1 | -- $Id: st1-load.pgsql 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $
2 | --- @file
3 | -- VBox Test Manager - Self Test #1 Database Load File.
4 | --
5 |
6 | --
7 | -- Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | --
9 | -- This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | -- available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | -- you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | -- General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | -- Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | -- VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | -- hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | --
17 | -- The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | -- of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | -- (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | -- VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | -- CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | --
23 | -- You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | -- terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | --
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1
30 | \connect testmanager;
31 |
33 |
34 |
35 | INSERT INTO Users (uid, sUsername, sEmail, sFullName, sLoginName)
36 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1', '[email protected]', 'self test #1', 'st1');
37 |
38 | INSERT INTO TestCases (uidAuthor, sName, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips)
39 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-test1', TRUE, 3600, 'validationkit/tests/selftests/tdSelfTest1.py', '@DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL@/VBoxValidationKit.zip');
40 |
41 | INSERT INTO TestCaseArgs (idTestCase, uidAuthor, sArgs)
42 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test1'), 1112223331, '');
43 |
44 | INSERT INTO TestGroups (uidAuthor, sName)
45 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-testgroup');
46 |
47 | INSERT INTO TestGroupMembers (idTestGroup, idTestCase, uidAuthor)
48 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestGroup FROM TestGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-testgroup'),
49 | (SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test1'),
50 | 1112223331);
51 |
52 | INSERT INTO BuildSources (uidAuthor, sName, sProduct, sBranch, asTypes, asOsArches)
53 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-src', 'st1', 'trunk',
54 | ARRAY['release', 'strict'],
55 | ARRAY['win.x86', 'linux.noarch', 'solaris.amd64', 'os-agnostic.sparc64', 'os-agnostic.noarch']);
56 |
57 | INSERT INTO BuildCategories (sProduct, sBranch, sType, asOsArches)
58 | VALUES ('st1', 'trunk', 'release', ARRAY['os-agnostic.noarch']);
59 |
60 | INSERT INTO Builds (uidAuthor, idBuildCategory, iRevision, sVersion, sBinaries)
61 | VALUES (1112223331,
62 | (SELECT idBuildCategory FROM BuildCategories WHERE sProduct = 'st1' AND sBranch = 'trunk'),
63 | 1234, '1.0', '');
64 |
65 | INSERT INTO SchedGroups (uidAuthor, sName, sDescription, fEnabled, idBuildSrc)
66 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-group', 'test test #1', TRUE,
67 | (SELECT idBuildSrc FROM BuildSources WHERE sName = 'st1-src') );
68 |
69 | INSERT INTO SchedGroupMembers (idSchedGroup, idTestGroup, uidAuthor)
70 | VALUES ((SELECT idSchedGroup FROM SchedGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-group'),
71 | (SELECT idTestGroup FROM TestGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-testgroup'),
72 | 1112223331);
73 |
74 |
75 | -- The second test
76 |
77 | INSERT INTO TestCases (uidAuthor, sName, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips)
78 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-test2', TRUE, 3600, 'validationkit/tests/selftests/tdSelfTest2.py', '@DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL@/VBoxValidationKit.zip');
79 |
80 | INSERT INTO TestCaseArgs (idTestCase, uidAuthor, sArgs)
81 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test2'), 1112223331, '');
82 |
83 | INSERT INTO TestGroupMembers (idTestGroup, idTestCase, uidAuthor)
84 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestGroup FROM TestGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-testgroup'),
85 | (SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test2'),
86 | 1112223331);
87 |
88 | -- The third test
89 |
90 | INSERT INTO TestCases (uidAuthor, sName, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips)
91 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-test3', TRUE, 3600, 'validationkit/tests/selftests/tdSelfTest3.py', '@DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL@/VBoxValidationKit.zip');
92 |
93 | INSERT INTO TestCaseArgs (idTestCase, uidAuthor, sArgs)
94 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test3'), 1112223331, '');
95 |
96 | INSERT INTO TestGroupMembers (idTestGroup, idTestCase, uidAuthor)
97 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestGroup FROM TestGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-testgroup'),
98 | (SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test3'),
99 | 1112223331);
100 |
101 | -- The fourth thru eight tests
102 |
103 | INSERT INTO TestCases (uidAuthor, sName, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips)
104 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-test4-neg', TRUE, 3600, 'validationkit/tests/selftests/tdSelfTest4.py --test immediate-sub-tests',
105 | '@DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL@/VBoxValidationKit.zip');
106 | INSERT INTO TestCaseArgs (idTestCase, uidAuthor, sArgs)
107 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test4-neg'), 1112223331, '');
108 | INSERT INTO TestGroupMembers (idTestGroup, idTestCase, uidAuthor)
109 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestGroup FROM TestGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-testgroup'),
110 | (SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test4-neg'),
111 | 1112223331);
112 |
113 | INSERT INTO TestCases (uidAuthor, sName, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips)
114 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-test5-neg', TRUE, 3600, 'validationkit/tests/selftests/tdSelfTest4.py --test total-sub-tests',
115 | '@DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL@/VBoxValidationKit.zip');
116 | INSERT INTO TestCaseArgs (idTestCase, uidAuthor, sArgs)
117 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test5-neg'), 1112223331, '');
118 | INSERT INTO TestGroupMembers (idTestGroup, idTestCase, uidAuthor)
119 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestGroup FROM TestGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-testgroup'),
120 | (SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test5-neg'),
121 | 1112223331);
122 |
123 | INSERT INTO TestCases (uidAuthor, sName, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips)
124 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-test6-neg', TRUE, 3600, 'validationkit/tests/selftests/tdSelfTest4.py --test immediate-values',
125 | '@DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL@/VBoxValidationKit.zip');
126 | INSERT INTO TestCaseArgs (idTestCase, uidAuthor, sArgs)
127 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test6-neg'), 1112223331, '');
128 | INSERT INTO TestGroupMembers (idTestGroup, idTestCase, uidAuthor)
129 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestGroup FROM TestGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-testgroup'),
130 | (SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test6-neg'),
131 | 1112223331);
132 |
133 | INSERT INTO TestCases (uidAuthor, sName, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips)
134 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-test7-neg', TRUE, 3600, 'validationkit/tests/selftests/tdSelfTest4.py --test total-values',
135 | '@DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL@/VBoxValidationKit.zip');
136 | INSERT INTO TestCaseArgs (idTestCase, uidAuthor, sArgs)
137 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test7-neg'), 1112223331, '');
138 | INSERT INTO TestGroupMembers (idTestGroup, idTestCase, uidAuthor)
139 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestGroup FROM TestGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-testgroup'),
140 | (SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test7-neg'),
141 | 1112223331);
142 |
143 | INSERT INTO TestCases (uidAuthor, sName, fEnabled, cSecTimeout, sBaseCmd, sTestSuiteZips)
144 | VALUES (1112223331, 'st1-test8-neg', TRUE, 3600, 'validationkit/tests/selftests/tdSelfTest4.py --test immediate-messages',
145 | '@DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL@/VBoxValidationKit.zip');
146 | INSERT INTO TestCaseArgs (idTestCase, uidAuthor, sArgs)
147 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test8-neg'), 1112223331, '');
148 | INSERT INTO TestGroupMembers (idTestGroup, idTestCase, uidAuthor)
149 | VALUES ((SELECT idTestGroup FROM TestGroups WHERE sName = 'st1-testgroup'),
150 | (SELECT idTestCase FROM TestCases WHERE sName = 'st1-test8-neg'),
151 | 1112223331);
152 |
154 |