1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: wuihlpgraphgooglechart.py 82968 2020-02-04 10:35:17Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | Test Manager Web-UI - Graph Helpers - Implemented using Google Charts.
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 82968 $"
30 |
31 | # Validation Kit imports.
32 | from common import utils, webutils;
33 | from testmanager.webui.wuihlpgraphbase import WuiHlpGraphBase;
34 |
35 |
36 | #*******************************************************************************
37 | #* Global Variables *
38 | #*******************************************************************************
39 | g_cGraphs = 0;
40 |
41 | class WuiHlpGraphGoogleChartsBase(WuiHlpGraphBase):
42 | """ Base class for the Google Charts graphs. """
43 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
44 |
45 |
46 | class WuiHlpBarGraph(WuiHlpGraphGoogleChartsBase):
47 | """
48 | Bar graph.
49 | """
50 |
51 | def __init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp = None):
52 | WuiHlpGraphGoogleChartsBase.__init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp);
53 | self.fpMax = None;
54 | self.fpMin = 0.0;
55 | self.fYInverted = False;
56 |
57 | def setRangeMax(self, fpMax):
58 | """ Sets the max range."""
59 | self.fpMax = float(fpMax);
60 | return None;
61 |
62 | def invertYDirection(self):
63 | """ Inverts the direction of the Y-axis direction. """
64 | self.fYInverted = True;
65 | return None;
66 |
67 | def renderGraph(self):
68 | aoTable = self._oData.aoTable # type: WuiHlpGraphDataTable
69 |
70 | # Seems material (google.charts.Bar) cannot change the direction on the Y-axis,
71 | # so we cannot get bars growing downwards from the top like we want for the
72 | # reports. The classic charts OTOH cannot put X-axis labels on the top, but
73 | # we just drop them all together instead, saving a little space.
74 | fUseMaterial = False;
75 |
76 | # Unique on load function.
77 | global g_cGraphs;
78 | iGraph = g_cGraphs;
79 | g_cGraphs += 1;
80 |
81 | sHtml = '<div id="%s">\n' % ( self._sId, );
82 | sHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>\n' \
83 | '<script type="text/javascript">\n' \
84 | 'google.charts.load("current", { packages: ["corechart", "bar"] });\n' \
85 | 'google.setOnLoadCallback(tmDrawBarGraph%u);\n' \
86 | 'function tmDrawBarGraph%u()\n' \
87 | '{\n' \
88 | ' var oGraph;\n' \
89 | ' var dGraphOptions = \n' \
90 | ' {\n' \
91 | ' "title": "%s",\n' \
92 | ' "hAxis": {\n' \
93 | ' "title": "%s",\n' \
94 | ' },\n' \
95 | ' "vAxis": {\n' \
96 | ' "direction": %s,\n' \
97 | ' },\n' \
98 | % ( iGraph,
99 | iGraph,
100 | webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(self._sTitle) if self._sTitle is not None else '',
101 | webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(aoTable[0].sName) if aoTable and aoTable[0].sName else '',
102 | '-1' if self.fYInverted else '1',
103 | );
104 | if fUseMaterial and self.fYInverted:
105 | sHtml += ' "axes": { "x": { 0: { "side": "top" } }, "y": { "0": { "direction": -1, }, }, },\n';
106 | sHtml += ' };\n';
107 |
108 | # The data.
109 | if self._oData.fHasStringValues and len(aoTable) > 1:
110 | sHtml += ' var oData = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n';
111 | # Column definitions.
112 | sHtml += ' oData.addColumn("string", "%s");\n' \
113 | % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(aoTable[0].sName) if aoTable[0].sName else '',);
114 | for iValue, oValue in enumerate(aoTable[0].aoValues):
115 | oSampleValue = aoTable[1].aoValues[iValue];
116 | if utils.isString(oSampleValue):
117 | sHtml += ' oData.addColumn("string", "%s");\n' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oValue),);
118 | else:
119 | sHtml += ' oData.addColumn("number", "%s");\n' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oValue),);
120 | sHtml += ' oData.addColumn({type: "string", role: "annotation"});\n';
121 | # The data rows.
122 | sHtml += ' oData.addRows([\n';
123 | for oRow in aoTable[1:]:
124 | if oRow.sName:
125 | sRow = ' [ "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oRow.sName),);
126 | else:
127 | sRow = ' [ null';
128 | for iValue, oValue in enumerate(oRow.aoValues):
129 | if not utils.isString(oValue):
130 | sRow += ', %s' % (oValue,);
131 | else:
132 | sRow += ', "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oValue),);
133 | if oRow.asValues[iValue]:
134 | sRow += ', "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oRow.asValues[iValue]),);
135 | else:
136 | sRow += ', null';
137 | sHtml += sRow + '],\n';
138 | sHtml += ' ]);\n';
139 | else:
140 | sHtml += ' var oData = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\n';
141 | for oRow in aoTable:
142 | sRow = ' [ "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oRow.sName),);
143 | for oValue in oRow.aoValues:
144 | if utils.isString(oValue):
145 | sRow += ', "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oValue),);
146 | else:
147 | sRow += ', %s' % (oValue,);
148 | sHtml += sRow + '],\n';
149 | sHtml += ' ]);\n';
150 |
151 | # Create and draw.
152 | if not fUseMaterial:
153 | sHtml += ' oGraph = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById("%s"));\n' \
154 | ' oGraph.draw(oData, dGraphOptions);\n' \
155 | % ( self._sId, );
156 | else:
157 | sHtml += ' oGraph = new google.charts.Bar(document.getElementById("%s"));\n' \
158 | ' oGraph.draw(oData, google.charts.Bar.convertOptions(dGraphOptions));\n' \
159 | % ( self._sId, );
160 |
161 | # clean and return.
162 | sHtml += ' oData = null;\n' \
163 | ' return true;\n' \
164 | '};\n';
165 |
166 | sHtml += '</script>\n' \
167 | '</div>\n';
168 | return sHtml;
169 |
170 |
171 | class WuiHlpLineGraph(WuiHlpGraphGoogleChartsBase):
172 | """
173 | Line graph.
174 | """
175 |
176 | ## @todo implement error bars.
177 | kfNoErrorBarsSupport = True;
178 |
179 | def __init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp = None, fErrorBarY = False):
180 | # oData must be a WuiHlpGraphDataTableEx like object.
181 | WuiHlpGraphGoogleChartsBase.__init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp);
182 | self._cMaxErrorBars = 12;
183 | self._fErrorBarY = fErrorBarY;
184 |
185 | def setErrorBarY(self, fEnable):
186 | """ Enables or Disables error bars, making this work like a line graph. """
187 | self._fErrorBarY = fEnable;
188 | return True;
189 |
190 | def renderGraph(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
191 | fSlideFilter = True;
192 |
193 | # Tooltips?
194 | cTooltips = 0;
195 | for oSeries in self._oData.aoSeries:
196 | cTooltips += oSeries.asHtmlTooltips is not None;
197 |
198 | # Unique on load function.
199 | global g_cGraphs;
200 | iGraph = g_cGraphs;
201 | g_cGraphs += 1;
202 |
203 | sHtml = '<div id="%s">\n' % ( self._sId, );
204 | if fSlideFilter:
205 | sHtml += ' <table><tr><td><div id="%s_graph"/></td></tr><tr><td><div id="%s_filter"/></td></tr></table>\n' \
206 | % ( self._sId, self._sId, );
207 |
208 | sHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>\n' \
209 | '<script type="text/javascript">\n' \
210 | 'google.load("visualization", "1.0", { packages: ["corechart"%s] });\n' \
211 | 'google.setOnLoadCallback(tmDrawLineGraph%u);\n' \
212 | 'function tmDrawLineGraph%u()\n' \
213 | '{\n' \
214 | ' var fnResize;\n' \
215 | ' var fnRedraw;\n' \
216 | ' var idRedrawTimer = null;\n' \
217 | ' var cxCur = getElementWidthById("%s") - 20;\n' \
218 | ' var oGraph;\n' \
219 | ' var oData = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n' \
220 | ' var fpXYRatio = %u / %u;\n' \
221 | ' var dGraphOptions = \n' \
222 | ' {\n' \
223 | ' "title": "%s",\n' \
224 | ' "width": cxCur,\n' \
225 | ' "height": Math.round(cxCur / fpXYRatio),\n' \
226 | ' "pointSize": 2,\n' \
227 | ' "fontSize": %u,\n' \
228 | ' "hAxis": { "title": "%s", "minorGridlines": { count: 5 }},\n' \
229 | ' "vAxis": { "title": "%s", "minorGridlines": { count: 5 }},\n' \
230 | ' "theme": "maximized",\n' \
231 | ' "tooltip": { "isHtml": %s }\n' \
232 | ' };\n' \
233 | % ( ', "controls"' if fSlideFilter else '',
234 | iGraph,
235 | iGraph,
236 | self._sId,
237 | self._cxGraph, self._cyGraph,
238 | self._sTitle if self._sTitle is not None else '',
239 | self._cPtFont * self._cDpiGraph / 72, # fudge
240 | self._oData.sXUnit if self._oData.sXUnit else '',
241 | self._oData.sYUnit if self._oData.sYUnit else '',
242 | 'true' if cTooltips > 0 else 'false',
243 | );
244 | if fSlideFilter:
245 | sHtml += ' var oDashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard(document.getElementById("%s"));\n' \
246 | ' var oSlide = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({\n' \
247 | ' "controlType": "NumberRangeFilter",\n' \
248 | ' "containerId": "%s_filter",\n' \
249 | ' "options": {\n' \
250 | ' "filterColumnIndex": 0,\n' \
251 | ' "ui": { "width": getElementWidthById("%s") / 2 }, \n' \
252 | ' }\n' \
253 | ' });\n' \
254 | % ( self._sId,
255 | self._sId,
256 | self._sId,);
257 |
258 | # Data variables.
259 | for iSeries, oSeries in enumerate(self._oData.aoSeries):
260 | sHtml += ' var aSeries%u = [\n' % (iSeries,);
261 | if oSeries.asHtmlTooltips is None:
262 | sHtml += '[%s,%s]' % ( oSeries.aoXValues[0], oSeries.aoYValues[0],);
263 | for i in range(1, len(oSeries.aoXValues)):
264 | if (i & 16) == 0: sHtml += '\n';
265 | sHtml += ',[%s,%s]' % ( oSeries.aoXValues[i], oSeries.aoYValues[i], );
266 | else:
267 | sHtml += '[%s,%s,"%s"]' \
268 | % ( oSeries.aoXValues[0], oSeries.aoYValues[0],
269 | webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oSeries.asHtmlTooltips[0]),);
270 | for i in range(1, len(oSeries.aoXValues)):
271 | if (i & 16) == 0: sHtml += '\n';
272 | sHtml += ',[%s,%s,"%s"]' \
273 | % ( oSeries.aoXValues[i], oSeries.aoYValues[i],
274 | webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oSeries.asHtmlTooltips[i]),);
275 |
276 | sHtml += '];\n'
277 |
278 | sHtml += ' oData.addColumn("number", "%s");\n' % (self._oData.sXUnit if self._oData.sXUnit else '',);
279 | cVColumns = 0;
280 | for oSeries in self._oData.aoSeries:
281 | sHtml += ' oData.addColumn("number", "%s");\n' % (oSeries.sName,);
282 | if oSeries.asHtmlTooltips:
283 | sHtml += ' oData.addColumn({"type": "string", "role": "tooltip", "p": {"html": true}});\n';
284 | cVColumns += 1;
285 | cVColumns += 1;
286 | sHtml += 'var i;\n'
287 |
288 | cVColumsDone = 0;
289 | for iSeries, oSeries in enumerate(self._oData.aoSeries):
290 | sVar = 'aSeries%u' % (iSeries,);
291 | sHtml += ' for (i = 0; i < %s.length; i++)\n' \
292 | ' {\n' \
293 | ' oData.addRow([%s[i][0]%s,%s[i][1]%s%s]);\n' \
294 | % ( sVar,
295 | sVar,
296 | ',null' * cVColumsDone,
297 | sVar,
298 | '' if oSeries.asHtmlTooltips is None else ',%s[i][2]' % (sVar,),
299 | ',null' * (cVColumns - cVColumsDone - 1 - (oSeries.asHtmlTooltips is not None)),
300 | );
301 | sHtml += ' }\n' \
302 | ' %s = null\n' \
303 | % (sVar,);
304 | cVColumsDone += 1 + (oSeries.asHtmlTooltips is not None);
305 |
306 | # Create and draw.
307 | if fSlideFilter:
308 | sHtml += ' oGraph = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({\n' \
309 | ' "chartType": "LineChart",\n' \
310 | ' "containerId": "%s_graph",\n' \
311 | ' "options": dGraphOptions\n' \
312 | ' });\n' \
313 | ' oDashboard.bind(oSlide, oGraph);\n' \
314 | ' oDashboard.draw(oData);\n' \
315 | % ( self._sId, );
316 | else:
317 | sHtml += ' oGraph = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById("%s"));\n' \
318 | ' oGraph.draw(oData, dGraphOptions);\n' \
319 | % ( self._sId, );
320 |
321 | # Register a resize handler for redrawing the graph, using a timer to delay it.
322 | sHtml += ' fnRedraw = function() {\n' \
323 | ' var cxNew = getElementWidthById("%s") - 6;\n' \
324 | ' if (Math.abs(cxNew - cxCur) > 8)\n' \
325 | ' {\n' \
326 | ' cxCur = cxNew;\n' \
327 | ' dGraphOptions["width"] = cxNew;\n' \
328 | ' dGraphOptions["height"] = Math.round(cxNew / fpXYRatio);\n' \
329 | ' oGraph.draw(oData, dGraphOptions);\n' \
330 | ' }\n' \
331 | ' clearTimeout(idRedrawTimer);\n' \
332 | ' idRedrawTimer = null;\n' \
333 | ' return true;\n' \
334 | ' };\n' \
335 | ' fnResize = function() {\n' \
336 | ' if (idRedrawTimer != null) { clearTimeout(idRedrawTimer); } \n' \
337 | ' idRedrawTimer = setTimeout(fnRedraw, 512);\n' \
338 | ' return true;\n' \
339 | ' };\n' \
340 | ' if (window.attachEvent)\n' \
341 | ' { window.attachEvent("onresize", fnResize); }\n' \
342 | ' else if (window.addEventListener)\n' \
343 | ' { window.addEventListener("resize", fnResize, true); }\n' \
344 | % ( self._sId, );
345 |
346 | # clean up what the callbacks don't need.
347 | sHtml += ' oData = null;\n' \
348 | ' aaaSeries = null;\n';
349 |
350 | # done;
351 | sHtml += ' return true;\n' \
352 | '};\n';
353 |
354 | sHtml += '</script>\n' \
355 | '</div>\n';
356 | return sHtml;
357 |
358 |
359 | class WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY(WuiHlpLineGraph):
360 | """
361 | Line graph with an errorbar for the Y axis.
362 | """
363 |
364 | def __init__(self, sId, oData, oDisp = None):
365 | WuiHlpLineGraph.__init__(self, sId, oData, fErrorBarY = True);
366 |