# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: wuihlpform.py 83364 2020-03-23 09:47:01Z vboxsync $
Test Manager Web-UI - Form Helpers.
__copyright__ = \
Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Oracle Corporation
This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
(CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
__version__ = "$Revision: 83364 $"
# Standard python imports.
import copy;
import sys;
# Validation Kit imports.
from common import utils;
from common.webutils import escapeAttr, escapeElem;
from testmanager import config;
from testmanager.core.schedgroup import SchedGroupMemberData, SchedGroupDataEx;
from testmanager.core.testcaseargs import TestCaseArgsData;
from testmanager.core.testgroup import TestGroupMemberData, TestGroupDataEx;
from testmanager.core.testbox import TestBoxDataForSchedGroup;
# Python 3 hacks:
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
unicode = str; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
class WuiHlpForm(object):
Helper for constructing a form.
ksItemsList = 'ksItemsList'
ksOnSubmit_AddReturnToFieldWithCurrentUrl = '+AddReturnToFieldWithCurrentUrl+';
def __init__(self, sId, sAction, dErrors = None, fReadOnly = False, sOnSubmit = None):
self._fFinalized = False;
self._fReadOnly = fReadOnly;
self._dErrors = dErrors if dErrors is not None else dict();
if sOnSubmit == self.ksOnSubmit_AddReturnToFieldWithCurrentUrl:
sOnSubmit = u'return addRedirectToInputFieldWithCurrentUrl(this)';
if sOnSubmit is None: sOnSubmit = u'';
else: sOnSubmit = u' onsubmit=\"%s\"' % (escapeAttr(sOnSubmit),);
self._sBody = u'\n' \
\n' \
u' \n');
# Text input fields.
def addText(self, sName, sValue, sLabel, sSubClass = 'string', sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a text input."""
if self._fReadOnly:
return self.addTextRO(sName, sValue, sLabel, sSubClass, sExtraAttribs);
if sSubClass not in ('int', 'long', 'string', 'uuid', 'timestamp', 'wide'): raise Exception(sSubClass);
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel, sSubClass);
if sValue is None: sValue = '';
return self._add(u' %s\n'
u' \n'
u' \n'
% ( escapeAttr(sName), escapeAttr(sName), sExtraAttribs, escapeAttr(unicode(sValue)), sPostHtml ));
def addTextRO(self, sName, sValue, sLabel, sSubClass = 'string', sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a read-only text input."""
if sSubClass not in ('int', 'long', 'string', 'uuid', 'timestamp', 'wide'): raise Exception(sSubClass);
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel, sSubClass);
if sValue is None: sValue = '';
return self._add(u' '
u' \n'
u' \n'
% ( escapeAttr(sName), escapeAttr(sName), sExtraAttribs, escapeAttr(unicode(sValue)), sPostHtml ));
def addWideText(self, sName, sValue, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a wide text input."""
return self.addText(sName, sValue, sLabel, 'wide', sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml = sPostHtml);
def addWideTextRO(self, sName, sValue, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a wide read-only text input."""
return self.addTextRO(sName, sValue, sLabel, 'wide', sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml = sPostHtml);
def _adjustMultilineTextAttribs(self, sExtraAttribs, sValue):
""" Internal helper for setting good default sizes for textarea based on content."""
if sExtraAttribs.find('cols') < 0 and sExtraAttribs.find('width') < 0:
sExtraAttribs = 'cols="96%" ' + sExtraAttribs;
if sExtraAttribs.find('rows') < 0 and sExtraAttribs.find('width') < 0:
if sValue is None: sValue = '';
else: sValue = sValue.strip();
cRows = sValue.count('\n') + (not sValue.endswith('\n'));
if cRows * 80 < len(sValue):
cRows += 2;
cRows = max(min(cRows, 16), 2);
sExtraAttribs = ('rows="%s" ' % (cRows,)) + sExtraAttribs;
return sExtraAttribs;
def addMultilineText(self, sName, sValue, sLabel, sSubClass = 'string', sExtraAttribs = ''):
"""Adds a multiline text input."""
if self._fReadOnly:
return self.addMultilineTextRO(sName, sValue, sLabel, sSubClass, sExtraAttribs);
if sSubClass not in ('int', 'long', 'string', 'uuid', 'timestamp'): raise Exception(sSubClass)
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel, sSubClass)
if sValue is None: sValue = '';
sNewValue = unicode(sValue) if not isinstance(sValue, list) else '\n'.join(sValue)
return self._add(u' \n'
u' \n'
u' \n'
% ( escapeAttr(sName), escapeAttr(sName), self._adjustMultilineTextAttribs(sExtraAttribs, sNewValue),
def addMultilineTextRO(self, sName, sValue, sLabel, sSubClass = 'string', sExtraAttribs = ''):
"""Adds a multiline read-only text input."""
if sSubClass not in ('int', 'long', 'string', 'uuid', 'timestamp'): raise Exception(sSubClass)
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel, sSubClass)
if sValue is None: sValue = '';
sNewValue = unicode(sValue) if not isinstance(sValue, list) else '\n'.join(sValue)
return self._add(u' \n'
u' \n'
u' \n'
% ( escapeAttr(sName), escapeAttr(sName), self._adjustMultilineTextAttribs(sExtraAttribs, sNewValue),
def addInt(self, sName, iValue, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds an integer input."""
return self.addText(sName, unicode(iValue), sLabel, 'int', sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml = sPostHtml);
def addIntRO(self, sName, iValue, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds an integer input."""
return self.addTextRO(sName, unicode(iValue), sLabel, 'int', sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml = sPostHtml);
def addLong(self, sName, lValue, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a long input."""
return self.addText(sName, unicode(lValue), sLabel, 'long', sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml = sPostHtml);
def addLongRO(self, sName, lValue, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a long input."""
return self.addTextRO(sName, unicode(lValue), sLabel, 'long', sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml = sPostHtml);
def addUuid(self, sName, uuidValue, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds an UUID input."""
return self.addText(sName, unicode(uuidValue), sLabel, 'uuid', sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml = sPostHtml);
def addUuidRO(self, sName, uuidValue, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a read-only UUID input."""
return self.addTextRO(sName, unicode(uuidValue), sLabel, 'uuid', sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml = sPostHtml);
def addTimestampRO(self, sName, sTimestamp, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a read-only database string timstamp input."""
return self.addTextRO(sName, sTimestamp, sLabel, 'timestamp', sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml = sPostHtml);
# Text areas.
# Combo boxes.
def addComboBox(self, sName, sSelected, sLabel, aoOptions, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a combo box."""
if self._fReadOnly:
return self.addComboBoxRO(sName, sSelected, sLabel, aoOptions, sExtraAttribs, sPostHtml);
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel, 'combobox');
self._add(' ' + sPostHtml + '\n'
u' \n'
u' \n');
def addComboBoxRO(self, sName, sSelected, sLabel, aoOptions, sExtraAttribs = '', sPostHtml = ''):
"""Adds a read-only combo box."""
self.addTextHidden(sName, sSelected);
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel, 'combobox-readonly');
self._add(u' ' + sPostHtml + '\n'
u' \n'
u' \n');
# Check boxes.
def _reinterpretBool(fValue):
"""Reinterprets a value as a boolean type."""
if fValue is not type(True):
if fValue is None:
fValue = False;
elif str(fValue) in ('True', 'true', '1'):
fValue = True;
fValue = False;
return fValue;
def addCheckBox(self, sName, fChecked, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = ''):
"""Adds an check box."""
if self._fReadOnly:
return self.addCheckBoxRO(sName, fChecked, sLabel, sExtraAttribs);
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel, 'checkbox');
fChecked = self._reinterpretBool(fChecked);
return self._add(u' \n'
u' \n'
u' \n'
% (escapeAttr(sName), escapeAttr(sName), ' checked' if fChecked else '', sExtraAttribs));
def addCheckBoxRO(self, sName, fChecked, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = ''):
"""Adds an readonly check box."""
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel, 'checkbox');
fChecked = self._reinterpretBool(fChecked);
# Hack Alert! The onclick and onkeydown are for preventing editing and fake readonly/disabled.
return self._add(u' \n'
u' \n'
u' \n'
% (escapeAttr(sName), escapeAttr(sName), ' checked' if fChecked else '', sExtraAttribs));
# List of items to check
def _addList(self, sName, aoRows, sLabel, fUseTable = False, sId = 'dummy', sExtraAttribs = ''):
Adds a list of items to check.
@param sName Name of HTML form element
@param aoRows List of [sValue, fChecked, sName] sub-arrays.
@param sLabel Label of HTML form element
fReadOnly = self._fReadOnly; ## @todo add this as a parameter.
if fReadOnly:
sExtraAttribs += ' readonly onclick="return false" onkeydown="return false"';
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel, 'list');
if not aoRows:
return self._add('No items')
sNameEscaped = escapeAttr(sName);
\n' % (escapeAttr(sId),));
if fUseTable:
for asRow in aoRows:
assert len(asRow) == 3; # Don't allow sloppy input data!
fChecked = self._reinterpretBool(asRow[1])
u' \n');
def addListOfOsArches(self, sName, aoOsArches, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = ''):
List of checkboxes for OS/ARCH selection.
asOsArches is a list of [sValue, fChecked, sName] sub-arrays.
return self._addList(sName, aoOsArches, sLabel, fUseTable = False, sId = 'tmform-checkbox-list-os-arches',
sExtraAttribs = sExtraAttribs);
def addListOfTypes(self, sName, aoTypes, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = ''):
List of checkboxes for build type selection.
aoTypes is a list of [sValue, fChecked, sName] sub-arrays.
return self._addList(sName, aoTypes, sLabel, fUseTable = False, sId = 'tmform-checkbox-list-build-types',
sExtraAttribs = sExtraAttribs);
def addListOfTestCases(self, sName, aoTestCases, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = ''):
List of checkboxes for test box (dependency) selection.
aoTestCases is a list of [sValue, fChecked, sName] sub-arrays.
return self._addList(sName, aoTestCases, sLabel, fUseTable = False, sId = 'tmform-checkbox-list-testcases',
sExtraAttribs = sExtraAttribs);
def addListOfResources(self, sName, aoTestCases, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = ''):
List of checkboxes for resource selection.
aoTestCases is a list of [sValue, fChecked, sName] sub-arrays.
return self._addList(sName, aoTestCases, sLabel, fUseTable = False, sId = 'tmform-checkbox-list-resources',
sExtraAttribs = sExtraAttribs);
def addListOfTestGroups(self, sName, aoTestGroups, sLabel, sExtraAttribs = ''):
List of checkboxes for test group selection.
aoTestGroups is a list of [sValue, fChecked, sName] sub-arrays.
return self._addList(sName, aoTestGroups, sLabel, fUseTable = False, sId = 'tmform-checkbox-list-testgroups',
sExtraAttribs = sExtraAttribs);
def addListOfTestCaseArgs(self, sName, aoVariations, sLabel): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
Adds a list of test case argument variations to the form.
@param sName Name of HTML form element
@param aoVariations List of TestCaseArgsData instances.
@param sLabel Label of HTML form element
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel);
sTableId = u'TestArgsExtendingListRoot';
fReadOnly = self._fReadOnly; ## @todo argument?
sReadOnlyAttr = u' readonly class="tmform-input-readonly"' if fReadOnly else '';
sHtml = u'
# Define javascript function for extending the list of test case
# variations. Doing it here so we can use the python constants. This
# also permits multiple argument lists on one page should that ever be
# required...
if not fReadOnly:
sHtml += u'\n';
# List current entries.
sHtml += u'\n' \
% (sName, sName, ','.join(unicode(i) for i in range(len(aoVariations))), );
sHtml += u'
return self._add(sHtml)
def addListOfTestGroupMembers(self, sName, aoTestGroupMembers, aoAllTestCases, sLabel, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
fReadOnly = True):
For WuiTestGroup.
assert len(aoTestGroupMembers) <= len(aoAllTestCases);
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel);
if not aoAllTestCases:
return self._add('
No testcases.
% ( TestGroupDataEx.ksParam_aidTestCases,
','.join([unicode(oTestCase.idTestCase) for oTestCase in aoAllTestCases]), ));
u' \n'
Test Case
All Vars
Priority [0..31]
Gang size
u' \n'
u' \n'
if self._fReadOnly:
fReadOnly = True;
sCheckBoxAttr = ' readonly onclick="return false" onkeydown="return false"' if fReadOnly else '';
oDefMember = TestGroupMemberData();
aoTestGroupMembers = list(aoTestGroupMembers); # Copy it so we can pop.
for iTestCase, _ in enumerate(aoAllTestCases):
oTestCase = aoAllTestCases[iTestCase];
# Is it a member?
oMember = None;
for i, _ in enumerate(aoTestGroupMembers):
if aoTestGroupMembers[i].oTestCase.idTestCase == oTestCase.idTestCase:
oMember = aoTestGroupMembers.pop(i);
# Start on the rows...
sPrefix = u'%s[%d]' % (sName, oTestCase.idTestCase,);
% ( len(oTestCase.aoTestCaseArgs),
sPrefix, TestGroupMemberData.ksParam_aidTestCaseArgs,
' checked' if oMember is None or oMember.aidTestCaseArgs is None else '', sCheckBoxAttr, ));
u' \n'
% ( len(oTestCase.aoTestCaseArgs),
sPrefix, TestGroupMemberData.ksParam_iSchedPriority,
(oMember if oMember is not None else oDefMember).iSchedPriority,
' readonly class="tmform-input-readonly"' if fReadOnly else '', ));
# Argument variations.
aidTestCaseArgs = [] if oMember is None or oMember.aidTestCaseArgs is None else oMember.aidTestCaseArgs;
for iVar in range(len(oTestCase.aoTestCaseArgs)):
oVar = oTestCase.aoTestCaseArgs[iVar];
if iVar > 0:
\n' % ('tmodd' if iTestCase & 1 else 'tmeven',));
u' '
% ( sPrefix, TestGroupMemberData.ksParam_aidTestCaseArgs,
' checked' if oVar.idTestCaseArgs in aidTestCaseArgs else '', sCheckBoxAttr, oVar.idTestCaseArgs,
% ( oVar.cGangMembers,
'Default' if oVar.cSecTimeout is None else oVar.cSecTimeout,
escapeElem(oVar.sArgs) ));
if not oTestCase.aoTestCaseArgs:
u' \n');
return self._add(u' \n'
def addListOfSchedGroupMembers(self, sName, aoSchedGroupMembers, aoAllRelevantTestGroups, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
sLabel, fReadOnly = True):
For WuiAdminSchedGroup.
if fReadOnly is None or self._fReadOnly:
fReadOnly = self._fReadOnly;
assert len(aoSchedGroupMembers) <= len(aoAllRelevantTestGroups);
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel);
if not aoAllRelevantTestGroups:
return self._add(u'
No test groups.
% ( SchedGroupDataEx.ksParam_aidTestGroups,
','.join([unicode(oTestGroup.idTestGroup) for oTestGroup in aoAllRelevantTestGroups]), ));
u' \n'
Test Group
Priority [0..31]
Prerequisite Test Group
Weekly schedule
u' \n'
u' \n'
sCheckBoxAttr = u' readonly onclick="return false" onkeydown="return false"' if fReadOnly else '';
sComboBoxAttr = u' disabled' if fReadOnly else '';
oDefMember = SchedGroupMemberData();
aoSchedGroupMembers = list(aoSchedGroupMembers); # Copy it so we can pop.
for iTestGroup, _ in enumerate(aoAllRelevantTestGroups):
oTestGroup = aoAllRelevantTestGroups[iTestGroup];
# Is it a member?
oMember = None;
for i, _ in enumerate(aoSchedGroupMembers):
if aoSchedGroupMembers[i].oTestGroup.idTestGroup == oTestGroup.idTestGroup:
oMember = aoSchedGroupMembers.pop(i);
# Start on the rows...
sPrefix = u'%s[%d]' % (sName, oTestGroup.idTestGroup,);
% ( sPrefix, SchedGroupMemberData.ksParam_iSchedPriority,
(oMember if oMember is not None else oDefMember).iSchedPriority,
' readonly class="tmform-input-readonly"' if fReadOnly else '', ));
u' \n'
u' Todo\n'
% ( sPrefix, SchedGroupMemberData.ksParam_bmHourlySchedule,
'' if oMember is None else oMember.bmHourlySchedule, ));
return self._add(u' \n'
def addListOfSchedGroupBoxes(self, sName, aoSchedGroupBoxes, aoAllRelevantTestBoxes, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
sLabel, fReadOnly = True): # (str, list[TestBoxDataEx], list[TestBoxDataEx], str, bool) -> str
For WuiAdminSchedGroup.
if fReadOnly is None or self._fReadOnly:
fReadOnly = self._fReadOnly;
assert len(aoSchedGroupBoxes) <= len(aoAllRelevantTestBoxes);
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel);
if not aoAllRelevantTestBoxes:
return self._add(u'
No test boxes.
% ( SchedGroupDataEx.ksParam_aidTestBoxes,
','.join([unicode(oTestBox.idTestBox) for oTestBox in aoAllRelevantTestBoxes]), ));
## @todo replace with tmform-field-list tricks.
u' \n'
Test Box
Priority [0..31]
u' \n'
u' \n'
sCheckBoxAttr = u' readonly onclick="return false" onkeydown="return false"' if fReadOnly else '';
oDefMember = TestBoxDataForSchedGroup();
aoSchedGroupBoxes = list(aoSchedGroupBoxes); # Copy it so we can pop.
for iTestBox, _ in enumerate(aoAllRelevantTestBoxes):
oTestBox = aoAllRelevantTestBoxes[iTestBox];
# Is it a member?
oMember = None;
for i, _ in enumerate(aoSchedGroupBoxes):
if aoSchedGroupBoxes[i].oTestBox and aoSchedGroupBoxes[i].oTestBox.idTestBox == oTestBox.idTestBox:
oMember = aoSchedGroupBoxes.pop(i);
# Start on the rows...
sPrefix = u'%s[%d]' % (sName, oTestBox.idTestBox,);
% ( sPrefix,
(oMember if oMember is not None else oDefMember).iSchedPriority,
' readonly class="tmform-input-readonly"' if fReadOnly else '', ));
return self._add(u' \n'
def addListOfSchedGroupsForTestBox(self, sName, aoInSchedGroups, aoAllSchedGroups, sLabel, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
fReadOnly = None):
# type: (str, TestBoxInSchedGroupDataEx, SchedGroupData, str, bool) -> str
For WuiTestGroup.
from testmanager.core.testbox import TestBoxInSchedGroupData, TestBoxDataEx;
if fReadOnly is None or self._fReadOnly:
fReadOnly = self._fReadOnly;
assert len(aoInSchedGroups) <= len(aoAllSchedGroups);
# Only show selected groups in read-only mode.
if fReadOnly:
aoAllSchedGroups = [oCur.oSchedGroup for oCur in aoInSchedGroups]
self._addLabel(sName, sLabel);
if not aoAllSchedGroups:
return self._add('
No scheduling groups.
# Add special parameter with all the scheduling group IDs in the form.
% ( TestBoxDataEx.ksParam_aidSchedGroups,
','.join([unicode(oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup) for oSchedGroup in aoAllSchedGroups]), ));
# Table header.
u' \n'
Schedulding Group
Priority [0..31]
u' \n'
u' \n'
# Table body.
if self._fReadOnly:
fReadOnly = True;
sCheckBoxAttr = ' readonly onclick="return false" onkeydown="return false"' if fReadOnly else '';
oDefMember = TestBoxInSchedGroupData();
aoInSchedGroups = list(aoInSchedGroups); # Copy it so we can pop.
for iSchedGroup, oSchedGroup in enumerate(aoAllSchedGroups):
# Is it a member?
oMember = None;
for i, _ in enumerate(aoInSchedGroups):
if aoInSchedGroups[i].idSchedGroup == oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup:
oMember = aoInSchedGroups.pop(i);
# Start on the rows...
sPrefix = u'%s[%d]' % (sName, oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup,);