1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: wuicontentbase.py 83366 2020-03-23 13:12:48Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | Test Manager Web-UI - Content Base Classes.
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 83366 $"
30 |
31 |
32 | # Standard python imports.
33 | import copy;
34 | import sys;
35 |
36 | # Validation Kit imports.
37 | from common import utils, webutils;
38 | from testmanager import config;
39 | from testmanager.webui.wuibase import WuiDispatcherBase, WuiException;
40 | from testmanager.webui.wuihlpform import WuiHlpForm;
41 | from testmanager.core import db;
42 | from testmanager.core.base import AttributeChangeEntryPre;
43 |
44 | # Python 3 hacks:
45 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
46 | unicode = str; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
47 |
48 |
49 | class WuiHtmlBase(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
50 | """
51 | Base class for HTML objects.
52 | """
53 |
54 | def __init__(self):
55 | """Dummy init to shut up pylint."""
56 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
57 |
58 | def toHtml(self):
59 |
60 | """
61 | Must be overridden by sub-classes.
62 | """
63 | assert False;
64 | return '';
65 |
66 | def __str__(self):
67 | """ String representation is HTML, simplifying formatting and such. """
68 | return self.toHtml();
69 |
70 |
71 | class WuiLinkBase(WuiHtmlBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
72 | """
73 | For passing links from WuiListContentBase._formatListEntry.
74 | """
75 |
76 | def __init__(self, sName, sUrlBase, dParams = None, sConfirm = None, sTitle = None,
77 | sFragmentId = None, fBracketed = True, sExtraAttrs = ''):
78 | WuiHtmlBase.__init__(self);
79 | self.sName = sName
80 | self.sUrl = sUrlBase
81 | self.sConfirm = sConfirm;
82 | self.sTitle = sTitle;
83 | self.fBracketed = fBracketed;
84 | self.sExtraAttrs = sExtraAttrs;
85 |
86 | if dParams:
87 | # Do some massaging of None arguments.
88 | dParams = dict(dParams);
89 | for sKey in dParams:
90 | if dParams[sKey] is None:
91 | dParams[sKey] = '';
92 | self.sUrl += '?' + webutils.encodeUrlParams(dParams);
93 |
94 | if sFragmentId is not None:
95 | self.sUrl += '#' + sFragmentId;
96 |
97 | def setBracketed(self, fBracketed):
98 | """Changes the bracketing style."""
99 | self.fBracketed = fBracketed;
100 | return True;
101 |
102 | def toHtml(self):
103 | """
104 | Returns a simple HTML anchor element.
105 | """
106 | sExtraAttrs = self.sExtraAttrs;
107 | if self.sConfirm is not None:
108 | sExtraAttrs += 'onclick=\'return confirm("%s");\' ' % (webutils.escapeAttr(self.sConfirm),);
109 | if self.sTitle is not None:
110 | sExtraAttrs += 'title="%s" ' % (webutils.escapeAttr(self.sTitle),);
111 | if sExtraAttrs and sExtraAttrs[-1] != ' ':
112 | sExtraAttrs += ' ';
113 |
114 | sFmt = '[<a %shref="%s">%s</a>]';
115 | if not self.fBracketed:
116 | sFmt = '<a %shref="%s">%s</a>';
117 | return sFmt % (sExtraAttrs, webutils.escapeAttr(self.sUrl), webutils.escapeElem(self.sName));
118 |
119 |
120 | class WuiTmLink(WuiLinkBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
121 | """ Local link to the test manager. """
122 |
123 | kdDbgParams = None;
124 |
125 | def __init__(self, sName, sUrlBase, dParams = None, sConfirm = None, sTitle = None,
126 | sFragmentId = None, fBracketed = True):
127 |
128 | # Add debug parameters if necessary.
129 | if self.kdDbgParams:
130 | if not dParams:
131 | dParams = dict(self.kdDbgParams);
132 | else:
133 | dParams = dict(dParams);
134 | for sKey in self.kdDbgParams:
135 | if sKey not in dParams:
136 | dParams[sKey] = self.kdDbgParams[sKey];
137 |
138 | WuiLinkBase.__init__(self, sName, sUrlBase, dParams, sConfirm, sTitle, sFragmentId, fBracketed);
139 |
140 |
141 | class WuiAdminLink(WuiTmLink): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
142 | """ Local link to the test manager's admin portion. """
143 |
144 | def __init__(self, sName, sAction, tsEffectiveDate = None, dParams = None, sConfirm = None, sTitle = None,
145 | sFragmentId = None, fBracketed = True):
146 | from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
147 | if not dParams:
148 | dParams = dict();
149 | else:
150 | dParams = dict(dParams);
151 | if sAction is not None:
152 | dParams[WuiAdmin.ksParamAction] = sAction;
153 | if tsEffectiveDate is not None:
154 | dParams[WuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate] = tsEffectiveDate;
155 | WuiTmLink.__init__(self, sName, WuiAdmin.ksScriptName, dParams = dParams, sConfirm = sConfirm, sTitle = sTitle,
156 | sFragmentId = sFragmentId, fBracketed = fBracketed);
157 |
158 | class WuiMainLink(WuiTmLink): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
159 | """ Local link to the test manager's main portion. """
160 |
161 | def __init__(self, sName, sAction, dParams = None, sConfirm = None, sTitle = None, sFragmentId = None, fBracketed = True):
162 | if not dParams:
163 | dParams = dict();
164 | else:
165 | dParams = dict(dParams);
166 | from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
167 | if sAction is not None:
168 | dParams[WuiMain.ksParamAction] = sAction;
169 | WuiTmLink.__init__(self, sName, WuiMain.ksScriptName, dParams = dParams, sConfirm = sConfirm, sTitle = sTitle,
170 | sFragmentId = sFragmentId, fBracketed = fBracketed);
171 |
172 | class WuiSvnLink(WuiLinkBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
173 | """
174 | For linking to a SVN revision.
175 | """
176 | def __init__(self, iRevision, sName = None, fBracketed = True, sExtraAttrs = ''):
177 | if sName is None:
178 | sName = 'r%s' % (iRevision,);
179 | WuiLinkBase.__init__(self, sName, config.g_ksTracLogUrlPrefix, { 'rev': iRevision,},
180 | fBracketed = fBracketed, sExtraAttrs = sExtraAttrs);
181 |
182 | class WuiSvnLinkWithTooltip(WuiSvnLink): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
183 | """
184 | For linking to a SVN revision with changelog tooltip.
185 | """
186 | def __init__(self, iRevision, sRepository, sName = None, fBracketed = True):
187 | sExtraAttrs = ' onmouseover="return svnHistoryTooltipShow(event,\'%s\',%s);" onmouseout="return tooltipHide();"' \
188 | % ( sRepository, iRevision, );
189 | WuiSvnLink.__init__(self, iRevision, sName = sName, fBracketed = fBracketed, sExtraAttrs = sExtraAttrs);
190 |
191 | class WuiBuildLogLink(WuiLinkBase):
192 | """
193 | For linking to a build log.
194 | """
195 | def __init__(self, sUrl, sName = None, fBracketed = True):
196 | assert sUrl;
197 | if sName is None:
198 | sName = 'Build log';
199 | if not webutils.hasSchema(sUrl):
200 | WuiLinkBase.__init__(self, sName, config.g_ksBuildLogUrlPrefix + sUrl, fBracketed = fBracketed);
201 | else:
202 | WuiLinkBase.__init__(self, sName, sUrl, fBracketed = fBracketed);
203 |
204 | class WuiRawHtml(WuiHtmlBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
205 | """
206 | For passing raw html from WuiListContentBase._formatListEntry.
207 | """
208 | def __init__(self, sHtml):
209 | self.sHtml = sHtml;
210 | WuiHtmlBase.__init__(self);
211 |
212 | def toHtml(self):
213 | return self.sHtml;
214 |
215 | class WuiHtmlKeeper(WuiHtmlBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
216 | """
217 | For keeping a list of elements, concatenating their toHtml output together.
218 | """
219 | def __init__(self, aoInitial = None, sSep = ' '):
220 | WuiHtmlBase.__init__(self);
221 | self.sSep = sSep;
222 | self.aoKept = [];
223 | if aoInitial is not None:
224 | if isinstance(aoInitial, WuiHtmlBase):
225 | self.aoKept.append(aoInitial);
226 | else:
227 | self.aoKept.extend(aoInitial);
228 |
229 | def append(self, oObject):
230 | """ Appends one objects. """
231 | self.aoKept.append(oObject);
232 |
233 | def extend(self, aoObjects):
234 | """ Appends a list of objects. """
235 | self.aoKept.extend(aoObjects);
236 |
237 | def toHtml(self):
238 | return self.sSep.join(oObj.toHtml() for oObj in self.aoKept);
239 |
240 | class WuiSpanText(WuiRawHtml): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
241 | """
242 | Outputs the given text within a span of the given CSS class.
243 | """
244 | def __init__(self, sSpanClass, sText, sTitle = None):
245 | if sTitle is None:
246 | WuiRawHtml.__init__(self,
247 | u'<span class="%s">%s</span>'
248 | % ( webutils.escapeAttr(sSpanClass), webutils.escapeElem(sText),));
249 | else:
250 | WuiRawHtml.__init__(self,
251 | u'<span class="%s" title="%s">%s</span>'
252 | % ( webutils.escapeAttr(sSpanClass), webutils.escapeAttr(sTitle), webutils.escapeElem(sText),));
253 |
254 | class WuiElementText(WuiRawHtml): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
255 | """
256 | Outputs the given element text.
257 | """
258 | def __init__(self, sText):
259 | WuiRawHtml.__init__(self, webutils.escapeElem(sText));
260 |
261 |
262 | class WuiContentBase(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
263 | """
264 | Base for the content classes.
265 | """
266 |
267 | ## The text/symbol for a very short add link.
268 | ksShortAddLink = u'\u2795'
269 | ## HTML hex entity string for ksShortAddLink.
270 | ksShortAddLinkHtml = '➕;'
271 | ## The text/symbol for a very short edit link.
272 | ksShortEditLink = u'\u270D'
273 | ## HTML hex entity string for ksShortDetailsLink.
274 | ksShortEditLinkHtml = '✍'
275 | ## The text/symbol for a very short details link.
276 | ksShortDetailsLink = u'\U0001f6c8\ufe0e'
277 | ## HTML hex entity string for ksShortDetailsLink.
278 | ksShortDetailsLinkHtml = '🛈;︎'
279 | ## The text/symbol for a very short change log / details / previous page link.
280 | ksShortChangeLogLink = u'\u2397'
281 | ## HTML hex entity string for ksShortDetailsLink.
282 | ksShortChangeLogLinkHtml = '⎗'
283 | ## The text/symbol for a very short reports link.
284 | ksShortReportLink = u'\U0001f4ca\ufe0e'
285 | ## HTML hex entity string for ksShortReportLink.
286 | ksShortReportLinkHtml = '📊︎'
287 | ## The text/symbol for a very short test results link.
288 | ksShortTestResultsLink = u'\U0001f5d0\ufe0e'
289 |
290 |
291 | def __init__(self, fnDPrint = None, oDisp = None):
292 | self._oDisp = oDisp; # WuiDispatcherBase.
293 | self._fnDPrint = fnDPrint;
294 | if fnDPrint is None and oDisp is not None:
295 | self._fnDPrint = oDisp.dprint;
296 |
297 | def dprint(self, sText):
298 | """ Debug printing. """
299 | if self._fnDPrint:
300 | self._fnDPrint(sText);
301 |
302 | @staticmethod
303 | def formatTsShort(oTs):
304 | """
305 | Formats a timestamp (db rep) into a short form.
306 | """
307 | oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(oTs);
308 | sTs = oTsZulu.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ');
309 | return unicode(sTs).replace('-', u'\u2011').replace(' ', u'\u00a0');
310 |
311 | def getNowTs(self):
312 | """ Gets a database compatible current timestamp from python. See db.dbTimestampPythonNow(). """
313 | return db.dbTimestampPythonNow();
314 |
315 | def formatIntervalShort(self, oInterval):
316 | """
317 | Formats an interval (db rep) into a short form.
318 | """
319 | # default formatting for negative intervals.
320 | if oInterval.days < 0:
321 | return str(oInterval);
322 |
323 | # Figure the hour, min and sec counts.
324 | cHours = oInterval.seconds // 3600;
325 | cMinutes = (oInterval.seconds % 3600) // 60;
326 | cSeconds = oInterval.seconds - cHours * 3600 - cMinutes * 60;
327 |
328 | # Tailor formatting to the interval length.
329 | if oInterval.days > 0:
330 | if oInterval.days > 1:
331 | return '%d days, %d:%02d:%02d' % (oInterval.days, cHours, cMinutes, cSeconds);
332 | return '1 day, %d:%02d:%02d' % (cHours, cMinutes, cSeconds);
333 | if cMinutes > 0 or cSeconds >= 30 or cHours > 0:
334 | return '%d:%02d:%02d' % (cHours, cMinutes, cSeconds);
335 | if cSeconds >= 10:
336 | return '%d.%ds' % (cSeconds, oInterval.microseconds // 100000);
337 | if cSeconds > 0:
338 | return '%d.%02ds' % (cSeconds, oInterval.microseconds // 10000);
339 | return '%d ms' % (oInterval.microseconds // 1000,);
340 |
341 | @staticmethod
342 | def genericPageWalker(iCurItem, cItems, sHrefFmt, cWidth = 11, iBase = 1, sItemName = 'page'):
343 | """
344 | Generic page walker generator.
345 |
346 | sHrefFmt has three %s sequences:
347 | 1. The first is the page number link parameter (0-based).
348 | 2. The title text, iBase-based number or text.
349 | 3. The link text, iBase-based number or text.
350 | """
351 |
352 | # Calc display range.
353 | iStart = 0 if iCurItem - cWidth // 2 <= cWidth // 4 else iCurItem - cWidth // 2;
354 | iEnd = iStart + cWidth;
355 | if iEnd > cItems:
356 | iEnd = cItems;
357 | if cItems > cWidth:
358 | iStart = cItems - cWidth;
359 |
360 | sHtml = u'';
361 |
362 | # Previous page (using << >> because « and » are too tiny).
363 | if iCurItem > 0:
364 | sHtml += '%s ' % sHrefFmt % (iCurItem - 1, 'previous ' + sItemName, '<<');
365 | else:
366 | sHtml += '<< ';
367 |
368 | # 1 2 3 4...
369 | if iStart > 0:
370 | sHtml += '%s ... \n' % (sHrefFmt % (0, 'first %s' % (sItemName,), 0 + iBase),);
371 |
372 | sHtml += ' \n'.join(sHrefFmt % (i, '%s %d' % (sItemName, i + iBase), i + iBase) if i != iCurItem
373 | else unicode(i + iBase)
374 | for i in range(iStart, iEnd));
375 | if iEnd < cItems:
376 | sHtml += ' ... %s\n' % (sHrefFmt % (cItems - 1, 'last %s' % (sItemName,), cItems - 1 + iBase));
377 |
378 | # Next page.
379 | if iCurItem + 1 < cItems:
380 | sHtml += ' %s' % sHrefFmt % (iCurItem + 1, 'next ' + sItemName, '>>');
381 | else:
382 | sHtml += ' >>';
383 |
384 | return sHtml;
385 |
386 | class WuiSingleContentBase(WuiContentBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
387 | """
388 | Base for the content classes working on a single data object (oData).
389 | """
390 | def __init__(self, oData, oDisp = None, fnDPrint = None):
391 | WuiContentBase.__init__(self, oDisp = oDisp, fnDPrint = fnDPrint);
392 | self._oData = oData; # Usually ModelDataBase.
393 |
394 |
395 | class WuiFormContentBase(WuiSingleContentBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
396 | """
397 | Base class for simple input form content classes (single data object).
398 | """
399 |
400 | ## @name Form mode.
401 | ## @{
402 | ksMode_Add = 'add';
403 | ksMode_Edit = 'edit';
404 | ksMode_Show = 'show';
405 | ## @}
406 |
407 | ## Default action mappings.
408 | kdSubmitActionMappings = {
409 | ksMode_Add: 'AddPost',
410 | ksMode_Edit: 'EditPost',
411 | };
412 |
413 | def __init__(self, oData, sMode, sCoreName, oDisp, sTitle, sId = None, fEditable = True, sSubmitAction = None):
414 | WuiSingleContentBase.__init__(self, copy.copy(oData), oDisp);
415 | assert sMode in [self.ksMode_Add, self.ksMode_Edit, self.ksMode_Show];
416 | assert len(sTitle) > 1;
417 | assert sId is None or sId;
418 |
419 | self._sMode = sMode;
420 | self._sCoreName = sCoreName;
421 | self._sActionBase = 'ksAction' + sCoreName;
422 | self._sTitle = sTitle;
423 | self._sId = sId if sId is not None else (type(oData).__name__.lower() + 'form');
424 | self._fEditable = fEditable and (oDisp is None or not oDisp.isReadOnlyUser())
425 | self._sSubmitAction = sSubmitAction;
426 | if sSubmitAction is None and sMode != self.ksMode_Show:
427 | self._sSubmitAction = getattr(oDisp, self._sActionBase + self.kdSubmitActionMappings[sMode]);
428 | self._sRedirectTo = None;
429 |
430 |
431 | def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
432 | """
433 | Populates the form. oData has parameter NULL values.
434 | This must be reimplemented by the child.
435 | """
436 | _ = oForm; _ = oData;
437 | raise Exception('Reimplement me!');
438 |
439 | def _generatePostFormContent(self, oData):
440 | """
441 | Generate optional content that comes below the form.
442 | Returns a list of tuples, where the first tuple element is the title
443 | and the second the content. I.e. similar to show() output.
444 | """
445 | _ = oData;
446 | return [];
447 |
448 | @staticmethod
449 | def _calcChangeLogEntryLinks(aoEntries, iEntry):
450 | """
451 | Returns an array of links to go with the change log entry.
452 | """
453 | _ = aoEntries; _ = iEntry;
454 | ## @todo detect deletion and recreation.
455 | ## @todo view details link.
456 | ## @todo restore link (need new action)
457 | ## @todo clone link.
458 | return [];
459 |
460 | @staticmethod
461 | def _guessChangeLogEntryDescription(aoEntries, iEntry):
462 | """
463 | Guesses the action + author that caused the change log entry.
464 | Returns descriptive string.
465 | """
466 | oEntry = aoEntries[iEntry];
467 |
468 | # Figure the author of the change.
469 | if oEntry.sAuthor is not None:
470 | sAuthor = '%s (#%s)' % (oEntry.sAuthor, oEntry.uidAuthor,);
471 | elif oEntry.uidAuthor is not None:
472 | sAuthor = '#%d (??)' % (oEntry.uidAuthor,);
473 | else:
474 | sAuthor = None;
475 |
476 | # Figure the action.
477 | if oEntry.oOldRaw is None:
478 | if sAuthor is None:
479 | return 'Created by batch job.';
480 | return 'Created by %s.' % (sAuthor,);
481 |
482 | if sAuthor is None:
483 | return 'Automatically updated.'
484 | return 'Modified by %s.' % (sAuthor,);
485 |
486 | @staticmethod
487 | def formatChangeLogEntry(aoEntries, iEntry):
488 | """
489 | Formats one change log entry into one or more HTML table rows.
490 |
491 | Note! The parameters are given as array + index in case someone wishes
492 | to access adjacent entries later in order to generate better
493 | change descriptions.
494 | """
495 | oEntry = aoEntries[iEntry];
496 |
497 | # The primary row.
498 | sRowClass = 'tmodd' if (iEntry + 1) & 1 else 'tmeven';
499 | sContent = ' <tr class="%s">\n' \
500 | ' <td rowspan="%d">%s</td>\n' \
501 | ' <td rowspan="%d">%s</td>\n' \
502 | ' <td colspan="3">%s%s</td>\n' \
503 | ' </tr>\n' \
504 | % ( sRowClass,
505 | len(oEntry.aoChanges) + 1, webutils.escapeElem(WuiFormContentBase.formatTsShort(oEntry.tsEffective)),
506 | len(oEntry.aoChanges) + 1, webutils.escapeElem(WuiFormContentBase.formatTsShort(oEntry.tsExpire)),
507 | WuiFormContentBase._guessChangeLogEntryDescription(aoEntries, iEntry),
508 | ' '.join(oLink.toHtml() for oLink in WuiFormContentBase._calcChangeLogEntryLinks(aoEntries, iEntry)),);
509 |
510 | # Additional rows for each changed attribute.
511 | j = 0;
512 | for oChange in oEntry.aoChanges:
513 | if isinstance(oChange, AttributeChangeEntryPre):
514 | sContent += ' <tr class="%s%s"><td>%s</td>'\
515 | '<td><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td>' \
516 | '<td><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td></tr>\n' \
517 | % ( sRowClass, 'odd' if j & 1 else 'even',
518 | webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sAttr),
519 | webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sOldText),
520 | webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
521 | else:
522 | sContent += ' <tr class="%s%s"><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n' \
523 | % ( sRowClass, 'odd' if j & 1 else 'even',
524 | webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sAttr),
525 | webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sOldText),
526 | webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
527 | j += 1;
528 |
529 | return sContent;
530 |
531 | def _showChangeLogNavi(self, fMoreEntries, iPageNo, cEntriesPerPage, tsNow, sWhere):
532 | """
533 | Returns the HTML for the change log navigator.
534 | Note! See also _generateNavigation.
535 | """
536 | sNavigation = '<div class="tmlistnav-%s">\n' % sWhere;
537 | sNavigation += ' <table class="tmlistnavtab">\n' \
538 | ' <tr>\n';
539 | dParams = self._oDisp.getParameters();
540 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage] = cEntriesPerPage;
541 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogPageNo] = iPageNo;
542 | if tsNow is not None:
543 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate] = tsNow;
544 |
545 | # Prev and combo box in one cell. Both inside the form for formatting reasons.
546 | sNavigation += ' <td align="left">\n' \
547 | ' <form name="ChangeLogEntriesPerPageForm" method="GET">\n'
548 |
549 | # Prev
550 | if iPageNo > 0:
551 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogPageNo] = iPageNo - 1;
552 | sNavigation += '<a href="?%s#tmchangelog">Previous</a>\n' \
553 | % (webutils.encodeUrlParams(dParams),);
554 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogPageNo] = iPageNo;
555 | else:
556 | sNavigation += 'Previous\n';
557 |
558 | # Entries per page selector.
559 | del dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage];
560 | sNavigation += ' \n' \
561 | ' <select name="%s" onchange="window.location=\'?%s&%s=\' + ' \
562 | 'this.options[this.selectedIndex].value + \'#tmchangelog\';" ' \
563 | 'title="Max change log entries per page">\n' \
564 | % (WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage,
565 | webutils.encodeUrlParams(dParams),
566 | WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage);
567 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogEntriesPerPage] = cEntriesPerPage;
568 |
569 | for iEntriesPerPage in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096, 8192]:
570 | sNavigation += ' <option value="%d" %s>%d entries per page</option>\n' \
571 | % ( iEntriesPerPage,
572 | 'selected="selected"' if iEntriesPerPage == cEntriesPerPage else '',
573 | iEntriesPerPage );
574 | sNavigation += ' </select>\n';
575 |
576 | # End of cell (and form).
577 | sNavigation += ' </form>\n' \
578 | ' </td>\n';
579 |
580 | # Next
581 | if fMoreEntries:
582 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamChangeLogPageNo] = iPageNo + 1;
583 | sNavigation += ' <td align="right"><a href="?%s#tmchangelog">Next</a></td>\n' \
584 | % (webutils.encodeUrlParams(dParams),);
585 | else:
586 | sNavigation += ' <td align="right">Next</td>\n';
587 |
588 | sNavigation += ' </tr>\n' \
589 | ' </table>\n' \
590 | '</div>\n';
591 | return sNavigation;
592 |
593 | def setRedirectTo(self, sRedirectTo):
594 | """
595 | For setting the hidden redirect-to field.
596 | """
597 | self._sRedirectTo = sRedirectTo;
598 | return True;
599 |
600 | def showChangeLog(self, aoEntries, fMoreEntries, iPageNo, cEntriesPerPage, tsNow, fShowNavigation = True):
601 | """
602 | Render the change log, returning raw HTML.
603 | aoEntries is an array of ChangeLogEntry.
604 | """
605 | sContent = '\n' \
606 | '<hr>\n' \
607 | '<div id="tmchangelog">\n' \
608 | ' <h3>Change Log </h3>\n';
609 | if fShowNavigation:
610 | sContent += self._showChangeLogNavi(fMoreEntries, iPageNo, cEntriesPerPage, tsNow, 'top');
611 | sContent += ' <table class="tmtable tmchangelog">\n' \
612 | ' <thead class="tmheader">' \
613 | ' <tr>' \
614 | ' <th rowspan="2">When</th>\n' \
615 | ' <th rowspan="2">Expire (excl)</th>\n' \
616 | ' <th colspan="3">Changes</th>\n' \
617 | ' </tr>\n' \
618 | ' <tr>\n' \
619 | ' <th>Attribute</th>\n' \
620 | ' <th>Old value</th>\n' \
621 | ' <th>New value</th>\n' \
622 | ' </tr>\n' \
623 | ' </thead>\n' \
624 | ' <tbody>\n';
625 |
626 | for iEntry, _ in enumerate(aoEntries):
627 | sContent += self.formatChangeLogEntry(aoEntries, iEntry);
628 |
629 | sContent += ' <tbody>\n' \
630 | ' </table>\n';
631 | if fShowNavigation and len(aoEntries) >= 8:
632 | sContent += self._showChangeLogNavi(fMoreEntries, iPageNo, cEntriesPerPage, tsNow, 'bottom');
633 | sContent += '</div>\n\n';
634 | return sContent;
635 |
636 | def _generateTopRowFormActions(self, oData):
637 | """
638 | Returns a list of WuiTmLinks.
639 | """
640 | aoActions = [];
641 | if self._sMode == self.ksMode_Show and self._fEditable:
642 | # Remove _idGen and effective date since we're always editing the current data,
643 | # and make sure the primary ID is present.
644 | dParams = self._oDisp.getParameters();
645 | if hasattr(oData, 'ksIdGenAttr'):
646 | sIdGenParam = getattr(oData, 'ksParam_' + oData.ksIdGenAttr);
647 | if sIdGenParam in dParams:
648 | del dParams[sIdGenParam];
649 | if WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate in dParams:
650 | del dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate];
651 | dParams[getattr(oData, 'ksParam_' + oData.ksIdAttr)] = getattr(oData, oData.ksIdAttr);
652 |
653 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamAction] = getattr(self._oDisp, self._sActionBase + 'Edit');
654 | aoActions.append(WuiTmLink('Edit', '', dParams));
655 |
656 | # Add clone operation if available. This uses the same data selection as for showing details.
657 | if hasattr(self._oDisp, self._sActionBase + 'Clone'):
658 | dParams = self._oDisp.getParameters();
659 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamAction] = getattr(self._oDisp, self._sActionBase + 'Clone');
660 | aoActions.append(WuiTmLink('Clone', '', dParams));
661 |
662 | elif self._sMode == self.ksMode_Edit:
663 | # Details views the details at a given time, so we need either idGen or an effecive date + regular id.
664 | dParams = {};
665 | if hasattr(oData, 'ksIdGenAttr'):
666 | sIdGenParam = getattr(oData, 'ksParam_' + oData.ksIdGenAttr);
667 | dParams[sIdGenParam] = getattr(oData, oData.ksIdGenAttr);
668 | elif hasattr(oData, 'tsEffective'):
669 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate] = oData.tsEffective;
670 | dParams[getattr(oData, 'ksParam_' + oData.ksIdAttr)] = getattr(oData, oData.ksIdAttr);
671 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamAction] = getattr(self._oDisp, self._sActionBase + 'Details');
672 | aoActions.append(WuiTmLink('Details', '', dParams));
673 |
674 | # Add delete operation if available.
675 | if hasattr(self._oDisp, self._sActionBase + 'DoRemove'):
676 | dParams = self._oDisp.getParameters();
677 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamAction] = getattr(self._oDisp, self._sActionBase + 'DoRemove');
678 | dParams[getattr(oData, 'ksParam_' + oData.ksIdAttr)] = getattr(oData, oData.ksIdAttr);
679 | aoActions.append(WuiTmLink('Delete', '', dParams, sConfirm = "Are you absolutely sure?"));
680 |
681 | return aoActions;
682 |
683 | def showForm(self, dErrors = None, sErrorMsg = None):
684 | """
685 | Render the form.
686 | """
687 | oForm = WuiHlpForm(self._sId,
688 | '?' + webutils.encodeUrlParams({WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamAction: self._sSubmitAction}),
689 | dErrors if dErrors is not None else dict(),
690 | fReadOnly = self._sMode == self.ksMode_Show);
691 |
692 | self._oData.convertToParamNull();
693 |
694 | # If form cannot be constructed due to some reason we
695 | # need to show this reason
696 | try:
697 | self._populateForm(oForm, self._oData);
698 | if self._sRedirectTo is not None:
699 | oForm.addTextHidden(self._oDisp.ksParamRedirectTo, self._sRedirectTo);
700 | except WuiException as oXcpt:
701 | sContent = unicode(oXcpt)
702 | else:
703 | sContent = oForm.finalize();
704 |
705 | # Add any post form content.
706 | atPostFormContent = self._generatePostFormContent(self._oData);
707 | if atPostFormContent:
708 | for iSection, tSection in enumerate(atPostFormContent):
709 | (sSectionTitle, sSectionContent) = tSection;
710 | sContent += u'<div id="postform-%d" class="tmformpostsection">\n' % (iSection,);
711 | if sSectionTitle:
712 | sContent += '<h3 class="tmformpostheader">%s</h3>\n' % (webutils.escapeElem(sSectionTitle),);
713 | sContent += u' <div id="postform-%d-content" class="tmformpostcontent">\n' % (iSection,);
714 | sContent += sSectionContent;
715 | sContent += u' </div>\n' \
716 | u'</div>\n';
717 |
718 | # Add action to the top.
719 | aoActions = self._generateTopRowFormActions(self._oData);
720 | if aoActions:
721 | sActionLinks = '<p>%s</p>' % (' '.join(unicode(oLink) for oLink in aoActions));
722 | sContent = sActionLinks + sContent;
723 |
724 | # Add error info to the top.
725 | if sErrorMsg is not None:
726 | sContent = '<p class="tmerrormsg">' + webutils.escapeElem(sErrorMsg) + '</p>\n' + sContent;
727 |
728 | return (self._sTitle, sContent);
729 |
730 | def getListOfItems(self, asListItems = tuple(), asSelectedItems = tuple()):
731 | """
732 | Format generic list which should be used by HTML form
733 | """
734 | aoRet = []
735 | for sListItem in asListItems:
736 | fEnabled = sListItem in asSelectedItems;
737 | aoRet.append((sListItem, fEnabled, sListItem))
738 | return aoRet
739 |
740 |
741 | class WuiListContentBase(WuiContentBase):
742 | """
743 | Base for the list content classes.
744 | """
745 |
746 | def __init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffectiveDate, sTitle, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
747 | sId = None, fnDPrint = None, oDisp = None, aiSelectedSortColumns = None, fTimeNavigation = True):
748 | WuiContentBase.__init__(self, fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp);
749 | self._aoEntries = aoEntries; ## @todo should replace this with a Logic object and define methods for querying.
750 | self._iPage = iPage;
751 | self._cItemsPerPage = cItemsPerPage;
752 | self._tsEffectiveDate = tsEffectiveDate;
753 | self._fTimeNavigation = fTimeNavigation;
754 | self._sTitle = sTitle; assert len(sTitle) > 1;
755 | if sId is None:
756 | sId = sTitle.strip().replace(' ', '').lower();
757 | assert sId.strip();
758 | self._sId = sId;
759 | self._asColumnHeaders = [];
760 | self._asColumnAttribs = [];
761 | self._aaiColumnSorting = []; ##< list of list of integers
762 | self._aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns; ##< list of integers
763 |
764 | def _formatCommentCell(self, sComment, cMaxLines = 3, cchMaxLine = 63):
765 | """
766 | Helper functions for formatting comment cell.
767 | Returns None or WuiRawHtml instance.
768 | """
769 | # Nothing to do for empty comments.
770 | if sComment is None:
771 | return None;
772 | sComment = sComment.strip();
773 | if not sComment:
774 | return None;
775 |
776 | # Restrict the text if necessary, making the whole text available thru mouse-over.
777 | ## @todo this would be better done by java script or smth, so it could automatically adjust to the table size.
778 | if len(sComment) > cchMaxLine or sComment.count('\n') >= cMaxLines:
779 | sShortHtml = '';
780 | for iLine, sLine in enumerate(sComment.split('\n')):
781 | if iLine >= cMaxLines:
782 | break;
783 | if iLine > 0:
784 | sShortHtml += '<br>\n';
785 | if len(sLine) > cchMaxLine:
786 | sShortHtml += webutils.escapeElem(sLine[:(cchMaxLine - 3)]);
787 | sShortHtml += '...';
788 | else:
789 | sShortHtml += webutils.escapeElem(sLine);
790 | return WuiRawHtml('<span class="tmcomment" title="%s">%s</span>' % (webutils.escapeAttr(sComment), sShortHtml,));
791 |
792 | return WuiRawHtml('<span class="tmcomment">%s</span>' % (webutils.escapeElem(sComment).replace('\n', '<br>'),));
793 |
794 | def _formatListEntry(self, iEntry):
795 | """
796 | Formats the specified list entry as a list of column values.
797 | Returns HTML for a table row.
798 |
799 | The child class really need to override this!
800 | """
801 | # ASSUMES ModelDataBase children.
802 | asRet = [];
803 | for sAttr in self._aoEntries[0].getDataAttributes():
804 | asRet.append(getattr(self._aoEntries[iEntry], sAttr));
805 | return asRet;
806 |
807 | def _formatListEntryHtml(self, iEntry):
808 | """
809 | Formats the specified list entry as HTML.
810 | Returns HTML for a table row.
811 |
812 | The child class can override this to
813 | """
814 | if (iEntry + 1) & 1:
815 | sRow = u' <tr class="tmodd">\n';
816 | else:
817 | sRow = u' <tr class="tmeven">\n';
818 |
819 | aoValues = self._formatListEntry(iEntry);
820 | assert len(aoValues) == len(self._asColumnHeaders), '%s vs %s' % (len(aoValues), len(self._asColumnHeaders));
821 |
822 | for i, _ in enumerate(aoValues):
823 | if i < len(self._asColumnAttribs) and self._asColumnAttribs[i]:
824 | sRow += u' <td ' + self._asColumnAttribs[i] + '>';
825 | else:
826 | sRow += u' <td>';
827 |
828 | if isinstance(aoValues[i], WuiHtmlBase):
829 | sRow += aoValues[i].toHtml();
830 | elif isinstance(aoValues[i], list):
831 | if aoValues[i]:
832 | for oElement in aoValues[i]:
833 | if isinstance(oElement, WuiHtmlBase):
834 | sRow += oElement.toHtml();
835 | elif db.isDbTimestamp(oElement):
836 | sRow += webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(oElement));
837 | else:
838 | sRow += webutils.escapeElem(unicode(oElement));
839 | sRow += ' ';
840 | elif db.isDbTimestamp(aoValues[i]):
841 | sRow += webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(aoValues[i]));
842 | elif db.isDbInterval(aoValues[i]):
843 | sRow += webutils.escapeElem(self.formatIntervalShort(aoValues[i]));
844 | elif aoValues[i] is not None:
845 | sRow += webutils.escapeElem(unicode(aoValues[i]));
846 |
847 | sRow += u'</td>\n';
848 |
849 | return sRow + u' </tr>\n';
850 |
851 | @staticmethod
852 | def generateTimeNavigationComboBox(sWhere, dParams, tsEffective):
853 | """
854 | Generates the HTML for the xxxx ago combo box form.
855 | """
856 | sNavigation = '<form name="TmTimeNavCombo-%s" method="GET">\n' % (sWhere,);
857 | sNavigation += ' <select name="%s" onchange="window.location=' % (WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate);
858 | sNavigation += '\'?%s&%s=\' + ' % (webutils.encodeUrlParams(dParams), WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate)
859 | sNavigation += 'this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" title="Effective date">\n';
860 |
861 | aoWayBackPoints = [
862 | ('+0000-00-00 00:00:00.00', 'Now', ' title="Present Day. Present Time."'), # lain :)
863 |
864 | ('-0000-00-00 01:00:00.00', '1 hour ago', ''),
865 | ('-0000-00-00 02:00:00.00', '2 hours ago', ''),
866 | ('-0000-00-00 03:00:00.00', '3 hours ago', ''),
867 |
868 | ('-0000-00-01 00:00:00.00', '1 day ago', ''),
869 | ('-0000-00-02 00:00:00.00', '2 days ago', ''),
870 | ('-0000-00-03 00:00:00.00', '3 days ago', ''),
871 |
872 | ('-0000-00-07 00:00:00.00', '1 week ago', ''),
873 | ('-0000-00-14 00:00:00.00', '2 weeks ago', ''),
874 | ('-0000-00-21 00:00:00.00', '3 weeks ago', ''),
875 |
876 | ('-0000-01-00 00:00:00.00', '1 month ago', ''),
877 | ('-0000-02-00 00:00:00.00', '2 months ago', ''),
878 | ('-0000-03-00 00:00:00.00', '3 months ago', ''),
879 | ('-0000-04-00 00:00:00.00', '4 months ago', ''),
880 | ('-0000-05-00 00:00:00.00', '5 months ago', ''),
881 | ('-0000-06-00 00:00:00.00', 'Half a year ago', ''),
882 |
883 | ('-0001-00-00 00:00:00.00', '1 year ago', ''),
884 | ]
885 | fSelected = False;
886 | for sTimestamp, sWayBackPointCaption, sExtraAttrs in aoWayBackPoints:
887 | if sTimestamp == tsEffective:
888 | fSelected = True;
889 | sNavigation += ' <option value="%s"%s%s>%s</option>\n' \
890 | % (webutils.quoteUrl(sTimestamp),
891 | ' selected="selected"' if sTimestamp == tsEffective else '',
892 | sExtraAttrs, sWayBackPointCaption, );
893 | if not fSelected and tsEffective != '':
894 | sNavigation += ' <option value="%s" selected>%s</option>\n' \
895 | % (webutils.quoteUrl(tsEffective), WuiContentBase.formatTsShort(tsEffective))
896 |
897 | sNavigation += ' </select>\n' \
898 | '</form>\n';
899 | return sNavigation;
900 |
901 | @staticmethod
902 | def generateTimeNavigationDateTime(sWhere, dParams, sNow):
903 | """
904 | Generates HTML for a form with date + time input fields.
905 |
906 | Note! Modifies dParams!
907 | """
908 |
909 | #
910 | # Date + time input fields. We use a java script helper to combine the two
911 | # into a hidden field as there is no portable datetime input field type.
912 | #
913 | sNavigation = '<form method="get" action="?" onchange="timeNavigationUpdateHiddenEffDate(this,\'%s\')">' % (sWhere,);
914 | if sNow is None:
915 | sNow = utils.getIsoTimestamp();
916 | else:
917 | sNow = utils.normalizeIsoTimestampToZulu(sNow);
918 | asSplit = sNow.split('T');
919 | sNavigation += ' <input type="date" value="%s" id="EffDate%s"/> ' % (asSplit[0], sWhere, );
920 | sNavigation += ' <input type="time" value="%s" id="EffTime%s"/> ' % (asSplit[1][:8], sWhere,);
921 | sNavigation += ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" id="EffDateTime%s"/>' \
922 | % (WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate, webutils.escapeAttr(sNow), sWhere);
923 | for sKey in dParams:
924 | sNavigation += ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>' \
925 | % (webutils.escapeAttr(sKey), webutils.escapeAttrToStr(dParams[sKey]));
926 | sNavigation += ' <input type="submit" value="Set"/>\n' \
927 | '</form>\n';
928 | return sNavigation;
929 |
930 | ## @todo move to better place! WuiMain uses it.
931 | @staticmethod
932 | def generateTimeNavigation(sWhere, dParams, tsEffectiveAbs, sPreamble = '', sPostamble = '', fKeepPageNo = False):
933 | """
934 | Returns HTML for time navigation.
935 |
936 | Note! Modifies dParams!
937 | Note! Views without a need for a timescale just stubs this method.
938 | """
939 | sNavigation = '<div class="tmtimenav-%s tmtimenav">%s' % (sWhere, sPreamble,);
940 |
941 | #
942 | # Prepare the URL parameters.
943 | #
944 | if WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamPageNo in dParams: # Forget about page No when changing a period
945 | del dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamPageNo]
946 | if not fKeepPageNo and WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate in dParams:
947 | tsEffectiveParam = dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate];
948 | del dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate];
949 | else:
950 | tsEffectiveParam = ''
951 |
952 | #
953 | # Generate the individual parts.
954 | #
955 | sNavigation += WuiListContentBase.generateTimeNavigationDateTime(sWhere, dParams, tsEffectiveAbs);
956 | sNavigation += WuiListContentBase.generateTimeNavigationComboBox(sWhere, dParams, tsEffectiveParam);
957 |
958 | sNavigation += '%s</div>' % (sPostamble,);
959 | return sNavigation;
960 |
961 | def _generateTimeNavigation(self, sWhere, sPreamble = '', sPostamble = ''):
962 | """
963 | Returns HTML for time navigation.
964 |
965 | Note! Views without a need for a timescale just stubs this method.
966 | """
967 | return self.generateTimeNavigation(sWhere, self._oDisp.getParameters(), self._oDisp.getEffectiveDateParam(),
968 | sPreamble, sPostamble)
969 |
970 | @staticmethod
971 | def generateItemPerPageSelector(sWhere, dParams, cCurItemsPerPage):
972 | """
973 | Generate HTML code for items per page selector.
974 | Note! Modifies dParams!
975 | """
976 |
977 | # Drop the current page count parameter.
978 | if WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamItemsPerPage in dParams:
979 | del dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamItemsPerPage];
980 |
981 | # Remove the current page number.
982 | if WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamPageNo in dParams:
983 | del dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamPageNo];
984 |
985 | sHtmlItemsPerPageSelector = '<form name="TmItemsPerPageForm-%s" method="GET" class="tmitemsperpage-%s tmitemsperpage">\n'\
986 | ' <select name="%s" onchange="window.location=\'?%s&%s=\' + ' \
987 | 'this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" title="Max items per page">\n' \
988 | % (sWhere, WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamItemsPerPage, sWhere,
989 | webutils.encodeUrlParams(dParams),
990 | WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamItemsPerPage)
991 |
992 | acItemsPerPage = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096];
993 | for cItemsPerPage in acItemsPerPage:
994 | sHtmlItemsPerPageSelector += ' <option value="%d" %s>%d per page</option>\n' \
995 | % (cItemsPerPage,
996 | 'selected="selected"' if cItemsPerPage == cCurItemsPerPage else '',
997 | cItemsPerPage)
998 | sHtmlItemsPerPageSelector += ' </select>\n' \
999 | '</form>\n';
1000 |
1001 | return sHtmlItemsPerPageSelector
1002 |
1003 |
1004 | def _generateNavigation(self, sWhere):
1005 | """
1006 | Return HTML for navigation.
1007 | """
1008 |
1009 | #
1010 | # ASSUMES the dispatcher/controller code fetches one entry more than
1011 | # needed to fill the page to indicate further records.
1012 | #
1013 | sNavigation = '<div class="tmlistnav-%s">\n' % sWhere;
1014 | sNavigation += ' <table class="tmlistnavtab">\n' \
1015 | ' <tr>\n';
1016 | dParams = self._oDisp.getParameters();
1017 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamItemsPerPage] = self._cItemsPerPage;
1018 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamPageNo] = self._iPage;
1019 | if self._tsEffectiveDate is not None:
1020 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamEffectiveDate] = self._tsEffectiveDate;
1021 |
1022 | # Prev
1023 | if self._iPage > 0:
1024 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamPageNo] = self._iPage - 1;
1025 | sNavigation += ' <td align="left"><a href="?%s">Previous</a></td>\n' % (webutils.encodeUrlParams(dParams),);
1026 | else:
1027 | sNavigation += ' <td></td>\n';
1028 |
1029 | # Time scale.
1030 | if self._fTimeNavigation:
1031 | sNavigation += '<td align="center" class="tmtimenav">';
1032 | sNavigation += self._generateTimeNavigation(sWhere);
1033 | sNavigation += '</td>';
1034 |
1035 | # page count and next.
1036 | sNavigation += '<td align="right" class="tmnextanditemsperpage">\n';
1037 |
1038 | if len(self._aoEntries) > self._cItemsPerPage:
1039 | dParams[WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamPageNo] = self._iPage + 1;
1040 | sNavigation += ' <a href="?%s">Next</a>\n' % (webutils.encodeUrlParams(dParams),);
1041 | sNavigation += self.generateItemPerPageSelector(sWhere, dParams, self._cItemsPerPage);
1042 | sNavigation += '</td>\n';
1043 | sNavigation += ' </tr>\n' \
1044 | ' </table>\n' \
1045 | '</div>\n';
1046 | return sNavigation;
1047 |
1048 | def _checkSortingByColumnAscending(self, aiColumns):
1049 | """
1050 | Checks if we're sorting by this column.
1051 |
1052 | Returns 0 if not sorting by this, negative if descending, positive if ascending. The
1053 | value indicates the priority (nearer to 0 is higher).
1054 | """
1055 | if len(aiColumns) <= len(self._aiSelectedSortColumns):
1056 | aiColumns = list(aiColumns);
1057 | aiNegColumns = list([-i for i in aiColumns]);
1058 | i = 0;
1059 | while i + len(aiColumns) <= len(self._aiSelectedSortColumns):
1060 | aiSub = list(self._aiSelectedSortColumns[i : i + len(aiColumns)]);
1061 | if aiSub == aiColumns:
1062 | return 1 + i;
1063 | if aiSub == aiNegColumns:
1064 | return -1 - i;
1065 | i += 1;
1066 | return 0;
1067 |
1068 | def _generateTableHeaders(self):
1069 | """
1070 | Generate table headers.
1071 | Returns raw html string.
1072 | Overridable.
1073 | """
1074 |
1075 | sHtml = ' <thead class="tmheader"><tr>';
1076 | for iHeader, oHeader in enumerate(self._asColumnHeaders):
1077 | if isinstance(oHeader, WuiHtmlBase):
1078 | sHtml += '<th>' + oHeader.toHtml() + '</th>';
1079 | elif iHeader < len(self._aaiColumnSorting) and self._aaiColumnSorting[iHeader] is not None:
1080 | sHtml += '<th>'
1081 | iSorting = self._checkSortingByColumnAscending(self._aaiColumnSorting[iHeader]);
1082 | if iSorting > 0:
1083 | sDirection = ' ▴' if iSorting == 1 else '<small> ▵</small>';
1084 | sSortParams = ','.join([str(-i) for i in self._aaiColumnSorting[iHeader]]);
1085 | else:
1086 | sDirection = '';
1087 | if iSorting < 0:
1088 | sDirection = ' ▾' if iSorting == -1 else '<small> ▿</small>'
1089 | sSortParams = ','.join([str(i) for i in self._aaiColumnSorting[iHeader]]);
1090 | sHtml += '<a href="javascript:ahrefActionSortByColumns(\'%s\',[%s]);">' \
1091 | % (WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamSortColumns, sSortParams);
1092 | sHtml += webutils.escapeElem(oHeader) + '</a>' + sDirection + '</th>';
1093 | else:
1094 | sHtml += '<th>' + webutils.escapeElem(oHeader) + '</th>';
1095 | sHtml += '</tr><thead>\n';
1096 | return sHtml
1097 |
1098 | def _generateTable(self):
1099 | """
1100 | show worker that just generates the table.
1101 | """
1102 |
1103 | #
1104 | # Create a table.
1105 | # If no colum headers are provided, fall back on database field
1106 | # names, ASSUMING that the entries are ModelDataBase children.
1107 | # Note! the cellspacing is for IE8.
1108 | #
1109 | sPageBody = '<table class="tmtable" id="' + self._sId + '" cellspacing="0">\n';
1110 |
1111 | if not self._asColumnHeaders:
1112 | self._asColumnHeaders = self._aoEntries[0].getDataAttributes();
1113 |
1114 | sPageBody += self._generateTableHeaders();
1115 |
1116 | #
1117 | # Format the body and close the table.
1118 | #
1119 | sPageBody += ' <tbody>\n';
1120 | for iEntry in range(min(len(self._aoEntries), self._cItemsPerPage)):
1121 | sPageBody += self._formatListEntryHtml(iEntry);
1122 | sPageBody += ' </tbody>\n' \
1123 | '</table>\n';
1124 | return sPageBody;
1125 |
1126 | def _composeTitle(self):
1127 | """Composes the title string (return value)."""
1128 | sTitle = self._sTitle;
1129 | if self._iPage != 0:
1130 | sTitle += ' (page ' + unicode(self._iPage + 1) + ')'
1131 | if self._tsEffectiveDate is not None:
1132 | sTitle += ' as per ' + unicode(self.formatTsShort(self._tsEffectiveDate));
1133 | return sTitle;
1134 |
1135 |
1136 | def show(self, fShowNavigation = True):
1137 | """
1138 | Displays the list.
1139 | Returns (Title, HTML) on success, raises exception on error.
1140 | """
1141 |
1142 | sPageBody = ''
1143 | if fShowNavigation:
1144 | sPageBody += self._generateNavigation('top');
1145 |
1146 | if self._aoEntries:
1147 | sPageBody += self._generateTable();
1148 | if fShowNavigation:
1149 | sPageBody += self._generateNavigation('bottom');
1150 | else:
1151 | sPageBody += '<p>No entries.</p>'
1152 |
1153 | return (self._composeTitle(), sPageBody);
1154 |
1155 |
1156 | class WuiListContentWithActionBase(WuiListContentBase):
1157 | """
1158 | Base for the list content with action classes.
1159 | """
1160 |
1161 | def __init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffectiveDate, sTitle, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
1162 | sId = None, fnDPrint = None, oDisp = None, aiSelectedSortColumns = None):
1163 | WuiListContentBase.__init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffectiveDate, sTitle, sId = sId,
1164 | fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns);
1165 | self._aoActions = None; # List of [ oValue, sText, sHover ] provided by the child class.
1166 | self._sAction = None; # Set by the child class.
1167 | self._sCheckboxName = None; # Set by the child class.
1168 | self._asColumnHeaders = [ WuiRawHtml('<input type="checkbox" onClick="toggle%s(this)">'
1169 | % ('' if sId is None else sId)), ];
1170 | self._asColumnAttribs = [ 'align="center"', ];
1171 | self._aaiColumnSorting = [ None, ];
1172 |
1173 | def _getCheckBoxColumn(self, iEntry, sValue):
1174 | """
1175 | Used by _formatListEntry implementations, returns a WuiRawHtmlBase object.
1176 | """
1177 | _ = iEntry;
1178 | return WuiRawHtml('<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s">'
1179 | % (webutils.escapeAttr(self._sCheckboxName), webutils.escapeAttr(unicode(sValue))));
1180 |
1181 | def show(self, fShowNavigation=True):
1182 | """
1183 | Displays the list.
1184 | Returns (Title, HTML) on success, raises exception on error.
1185 | """
1186 | assert self._aoActions is not None;
1187 | assert self._sAction is not None;
1188 |
1189 | sPageBody = '<script language="JavaScript">\n' \
1190 | 'function toggle%s(oSource) {\n' \
1191 | ' aoCheckboxes = document.getElementsByName(\'%s\');\n' \
1192 | ' for(var i in aoCheckboxes)\n' \
1193 | ' aoCheckboxes[i].checked = oSource.checked;\n' \
1194 | '}\n' \
1195 | '</script>\n' \
1196 | % ('' if self._sId is None else self._sId, self._sCheckboxName,);
1197 | if fShowNavigation:
1198 | sPageBody += self._generateNavigation('top');
1199 | if self._aoEntries:
1200 |
1201 | sPageBody += '<form action="?%s" method="post" class="tmlistactionform">\n' \
1202 | % (webutils.encodeUrlParams({WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamAction: self._sAction,}),);
1203 | sPageBody += self._generateTable();
1204 |
1205 | sPageBody += ' <label>Actions</label>\n' \
1206 | ' <select name="%s" id="%s-action-combo" class="tmlistactionform-combo">\n' \
1207 | % (webutils.escapeAttr(WuiDispatcherBase.ksParamListAction), webutils.escapeAttr(self._sId),);
1208 | for oValue, sText, _ in self._aoActions:
1209 | sPageBody += ' <option value="%s">%s</option>\n' \
1210 | % (webutils.escapeAttr(unicode(oValue)), webutils.escapeElem(sText), );
1211 | sPageBody += ' </select>\n';
1212 | sPageBody += ' <input type="submit"></input>\n';
1213 | sPageBody += '</form>\n';
1214 | if fShowNavigation:
1215 | sPageBody += self._generateNavigation('bottom');
1216 | else:
1217 | sPageBody += '<p>No entries.</p>'
1218 |
1219 | return (self._composeTitle(), sPageBody);
1220 |