | fRc = curTest.closeSession();
2224 | if fRc is False:
2225 | break;
2226 |
2227 | # No sessions left?
2228 | if fRc is True:
2229 | cSessions = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oSession.o.console.guest, 'sessions'));
2230 | if cSessions is not 0:
2231 | reporter.error('Found %d stale session(s), expected 0' % (cSessions,));
2232 | fRc = False;
2233 |
2234 | if fRc is False:
2235 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2236 |
2237 | reporter.log('Now using one guest session for all tests ...');
2238 |
2239 | #
2240 | # Second batch: One session for *all* guest processes.
2241 | #
2242 | oGuest = oSession.o.console.guest;
2243 | try:
2244 | reporter.log('Creating session for all tests ...');
2245 | curGuestSession = oGuest.createSession(sUser, sPassword, '', 'testGuestCtrlExec: One session for all tests');
2246 | try:
2247 | fWaitFor = [ vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitForFlag_Start ];
2248 | waitResult = curGuestSession.waitForArray(fWaitFor, 30 * 1000);
2249 | if waitResult != vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitResult_Start \
2250 | and waitResult != vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported:
2251 | reporter.error('Session did not start successfully, returned wait result: %d' \
2252 | % (waitResult));
2253 | return (False, oTxsSession);
2254 | reporter.log('Session successfully started');
2255 | except:
2256 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
2257 | reporter.logXcpt('Waiting for guest session to start failed:');
2258 | return (False, oTxsSession);
2259 | # Note: Not waiting for the guest session to start here
2260 | # is intentional. This must be handled by the process execution
2261 | # call then.
2262 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
2263 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2264 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResultExec
2265 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2266 | fRc = self.gctrlExecDoTest(i, curTest, curRes, curGuestSession);
2267 | if fRc is False:
2268 | break;
2269 | try:
2270 | reporter.log2('Closing guest session ...');
2271 | curGuestSession.close();
2272 | curGuestSession = None;
2273 | except:
2274 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
2275 | reporter.logXcpt('Closing guest session failed:');
2276 | fRc = False;
2277 | except:
2278 | reporter.logXcpt('Could not create one session:');
2279 |
2280 | # No sessions left?
2281 | if fRc is True:
2282 | cSessions = len(self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oSession.o.console.guest, 'sessions'));
2283 | if cSessions is not 0:
2284 | reporter.error('Found %d stale session(s), expected 0' % (cSessions,));
2285 | fRc = False;
2286 |
2287 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2288 |
2289 | def testGuestCtrlExecErrorLevel(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm):
2290 | """
2291 | Tests handling of error levels from started guest processes.
2292 | """
2293 |
2294 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2295 | sUser = "Administrator";
2296 | else:
2297 | sUser = "vbox";
2298 | sPassword = "password";
2299 |
2300 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2301 | # Outputting stuff.
2302 | sImage = "C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe";
2303 | else:
2304 | reporter.error('Implement me!'); ## @todo Implement non-Windows bits.
2305 | return (False, oTxsSession);
2306 |
2307 | aaTests = [];
2308 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2309 | aaTests.extend([
2310 | # Simple.
2311 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'wrongcommand' ],
2312 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2313 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2314 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'exit', '22' ],
2315 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2316 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 22) ],
2317 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'set', 'ERRORLEVEL=234' ],
2318 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2319 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 0) ],
2320 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'echo', '%WINDIR%' ],
2321 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2322 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 0) ],
2323 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'set', 'ERRORLEVEL=0' ],
2324 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2325 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 0) ],
2326 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\windows\\system32' ],
2327 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2328 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 0) ],
2329 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\windows\\system32\\kernel32.dll' ],
2330 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2331 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 0) ],
2332 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\nonexisting-file' ],
2333 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2334 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2335 | [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\nonexisting-dir\\' ],
2336 | sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword),
2337 | tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ]
2338 | # FIXME: Failing tests.
2339 | # With stdout.
2340 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\windows\\system32' ],
2341 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut ]),
2342 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 0) ],
2343 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\nonexisting-file' ],
2344 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut ]),
2345 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2346 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\nonexisting-dir\\' ],
2347 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut ]),
2348 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2349 | # With stderr.
2350 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\windows\\system32' ],
2351 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2352 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 0) ],
2353 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\nonexisting-file' ],
2354 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2355 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2356 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\nonexisting-dir\\' ],
2357 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2358 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2359 | # With stdout/stderr.
2360 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\windows\\system32' ],
2361 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2362 | # aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut, vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2363 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 0) ],
2364 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\nonexisting-file' ],
2365 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2366 | # aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut, vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2367 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ],
2368 | # [ tdTestExec(sCmd = sImage, aArgs = [ sImage, '/C', 'dir', 'c:\\nonexisting-dir\\' ],
2369 | # sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2370 | # aFlags = [ vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut, vboxcon.ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdErr ]),
2371 | # tdTestResultExec(fRc = True, iExitCode = 1) ]
2372 | ## @todo Test stdin!
2373 | ]);
2374 | else:
2375 | reporter.log('No OS-specific tests for non-Windows yet!');
2376 |
2377 | fRc = True;
2378 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
2379 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2380 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
2381 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2382 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlExecErrorLevel: Test #%d' % (i,));
2383 | if fRc is False:
2384 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
2385 | break;
2386 | fRc = self.gctrlExecDoTest(i, curTest, curRes, curGuestSession);
2387 | curTest.closeSession();
2388 | if fRc is False:
2389 | break;
2390 |
2391 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2392 |
2393 | def testGuestCtrlExecTimeout(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm):
2394 | """
2395 | Tests handling of timeouts of started guest processes.
2396 | """
2397 |
2398 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2399 | sUser = "Administrator";
2400 | else:
2401 | sUser = "vbox";
2402 | sPassword = "password";
2403 | sDomain = "";
2404 |
2405 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2406 | # Outputting stuff.
2407 | sImage = "C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe";
2408 | else:
2409 | reporter.error('Implement me!'); ## @todo Implement non-Windows bits.
2410 | return (False, oTxsSession);
2411 |
2412 | fRc = True;
2413 | try:
2414 | oGuest = oSession.o.console.guest;
2415 | oGuestSession = oGuest.createSession(sUser, sPassword, sDomain, "testGuestCtrlExecTimeout");
2416 | oGuestSession.waitForArray([ vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitForFlag_Start ], 30 * 1000);
2417 | # Create a process which never terminates and should timeout when
2418 | # waiting for termination.
2419 | try:
2420 | curProc = oGuestSession.processCreate(sImage, [sImage,] if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0 else [], \
2421 | [], [], 30 * 1000);
2422 | reporter.log('Waiting for process 1 being started ...');
2423 | waitRes = curProc.waitForArray([ vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_Start ], 30 * 1000);
2424 | if waitRes != vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_Start:
2425 | reporter.error('Waiting for process 1 to start failed, got status %d');
2426 | fRc = False;
2427 | if fRc:
2428 | reporter.log('Waiting for process 1 to time out within 1ms ...');
2429 | waitRes = curProc.waitForArray([ vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_Terminate ], 1);
2430 | if waitRes != vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_Timeout:
2431 | reporter.error('Waiting for process 1 did not time out when it should (1)');
2432 | fRc = False;
2433 | else:
2434 | reporter.log('Waiting for process 1 timed out (1), good');
2435 | if fRc:
2436 | reporter.log('Waiting for process 1 to time out within 5000ms ...');
2437 | waitRes = curProc.waitForArray([ vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_Terminate ], 5000);
2438 | if waitRes != vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_Timeout:
2439 | reporter.error('Waiting for process 1 did not time out when it should, got wait result %d' % (waitRes,));
2440 | fRc = False;
2441 | else:
2442 | reporter.log('Waiting for process 1 timed out (5000), good');
2443 | ## @todo Add curProc.terminate() as soon as it's implemented.
2444 | except:
2445 | reporter.errorXcpt('Exception for process 1:');
2446 | fRc = False;
2447 | # Create a lengthly running guest process which will be killed by VBoxService on the
2448 | # guest because it ran out of execution time (5 seconds).
2449 | if fRc:
2450 | try:
2451 | curProc = oGuestSession.processCreate(sImage, [sImage,] if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0 else [], \
2452 | [], [], 5 * 1000);
2453 | reporter.log('Waiting for process 2 being started ...');
2454 | waitRes = curProc.waitForArray([ vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_Start ], 30 * 1000);
2455 | if waitRes != vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_Start:
2456 | reporter.error('Waiting for process 1 to start failed, got status %d');
2457 | fRc = False;
2458 | if fRc:
2459 | reporter.log('Waiting for process 2 to get killed because it ran out of execution time ...');
2460 | waitRes = curProc.waitForArray([ vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_Terminate ], 30 * 1000);
2461 | if waitRes != vboxcon.ProcessWaitResult_Timeout:
2462 | reporter.error('Waiting for process 2 did not time out when it should, got wait result %d' \
2463 | % (waitRes,));
2464 | fRc = False;
2465 | if fRc:
2466 | reporter.log('Waiting for process 2 indicated an error, good');
2467 | if curProc.status != vboxcon.ProcessStatus_TimedOutKilled:
2468 | reporter.error('Status of process 2 wrong; excepted %d, got %d' \
2469 | % (vboxcon.ProcessStatus_TimedOutKilled, curProc.status));
2470 | fRc = False;
2471 | else:
2472 | reporter.log('Status of process 2 correct (%d)' % (vboxcon.ProcessStatus_TimedOutKilled,));
2473 | ## @todo Add curProc.terminate() as soon as it's implemented.
2474 | except:
2475 | reporter.errorXcpt('Exception for process 2:');
2476 | fRc = False;
2477 | oGuestSession.close();
2478 | except:
2479 | reporter.errorXcpt('Could not handle session:');
2480 | fRc = False;
2481 |
2482 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2483 |
2484 | def testGuestCtrlDirCreate(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm):
2485 | """
2486 | Tests creation of guest directories.
2487 | """
2488 |
2489 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2490 | sUser = "Administrator";
2491 | else:
2492 | sUser = "vbox";
2493 | sPassword = "password";
2494 |
2495 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2496 | sScratch = "C:\\Temp\\vboxtest\\testGuestCtrlDirCreate\\";
2497 |
2498 | aaTests = [];
2499 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2500 | aaTests.extend([
2501 | # Invalid stuff.
2502 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = '' ),
2503 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2504 | # More unusual stuff.
2505 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = '..\\..\\' ),
2506 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2507 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = '../../' ),
2508 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2509 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = 'z:\\' ),
2510 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2511 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = '\\\\uncrulez\\foo' ),
2512 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2513 | # Creating directories.
2514 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = sScratch ),
2515 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2516 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = os.path.join(sScratch, 'foo\\bar\\baz'),
2517 | aFlags = [ vboxcon.DirectoryCreateFlag_Parents ] ),
2518 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2519 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = os.path.join(sScratch, 'foo\\bar\\baz'),
2520 | aFlags = [ vboxcon.DirectoryCreateFlag_Parents ] ),
2521 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2522 | # Long (+ random) stuff.
2523 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2524 | sDirectory = os.path.join(sScratch,
2525 | "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(32))) ),
2526 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2527 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2528 | sDirectory = os.path.join(sScratch,
2529 | "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(128))) ),
2530 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2531 | # Following two should fail on Windows (paths too long). Both should timeout.
2532 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2533 | sDirectory = os.path.join(sScratch,
2534 | "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(255))) ),
2535 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2536 | [ tdTestDirCreate(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2537 | sDirectory = os.path.join(sScratch,
2538 | "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(1024)))
2539 | ),
2540 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ]
2541 | ]);
2542 | else:
2543 | reporter.log('No OS-specific tests for non-Windows yet!');
2544 |
2545 | fRc = True;
2546 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
2547 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2548 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
2549 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, sDirectory="%s" ...' % (i, curTest.sDirectory));
2550 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2551 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlDirCreate: Test #%d' % (i,));
2552 | if fRc is False:
2553 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
2554 | break;
2555 | fRc = self.gctrlCreateDir(curTest, curRes, curGuestSession);
2556 | curTest.closeSession();
2557 | if fRc is False:
2558 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed' % (i,));
2559 | fRc = False;
2560 | break;
2561 |
2562 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2563 |
2564 | def testGuestCtrlDirCreateTemp(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
2565 | """
2566 | Tests creation of temporary directories.
2567 | """
2568 |
2569 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2570 | sUser = "Administrator";
2571 | else:
2572 | sUser = "vbox";
2573 | sPassword = "password";
2574 |
2575 | # if oTestVm.isWindows():
2576 | # sScratch = "C:\\Temp\\vboxtest\\testGuestCtrlDirCreateTemp\\";
2577 |
2578 | aaTests = [];
2579 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2580 | aaTests.extend([
2581 | # Invalid stuff.
2582 | [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = ''),
2583 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2584 | [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = 'C:\\Windows',
2585 | fMode = 1234),
2586 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2587 | [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = '',
2588 | sDirectory = 'C:\\Windows', fMode = 1234),
2589 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2590 | [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'xXx',
2591 | sDirectory = 'C:\\Windows', fMode = 0700),
2592 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2593 | [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'xxx',
2594 | sDirectory = 'C:\\Windows', fMode = 0700),
2595 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2596 | # More unusual stuff.
2597 | [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'foo',
2598 | sDirectory = 'z:\\'),
2599 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2600 | [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'foo',
2601 | sDirectory = '\\\\uncrulez\\foo'),
2602 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2603 | # Non-existing stuff.
2604 | [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'bar',
2605 | sDirectory = 'c:\\Apps\\nonexisting\\foo'),
2606 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2607 | # FIXME: Failing test. Non Windows path
2608 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'bar',
2609 | # sDirectory = '/tmp/non/existing'),
2610 | # tdTestResult(fRc = False) ]
2611 | ]);
2612 | else:
2613 | reporter.log('No OS-specific tests for non-Windows yet!');
2614 |
2615 | # FIXME: Failing tests.
2616 | # aaTests.extend([
2617 | # Non-secure variants.
2618 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2619 | # sDirectory = sScratch),
2620 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2621 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2622 | # sDirectory = sScratch),
2623 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2624 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'X',
2625 | # sDirectory = sScratch),
2626 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2627 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'X',
2628 | # sDirectory = sScratch),
2629 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2630 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2631 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2632 | # fMode = 0700),
2633 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2634 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2635 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2636 | # fMode = 0700),
2637 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2638 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2639 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2640 | # fMode = 0755),
2641 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2642 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2643 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2644 | # fMode = 0755),
2645 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2646 | # Secure variants.
2647 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2648 | # sDirectory = sScratch, fSecure = True),
2649 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2650 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2651 | # sDirectory = sScratch, fSecure = True),
2652 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2653 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2654 | # sDirectory = sScratch, fSecure = True),
2655 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2656 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2657 | # sDirectory = sScratch, fSecure = True),
2658 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2659 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2660 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2661 | # fSecure = True, fMode = 0700),
2662 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2663 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2664 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2665 | # fSecure = True, fMode = 0700),
2666 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2667 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2668 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2669 | # fSecure = True, fMode = 0755),
2670 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2671 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = 'XXX',
2672 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2673 | # fSecure = True, fMode = 0755),
2674 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2675 | # Random stuff.
2676 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
2677 | # sTemplate = "XXX-".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(32)),
2678 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2679 | # fSecure = True, fMode = 0755),
2680 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2681 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = "".join('X' for i in range(32)),
2682 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2683 | # fSecure = True, fMode = 0755),
2684 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2685 | # [ tdTestDirCreateTemp(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sTemplate = "".join('X' for i in range(128)),
2686 | # sDirectory = sScratch,
2687 | # fSecure = True, fMode = 0755),
2688 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ]
2689 | # ]);
2690 |
2691 | fRc = True;
2692 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
2693 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2694 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
2695 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, sTemplate="%s", fMode=%#o, path="%s", secure="%s" ...' %
2696 | (i, curTest.sTemplate, curTest.fMode, curTest.sDirectory, curTest.fSecure));
2697 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2698 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlDirCreateTemp: Test #%d' % (i,));
2699 | if fRc is False:
2700 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
2701 | break;
2702 | sDirTemp = "";
2703 | try:
2704 | sDirTemp = curGuestSession.directoryCreateTemp(curTest.sTemplate, curTest.fMode,
2705 | curTest.sDirectory, curTest.fSecure);
2706 | except:
2707 | if curRes.fRc is True:
2708 | reporter.errorXcpt('Creating temp directory "%s" failed:' % (curTest.sDirectory,));
2709 | fRc = False;
2710 | break;
2711 | else:
2712 | reporter.logXcpt('Creating temp directory "%s" failed expectedly, skipping:' % (curTest.sDirectory,));
2713 | curTest.closeSession();
2714 | if sDirTemp != "":
2715 | reporter.log2('Temporary directory is: %s' % (sDirTemp,));
2716 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
2717 | fExists = curGuestSession.directoryExists(sDirTemp, False);
2718 | else:
2719 | fExists = curGuestSession.directoryExists(sDirTemp);
2720 | if fExists is False:
2721 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Temporary directory "%s" does not exists' % (i, sDirTemp));
2722 | fRc = False;
2723 | break;
2724 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2725 |
2726 | def testGuestCtrlDirRead(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
2727 | """
2728 | Tests opening and reading (enumerating) guest directories.
2729 | """
2730 |
2731 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2732 | sUser = "Administrator";
2733 | else:
2734 | sUser = "vbox";
2735 | sPassword = "password";
2736 |
2737 | aaTests = [];
2738 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2739 | aaTests.extend([
2740 | # Invalid stuff.
2741 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = ''),
2742 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = False) ],
2743 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = 'C:\\Windows', aFlags = [ 1234 ]),
2744 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = False) ],
2745 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = 'C:\\Windows', sFilter = '*.foo'),
2746 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = False) ],
2747 | # More unusual stuff.
2748 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = 'z:\\'),
2749 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = False) ],
2750 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = '\\\\uncrulez\\foo'),
2751 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = False) ],
2752 | # Non-existing stuff.
2753 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = 'c:\\Apps\\nonexisting'),
2754 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = False) ],
2755 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = 'c:\\Apps\\testDirRead'),
2756 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = False) ]
2757 | ]);
2758 |
2759 | if oTestVm.sVmName == 'tst-xppro':
2760 | aaTests.extend([
2761 | # Reading directories.
2762 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = '../../Windows/Fonts'),
2763 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = True, numFiles = 191) ],
2764 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = 'c:\\Windows\\Help'),
2765 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = True, numDirs = 13, numFiles = 569) ],
2766 | [ tdTestDirRead(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDirectory = 'c:\\Windows\\Web'),
2767 | tdTestResultDirRead(fRc = True, numDirs = 3, numFiles = 55) ]
2768 | ]);
2769 | else:
2770 | reporter.log('No OS-specific tests for non-Windows yet!');
2771 |
2772 | fRc = True;
2773 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
2774 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2775 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
2776 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, dir="%s" ...' % (i, curTest.sDirectory));
2777 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2778 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlDirRead: Test #%d' % (i,));
2779 | if fRc is False:
2780 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
2781 | break;
2782 | (fRc2, cDirs, cFiles) = self.gctrlReadDir(curTest, curRes, curGuestSession);
2783 | curTest.closeSession();
2784 | reporter.log2('Test #%d: Returned %d directories, %d files total' % (i, cDirs, cFiles));
2785 | if fRc2 is curRes.fRc:
2786 | if fRc2 is True:
2787 | if curRes.numFiles != cFiles:
2788 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %d files, expected %d' % (i, cFiles, curRes.numFiles));
2789 | fRc = False;
2790 | break;
2791 | if curRes.numDirs != cDirs:
2792 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %d directories, expected %d' % (i, cDirs, curRes.numDirs));
2793 | fRc = False;
2794 | break;
2795 | else:
2796 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %s, expected %s' % (i, fRc2, curRes.fRc));
2797 | fRc = False;
2798 | break;
2799 |
2800 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2801 |
2802 | def testGuestCtrlFileRemove(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm):
2803 | """
2804 | Tests removing guest files.
2805 | """
2806 |
2807 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2808 | sUser = "Administrator";
2809 | else:
2810 | sUser = "vbox";
2811 | sPassword = "password";
2812 |
2813 | aaTests = [];
2814 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2815 | aaTests.extend([
2816 | # Invalid stuff.
2817 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = ''),
2818 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2819 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'C:\\Windows'),
2820 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2821 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'C:\\Windows'),
2822 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2823 | # More unusual stuff.
2824 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'z:\\'),
2825 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2826 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = '\\\\uncrulez\\foo'),
2827 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2828 | # Non-existing stuff.
2829 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'c:\\Apps\\nonexisting'),
2830 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2831 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'c:\\Apps\\testFileRemove'),
2832 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2833 | # Try to delete system files.
2834 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'c:\\pagefile.sys'),
2835 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2836 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'c:\\Windows\\kernel32.sys'),
2837 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ]
2838 | ]);
2839 |
2840 | if oTestVm.sVmName == 'tst-xppro':
2841 | aaTests.extend([
2842 | # Try delete some unimportant media stuff.
2843 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'c:\\Windows\\Media\\chimes.wav'),
2844 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2845 | # Second attempt should fail.
2846 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'c:\\Windows\\Media\\chimes.wav'),
2847 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
2848 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'c:\\Windows\\Media\\chord.wav'),
2849 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
2850 | [ tdTestFileRemove(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'c:\\Windows\\Media\\chord.wav'),
2851 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ]
2852 | ]);
2853 | else:
2854 | reporter.log('No OS-specific tests for non-Windows yet!');
2855 |
2856 | fRc = True;
2857 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
2858 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
2859 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
2860 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, file="%s" ...' % (i, curTest.sFile));
2861 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
2862 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlFileRemove: Test #%d' % (i,));
2863 | if fRc is False:
2864 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
2865 | break;
2866 | try:
2867 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
2868 | curGuestSession.fsObjRemove(curTest.sFile);
2869 | else:
2870 | curGuestSession.fileRemove(curTest.sFile);
2871 | except:
2872 | if curRes.fRc is True:
2873 | reporter.errorXcpt('Removing file "%s" failed:' % (curTest.sFile,));
2874 | fRc = False;
2875 | break;
2876 | else:
2877 | reporter.logXcpt('Removing file "%s" failed expectedly, skipping:' % (curTest.sFile,));
2878 | curTest.closeSession();
2879 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
2880 |
2881 | def testGuestCtrlFileStat(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
2882 | """
2883 | Tests querying file information through stat.
2884 | """
2885 |
2886 | # Basic stuff, existing stuff.
2887 | aoTests = [
2888 | tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepStatDir('.'),
2889 | tdStepStatDir('..'),
2890 | ]),
2891 | ];
2892 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2893 | aoTests += [ tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepStatDir('C:\\Windows'),
2894 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\Windows\\System32'),
2895 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\Windows\\System32\\'),
2896 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\Windows\\System32\\.'),
2897 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\Windows\\System32\\.\\'),
2898 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\Windows\\System32\\..'),
2899 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\Windows\\System32\\..\\'),
2900 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\Windows\\System32\\..\\\\'),
2901 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\Windows\\System32\\\\..\\\\'),
2902 | tdStepStatDir('C:/Windows/System32'),
2903 | tdStepStatDir('C:/Windows/System32/'),
2904 | tdStepStatDir('c:/winDowS/sYsTeM32/'),
2905 | tdStepStatDir('C:/Windows/System32/.'),
2906 | tdStepStatDir('C:/Windows/System32/./'),
2907 | tdStepStatDir('C:/Windows/System32/..'),
2908 | tdStepStatDir('C:/Windows/System32/../'),
2909 | tdStepStatDir('C:/Windows/System32/..//'),
2910 | tdStepStatDir('C:/Windows/System32//..//'),
2911 | tdStepStatFile('C:\\Windows\\System32\\kernel32.dll'),
2912 | tdStepStatFile('C:/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll')
2913 | ]) ];
2914 | elif oTestVm.isOS2():
2915 | aoTests += [ tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepStatDir('C:\\OS2'),
2916 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\OS2\\DLL'),
2917 | tdStepStatDir('C:\\OS2\\DLL\\'),
2918 | tdStepStatDir('C:/OS2/DLL'),
2919 | tdStepStatDir('c:/OS2/DLL'),
2920 | tdStepStatDir('c:/OS2/DLL/'),
2921 | tdStepStatFile('C:\\CONFIG.SYS'),
2922 | tdStepStatFile('C:\\OS2\\DLL\\DOSCALL1.DLL'),
2923 | ]) ];
2924 | else: # generic unix.
2925 | aoTests += [ tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepStatDir('/'),
2926 | tdStepStatDir('///'),
2927 | tdStepStatDir('/usr/bin/.'),
2928 | tdStepStatDir('/usr/bin/./'),
2929 | tdStepStatDir('/usr/bin/..'),
2930 | tdStepStatDir('/usr/bin/../'),
2931 | tdStepStatFile('/bin/ls'),
2932 | tdStepStatFile('/bin/cp'),
2933 | tdStepStatFile('/bin/date'),
2934 | ]) ];
2935 | # None existing stuff.
2936 | if oTestVm.isWindows() or oTestVm.isOS2():
2937 | aoTests += [ tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepStatFileNotFound('C:\\NoSuchFileOrDirectory', ),
2938 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('C:\\NoSuchDirectory\\'),
2939 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('C:/NoSuchDirectory/'),
2940 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('C:\\NoSuchDirectory\\.'),
2941 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('C:/NoSuchDirectory/.'),
2942 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('C:\\NoSuchDirectory\\NoSuchFileOrDirectory'),
2943 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('C:/NoSuchDirectory/NoSuchFileOrDirectory'),
2944 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('C:/NoSuchDirectory/NoSuchFileOrDirectory/'),
2945 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('N:\\'), # ASSUMES nothing mounted on N:!
2946 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('\\\\NoSuchUncServerName\\NoSuchShare'),
2947 | ]) ];
2948 | else: # generic unix.
2949 | aoTests += [ tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepStatFileNotFound('/NoSuchFileOrDirectory', ),
2950 | tdStepStatFileNotFound('/bin/NoSuchFileOrDirectory'),
2951 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('/NoSuchDirectory/'),
2952 | tdStepStatPathNotFound('/NoSuchDirectory/.'),
2953 | ]) ];
2954 | # Invalid parameter check.
2955 | aoTests += [ tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepStat('', vbox.ComError.E_INVALIDARG), ]), ];
2956 |
2957 | # Some test VM specific tests.
2958 | if oTestVm.sVmName == 'tst-xppro':
2959 | aoTests += [ tdTestSessionEx([ tdStepStatFileSize('c:\\Windows\\system32\\kernel32.dll', 926720), ]) ];
2960 |
2961 | #
2962 | # Execute the tests.
2963 | #
2964 | return tdTestSessionEx.executeListTestSessions(aoTests, self.oTstDrv, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm, 'FsStat');
2965 |
2966 | def testGuestCtrlFileRead(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
2967 | """
2968 | Tests reading from guest files.
2969 | """
2970 |
2971 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
2972 | sUser = "Administrator";
2973 | else:
2974 | sUser = "vbox";
2975 | sPassword = "password";
2976 |
2977 | if oTxsSession.syncMkDir('${SCRATCH}/testGuestCtrlFileRead') is False:
2978 | reporter.error('Could not create scratch directory on guest');
2979 | return (False, oTxsSession);
2980 |
2981 | aaTests = [];
2982 | aaTests.extend([
2983 | # Invalid stuff.
2984 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, cbToReadWrite = 0),
2985 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
2986 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = ''),
2987 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
2988 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'non-existing.file'),
2989 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
2990 | # Wrong open mode.
2991 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'non-existing.file', \
2992 | sOpenMode = 'rt', sDisposition = 'oe'),
2993 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
2994 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = '\\\\uncrulez\\non-existing.file', \
2995 | sOpenMode = 'tr', sDisposition = 'oe'),
2996 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
2997 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = '../../non-existing.file', \
2998 | sOpenMode = 'wr', sDisposition = 'oe'),
2999 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
3000 | # Wrong disposition.
3001 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'non-existing.file', \
3002 | sOpenMode = 'r', sDisposition = 'e'),
3003 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
3004 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = '\\\\uncrulez\\non-existing.file', \
3005 | sOpenMode = 'r', sDisposition = 'o'),
3006 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
3007 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = '../../non-existing.file', \
3008 | sOpenMode = 'r', sDisposition = 'c'),
3009 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
3010 | # Opening non-existing file when it should exist.
3011 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'non-existing.file', \
3012 | sOpenMode = 'r', sDisposition = 'oe'),
3013 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
3014 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = '\\\\uncrulez\\non-existing.file', \
3015 | sOpenMode = 'r', sDisposition = 'oe'),
3016 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
3017 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = '../../non-existing.file', \
3018 | sOpenMode = 'r', sDisposition = 'oe'),
3019 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ]
3020 | ]);
3021 |
3022 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3023 | aaTests.extend([
3024 | # Create a file which must not exist (but it hopefully does).
3025 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe', \
3026 | sOpenMode = 'w', sDisposition = 'ce'),
3027 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ],
3028 | # Open a file which must exist.
3029 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\kernel32.dll', \
3030 | sOpenMode = 'r', sDisposition = 'oe'),
3031 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = True) ],
3032 | # Try truncating a file which already is opened with a different sharing mode (and thus should fail).
3033 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\kernel32.dll', \
3034 | sOpenMode = 'w', sDisposition = 'ot'),
3035 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = False) ]
3036 | ]);
3037 |
3038 | if oTestVm.sKind == "WindowsXP":
3039 | aaTests.extend([
3040 | # Reading from beginning.
3041 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\eula.txt', \
3042 | sOpenMode = 'r', sDisposition = 'oe', cbToReadWrite = 33),
3043 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = True, aBuf = 'Microsoft Windows XP Professional', \
3044 | cbProcessed = 33, cbOffset = 33) ],
3045 | # Reading from offset.
3046 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\eula.txt', \
3047 | sOpenMode = 'r', sDisposition = 'oe', cbOffset = 17782, cbToReadWrite = 26),
3048 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = True, aBuf = 'LINKS TO THIRD PARTY SITES', \
3049 | cbProcessed = 26, cbOffset = 17782 + 26) ]
3050 | ]);
3051 |
3052 | fRc = True;
3053 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
3054 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestFileReadWrite, use an index, later.
3055 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
3056 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, sFile="%s", cbToReadWrite=%d, sOpenMode="%s", sDisposition="%s", cbOffset=%d ...' % \
3057 | (i, curTest.sFile, curTest.cbToReadWrite, curTest.sOpenMode, curTest.sDisposition, curTest.cbOffset));
3058 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
3059 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlFileRead: Test #%d' % (i,));
3060 | if fRc is False:
3061 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
3062 | break;
3063 | try:
3064 | if curTest.cbOffset > 0: # The offset parameter is gone.
3065 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
3066 | curFile = curGuestSession.fileOpenEx(curTest.sFile, curTest.getAccessMode(), curTest.getOpenAction(),
3067 | curTest.getSharingMode(), curTest.lCreationMode, []);
3068 | curFile.seek(curTest.cbOffset, vboxcon.FileSeekOrigin_Begin);
3069 | else:
3070 | curFile = curGuestSession.fileOpenEx(curTest.sFile, curTest.sOpenMode, curTest.sDisposition, \
3071 | curTest.sSharingMode, curTest.lCreationMode, curTest.cbOffset);
3072 | curOffset = long(curFile.offset);
3073 | resOffset = long(curTest.cbOffset);
3074 | if curOffset != resOffset:
3075 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Initial offset on open does not match: Got %d, expected %d' \
3076 | % (i, curOffset, resOffset));
3077 | fRc = False;
3078 | else:
3079 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
3080 | curFile = curGuestSession.fileOpen(curTest.sFile, curTest.getAccessMode(), curTest.getOpenAction(),
3081 | curTest.lCreationMode);
3082 | else:
3083 | curFile = curGuestSession.fileOpen(curTest.sFile, curTest.sOpenMode, curTest.sDisposition, \
3084 | curTest.lCreationMode);
3085 | if fRc \
3086 | and curTest.cbToReadWrite > 0:
3087 | ## @todo Split this up in 64K reads. Later.
3088 | ## @todo Test timeouts.
3089 | aBufRead = curFile.read(curTest.cbToReadWrite, 30 * 1000);
3090 | if curRes.cbProcessed > 0 \
3091 | and curRes.cbProcessed is not len(aBufRead):
3092 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Read buffer length does not match: Got %d, expected %d' \
3093 | % (i, len(aBufRead), curRes.cbProcessed));
3094 | fRc = False;
3095 | if fRc:
3096 | if curRes.aBuf is not None \
3097 | and bytes(curRes.aBuf) != bytes(aBufRead):
3098 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got buffer\n%s (%d bytes), expected\n%s (%d bytes)' \
3099 | % (i, map(hex, map(ord, aBufRead)), len(aBufRead), \
3100 | map(hex, map(ord, curRes.aBuf)), len(curRes.aBuf)));
3101 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got buffer\n%s, expected\n%s' \
3102 | % (i, aBufRead, curRes.aBuf));
3103 | fRc = False;
3104 | # Test final offset.
3105 | curOffset = long(curFile.offset);
3106 | resOffset = long(curRes.cbOffset);
3107 | if curOffset != resOffset:
3108 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Final offset does not match: Got %d, expected %d' \
3109 | % (i, curOffset, resOffset));
3110 | fRc = False;
3111 | curFile.close();
3112 | except:
3113 | reporter.logXcpt('Opening "%s" failed:' % (curTest.sFile,));
3114 | fRc = False;
3115 |
3116 | curTest.closeSession();
3117 |
3118 | if fRc != curRes.fRc:
3119 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %s, expected %s' % (i, fRc, curRes.fRc));
3120 | fRc = False;
3121 | break;
3122 |
3123 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
3124 |
3125 | def testGuestCtrlFileWrite(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
3126 | """
3127 | Tests writing to guest files.
3128 | """
3129 |
3130 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3131 | sUser = "Administrator";
3132 | else:
3133 | sUser = "vbox";
3134 | sPassword = "password";
3135 |
3136 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3137 | sScratch = "C:\\Temp\\vboxtest\\testGuestCtrlFileWrite\\";
3138 |
3139 | if oTxsSession.syncMkDir('${SCRATCH}/testGuestCtrlFileWrite') is False:
3140 | reporter.error('Could not create scratch directory on guest');
3141 | return (False, oTxsSession);
3142 |
3143 | aaTests = [];
3144 |
3145 | cScratchBuf = 512;
3146 | aScratchBuf = array('b', [random.randint(-128, 127) for i in range(cScratchBuf)]);
3147 | aaTests.extend([
3148 | # Write to a non-existing file.
3149 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = sScratch + 'testGuestCtrlFileWrite.txt', \
3150 | sOpenMode = 'w+', sDisposition = 'ce', cbToReadWrite = cScratchBuf,
3151 | aBuf = aScratchBuf),
3152 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = True, aBuf = aScratchBuf, \
3153 | cbProcessed = cScratchBuf, cbOffset = cScratchBuf) ]
3154 | ]);
3155 |
3156 | aScratchBuf2 = array('b', [random.randint(-128, 127) for i in range(cScratchBuf)]);
3157 | aaTests.extend([
3158 | # Append the same amount of data to the just created file.
3159 | [ tdTestFileReadWrite(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sFile = sScratch + 'testGuestCtrlFileWrite.txt', \
3160 | sOpenMode = 'w+', sDisposition = 'oa', cbToReadWrite = cScratchBuf,
3161 | cbOffset = cScratchBuf, aBuf = aScratchBuf2),
3162 | tdTestResultFileReadWrite(fRc = True, aBuf = aScratchBuf2, \
3163 | cbProcessed = cScratchBuf, cbOffset = cScratchBuf * 2) ],
3164 | ]);
3165 |
3166 | fRc = True;
3167 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
3168 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestFileReadWrite, use an index, later.
3169 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
3170 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, sFile="%s", cbToReadWrite=%d, sOpenMode="%s", sDisposition="%s", cbOffset=%d ...' % \
3171 | (i, curTest.sFile, curTest.cbToReadWrite, curTest.sOpenMode, curTest.sDisposition, curTest.cbOffset));
3172 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
3173 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlFileWrite: Test #%d' % (i,));
3174 | if fRc is False:
3175 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
3176 | break;
3177 | try:
3178 | if curTest.cbOffset > 0: # The offset parameter is gone.
3179 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
3180 | curFile = curGuestSession.fileOpenEx(curTest.sFile, curTest.getAccessMode(), curTest.getOpenAction(),
3181 | curTest.getSharingMode(), []);
3182 | curFile.seek(curTest.cbOffset, vboxcon.FileSeekOrigin_Begin);
3183 | else:
3184 | curFile = curGuestSession.fileOpenEx(curTest.sFile, curTest.sOpenMode, curTest.sDisposition, \
3185 | curTest.sSharingMode, curTest.lCreationMode, curTest.cbOffset);
3186 | curOffset = long(curFile.offset);
3187 | resOffset = long(curTest.cbOffset);
3188 | if curOffset != resOffset:
3189 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Initial offset on open does not match: Got %d, expected %d' \
3190 | % (i, curOffset, resOffset));
3191 | fRc = False;
3192 | else:
3193 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
3194 | curFile = curGuestSession.fileOpen(curTest.sFile, curTest.getAccessMode(), curTest.getOpenAction(),
3195 | curTest.lCreationMode);
3196 | else:
3197 | curFile = curGuestSession.fileOpen(curTest.sFile, curTest.sOpenMode, curTest.sDisposition, \
3198 | curTest.lCreationMode);
3199 | if fRc \
3200 | and curTest.cbToReadWrite > 0:
3201 | ## @todo Split this up in 64K writes. Later.
3202 | ## @todo Test timeouts.
3203 | cBytesWritten = curFile.write(curTest.aBuf, 30 * 1000);
3204 | if curRes.cbProcessed > 0 \
3205 | and curRes.cbProcessed != cBytesWritten:
3206 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Written buffer length does not match: Got %d, expected %d' \
3207 | % (i, cBytesWritten, curRes.cbProcessed));
3208 | fRc = False;
3209 | if fRc:
3210 | # Verify written content by seeking back to the initial offset and
3211 | # re-read & compare the written data.
3212 | try:
3213 | if self.oTstDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
3214 | curFile.seek(-(curTest.cbToReadWrite), vboxcon.FileSeekOrigin_Current);
3215 | else:
3216 | curFile.seek(-(curTest.cbToReadWrite), vboxcon.FileSeekType_Current);
3217 | except:
3218 | reporter.logXcpt('Seeking back to initial write position failed:');
3219 | fRc = False;
3220 | if fRc \
3221 | and long(curFile.offset) != curTest.cbOffset:
3222 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Initial write position does not match current position, \
3223 | got %d, expected %d' \
3224 | % (i, long(curFile.offset), curTest.cbOffset));
3225 | fRc = False;
3226 | if fRc:
3227 | aBufRead = curFile.read(curTest.cbToReadWrite, 30 * 1000);
3228 | if len(aBufRead) != curTest.cbToReadWrite:
3229 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got buffer length %d, expected %d' \
3230 | % (i, len(aBufRead), curTest.cbToReadWrite));
3231 | fRc = False;
3232 | if fRc \
3233 | and curRes.aBuf is not None \
3234 | and buffer(curRes.aBuf) != aBufRead:
3235 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got buffer\n%s, expected\n%s' \
3236 | % (i, aBufRead, curRes.aBuf));
3237 | fRc = False;
3238 | # Test final offset.
3239 | curOffset = long(curFile.offset);
3240 | resOffset = long(curRes.cbOffset);
3241 | if curOffset != resOffset:
3242 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Final offset does not match: Got %d, expected %d' \
3243 | % (i, curOffset, resOffset));
3244 | fRc = False;
3245 | curFile.close();
3246 | except:
3247 | reporter.logXcpt('Opening "%s" failed:' % (curTest.sFile,));
3248 | fRc = False;
3249 |
3250 | curTest.closeSession();
3251 |
3252 | if fRc != curRes.fRc:
3253 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %s, expected %s' % (i, fRc, curRes.fRc));
3254 | fRc = False;
3255 | break;
3256 |
3257 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
3258 |
3259 | def testGuestCtrlCopyTo(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm):
3260 | """
3261 | Tests copying files from host to the guest.
3262 | """
3263 |
3264 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3265 | sUser = "Administrator";
3266 | else:
3267 | sUser = "vbox";
3268 | sPassword = "password";
3269 |
3270 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3271 | sScratch = "C:\\Temp\\vboxtest\\testGuestCtrlCopyTo\\";
3272 |
3273 | if oTxsSession.syncMkDir('${SCRATCH}/testGuestCtrlCopyTo') is False:
3274 | reporter.error('Could not create scratch directory on guest');
3275 | return (False, oTxsSession);
3276 |
3277 | # Some stupid trickery to guess the location of the iso.
3278 | sVBoxValidationKitISO = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../VBoxValidationKit.iso'));
3279 | if not os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3280 | sVBoxValidationKitISO = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../VBoxTestSuite.iso'));
3281 | if not os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3282 | sCur = os.getcwd();
3283 | for i in range(0, 10):
3284 | sVBoxValidationKitISO = os.path.join(sCur, 'validationkit/VBoxValidationKit.iso');
3285 | if os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3286 | break;
3287 | sVBoxValidationKitISO = os.path.join(sCur, 'testsuite/VBoxTestSuite.iso');
3288 | if os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3289 | break;
3290 | sCur = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sCur, '..'));
3291 | if i is None: pass; # shut up pychecker/pylint.
3292 | if os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3293 | reporter.log('Validation Kit .ISO found at: %s' % (sVBoxValidationKitISO,));
3294 | else:
3295 | reporter.log('Warning: Validation Kit .ISO not found -- some tests might fail');
3296 |
3297 | aaTests = [];
3298 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3299 | aaTests.extend([
3300 | # Destination missing.
3301 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = ''),
3302 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3303 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows',
3304 | aFlags = [ 1234 ] ),
3305 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3306 | # Source missing.
3307 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDst = ''),
3308 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3309 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDst = 'C:\\Windows',
3310 | aFlags = [ 1234 ] ),
3311 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3312 | # Nothing to copy (source and/or destination is empty).
3313 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'z:\\'),
3314 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3315 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = '\\\\uncrulez\\foo'),
3316 |
3317 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3318 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'non-exist',
3319 | sDst = os.path.join(sScratch, 'non-exist.dll')),
3320 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3321 | # Copying single files.
3322 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = sVBoxValidationKitISO,
3323 | sDst = 'C:\\non-exist\\'),
3324 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3325 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = sVBoxValidationKitISO,
3326 | sDst = 'C:\\non\\exist\\'),
3327 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3328 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = sVBoxValidationKitISO,
3329 | sDst = 'C:\\non\\exist\\renamedfile.dll'),
3330 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3331 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = sVBoxValidationKitISO,
3332 | sDst = os.path.join(sScratch, 'HostGuestAdditions.iso')),
3333 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
3334 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = sVBoxValidationKitISO,
3335 | sDst = os.path.join(sScratch, 'HostGuestAdditions.iso')),
3336 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
3337 | # Destination is a directory, should fail.
3338 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = sVBoxValidationKitISO,
3339 | sDst = sScratch),
3340 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ]
3341 | ## @todo Add testing the CopyTo flags here!
3342 | ]);
3343 |
3344 | if self.oTstDrv.sHost == 'win':
3345 | ## @todo Check for Windows (7) host.
3346 | aaTests.extend([
3347 | # Copying directories with contain files we don't have read access to.
3348 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows\\security',
3349 | sDst = sScratch),
3350 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3351 | # Copying directories with regular files.
3352 | [ tdTestCopyTo(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows\\Help',
3353 | sDst = sScratch),
3354 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ]
3355 | ]);
3356 | else:
3357 | reporter.log('No OS-specific tests for non-Windows yet!');
3358 |
3359 | fRc = True;
3360 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
3361 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
3362 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
3363 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, sSrc="%s", sDst="%s", aFlags="%s" ...' % \
3364 | (i, curTest.sSrc, curTest.sDst, curTest.aFlags));
3365 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
3366 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlCopyTo: Test #%d' % (i,));
3367 | if fRc is False:
3368 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
3369 | break;
3370 | fRc2 = self.gctrlCopyTo(curTest, curGuestSession);
3371 | curTest.closeSession();
3372 | if fRc2 is curRes.fRc:
3373 | ## @todo Verify the copied results (size, checksum?).
3374 | pass;
3375 | else:
3376 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %s, expected %s' % (i, fRc2, curRes.fRc));
3377 | fRc = False;
3378 | break;
3379 |
3380 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
3381 |
3382 | def testGuestCtrlCopyFrom(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
3383 | """
3384 | Tests copying files from guest to the host.
3385 | """
3386 |
3387 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3388 | sUser = "Administrator";
3389 | else:
3390 | sUser = "vbox";
3391 | sPassword = "password";
3392 |
3393 | sScratch = os.path.join(self.oTstDrv.sScratchPath, "testGctrlCopyFrom");
3394 | try:
3395 | os.makedirs(sScratch);
3396 | except OSError as e:
3397 | if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
3398 | reporter.error('Failed: Unable to create scratch directory \"%s\"' % (sScratch,));
3399 | return (False, oTxsSession);
3400 | reporter.log('Scratch path is: %s' % (sScratch,));
3401 |
3402 | aaTests = [];
3403 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3404 | aaTests.extend([
3405 | # Destination missing.
3406 | [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = ''),
3407 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3408 | [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows',
3409 | aFlags = [ 1234 ] ),
3410 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3411 | # Source missing.
3412 | [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDst = ''),
3413 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3414 | [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sDst = 'C:\\Windows',
3415 | aFlags = [ 1234 ] ),
3416 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3417 | # Nothing to copy (sDst is empty / unreachable).
3418 | [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'z:\\'),
3419 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3420 | [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = '\\\\uncrulez\\foo'),
3421 |
3422 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3423 | [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'non-exist',
3424 | sDst = os.path.join(sScratch, 'non-exist.dll')),
3425 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ]
3426 | ## @todo Add testing the CopyFrom aFlags here!
3427 | ]);
3428 |
3429 | if self.oTstDrv.sHost == 'win':
3430 | aaTests.extend([
3431 | # FIXME: Failing test.
3432 | # Copying single files.
3433 | # [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\ole32.dll',
3434 | # sDst = 'C:\\non-exist\\'), tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3435 | # [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\ole32.dll',
3436 | # sDst = 'C:\\non\\exist\\'), tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3437 | # [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\ole32.dll',
3438 | # sDst = 'C:\\non\\exist\\renamedfile.dll'), tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3439 | # [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\ole32.dll',
3440 | # sDst = os.path.join(sScratch, 'renamedfile.dll')), tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
3441 | # [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\ole32.dll',
3442 | # sDst = os.path.join(sScratch, 'renamedfile.dll')), tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
3443 | # Destination is a directory, should fail.
3444 | [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\ole32.dll',
3445 | sDst = sScratch),
3446 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3447 | # Copying directories.
3448 | [ tdTestCopyFrom(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = 'C:\\Windows\\Web',
3449 | sDst = sScratch),
3450 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ]
3451 | ## @todo Add testing the CopyFrom aFlags here!
3452 | ]);
3453 | else:
3454 | reporter.log('No OS-specific tests for non-Windows yet!');
3455 |
3456 | fRc = True;
3457 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
3458 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
3459 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
3460 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, sSrc="%s", sDst="%s", aFlags="%s" ...' % \
3461 | (i, curTest.sSrc, curTest.sDst, curTest.aFlags));
3462 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
3463 | fRc, curGuestSession = curTest.createSession('testGuestCtrlCopyFrom: Test #%d' % (i,));
3464 | if fRc is False:
3465 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
3466 | break;
3467 | fRc2 = self.gctrlCopyFrom(curTest, curRes, curGuestSession);
3468 | curTest.closeSession();
3469 | if fRc2 is curRes.fRc:
3470 | ## @todo Verify the copied results (size, checksum?).
3471 | pass;
3472 | else:
3473 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %s, expected %s' % (i, fRc2, curRes.fRc));
3474 | fRc = False;
3475 | break;
3476 |
3477 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
3478 |
3479 | def testGuestCtrlUpdateAdditions(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914
3480 | """
3481 | Tests updating the Guest Additions inside the guest.
3482 | """
3483 |
3484 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3485 | sUser = "Administrator";
3486 | else:
3487 | sUser = "vbox";
3488 | sPassword = "password";
3489 |
3490 | # Some stupid trickery to guess the location of the iso.
3491 | sVBoxValidationKitISO = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../VBoxValidationKit.iso'));
3492 | if not os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3493 | sVBoxValidationKitISO = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../VBoxTestSuite.iso'));
3494 | if not os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3495 | sCur = os.getcwd();
3496 | for i in range(0, 10):
3497 | sVBoxValidationKitISO = os.path.join(sCur, 'validationkit/VBoxValidationKit.iso');
3498 | if os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3499 | break;
3500 | sVBoxValidationKitISO = os.path.join(sCur, 'testsuite/VBoxTestSuite.iso');
3501 | if os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3502 | break;
3503 | sCur = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sCur, '..'));
3504 | if i is None: pass; # shut up pychecker/pylint.
3505 | if os.path.isfile(sVBoxValidationKitISO):
3506 | reporter.log('Validation Kit .ISO found at: %s' % (sVBoxValidationKitISO,));
3507 | else:
3508 | reporter.log('Warning: Validation Kit .ISO not found -- some tests might fail');
3509 |
3510 | sScratch = os.path.join(self.oTstDrv.sScratchPath, "testGctrlUpdateAdditions");
3511 | try:
3512 | os.makedirs(sScratch);
3513 | except OSError as e:
3514 | if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
3515 | reporter.error('Failed: Unable to create scratch directory \"%s\"' % (sScratch,));
3516 | return (False, oTxsSession);
3517 | reporter.log('Scratch path is: %s' % (sScratch,));
3518 |
3519 | aaTests = [];
3520 | if oTestVm.isWindows():
3521 | aaTests.extend([
3522 | # Source is missing.
3523 | [ tdTestUpdateAdditions(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = ''),
3524 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3525 | # Wrong aFlags.
3526 | [ tdTestUpdateAdditions(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = self.oTstDrv.getGuestAdditionsIso(),
3527 | aFlags = [ 1234 ]),
3528 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3529 | # Non-existing .ISO.
3530 | [ tdTestUpdateAdditions(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = "non-existing.iso"),
3531 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3532 | # Wrong .ISO.
3533 | [ tdTestUpdateAdditions(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = sVBoxValidationKitISO),
3534 | tdTestResult(fRc = False) ],
3535 | # The real thing.
3536 | [ tdTestUpdateAdditions(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = self.oTstDrv.getGuestAdditionsIso()),
3537 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ],
3538 | # Test the (optional) installer arguments. This will extract the
3539 | # installer into our guest's scratch directory.
3540 | [ tdTestUpdateAdditions(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword, sSrc = self.oTstDrv.getGuestAdditionsIso(),
3541 | aArgs = [ '/extract', '/D=' + sScratch ]),
3542 | tdTestResult(fRc = True) ]
3543 | # Some debg ISO. Only enable locally.
3544 | #[ tdTestUpdateAdditions(sUser = sUser, sPassword = sPassword,
3545 | # sSrc = "V:\\Downloads\\VBoxGuestAdditions-r80354.iso"),
3546 | # tdTestResult(fRc = True) ]
3547 | ]);
3548 | else:
3549 | reporter.log('No OS-specific tests for non-Windows yet!');
3550 |
3551 | fRc = True;
3552 | for (i, aTest) in enumerate(aaTests):
3553 | curTest = aTest[0]; # tdTestExec, use an index, later.
3554 | curRes = aTest[1]; # tdTestResult
3555 | reporter.log('Testing #%d, sSrc="%s", aFlags="%s" ...' % \
3556 | (i, curTest.sSrc, curTest.aFlags));
3557 | curTest.setEnvironment(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
3558 | fRc, _ = curTest.createSession('Test #%d' % (i,));
3559 | if fRc is False:
3560 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Could not create session' % (i,));
3561 | break;
3562 | try:
3563 | curProgress = curTest.oTest.oGuest.updateGuestAdditions(curTest.sSrc, curTest.aArgs, curTest.aFlags);
3564 | if curProgress is not None:
3565 | oProgress = vboxwrappers.ProgressWrapper(curProgress, self.oTstDrv.oVBoxMgr, self, "gctrlUpGA");
3566 | try:
3567 | iRc = oProgress.waitForOperation(0, fIgnoreErrors = True);
3568 | if iRc != 0:
3569 | reporter.log('Waiting for updating Guest Additions failed');
3570 | fRc = False;
3571 | except:
3572 | reporter.logXcpt('Updating Guest Additions waiting exception for sSrc="%s", aFlags="%s":' \
3573 | % (curTest.sSrc, curTest.aFlags));
3574 | fRc = False;
3575 | except:
3576 | # Just log, don't assume an error here (will be done in the main loop then).
3577 | reporter.logXcpt('Updating Guest Additions exception for sSrc="%s", aFlags="%s":' \
3578 | % (curTest.sSrc, curTest.aFlags));
3579 | fRc = False;
3580 | curTest.closeSession();
3581 | if fRc is curRes.fRc:
3582 | if fRc:
3583 | ## @todo Verify if Guest Additions were really updated (build, revision, ...).
3584 | pass;
3585 | else:
3586 | reporter.error('Test #%d failed: Got %s, expected %s' % (i, fRc, curRes.fRc));
3587 | fRc = False;
3588 | break;
3589 |
3590 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
3591 |
3592 |
3593 |
3594 | class tdAddGuestCtrl(vbox.TestDriver): # pylint: disable=R0902,R0904
3595 | """
3596 | Guest control using VBoxService on the guest.
3597 | """
3598 |
3599 | def __init__(self):
3600 | vbox.TestDriver.__init__(self);
3601 | self.oTestVmSet = self.oTestVmManager.getStandardVmSet('nat');
3602 | self.fQuick = False; # Don't skip lengthly tests by default.
3603 | self.addSubTestDriver(SubTstDrvAddGuestCtrl(self));
3604 |
3605 | #
3606 | # Overridden methods.
3607 | #
3608 | def showUsage(self):
3609 | """
3610 | Shows the testdriver usage.
3611 | """
3612 | rc = vbox.TestDriver.showUsage(self);
3613 | reporter.log('');
3614 | reporter.log('tdAddGuestCtrl Options:');
3615 | reporter.log(' --quick');
3616 | reporter.log(' Same as --virt-modes hwvirt --cpu-counts 1.');
3617 | return rc;
3618 |
3619 | def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg): # pylint: disable=R0912,R0915
3620 | """
3621 | Parses the testdriver arguments from the command line.
3622 | """
3623 | if asArgs[iArg] == '--quick':
3624 | self.parseOption(['--virt-modes', 'hwvirt'], 0);
3625 | self.parseOption(['--cpu-counts', '1'], 0);
3626 | self.fQuick = True;
3627 | else:
3628 | return vbox.TestDriver.parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg);
3629 | return iArg + 1;
3630 |
3631 | def actionConfig(self):
3632 | if not self.importVBoxApi(): # So we can use the constant below.
3633 | return False;
3634 |
3635 | eNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT;
3636 | sGaIso = self.getGuestAdditionsIso();
3637 | return self.oTestVmSet.actionConfig(self, eNic0AttachType = eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage = sGaIso);
3638 |
3639 | def actionExecute(self):
3640 | return self.oTestVmSet.actionExecute(self, self.testOneCfg);
3641 |
3642 | #
3643 | # Test execution helpers.
3644 | #
3645 | def testOneCfg(self, oVM, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0915
3646 | """
3647 | Runs the specified VM thru the tests.
3648 |
3649 | Returns a success indicator on the general test execution. This is not
3650 | the actual test result.
3651 | """
3652 |
3653 | self.logVmInfo(oVM);
3654 |
3655 | fRc = True;
3656 | oSession, oTxsSession = self.startVmAndConnectToTxsViaTcp(oTestVm.sVmName, fCdWait = False);
3657 | reporter.log("TxsSession: %s" % (oTxsSession,));
3658 | if oSession is not None:
3659 | self.addTask(oSession);
3660 |
3661 | fManual = False; # Manual override for local testing. (Committed version shall be False.)
3662 | if not fManual:
3663 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.aoSubTstDrvs[0].testIt(oTestVm, oSession, oTxsSession);
3664 | else:
3665 | fRc, oTxsSession = self.testGuestCtrlManual(oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm);
3666 |
3667 | # Cleanup.
3668 | self.removeTask(oTxsSession);
3669 | if not fManual:
3670 | self.terminateVmBySession(oSession);
3671 | else:
3672 | fRc = False;
3673 | return fRc;
3674 |
3675 | def gctrlReportError(self, progress):
3676 | """
3677 | Helper function to report an error of a
3678 | given progress object.
3679 | """
3680 | if progress is None:
3681 | reporter.log('No progress object to print error for');
3682 | else:
3683 | errInfo = progress.errorInfo;
3684 | if errInfo:
3685 | reporter.log('%s' % (errInfo.text,));
3686 | return False;
3687 |
3688 | def gctrlGetRemainingTime(self, msTimeout, msStart):
3689 | """
3690 | Helper function to return the remaining time (in ms)
3691 | based from a timeout value and the start time (both in ms).
3692 | """
3693 | if msTimeout is 0:
3694 | return 0xFFFFFFFE; # Wait forever.
3695 | msElapsed = base.timestampMilli() - msStart;
3696 | if msElapsed > msTimeout:
3697 | return 0; # No time left.
3698 | return msTimeout - msElapsed;
3699 |
3700 | def testGuestCtrlManual(self, oSession, oTxsSession, oTestVm): # pylint: disable=R0914,R0915,W0613,W0612
3701 | """
3702 | For manually testing certain bits.
3703 | """
3704 |
3705 | reporter.log('Manual testing ...');
3706 | fRc = True;
3707 |
3708 | sUser = 'Administrator';
3709 | sPassword = 'password';
3710 |
3711 | oGuest = oSession.o.console.guest;
3712 | oGuestSession = oGuest.createSession(sUser,
3713 | sPassword,
3714 | "", "Manual Test");
3715 |
3716 | aWaitFor = [ vboxcon.GuestSessionWaitForFlag_Start ];
3717 | _ = oGuestSession.waitForArray(aWaitFor, 30 * 1000);
3718 |
3719 | sCmd = 'c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe';
3720 | aArgs = [ sCmd, '/C', 'dir', '/S', 'c:\\windows' ];
3721 | aEnv = [];
3722 | aFlags = [];
3723 |
3724 | for _ in range(100):
3725 | oProc = oGuestSession.processCreate(sCmd, aArgs if self.fpApiVer >= 5.0 else aArgs[1:],
3726 | aEnv, aFlags, 30 * 1000);
3727 |
3728 | aWaitFor = [ vboxcon.ProcessWaitForFlag_Terminate ];
3729 | _ = oProc.waitForArray(aWaitFor, 30 * 1000);
3730 |
3731 | oGuestSession.close();
3732 | oGuestSession = None;
3733 |
3734 | time.sleep(5);
3735 |
3736 | oSession.o.console.PowerDown();
3737 |
3738 | return (fRc, oTxsSession);
3739 |
3740 | if __name__ == '__main__':
3741 | sys.exit(tdAddGuestCtrl().main(sys.argv));
3742 |