1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: wuiadmintestcase.py 65984 2017-03-07 16:00:25Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | Test Manager WUI - Test Cases.
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 65984 $"
30 |
31 |
32 | # Validation Kit imports.
33 | from common import utils, webutils;
34 | from testmanager.webui.wuicontentbase import WuiFormContentBase, WuiListContentBase, WuiContentBase, WuiTmLink, WuiRawHtml;
35 | from testmanager.core.db import isDbTimestampInfinity;
36 | from testmanager.core.testcase import TestCaseDataEx, TestCaseData, TestCaseDependencyLogic;
37 | from testmanager.core.globalresource import GlobalResourceData, GlobalResourceLogic;
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 | class WuiTestCaseDetailsLink(WuiTmLink):
42 | """ Test case details link by ID. """
43 |
44 | def __init__(self, idTestCase, sName = WuiContentBase.ksShortDetailsLink, fBracketed = False, tsNow = None):
45 | from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
46 | dParams = {
47 | WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDetails,
48 | TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: idTestCase,
49 | };
50 | if tsNow is not None:
51 | dParams[WuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate] = tsNow; ## ??
52 | WuiTmLink.__init__(self, sName, WuiAdmin.ksScriptName, dParams, fBracketed = fBracketed);
53 | self.idTestCase = idTestCase;
54 |
55 |
56 | class WuiTestCaseList(WuiListContentBase):
57 | """
58 | WUI test case list content generator.
59 | """
60 |
61 | def __init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, fnDPrint, oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = None):
62 | WuiListContentBase.__init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, sTitle = 'Test Cases',
63 | fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns);
64 | self._asColumnHeaders = \
65 | [
66 | 'Name', 'Active', 'Timeout', 'Base Command / Variations', 'Validation Kit Files',
67 | 'Test Case Prereqs', 'Global Rsrces', 'Note', 'Actions'
68 | ];
69 | self._asColumnAttribs = \
70 | [
71 | '', '', 'align="center"', '', '',
72 | 'valign="top"', 'valign="top"', 'align="center"', 'align="center"'
73 | ];
74 |
75 | def _formatListEntry(self, iEntry):
76 | oEntry = self._aoEntries[iEntry];
77 | from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
78 |
79 | aoRet = \
80 | [
81 | oEntry.sName.replace('-', u'\u2011'),
82 | 'Enabled' if oEntry.fEnabled else 'Disabled',
83 | utils.formatIntervalSeconds(oEntry.cSecTimeout),
84 | ];
85 |
86 | # Base command and variations.
87 | fNoGang = True;
88 | fNoSubName = True;
89 | fAllDefaultTimeouts = True;
90 | for oVar in oEntry.aoTestCaseArgs:
91 | if fNoSubName and oVar.sSubName is not None and oVar.sSubName.strip():
92 | fNoSubName = False;
93 | if oVar.cGangMembers > 1:
94 | fNoGang = False;
95 | if oVar.cSecTimeout is not None:
96 | fAllDefaultTimeouts = False;
97 |
98 | sHtml = ' <table class="tminnertbl" width=100%>\n' \
99 | ' <tr>\n' \
100 | ' ';
101 | if not fNoSubName:
102 | sHtml += '<th class="tmtcasubname">Sub-name</th>';
103 | if not fNoGang:
104 | sHtml += '<th class="tmtcagangsize">Gang Size</th>';
105 | if not fAllDefaultTimeouts:
106 | sHtml += '<th class="tmtcatimeout">Timeout</th>';
107 | sHtml += '<th>Additional Arguments</b></th>\n' \
108 | ' </tr>\n'
109 | for oTmp in oEntry.aoTestCaseArgs:
110 | sHtml += '<tr>';
111 | if not fNoSubName:
112 | sHtml += '<td>%s</td>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oTmp.sSubName) if oTmp.sSubName is not None else '');
113 | if not fNoGang:
114 | sHtml += '<td>%d</td>' % (oTmp.cGangMembers,)
115 | if not fAllDefaultTimeouts:
116 | sHtml += '<td>%s</td>' \
117 | % (utils.formatIntervalSeconds(oTmp.cSecTimeout) if oTmp.cSecTimeout is not None else 'Default',)
118 | sHtml += u'<td>%s</td></tr>' \
119 | % ( webutils.escapeElem(oTmp.sArgs.replace('-', u'\u2011')) if oTmp.sArgs else u'\u2011',);
120 | sHtml += '</tr>\n';
121 | sHtml += ' </table>'
122 |
123 | aoRet.append([oEntry.sBaseCmd.replace('-', u'\u2011'), WuiRawHtml(sHtml)]);
124 |
125 | # Next.
126 | aoRet += [ oEntry.sValidationKitZips if oEntry.sValidationKitZips is not None else '', ];
127 |
128 | # Show dependency on other testcases
129 | if oEntry.aoDepTestCases not in (None, []):
130 | sHtml = ' <ul class="tmshowall">\n'
131 | for sTmp in oEntry.aoDepTestCases:
132 | sHtml += ' <li class="tmshowall"><a href="%s?%s=%s&%s=%s">%s</a></li>\n' \
133 | % (WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
134 | WuiAdmin.ksParamAction, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseEdit,
135 | TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase, sTmp.idTestCase,
136 | sTmp.sName)
137 | sHtml += ' </ul>\n'
138 | else:
139 | sHtml = '<ul class="tmshowall"><li class="tmshowall">None</li></ul>\n'
140 | aoRet.append(WuiRawHtml(sHtml));
141 |
142 | # Show dependency on global resources
143 | if oEntry.aoDepGlobalResources not in (None, []):
144 | sHtml = ' <ul class="tmshowall">\n'
145 | for sTmp in oEntry.aoDepGlobalResources:
146 | sHtml += ' <li class="tmshowall"><a href="%s?%s=%s&%s=%s">%s</a></li>\n' \
147 | % (WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
148 | WuiAdmin.ksParamAction, WuiAdmin.ksActionGlobalRsrcShowEdit,
149 | GlobalResourceData.ksParam_idGlobalRsrc, sTmp.idGlobalRsrc,
150 | sTmp.sName)
151 | sHtml += ' </ul>\n'
152 | else:
153 | sHtml = '<ul class="tmshowall"><li class="tmshowall">None</li></ul>\n'
154 | aoRet.append(WuiRawHtml(sHtml));
155 |
156 | # Comment (note).
157 | aoRet.append(self._formatCommentCell(oEntry.sComment));
158 |
159 | # Show actions that can be taken.
160 | aoActions = [ WuiTmLink('Details', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
161 | { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDetails,
162 | TestCaseData.ksParam_idGenTestCase: oEntry.idGenTestCase }), ];
163 | if self._oDisp is None or not self._oDisp.isReadOnlyUser():
164 | if isDbTimestampInfinity(oEntry.tsExpire):
165 | aoActions.append(WuiTmLink('Modify', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
166 | { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseEdit,
167 | TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: oEntry.idTestCase }));
168 | aoActions.append(WuiTmLink('Clone', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
169 | { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseClone,
170 | TestCaseData.ksParam_idGenTestCase: oEntry.idGenTestCase }));
171 | if isDbTimestampInfinity(oEntry.tsExpire):
172 | aoActions.append(WuiTmLink('Remove', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
173 | { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDoRemove,
174 | TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: oEntry.idTestCase },
175 | sConfirm = 'Are you sure you want to remove test case #%d?' % (oEntry.idTestCase,)));
176 | aoRet.append(aoActions);
177 |
178 | return aoRet;
179 |
180 |
181 | class WuiTestCase(WuiFormContentBase):
182 | """
183 | WUI user account content generator.
184 | """
185 |
186 | def __init__(self, oData, sMode, oDisp):
187 | assert isinstance(oData, TestCaseDataEx);
188 |
189 | if sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add:
190 | sTitle = 'New Test Case';
191 | elif sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Edit:
192 | sTitle = 'Edit Test Case - %s (#%s)' % (oData.sName, oData.idTestCase);
193 | else:
194 | assert sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Show;
195 | sTitle = 'Test Case - %s (#%s)' % (oData.sName, oData.idTestCase);
196 | WuiFormContentBase.__init__(self, oData, sMode, 'TestCase', oDisp, sTitle);
197 |
198 | # Read additional bits form the DB.
199 | oDepLogic = TestCaseDependencyLogic(oDisp.getDb());
200 | self._aoAllTestCases = oDepLogic.getApplicableDepTestCaseData(-1 if oData.idTestCase is None else oData.idTestCase);
201 | self._aoAllGlobalRsrcs = GlobalResourceLogic(oDisp.getDb()).getAll();
202 |
203 | def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
204 | oForm.addIntRO (TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase, oData.idTestCase, 'Test Case ID')
205 | oForm.addTimestampRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_tsEffective, oData.tsEffective, 'Last changed')
206 | oForm.addTimestampRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_tsExpire, oData.tsExpire, 'Expires (excl)')
207 | oForm.addIntRO (TestCaseData.ksParam_uidAuthor, oData.uidAuthor, 'Changed by UID')
208 | oForm.addIntRO (TestCaseData.ksParam_idGenTestCase, oData.idGenTestCase, 'Test Case generation ID')
209 | oForm.addText (TestCaseData.ksParam_sName, oData.sName, 'Name')
210 | oForm.addText (TestCaseData.ksParam_sDescription, oData.sDescription, 'Description')
211 | oForm.addCheckBox (TestCaseData.ksParam_fEnabled, oData.fEnabled, 'Enabled')
212 | oForm.addLong (TestCaseData.ksParam_cSecTimeout,
213 | utils.formatIntervalSeconds2(oData.cSecTimeout), 'Default timeout')
214 | oForm.addWideText (TestCaseData.ksParam_sTestBoxReqExpr, oData.sTestBoxReqExpr, 'TestBox requirements (python)');
215 | oForm.addWideText (TestCaseData.ksParam_sBuildReqExpr, oData.sBuildReqExpr, 'Build requirement (python)');
216 | oForm.addWideText (TestCaseData.ksParam_sBaseCmd, oData.sBaseCmd, 'Base command')
217 | oForm.addText (TestCaseData.ksParam_sValidationKitZips, oData.sValidationKitZips, 'Test suite files')
218 |
219 | oForm.addListOfTestCaseArgs(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_aoTestCaseArgs, oData.aoTestCaseArgs, 'Argument variations')
220 |
221 | aoTestCaseDeps = [];
222 | for oTestCase in self._aoAllTestCases:
223 | if oTestCase.idTestCase == oData.idTestCase:
224 | continue;
225 | fSelected = False;
226 | for oDep in oData.aoDepTestCases:
227 | if oDep.idTestCase == oTestCase.idTestCase:
228 | fSelected = True;
229 | break;
230 | aoTestCaseDeps.append([oTestCase.idTestCase, fSelected, oTestCase.sName]);
231 | oForm.addListOfTestCases(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_aoDepTestCases, aoTestCaseDeps, 'Depends on test cases')
232 |
233 | aoGlobalResrcDeps = [];
234 | for oGlobalRsrc in self._aoAllGlobalRsrcs:
235 | fSelected = False;
236 | for oDep in oData.aoDepGlobalResources:
237 | if oDep.idGlobalRsrc == oGlobalRsrc.idGlobalRsrc:
238 | fSelected = True;
239 | break;
240 | aoGlobalResrcDeps.append([oGlobalRsrc.idGlobalRsrc, fSelected, oGlobalRsrc.sName]);
241 | oForm.addListOfResources(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_aoDepGlobalResources, aoGlobalResrcDeps, 'Depends on resources')
242 |
243 | oForm.addMultilineText(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_sComment, oData.sComment, 'Comment');
244 |
245 | oForm.addSubmit();
246 |
247 | return True;
248 |