1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: wuigraphwiz.py 65984 2017-03-07 16:00:25Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | Test Manager WUI - Graph Wizard
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 65984 $"
30 |
31 | # Python imports.
32 | import functools;
33 |
34 | # Validation Kit imports.
35 | from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
36 | from testmanager.webui.wuihlpgraph import WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY, WuiHlpGraphDataTableEx;
37 | from testmanager.webui.wuireport import WuiReportBase;
38 |
39 | from common import utils, webutils;
40 | from common import constants;
41 |
42 |
43 | class WuiGraphWiz(WuiReportBase):
44 | """Construct a graph for analyzing test results (values) across builds and testboxes."""
45 |
46 | ## @name Series name parts.
47 | ## @{
48 | kfSeriesName_TestBox = 1;
49 | kfSeriesName_Product = 2;
50 | kfSeriesName_Branch = 4;
51 | kfSeriesName_BuildType = 8;
52 | kfSeriesName_OsArchs = 16;
53 | kfSeriesName_TestCase = 32;
54 | kfSeriesName_TestCaseArgs = 64;
55 | kfSeriesName_All = 127;
56 | ## @}
57 |
58 |
59 | def __init__(self, oModel, dParams, fSubReport = False, fnDPrint = None, oDisp = None):
60 | WuiReportBase.__init__(self, oModel, dParams, fSubReport = fSubReport, fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp);
61 |
62 | # Select graph implementation.
63 | if dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizImpl] == 'charts':
64 | from testmanager.webui.wuihlpgraphgooglechart import WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY as MyGraph;
65 | self.oGraphClass = MyGraph;
66 | elif dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizImpl] == 'matplotlib':
67 | from testmanager.webui.wuihlpgraphmatplotlib import WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY as MyGraph;
68 | self.oGraphClass = MyGraph;
69 | else:
70 | self.oGraphClass = WuiHlpLineGraphErrorbarY;
71 |
72 |
73 | #
74 | def _figureSeriesNameBits(self, aoSeries):
75 | """ Figures out the method (bitmask) to use when naming series. """
76 | if len(aoSeries) <= 1:
77 | return WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestBox;
78 |
79 | # Start with all and drop unnecessary specs one-by-one.
80 | fRet = WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_All;
81 |
82 | if [oSrs.idTestBox for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].idTestBox) == len(aoSeries):
83 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestBox;
84 |
85 | if [oSrs.idBuildCategory for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].idBuildCategory) == len(aoSeries):
86 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Product;
87 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Branch;
88 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_BuildType;
89 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_OsArchs;
90 | else:
91 | if [oSrs.oBuildCategory.sProduct for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].oBuildCategory.sProduct) == len(aoSeries):
92 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Product;
93 | if [oSrs.oBuildCategory.sBranch for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].oBuildCategory.sBranch) == len(aoSeries):
94 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Branch;
95 | if [oSrs.oBuildCategory.sType for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].oBuildCategory.sType) == len(aoSeries):
96 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_BuildType;
97 |
98 | # Complicated.
99 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_OsArchs;
100 | daTestBoxes = {};
101 | for oSeries in aoSeries:
102 | if oSeries.idTestBox in daTestBoxes:
103 | daTestBoxes[oSeries.idTestBox].append(oSeries);
104 | else:
105 | daTestBoxes[oSeries.idTestBox] = [oSeries,];
106 | for _, aoSeriesPerTestBox in daTestBoxes.iteritems():
107 | if len(aoSeriesPerTestBox) >= 0:
108 | asOsArches = aoSeriesPerTestBox[0].oBuildCategory.asOsArches;
109 | for i in range(1, len(aoSeriesPerTestBox)):
110 | if aoSeriesPerTestBox[i].oBuildCategory.asOsArches != asOsArches:
111 | fRet |= WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_OsArchs;
112 | break;
113 |
114 | if aoSeries[0].oTestCaseArgs is None:
115 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCaseArgs;
116 | if [oSrs.idTestCase for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].idTestCase) == len(aoSeries):
117 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCase;
118 | else:
119 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCase;
120 | if [oSrs.idTestCaseArgs for oSrs in aoSeries].count(aoSeries[0].idTestCaseArgs) == len(aoSeries):
121 | fRet &= ~WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCaseArgs;
122 |
123 | return fRet;
124 |
125 | def _getSeriesNameFromBits(self, oSeries, fBits):
126 | """ Creates a series name from bits (kfSeriesName_xxx). """
127 | assert fBits != 0;
128 | sName = '';
129 |
130 | if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Product:
131 | if sName: sName += ' / ';
132 | sName += oSeries.oBuildCategory.sProduct;
133 |
134 | if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Branch:
135 | if sName: sName += ' / ';
136 | sName += oSeries.oBuildCategory.sBranch;
137 |
138 | if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_BuildType:
139 | if sName: sName += ' / ';
140 | sName += oSeries.oBuildCategory.sType;
141 |
142 | if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_OsArchs:
143 | if sName: sName += ' / ';
144 | sName += ' & '.join(oSeries.oBuildCategory.asOsArches);
145 |
146 | if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCaseArgs:
147 | if sName: sName += ' / ';
148 | if oSeries.idTestCaseArgs is not None:
149 | sName += oSeries.oTestCase.sName + ':#' + str(oSeries.idTestCaseArgs);
150 | else:
151 | sName += oSeries.oTestCase.sName;
152 | elif fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestCase:
153 | if sName: sName += ' / ';
154 | sName += oSeries.oTestCase.sName;
155 |
156 | if fBits & WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestBox:
157 | if sName: sName += ' / ';
158 | sName += oSeries.oTestBox.sName;
159 |
160 | return sName;
161 |
162 | def _calcGraphName(self, oSeries, fSeriesName, sSampleName):
163 | """ Constructs a name for the graph. """
164 | fGraphName = ~fSeriesName & ( WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_TestBox
165 | | WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Product
166 | | WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_Branch
167 | | WuiGraphWiz.kfSeriesName_BuildType
168 | );
169 | sName = self._getSeriesNameFromBits(oSeries, fGraphName);
170 | if sName: sName += ' - ';
171 | sName += sSampleName;
172 | return sName;
173 |
174 | def _calcSampleName(self, oCollection):
175 | """ Constructs a name for a sample source (collection). """
176 | if oCollection.sValue is not None:
177 | asSampleName = [oCollection.sValue, 'in',];
178 | elif oCollection.sType == self._oModel.ksTypeElapsed:
179 | asSampleName = ['Elapsed time', 'for', ];
180 | elif oCollection.sType == self._oModel.ksTypeResult:
181 | asSampleName = ['Error count', 'for',];
182 | else:
183 | return 'Invalid collection type: "%s"' % (oCollection.sType,);
184 |
185 | sTestName = ', '.join(oCollection.asTests if oCollection.asTests[0] else oCollection.asTests[1:]);
186 | if sTestName == '':
187 | # Use the testcase name if there is only one for all series.
188 | if not oCollection.aoSeries:
189 | return asSampleName[0];
190 | if len(oCollection.aoSeries) > 1:
191 | idTestCase = oCollection.aoSeries[0].idTestCase;
192 | for oSeries in oCollection.aoSeries:
193 | if oSeries.idTestCase != idTestCase:
194 | return asSampleName[0];
195 | sTestName = oCollection.aoSeries[0].oTestCase.sName;
196 | return ' '.join(asSampleName) + ' ' + sTestName;
197 |
198 |
199 | def _splitSeries(self, aoSeries):
200 | """
201 | Splits the data series (ReportGraphModel.DataSeries) into one or more graphs.
202 |
203 | Returns an array of data series arrays.
204 | """
205 | # Must be at least two series for something to be splittable.
206 | if len(aoSeries) <= 1:
207 | if len(aoSeries) < 1:
208 | return [];
209 | return [aoSeries,];
210 |
211 | # Split on unit.
212 | dUnitSeries = dict();
213 | for oSeries in aoSeries:
214 | if oSeries.iUnit not in dUnitSeries:
215 | dUnitSeries[oSeries.iUnit] = [];
216 | dUnitSeries[oSeries.iUnit].append(oSeries);
217 |
218 | # Sort the per-unit series since the build category was only sorted by ID.
219 | for iUnit in dUnitSeries:
220 | def mycmp(oSelf, oOther):
221 | """ __cmp__ like function. """
222 | iCmp = utils.stricmp(oSelf.oBuildCategory.sProduct, oOther.oBuildCategory.sProduct);
223 | if iCmp != 0:
224 | return iCmp;
225 | iCmp = utils.stricmp(oSelf.oBuildCategory.sBranch, oOther.oBuildCategory.sBranch);
226 | if iCmp != 0:
227 | return iCmp;
228 | iCmp = utils.stricmp(oSelf.oBuildCategory.sType, oOther.oBuildCategory.sType);
229 | if iCmp != 0:
230 | return iCmp;
231 | iCmp = utils.stricmp(oSelf.oTestBox.sName, oOther.oTestBox.sName);
232 | if iCmp != 0:
233 | return iCmp;
234 | return 0;
235 | dUnitSeries[iUnit] = sorted(dUnitSeries[iUnit], key = functools.cmp_to_key(mycmp));
236 |
237 | # Split the per-unit series up if necessary.
238 | cMaxPerGraph = self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxPerGraph];
239 | aaoRet = [];
240 | for iUnit in dUnitSeries:
241 | aoUnitSeries = dUnitSeries[iUnit];
242 | while len(aoUnitSeries) > cMaxPerGraph:
243 | aaoRet.append(aoUnitSeries[:cMaxPerGraph]);
244 | aoUnitSeries = aoUnitSeries[cMaxPerGraph:];
245 | if aoUnitSeries:
246 | aaoRet.append(aoUnitSeries);
247 |
248 | return aaoRet;
249 |
250 | def _configureGraph(self, oGraph):
251 | """
252 | Configures oGraph according to user parameters and other config settings.
253 |
254 | Returns oGraph.
255 | """
256 | oGraph.setWidth(self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizWidth])
257 | oGraph.setHeight(self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizHeight])
258 | oGraph.setDpi(self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizDpi])
259 | oGraph.setErrorBarY(self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizErrorBarY]);
260 | oGraph.setFontSize(self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizFontSize]);
261 | if hasattr(oGraph, 'setXkcdStyle'):
262 | oGraph.setXkcdStyle(self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizXkcdStyle]);
263 |
264 | return oGraph;
265 |
266 | def _generateInteractiveForm(self):
267 | """
268 | Generates the HTML for the interactive form.
269 | Returns (sTopOfForm, sEndOfForm)
270 | """
271 |
272 | #
273 | # The top of the form.
274 | #
275 | sTop = '<form action="#" method="get" id="graphwiz-form">\n' \
276 | ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \
277 | ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' \
278 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamAction, WuiMain.ksActionGraphWiz,
279 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizSrcTestSetId, self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizSrcTestSetId],
280 | );
281 |
282 | sTop += ' <div id="graphwiz-nav">\n';
283 | sTop += ' <script type="text/javascript">\n' \
284 | ' window.onresize = function(){ return graphwizOnResizeRecalcWidth("graphwiz-nav", "%s"); }\n' \
285 | ' window.onload = function(){ return graphwizOnLoadRememberWidth("graphwiz-nav"); }\n' \
286 | ' </script>\n' \
287 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizWidth, );
288 |
289 | #
290 | # Top: First row.
291 | #
292 | sTop += ' <div id="graphwiz-top-1">\n';
293 |
294 | # time.
295 | sNow = self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate];
296 | if sNow is None: sNow = '';
297 | sTop += ' <div id="graphwiz-time">\n';
298 | sTop += ' <label for="%s">Starting:</label>\n' \
299 | ' <input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="graphwiz-time-input"/>\n' \
300 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate,
301 | WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate, WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate, sNow, );
302 |
303 | sTop += ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportPeriods, 1, );
304 | sTop += ' <label for="%s"> Going back:\n' \
305 | ' <input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="graphwiz-period-input"/>\n' \
306 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportPeriodInHours,
307 | WuiMain.ksParamReportPeriodInHours, WuiMain.ksParamReportPeriodInHours,
308 | utils.formatIntervalHours(self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamReportPeriodInHours]) );
309 | sTop += ' </div>\n';
310 |
311 | # Graph options top row.
312 | sTop += ' <div id="graphwiz-top-options-1">\n';
313 |
314 | # graph type.
315 | sTop += ' <label for="%s">Graph:</label>\n' \
316 | ' <select name="%s" id="%s">\n' \
317 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizImpl, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizImpl, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizImpl, );
318 | for (sImpl, sDesc) in WuiMain.kaasGraphWizImplCombo:
319 | sTop += ' <option value="%s"%s>%s</option>\n' \
320 | % (sImpl, ' selected' if sImpl == self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizImpl] else '', sDesc);
321 | sTop += ' </select>\n';
322 |
323 | # graph size.
324 | sTop += ' <label for="%s">Graph size:</label>\n' \
325 | ' <input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="graphwiz-pixel-input"> x\n' \
326 | ' <input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="graphwiz-pixel-input">\n' \
327 | ' <label for="%s">Dpi:</label>'\
328 | ' <input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="graphwiz-dpi-input">\n' \
329 | ' <button type="button" onclick="%s">Defaults</button>\n' \
330 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizWidth,
331 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizWidth, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizWidth, self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizWidth],
332 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizHeight, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizHeight, self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizHeight],
333 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizDpi,
334 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizDpi, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizDpi, self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizDpi],
335 | webutils.escapeAttr('return graphwizSetDefaultSizeValues("graphwiz-nav", "%s", "%s", "%s");'
336 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizWidth, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizHeight,
337 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizDpi )),
338 | );
339 |
340 | sTop += ' </div>\n'; # (options row 1)
341 |
342 | sTop += ' </div>\n'; # (end of row 1)
343 |
344 | #
345 | # Top: Second row.
346 | #
347 | sTop += ' <div id="graphwiz-top-2">\n';
348 |
349 | # Submit
350 | sFormButton = '<button type="submit">Refresh</button>\n';
351 | sTop += ' <div id="graphwiz-top-submit">' + sFormButton + '</div>\n';
352 |
353 |
354 | # Options.
355 | sTop += ' <div id="graphwiz-top-options-2">\n';
356 |
357 | sTop += ' <input type="checkbox" name="%s" id="%s" value="1"%s/>\n' \
358 | ' <label for="%s">Tabular data</label>\n' \
359 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTabular, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTabular,
360 | ' checked' if self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTabular] else '',
361 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTabular);
362 |
363 | if hasattr(self.oGraphClass, 'setXkcdStyle'):
364 | sTop += ' <input type="checkbox" name="%s" id="%s" value="1"%s/>\n' \
365 | ' <label for="%s">xkcd-style</label>\n' \
366 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizXkcdStyle, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizXkcdStyle,
367 | ' checked' if self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizXkcdStyle] else '',
368 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizXkcdStyle);
369 | elif self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizXkcdStyle]:
370 | sTop += ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="1"/>\n' \
371 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizXkcdStyle, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizXkcdStyle, );
372 |
373 | if not hasattr(self.oGraphClass, 'kfNoErrorBarsSupport'):
374 | sTop += ' <input type="checkbox" name="%s" id="%s" value="1"%s title="%s"/>\n' \
375 | ' <label for="%s">Error bars,</label>\n' \
376 | ' <label for="%s">max: </label>\n' \
377 | ' <input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="graphwiz-maxerrorbar-input" title="%s"/>\n' \
378 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizErrorBarY, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizErrorBarY,
379 | ' checked' if self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizErrorBarY] else '',
380 | 'Error bars shows some of the max and min results on the Y-axis.',
381 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizErrorBarY,
382 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxErrorBarY,
383 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxErrorBarY, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxErrorBarY,
384 | self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxErrorBarY],
385 | 'Maximum number of Y-axis error bar per graph. (Too many makes it unreadable.)'
386 | );
387 | else:
388 | if self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizErrorBarY]:
389 | sTop += '<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="1">\n' \
390 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizErrorBarY, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizErrorBarY, );
391 | sTop += '<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%u">\n' \
392 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxErrorBarY, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxErrorBarY,
393 | self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxErrorBarY], );
394 |
395 | sTop += ' <label for="%s">Font size: </label>\n' \
396 | ' <input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="graphwiz-fontsize-input"/>\n' \
397 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizFontSize,
398 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizFontSize, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizFontSize,
399 | self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizFontSize], );
400 |
401 | sTop += ' <label for="%s">Data series: </label>\n' \
402 | ' <input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" class="graphwiz-maxpergraph-input" title="%s"/>\n' \
403 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxPerGraph,
404 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxPerGraph, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxPerGraph,
405 | self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizMaxPerGraph],
406 | 'Max data series per graph.' );
407 |
408 | sTop += ' </div>\n'; # (options row 2)
409 |
410 | sTop += ' </div>\n'; # (end of row 2)
411 |
412 | sTop += ' </div>\n'; # end of top.
413 |
414 | #
415 | # The end of the page selection.
416 | #
417 | sEnd = ' <div id="graphwiz-end-selection">\n';
418 |
419 | #
420 | # Testbox selection
421 | #
422 | aidTestBoxes = list(self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestBoxIds]);
423 | sEnd += ' <div id="graphwiz-testboxes" class="graphwiz-end-selection-group">\n' \
424 | ' <h3>TestBox Selection:</h3>\n' \
425 | ' <ol class="tmgraph-testboxes">\n';
426 |
427 | # Get a list of eligible testboxes from the DB.
428 | for oTestBox in self._oModel.getEligibleTestBoxes():
429 | try: aidTestBoxes.remove(oTestBox.idTestBox);
430 | except: sChecked = '';
431 | else: sChecked = ' checked';
432 | sEnd += ' <li><input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s" id="gw-tb-%u"%s/>' \
433 | '<label for="gw-tb-%u">%s</label></li>\n' \
434 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestBoxIds, oTestBox.idTestBox, oTestBox.idTestBox, sChecked,
435 | oTestBox.idTestBox, oTestBox.sName);
436 |
437 | # List testboxes that have been checked in a different period or something.
438 | for idTestBox in aidTestBoxes:
439 | oTestBox = self._oModel.oCache.getTestBox(idTestBox);
440 | sEnd += ' <li><input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s" id="gw-tb-%u" checked/>' \
441 | '<label for="gw-tb-%u">%s</label></li>\n' \
442 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestBoxIds, oTestBox.idTestBox, oTestBox.idTestBox,
443 | oTestBox.idTestBox, oTestBox.sName);
444 |
445 | sEnd += ' </ol>\n' \
446 | ' </div>\n';
447 |
448 | #
449 | # Build category selection.
450 | #
451 | aidBuildCategories = list(self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizBuildCatIds]);
452 | sEnd += ' <div id="graphwiz-buildcategories" class="graphwiz-end-selection-group">\n' \
453 | ' <h3>Build Category Selection:</h3>\n' \
454 | ' <ol class="tmgraph-buildcategories">\n';
455 | for oBuildCat in self._oModel.getEligibleBuildCategories():
456 | try: aidBuildCategories.remove(oBuildCat.idBuildCategory);
457 | except: sChecked = '';
458 | else: sChecked = ' checked';
459 | sEnd += ' <li><input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s" id="gw-bc-%u" %s/>' \
460 | '<label for="gw-bc-%u">%s / %s / %s / %s</label></li>\n' \
461 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizBuildCatIds, oBuildCat.idBuildCategory, oBuildCat.idBuildCategory, sChecked,
462 | oBuildCat.idBuildCategory,
463 | oBuildCat.sProduct, oBuildCat.sBranch, oBuildCat.sType, ' & '.join(oBuildCat.asOsArches) );
464 | assert not aidBuildCategories; # SQL should return all currently selected.
465 |
466 | sEnd += ' </ol>\n' \
467 | ' </div>\n';
468 |
469 | #
470 | # Testcase variations.
471 | #
472 | sEnd += ' <div id="graphwiz-testcase-variations" class="graphwiz-end-selection-group">\n' \
473 | ' <h3>Miscellaneous:</h3>\n' \
474 | ' <ol>';
475 |
476 | sEnd += ' <li>\n' \
477 | ' <input type="checkbox" id="%s" name="%s" value="1"%s/>\n' \
478 | ' <label for="%s">Separate by testcase variation.</label>\n' \
479 | ' </li>\n' \
480 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizSepTestVars, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizSepTestVars,
481 | ' checked' if self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizSepTestVars] else '',
482 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizSepTestVars );
483 |
484 |
485 | sEnd += ' <li>\n' \
486 | ' <lable for="%s">Test case ID:</label>\n' \
487 | ' <input type="text" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s" readonly/>\n' \
488 | ' </li>\n' \
489 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestCaseIds,
490 | WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestCaseIds, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestCaseIds,
491 | ','.join([str(i) for i in self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestCaseIds]]), );
492 |
493 | sEnd += ' </ol>\n' \
494 | ' </div>\n';
495 |
496 | #sEnd += ' <h3> </h3>\n';
497 |
498 | #
499 | # Finish up the form.
500 | #
501 | sEnd += ' <div id="graphwiz-end-submit"><p>' + sFormButton + '</p></div>\n';
502 | sEnd += ' </div>\n' \
503 | '</form>\n';
504 |
505 | return (sTop, sEnd);
506 |
507 | def generateReportBody(self):
508 | fInteractive = not self._fSubReport;
509 |
510 | # Quick mockup.
511 | self._sTitle = 'Graph Wizzard';
512 |
513 | sHtml = '';
514 | sHtml += '<h2>Incomplete code - no complaints yet, thank you!!</h2>\n';
515 |
516 | #
517 | # Create a form for altering the data we're working with.
518 | #
519 | if fInteractive:
520 | (sTopOfForm, sEndOfForm) = self._generateInteractiveForm();
521 | sHtml += sTopOfForm;
522 | del sTopOfForm;
523 |
524 | #
525 | # Emit the graphs. At least one per sample source.
526 | #
527 | sHtml += ' <div id="graphwiz-graphs">\n';
528 | iGraph = 0;
529 | aoCollections = self._oModel.fetchGraphData();
530 | for iCollection, oCollection in enumerate(aoCollections):
531 | # Name the graph and add a checkbox for removing it.
532 | sSampleName = self._calcSampleName(oCollection);
533 | sHtml += ' <div class="graphwiz-collection" id="graphwiz-source-%u">\n' % (iCollection,);
534 | if fInteractive:
535 | sHtml += ' <div class="graphwiz-src-select">\n' \
536 | ' <input type="checkbox" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s:%s%s" checked class="graphwiz-src-input">\n' \
537 | ' <label for="%s">%s</label>\n' \
538 | ' </div>\n' \
539 | % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, oCollection.sType,
540 | ':'.join([str(idStr) for idStr in oCollection.aidStrTests]),
541 | ':%u' % oCollection.idStrValue if oCollection.idStrValue else '',
542 | WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, sSampleName );
543 |
544 | if oCollection.aoSeries:
545 | #
546 | # Split the series into sub-graphs as needed and produce SVGs.
547 | #
548 | aaoSeries = self._splitSeries(oCollection.aoSeries);
549 | for aoSeries in aaoSeries:
550 | # Gather the data for this graph. (Most big stuff is passed by
551 | # reference, so there shouldn't be any large memory penalty for
552 | # repacking the data here.)
553 | sYUnit = None;
554 | if aoSeries[0].iUnit < len(constants.valueunit.g_asNames) and aoSeries[0].iUnit > 0:
555 | sYUnit = constants.valueunit.g_asNames[aoSeries[0].iUnit];
556 | oData = WuiHlpGraphDataTableEx(sXUnit = 'Build revision', sYUnit = sYUnit);
557 |
558 | fSeriesName = self._figureSeriesNameBits(aoSeries);
559 | for oSeries in aoSeries:
560 | sSeriesName = self._getSeriesNameFromBits(oSeries, fSeriesName);
561 | asHtmlTooltips = None;
562 | if len(oSeries.aoRevInfo) == len(oSeries.aiRevisions):
563 | asHtmlTooltips = [];
564 | for i in range(len(oSeries.aoRevInfo)):
565 | sPlusMinus = '';
566 | if oSeries.acSamples[i] > 1:
567 | sPlusMinus = ' (+%s/-%s; %u samples)' \
568 | % ( utils.formatNumber(oSeries.aiErrorBarAbove[i]),
569 | utils.formatNumber(oSeries.aiErrorBarBelow[i]),
570 | oSeries.acSamples[i])
571 | sTooltip = '<table class=\'graphwiz-tt\'><tr><td>%s:</td><td>%s %s %s</td></tr>'\
572 | '<tr><td>Rev:</td><td>r%s</td></tr>' \
573 | % ( sSeriesName,
574 | utils.formatNumber(oSeries.aiValues[i]),
575 | sYUnit, sPlusMinus,
576 | oSeries.aiRevisions[i],
577 | );
578 | oRevInfo = oSeries.aoRevInfo[i];
579 | if oRevInfo.sAuthor is not None:
580 | sMsg = oRevInfo.sMessage[:80].strip();
581 | #if sMsg.find('\n') >= 0:
582 | # sMsg = sMsg[:sMsg.find('\n')].strip();
583 | sTooltip += '<tr><td>Author:</td><td>%s</td></tr>' \
584 | '<tr><td>Date:</td><td>%s</td><tr>' \
585 | '<tr><td>Message:</td><td>%s%s</td></tr>' \
586 | % ( oRevInfo.sAuthor,
587 | self.formatTsShort(oRevInfo.tsCreated),
588 | sMsg, '...' if len(oRevInfo.sMessage) > len(sMsg) else '');
589 | sTooltip += '</table>';
590 | asHtmlTooltips.append(sTooltip);
591 | oData.addDataSeries(sSeriesName, oSeries.aiRevisions, oSeries.aiValues, asHtmlTooltips,
592 | oSeries.aiErrorBarBelow, oSeries.aiErrorBarAbove);
593 | # Render the data into a graph.
594 | oGraph = self.oGraphClass('tmgraph-%u' % (iGraph,), oData, self._oDisp);
595 | self._configureGraph(oGraph);
596 |
597 | oGraph.setTitle(self._calcGraphName(aoSeries[0], fSeriesName, sSampleName));
598 | sHtml += ' <div class="graphwiz-graph" id="graphwiz-graph-%u">\n' % (iGraph,);
599 | sHtml += oGraph.renderGraph();
600 | sHtml += '\n </div>\n';
601 | iGraph += 1;
602 |
603 | #
604 | # Emit raw tabular data if requested.
605 | #
606 | if self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTabular]:
607 | sHtml += ' <div class="graphwiz-tab-div" id="graphwiz-tab-%u">\n' \
608 | ' <table class="tmtable graphwiz-tab">\n' \
609 | % (iCollection, );
610 | for aoSeries in aaoSeries:
611 | if aoSeries[0].iUnit < len(constants.valueunit.g_asNames) and aoSeries[0].iUnit > 0:
612 | sUnit = constants.valueunit.g_asNames[aoSeries[0].iUnit];
613 | else:
614 | sUnit = str(aoSeries[0].iUnit);
615 |
616 | for iSeries, oSeries in enumerate(aoSeries):
617 | sColor = self.oGraphClass.calcSeriesColor(iSeries);
618 |
619 | sHtml += '<thead class="tmheader">\n' \
620 | ' <tr class="graphwiz-tab graphwiz-tab-new-series-row">\n' \
621 | ' <th colspan="5"><span style="background-color:%s;"> </span> %s</th>\n' \
622 | ' </tr>\n' \
623 | ' <tr class="graphwiz-tab graphwiz-tab-col-hdr-row">\n' \
624 | ' <th>Revision</th><th>Value (%s)</th><th>Δmax</th><th>Δmin</th>' \
625 | '<th>Samples</th>\n' \
626 | ' </tr>\n' \
627 | '</thead>\n' \
628 | % ( sColor,
629 | self._getSeriesNameFromBits(oSeries, self.kfSeriesName_All & ~self.kfSeriesName_OsArchs),
630 | sUnit );
631 |
632 | for i in range(len(oSeries.aiRevisions)):
633 | sHtml += ' <tr class="%s"><td>r%s</td><td>%s</td><td>+%s</td><td>-%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n' \
634 | % ( 'tmodd' if i & 1 else 'tmeven',
635 | oSeries.aiRevisions[i], oSeries.aiValues[i],
636 | oSeries.aiErrorBarAbove[i], oSeries.aiErrorBarBelow[i],
637 | oSeries.acSamples[i]);
638 | sHtml += ' </table>\n' \
639 | ' </div>\n';
640 | else:
641 | sHtml += '<i>No results.</i>\n';
642 | sHtml += ' </div>\n'
643 | sHtml += ' </div>\n';
644 |
645 | #
646 | # Finish the form.
647 | #
648 | if fInteractive:
649 | sHtml += sEndOfForm;
650 |
651 | return sHtml;
652 |